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Scientific and Technical Progress Report (STPR)[*]

(R&D projects)

Section-A : Project Details

A1. File No. & Project Title: Generation of mapping populations &
identification of QTL(s) for downy mildew resistance in pearl millet
[Pennisetum glaucum (L.) Br.]
A2. DBT Sanction Order No. & Date: BT/PR-11035/AGR/02/622/2008
dated 18 September 2010.
A3. Name of Project Coordinator/ Principal Investigator/Co-PI/Co-
Investigator: Dr Rajan Sharma
A4. Institute(s): International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-
Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
A5. Address with Contact Nos. (Landline & Mobile) & Email : Dryland
Cereals Pathology, Patancheru PO, Andhra Pradesh 502 324. Ph: 30713395 &
A6. Total Cost:Rs.14.69 lakhs
A7. Duration: 18 September 2010 to 17 September 2013
A8. (i) Approved Objectives of the Project:
(ii) Details of work Plan and milestone

A9. Specific Recommendations made by the Committee/ Task Force (if


Section-B : Scientific and Technical Progress

B1. Progress made against the Approved Objectives, Targets & Timelines
during the Reporting Period (Please provide detailed report with full data set)

B2. Summary and Conclusions of the Progress made so far (minimum 100
words, maximum 200 words)

B3. Details of New Leads Obtained, if any:

B4. Details of Publications & Patents, if any (Please enclose the reprint of
publications (Also indicate Impact Factor)/ details of patent & IPR generated):

Section-C : Details of Grant Utilization#

C1. Equipment Acquired or Placed Order with Actual Cost:

C2. Manpower Staffing and Expenditure Details:

C3. Details of Recurring Expenditure:

C4. Financial Requirements for the Next Year with Justifications (If

#Grant utilization details (UC&SE, Assets Certificate & manpower details) also required to be
submitted separately as per the prescribed format

[Signature(s) of the Investigator(s)]


(i) All the information needs to be provided, otherwise STPR will be treated as
incomplete. In case of ‘Nil’ / ‘Not Applicable’ information, the same may be
(ii) Incase of multicentric project, combined STPR requires to be submitted
incorporating the progress of all components. The Project Co-coordinator/ PI will be
responsible for this.
(iii) STPR need to be submitted by post (20 copies) and also by email.
(iv) *Please indicate the reporting period [i.e. 1 st year (I) / 2nd year (II) / 3rd year
(III) etc.]. In case of completion report, please indicate that it is the ‘Project
Completion Report’.
(v) Submission of STPR is linked with further continuation of the project and release of

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