Antitubercular Isoniazid and Drug Resistance of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis - A Review

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Antitubercular Isoniazid and Drug Resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

— A Review

Article  in  Archiv der Pharmazie · December 2002

DOI: 10.1002/ardp.200290005 · Source: PubMed


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5 authors, including:

Thomas (alias Tom) Scior Iván Meneses-Morales

Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla ( Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango


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Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 2002, 11, 511–525 Isoniazid Activation and Resistance 511

Thomas Sciora, Antitubercular Isoniazid and Drug Resistance of

Iván Meneses Moralesb,
Solón Javier Garcés Eiseleb, c, Mycobacterium tuberculosis – A Review
David Domeyerd,
Stefan Lauferd Isoniazid is one of the most potent drugs available for tuberculosis treatment. As a
pro-drug it requires activation, which is performed by catalase/peroxidase. The ac-
Department of Pharmacy, tive principle, whose identity has not yet been determined unambiguously, then acts
Benemérita Universidad on at least one target molecule, the enoyl-acyl carrier protein, required for the syn-
Autónoma de Puebla, thesis of the vital mycolic acids present in the cell wall of the bacterium. Some other
Puebla, Pue. 72570, México targets have been proposed in order to explain the unusual potency of isoniazid;
Department of Chemistry however, the supporting data are still controversial. We thoroughly discuss the ac-
and Biology, tion of isoniazid, resistance mechanisms, and the possible active product, which in-
Universidad de las cludes an isonicotinic acid-NADH adduct as well as a meta-isomer of NADH. Both
Américas-Puebla, structures have been probed positively in a 3D modeling analysis.
San Andrés Cholula,
Pue. 72820, México
Department of Molecular Keywords: Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Isoniazid; Isonicotinic acid; Drug resist-
Biology, ance; katG; inhA
Laboratorios Clínicos de
Received: August 8, 2001 [FP620]
Puebla, Pue. 72530, México
Pharmaceutical Institute,
University of Tübingen,
72076 Tübingen, Germany

Introduction Epidemiology
Tuberculosis is an infectious chronic illness of worldwide Tuberculosis is a worldwide public health problem and is
dimensions affecting mostly patients in poor living condi- usually transmitted by droplet infection. Approximately
tions. Its causal agent is mainly Mycobacterium tubercu- one third of the earth’s population is infected with Myco-
losis (Mt), a slim, aerobic, acid-resistant microorganism. bacterium tuberculosis bacteria. Although less than ten
Despite intensive treatment with available drugs such as per cent become sick, in 1995 more humans died of tu-
para-aminosalicylic acid (discovered 1946, now rarely berculosis than ever before. An increasing drug resist-
used), rifampicin, isoniazid (isonicotinic acid hydrazide, ance problem together with the HIV-induced acquired
INH), ethionamide, streptomycin, pyrazinamide, and immunodeficiency syndrome is leading to further epi-

ethambutol, for almost fifty years, disease control has demic spread among the population.The common infec-
not been successful due to mistreatment and insufficient tion agent is M. tuberculosis, more rarely M. bovis or M.
knowledge, thus involuntarily selecting resistant cul- africanum.They are also acid-resistant and morphologi-
tures. First choice mono-medication, for example with cally similar to M. tuberculosis. However, they differ sig-
isoniazid, faces severe limitations because of the drug nificantly in their proliferation kinetics. In about 85 per
resistance shown by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Ge- cent of all clinical cases the lung is concerned. With the
netic evidence exists that certain alterations in mycobac- increase of the HIV infections, however, the proportion of
terial genes like katG and inhA are mainly responsible for extra-pulmonary types rises. In 1997, eight million new
the resistance presented towards INH. This contribution cases were assessed, adding to 16 million cases al-
reviews the scientific literature relating to the elucidation ready registered. Of the latter, approximately two million
of the pharmacological mechanism of action of isoniazid could have died in the meantime [1]. Some 80 % of all pa-
and genetic mutations which lead to drug resistance of tients were registered in 22 countries. Five nations be-
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. longing to the southeast region of Africa make up more
than half of them. Not surprisingly, nine out of ten of the
Correspondence: Solón Javier Garcés Eisele, Department of highest incidences are located in this continent [2]. This
Chemistry and Biology, Universidad de las Américas-
Puebla, San Andrés Cholula, Pue. 72820, México. Phone:
situation is likely to deteriorate in the future, with annual
+52 222 229 2414, fax: +52 222 229 2419, e-mail: disease rates expected to rise from 8.0 million in 1997 to 10.2 million per year by 2005 [3]. This alarming sign of

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512 Scior et al. Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 2002, 335, 511–525

spreading of endemic disease and the fact that drug re- ance, (vi) insufficient regional drug availability, (vii) lack
sistant cultures have emerged on a massive scale un- of dispensation facilities and professional pharmaceuti-
derscore the importance of studying molecular mecha- cal care [6].
nisms of drug action and those involved in the pharma-
A typical clinical case of drug resistant tuberculosis
cological resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis [4].
would be one of the pulmonary type, in which the patient
In clinical terms tuberculosis is divided into primary (I) excretes resistant bacilli. Resistance means lack of any
and reactivated forms (II). anti-infectious effects for first choice medication at least
(in decreasing/increasing order of efficiency/toxicity, re-
(I) The typical source of a primary infection is a person
spectively): isoniazid (isonicotinic acid hydrazide, INH),
with pulmonary tuberculosis producing up to 3,000 aero-
rifampicin (rifampin, RMP), pyrazinamide (PZA), etham-
sol droplets per cough attack. Today, a primary infection
butol (EMB), and streptomycin (SM). Second-line drugs
need not be fatal and can be treated with appropriate
are protionamide (PTA), ethionamide (ETA), thiaceta-
chemotherapy. However, on occasions (AIDS etc.) the
zone, thiocarlide, cycloserine, capreomycine, and para-
illness will not stay localized but progresses and the per-
aminosalicylic acid (PAA), which are all bacteriostatic in
son will suffer from secondary complications. Generally,
action whereas primary-line drugs are bactericidal, with
incorporated mycobacteria can survive after phagocyto-
the exception of EMB at low concentrations. Some form
sis by macrophages.To do so, they must be able to resist
part of the recommended treatment for tuberculosis is-
many cellular defense strategies in the human body: re-
sued by the World Health Organization (WHO) [7]. Ra-
active oxygen species and nitrogen compounds as well
tional use of these drugs depends on the sensitivity of
as enzyme activities such as, peroxidase, phosphatase,
the germs. After determining an antibiotic profile (micro-
hydrolase, protease, lysozyme, and lipase. In particular,
biological diagnostics), established combinations are
the lipid-rich cell wall plays an important role as protec-
applied. The pharmacotherapeutical goal is to wipe out
tive layer against aggressive lysosomal factors from bac-
the germs (diagnosed as sputum conversion: reduction
teria and diffusion barrier for drugs.
of colonies) or prevention of recurrence (relapse). Due to
(II) Reactivated tuberculosis is a recurrence of the pul- the required long-duration (several months to years) ad-
monary form after sensitization to M. tuberculosis during ministration of antituberculous agents, resistance has
the primary infection: after an interval of latency, a cellu- rapidly developed in 5–10 % of the strains (1–3 % multi-
lar immune response leads to the formation of tissue tu- drug resistant disease). To avoid selection of even more
mors (granuloma).These highly characteristic pathologi- primarily resistant bacteria the WHO recommends a
cal lesions are also known as tubercles. Tissue destruc- treatment scheme within their DOTS program com-
tion (fibrosis) presents focal areas with dead cells posed of a two-month treatment with a combination of 4
(necrosis), forming a friable and amorphous granular antibiotics including isoniazid, rifampicin, and pyrazin-
mass, cheese-like in appearance. Often these focuses amide, complemented with either streptomycin or
show spontaneous remission; otherwise they become ethambutol, followed by a 6-month treatment with isoni-
calcified. However, on occasion such material is liberat- azid combined with either ethionamide or ethambutol, or
ed into a bronchus of the respiratory tract and is expecto- a 4-month treatment with isoniazid and rifampicin [8, 9].
rated, after which, the aspiration can cause inflammation
Persistence or relapse after the primary (triple or quad-
of the lungs, known as tuberculous pneumonia.If not, the
ruple) therapy will be treated in turn by another threefold
material persists in cavities as encapsulated tuberculo-
or fourfold long-duration therapy (more than a year)
sis [5].
changing at least two drugs taken during the primary in-
fection. Each total daily dose is calculated on the basis of
body weight and can be administered orally once a day
except for streptomycin (parenteral).This scheme forms
Drug resistant tuberculosis part of the “DOTS-plus” strategy developed by the WHO
All forms of drug resistance are entirely iatrogenic in na- [10].
ture, i.e. acquired during pharmacotherapy. The most
common errors leading to the selection of drug resistant
Isoniazid resistance
strains among microorganisms are manifold: (i) adminis-
tration of a single drug (instead of a combination), (ii) Mycobacteria have small water-filled pores, which are
sub-therapeutic dosage below the pharmacologically re- used by smaller hydrophilic molecules such as isoniazid
quired minimum inhibiting concentration (MIC), (iii) treat- (log Pexp = –0.70; [11], p-aminosalicylic acid (log Pexp =
ment is applied for too short a period of time, (iv) non- +0.89; [12]), or protionamide (log Pest = +0.62; [13]) for
compliance of patients, (v) socio-economical problems passive penetration; in contrast, larger, sufficiently hy-
under which poor people strive to obtain medical assist- drophobic drugs such as rifampicin can only diffuse
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 2002, 335, 511–525 Isoniazid Activation and Resistance 513

along the mycolic acid layers.The unusually hydrophobic by the gene kasA), because alterations in the expression
cell wall of certain mycobacteria, such as M. leprae, rep- of this protein seem to render isoniazid administration in-
resents a crucial diffusion barrier for polar and/or mainly effective [26, 27].
dissociated chemotherapeutic agents to such extent that
they may even become ineffective despite their pharma-
KatG gene
codynamic potency [13].
KatG of M. tuberculosis (MtKatG) comprises a hemopro-
Shortly after the introduction of isoniazid chemotherapy
tein and is classified as oxidoreductase (peroxidase). It
in 1952 [14], mycobacteria resistant to this antitubercu-
is conserved in several microorganisms and many of
lous agent were described [15]. Nevertheless, INH has
them are not especially sensitive to isoniazid. Purified
become the basic medication [16]. It is therefore impera-
MtKatG is a dimeric enzyme of 80 kDa subunits, which
tive to know more about this drug’s molecular mecha-
contains one heme group per subunit [28], connected by
nism of action, in order to prevent further spread of isoni-
a stabilizing disulfide bridge involving the Cys-20 of each
azid resistance among M. tuberculosis.Winder suggest-
subunit [29].
ed in 1964 that point mutations could lead to INH resist-
ance [17].Two years later Bekierkunst related INH activi- INH is recognized as a prodrug [21, 30].Through the par-
ty to decrease of NAD(H) concentrations in Mt bacteria ticipation of MtKatG, this precursor is converted into
[18]. INH has a bactericidal effect on proliferating germs, highly reactive principles capable of acylation or oxida-
i.e. by interfering in mycolic acid biosynthesis [19]. Cata- tion of different amino acids in proteins of microorgan-
lase-peroxidase negative germs are resistant [20]. Sub- isms [21]. Thus, we understand the role of MtKatG as a
sequently, INH may be considered a prodrug assuming bacterial enzymatic oxidizer, which activates the pro-
that it is only activated by peroxidase [21]. Indeed, a pos- drug isoniazid under aerobic conditions.The main meta-
sible resistance mechanism had been proposed [22].It is bolic products are identified as isonicotinic acid, isonico-
based on the molecular interaction between INH and the tinamide, and pyridine-4-carboxyaldehyde [21]. Other
InhA enzyme from the fatty acid synthesis cascade (2- sources suggest (see Figure 1) that oxidation and acyla-
trans-Enoyl-ACP-Reductase), which is coded by the tion are due to biotransformation of an acyl-isonicotinic
gene inhA. Another observation in highly resistant Mt anion or an isonicotinic acyl radical, respectively [31].
germs was made earlier: catalase peroxidase (KatG) Earlier, Walt and coworkers [32] excluded experimental-
coding gene (katG) is either mutated or deleted [20, ly under non-enzymatic conditions an iron-catalyzed hy-
23–25]. Just recently, this phenomenon was also as- droxyl radical mediated oxidation of isoniazid from the
cribed to a third protein, denominated KasA (coded discussion of the mechanism.

Figure 1.Reaction of anionic or radical isonicotinic acyl agents with NADH locking reductase activity of InhA [31].Viable
(S) enantiomer depicted (see Figure 4). The asymmetric carbon atom is marked by an asterisk.
514 Scior et al. Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 2002, 335, 511–525

Figure 2. MtKatG catalyzed activation of isoniazid to form hydrazil radical of isoniazid, and finally isonicotinic acyl radi-
cal [28, 31, 43, 91].

In the typical peroxidase cycle (see Figure 2), the en- katG and resistance to INH are observed [20, 24, 25, 36].
zyme in the ferric state (resting enzyme) reacts with a hy- Intriguingly, changing the amino acid arginine to leucine
drogen peroxide equivalent to form Compound I (Cmpd in position 463 (R463L) does not affect the bioactivity of
I), an oxyferryl iron-protoporphyrin IX:π-cation radical. the enzyme MtKatG but it produces resistance to INH
The reduction of Cmpd I by one electron produces a sec- [24, 25]. It is reported that approximately 44 % of M.
ond intermediate, viz. Compound II (Cmpd II), which tuberculosis culture, for which MIC in isoniazid is
contains the heme-oxyferryl group but no longer the cat- ⱖ1.0 µg/mL, show the same mutation in position
ionic radical. Finally, Cmpd II may be reduced further to (R463L) of katG gene [23]. However, the relationship be-
the ferric state accepting one additional electron. Evi- tween the mutation R463L and INH resistance has been
dence exists for the formation of the Cmpd I of MtKatG. challenged by the observation that the mutation is found
Furthermore, it has been shown (see Figure 2) that this in a high proportion of strains susceptible to isoniazid. In
compound reacts rapidly with INH [28, 33].The instability addition, experiments with site-directed mutagenesis
of Cmpd I could result from electron transfer reactions have failed to show any effect of R463L substitution on
originating in exogenous and endogenous reducing MtKatG activity, which suggests that it is rather a com-
agents, which cause the Cmpd I to be discharged, rees- mon polymorphism, independent of INH resistance. Fur-
tablishing the ferric enzyme state.The fact that the ferric thermore, it seems to be linked to the geographical origin
form is regenerated without the appearance of other in- of the strains [29, 37–41].
termediates suggests that these intermediates, includ-
Resistance frequently arises from a mutation changing
ing the Cmpd II, are unstable [28]. Although it might have
the serine at position 315 to a threonine (S315T). The
been expected from considerations of homology to the
mutation is thought to introduce subtle changes in the
yeast cytochrome c peroxidase, the residue W321 does
binding site for isoniazid as the enzyme has a lowered ef-
not seem to be the site of stabilization of radicals. At
ficiency in converting isoniazid in comparison to the wild
least, the mutation W321F in KatG does not alter the in-
type, however, both enzymes have similar catalase-per-
termediates formed in the catalytic cycle of the enzyme.
oxidase activities [42]. The resistance conferred by the
However, in correlation with the observed isoniazid re-
S315T mutation is not mediated by changes in the ability
sistance in clinically isolated katG mutants, W321 ap-
to convert the iron atom from the ferric to the ferrous form
pears to be important for substrate binding. It has, fur-
as the redox potential of the S315T mutant is essentially
thermore, been proposed to contribute to subunit inter-
the same as in the wild type form [43]. The distance be-
actions within the dimer [34]. However, as can be seen in
tween the iron atom in the active site of MtKatG and the
Figure 8, W321 is located at the outer space, shielded by
amide nitrogen of isoniazid does not change significantly
the heme group from the dimerisation interface [35].
between the mutant and the wild type form, 3.8 ± 0.8 and
The presence of MtKatG protein (catalytic activity) can 4.4 ± 0.9 Å, respectively.Therefore, there have to be oth-
be used as direct indicator of the correct functionality of er factors responsible for the reduced capacity of the mu-
the katG gene [28, 33]. In most of the cases where the tant in oxidizing isoniazid [44].The S315T mutant exhib-
enzyme is absent or inactive, alterations in the gene its a reduced isoniazid oxidation rate dependent on su-
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 2002, 335, 511–525 Isoniazid Activation and Resistance 515

Table 1. Mutations and polymorphisms in the katG gene

associated with the INH resistance phenotype.

Codons Variants References

1 Met→Ala [93]
17 Ser→Asn [23]
63 Asp→Glu [25]
94 Asp→Ala [37]
108 His→Glu/Gln [25, 94]
120 Deletion [93]
122–125 Deletion [37, 40]
125 Insertion [93]
126 Met→Ile [23]
138 Asn→Ser [37, 94]
140 Ser→Asn [37]
142 Asp→Ala [37]
148 Leu→Ala [94]
Figure 3. Superoxide-dependent pathway for iron acti- 160 Ser→Leu [37]
vation in MtKatG and isoniazid (INH) oxidation-activation 169 Gly→Ala [23]
[43, 45]. 172 Ala→Thr [93]
180 Thr→Cys [93]
262 Thr→Arg [25]
peroxides and it has been suggested that either trace el- 264 Ala→Thr [95]
ements participate in the production of superoxides or 275 Thr→Pro [24, 29, 93]
that they are produced by an alternative source in the ab- 315 Ser→Thr/Asn [23, 29, 38, 40, 87, 88,
sence of the trace elements. In contrast, the oxidation 93, 96–104]
rate using a peroxidative pathway does not correlate with 328 Trp→Gly [37]
the resistance to isoniazid conferred by this mutation. 335 Ile→Thr [25]
This observation taken together with other results sug- 337 Tyr→Cys [95]
gest that the oxidation of isoniazid by MtKatG occurs by 350 Ala→Ser [25]
a superoxide dependent pathway (see Figure 3), and al- 409 Arg→Ala [24]
so suggest INH oxidation does not occur via peroxidative 463 Arg→Leu [23–25, 29, 37, 40]
pathways in vivo [45]. 463 Arg→His [40]
477 Codon stop [93]
The ferrous forms of the wild type and the S315T mutant
513 Insertion [93]
of MtKatG contain mixtures of hexacoordinated low spin
515 Arg→Cys [93]
and pentacoordinated high spin heme groups, whereas
550 Ala→Asp [23]
in the ferric state most of the groups are pentacoordinat-
567 Phe→Ser [93]
ed high spin heme groups, although it is possible to de-
587 Leu→Met/Pro [29, 93]
tect the hexacoordinated groups [28, 42, 46]. At room
593 Gly→Asp [37]
temperature, more hexacoordinated low spin groups can
609 Met→Ile [23]
be detected in the mutant in both forms, ferric or ferrous.
629 Gly→Ser [25]
This increase in hexacoordinated heme groups may be
695 Asp→Ala [24]
critical by reducing the access of oxygen or superoxide
710 Val→Ala [37]
to the iron atom, diminishing thereby the number of en-
714 Ala→Pro [94]
zymes capable of activating isoniazid, and in this way
717 Ala→Pro [25]
producing resistance [46]. The apparently conservative
substitution of serine by threonine is of maximum benefit
to M. tuberculosis as it reduces the activation of isoniazid
while maintaining a substantial catalase-peroxidase ac-
InhA Gene
tivity [42]. Various other sequence variants of the katG
gene have been described, some of which have been Efforts to identify targets of the activated INH species led
demonstrated to participate in the INH resistance (see to the discovery of the inhA locus, which is composed of
Table 1). two open reading frames (ORF), designated mabA (ini-
516 Scior et al. Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 2002, 335, 511–525

tially orf1) and inhA, separated by a 21-bp non-coding re- InhA (thiolactomycine) with which the accumulation of
gion, one coding for a 29 kDa and the other for a 32 kDa unsaturated y acids is provoked, suggest that the first
protein [22]. The first ORF exhibits sequence similarity cellular target for isoniazid in M. tuberculosis is KasA
with other proteins involved in fatty acid synthesis; how- [27]. But there is no evidence that mutations in the gene
ever, it was not associated with the INH resistance phe- kasA produce high levels of resistance [51]. Subse-
notype [47]. Subcloning studies demonstrated that the quently, the mechanism proposed to explain it suggests
second ORF of M.smegmatis was sufficient to confer the mutations in the promoters since the artificial over-ex-
isoniazid resistance phenotype [22]. pression of the gene kasA quintuples the resistance to
INH, but over-expression of InhA only duplicates it. Over-
The inhA gene codes for an enoyl-Acyl Carrier Protein
expressing both genes simultaneously leads to tenfold
(ACP) denominated InhA reductase. In general ACPs
higher levels of resistance (synergism). Finally, an incre-
form part of fatty acid synthases as small peptidic com-
ment in the expression of InhA exercises an effect on the
ponents that are modified when covalently bound to a
operon, which contains the gene kasA, causing its over-
4⬘-phosphopantetheine molecule whose function is to
expression and elevating the resistance level in direct
transport the growing chains of fatty acids among other
proportion [27].
components of the fatty acid synthase enzyme in Myco-
bacterium tuberculosis. Long-chain enoyl-acyl carrier However, these results are in contrast with recent find-
protein reductase (InhA) catalyzes the reduction of 2- ings and may need to be revised closely. Several muta-
trans-enoyl-ACP, a reaction dependent on redox coen- tions of the kasA gene were found in INH resistant as
zyme β-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH).The well as in sensitive strains. Moreover, in various INH re-
reduction is vital for the elongation of fatty acids during sistant strains with kasA mutations, additional mutations
the biosynthesis of bacterial cell wall, which constitutes a were found in katG or inhA [26, 52–55]. Finally, the
thick mechanical defense shield of M. tuberculosis [22, groups of Sacchetini and Jacobs [56] report that they
30]. were unable to reproduce the results of the over-expres-
sion studies mentioned in the previous paragraph. In-
The InhA structure has the appearance of a chair com-
stead these authors found a consistent 20-fold or greater
posed of 7 β-sheets (B1–B7) and 8 α-helices (A1–A8).
increase in INH resistance in mycobacteria containing
The cofactor-binding site is a shallow cavity between the
inhA plasmids, but were unable to find any increase in
“seat” and the “back” of the enzyme. NADH acquires an
resistance to INH with kasA plasmids; they did, however,
extended conformation in the cavity with the adenine
find resistance to thiolactomycine, a specific inhibitor of
ring oriented in parallel to the seat and the nicotinamide
KasA.They concluded, therefore, that InhA is the prima-
portion oriented towards the back, pointing to a cavity
ry target of isoniazid.
formed by the β-sheets B4 to B6 and the α-helices A5 to
A7 [48]. Additional genes discussed in the context of INH resist-
ance are the oxyR-ahpC regulon [50, 57–59] and the
The enzymatic system containing most probably the en-
NADH dehydrogenase [60, 61].
zyme InhA is the FAS-II system. It shares some proper-
ties with the InhA protein, such as its specificity for sub-
strates with at least 12 carbons, its preference for mole-
cules with 16 carbons, and its dependence on ACPs
[49]. The active form of isoniazid, including
stereo-chemical aspects
There is evidence that isoniazid oxidation in the pres-
ence of oxygen, Mn2+ ions, and InhA inactivates the en-
Other genes
zyme [62–64], and that when enzyme MtKatG is added
Mutations occurring in the katG and inhA genes only ac- the inactivation velocity increases 2.7 times [63]; more-
count for up to 80 % of all INH resistant organisms. over, this isoniazid activation is MtKatG dependent [45].
Therefore, new mechanisms of INH resistance are stud- Recently it has also been shown that activation may oc-
ied [50]. When purifying proteins of cultures treated with cur in the absence of Mn2+ ions and InhA as the omission
isoniazid, a complex is found formed of isoniazid, AcpM, of Mn2+ results only in a 30 % reduction of the inhibitor
and a β-ketoacyl-ACP synthase (KasA coded by the complex formed, which indicates that manganese in-
gene kasA). This complex stops the elongation of fatty creases the efficiency but is not required for the activa-
acids, resulting in the precursor’s accumulation as can tion of isoniazid by the enzyme KatG of M. tuberculosis
be observed during treatment with isoniazid [26]. These [65]. Isoniazid affects InhA through modification of
observations, next to in vitro observation concerning NADH.The precise nature of the active species of isoni-
cross-resistance, and the use of a specific inhibitor of azid is still under discussion. However, it is believed that
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 2002, 335, 511–525 Isoniazid Activation and Resistance 517

toxicity may be mediated in vivo by reactive radicals, as it cal acyl-isonicotinic radical to a NAD · radical (see Fig-
is clear that isonicotinic acid (at least under certain con- ure 1) [31, 65-67].
ditions, see below), isonicotinamide, and pyridine-4-car-
The in vitro formation of the INH-NAD(H) adduct may oc-
boxaldehyde, the stable products of the enzymatic reac- cur spontaneously by a Minisci reaction between the
tion of MtKatG, are not toxic for M. tuberculosis at physio- acyl radical and electron deficient heterocycles like
logical concentrations.The carbonyl carbon atom on the NAD+.The observed low binding affinity constant of InhA
acyl group of isonicotinic acid binds covalently to the ring for NAD+ (Ki = 4 mM) suggests the formation of the ad-
carbon in position 4 of NADH’s nicotinamide (INH- duct in solution rather than within the active site of InhA
NAD(H) adduct).The drug’s acyl group replaces the 4S- [67]. Wilming and Johnsson observed furthermore a dy-
hydrogen atom of NADH.This is the position in charge of namic equilibrium between two forms of the adduct,
the transfer of hydride anions (H–) during substrate re- which they could not interpret. Interestingly, in a recent
duction. When the redox coenzyme NADH remains study, it has been shown that the in vitro combination of
blocked, the InhA enzyme is unable to exercise its reduc- the isonicotinoyl radical and the nicotinamide part of
tive activity on substrates. It is suggested that the forma- NAD+ results in the formation of two open and four hemi-
tion of the INH-NAD(H) adduct takes place by addition of amidal-cyclised dihydropyridine structures [68]. Still, Ro-
an acyl-isonicotinic anion to the NAD+ cation, or of a radi- zwarski and colleagues [31] presume that the isonicotin-

Figure 4. Ball-and-stick representation of three interacting amino acids on InhA together with its prosthetic group,
NADH. The Sybyl generated model (Sybyl 6.7, is taken from Brookhaven databank entry with PDB
code 1ZID [31] and color-coded by atom types: C, white; O, red; N, blue. Hydrogen atoms are omitted. According to the
situation reported in Figure 1, we generated the (S) enantiomer (golden) of the NADH-isonicotinic acid adduct. It is in-
verted on the corresponding asymmetric carbon atom (green asterisk) to its (R) form (green).Whereas severe van der
Waals repulsion around Gly192, Pro193, and Ile194 represented by their backbone (light blue tube, top of mid section)
excludes the viability of the (R) form (green 6 membered ring, above) as a possible INH-NAD(H) adduct bound to InhA,
its (S) form lies in a cavity (black zone, center) and its position is favored by pi-pi interaction with Phe149 [92].
518 Scior et al. Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 2002, 335, 511–525

ic acyl group of the incoming adduct stereospecifically tion of a yellow pigment in a reaction mixture that con-
replaces the (4S)-hydrogen atom in the NADH moiety tained NAD, isoniazid, and enzyme at pH 9.5. The ap-
(see asterisks (*) in Figure 1 and 4). Therefore, we won- pearance of the pigment was paralleled by the decrease
der whether the (R)- or (S)-form of the above described of NAD, demonstrating a direct relationship between the
product could be hosted in the binding cavity of InhA. In two processes. In addition it was observed that INH pre-
our own modeling study we show that the (R)-enantio- vented the accumulation of adenosine as a degradation
meric product is stereochemically forbidden as visual- product of NAD, catalyzed normally by pig brain NAD-
ized in Figure 4. To our best knowledge (literature re- ase, whereas nicotinamide hydrazide (NH) failed to do
search conducted in Summer 2002), there is no conclu- so. The expected decrease in the NAD content can be
sive report on the active principle from the INH activation observed in M. tuberculosis bacilli when they are incu-
within the bacterial environment. bated in the presence of isoniazid. This significant
An alternative hypothesis had been put forward by change could be observed about 4 hours after the incu-
Krüger-Thiemer [69–71] and is depicted in Figure 5. It bation, and in some cases the decrease was even over
suggests that INH enters the mycobacterium by passive 50 % [18].
diffusion, facilitated by the hydrazide. Once inside the Seydel’s work [76] adds evidence that the reactivity of
cell, INH is oxidized enzymatically to INA, which at the in- the pyridine nitrogen is essential for the biological activity
tracellular pH and given its pKa of 4.84, is nearly com- of the ortho substituted isonicotinic acid hydrazides. In
pletely ionized and therefore cannot leave the cell. It ac- addition, his group could show in theoretical QSAR mod-
cumulates until it displaces competitively the natural me- els that among the derivatives of INH the latter remains
tabolite nicotinic acid (NA) during the bacterial biosyn- the most active principle [72]. Furthermore, if adminis-
thesis of NAD(H).Thus, an analog of NAD(H) (meta-iso- tered at pH of 5.9, INA (pKa 4.9 [77] is able to inhibit the
mer of NAD(H)) is produced [72]. Indeed, this analog is growth of mycobacteria. Under these conditions of acidi-
able to bind to InhA (see Figure 6) and interacts with cat- ty almost 10 % of INA is neutralized, crossing the hydro-
alytically important residues as discussed below [35]. phobic cell wall and membranes. Under these conditions
This hypothesis is supported by various experimental it exhibits a MIC of 128 µM. Interestingly, resistant strains
are affected to the same extent as susceptible ones,
First of all, there is evidence that INA is able to substitute which confirms the observation that INH resistance is
NA during the synthesis of NAD. In experiments with hu- mainly caused by deficiency of the catalase-peroxidase
man NADases, Zatman [73–75] observed the produc- system which frees INA from INH [72].

Figure 5. Isonicotinic acid hypothesis [21, 22, 69, 70, 72, 76].
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 2002, 335, 511–525 Isoniazid Activation and Resistance 519

Figure 6. Ball-and-stick representation of two important amino acids for enzymatic activity on InhA together with its
prosthetic group, NADH.The Sybyl generated model is taken from the PDB file 1ZID [31] and color-coded as in Figure 4
by atom types. Hydrogen atoms are partly omitted for better viewing. Simulating the proposed meta-isomer of NAD(H)
[69, 72], where isonicotinic acid replaces nicotinic acid, we find a hydrogen bond (yellow) between its amide group and
Tyr158 under MMFF94 force field standard conditions. Since Tyr158 is experimentally shown [82] to play an important
role in natural substrate reduction, its temporary binding to a false substrate, namely the meta-isomer of NAD(H) (iso),
could explain the partial loss of enzyme activity [35], just like mutants show when the para-hydroxyl group of Tyr158 is
lost by introducing amino acids like phenylalanine and alanine [82].

The working hypothesis for development of an inhA- the NADH binding site of InhA that confer resistance to
based resistance model is that some mutations modify isoniazid: I16T, I12V, I47T, I95P, V78A, and S94A [78,
the active site of the enzyme, diminishing the affinity of 79]. Mutations at the ribosomal binding site (RBS) of
InhA for NADH, or for the inhibiting complex. Substitution mabA are associated with an overexpression of InhA
of alanine for serine at position 94 (S94A) in InhA seems due to a transcriptional up-regulation of the whole inhA
to decrease the affinity of the mutant protein for NADH operon [47].This genetic scenario could explain specific
due to a perturbation in the hydrogen-bonding network drug resistance to isoniazid [31].This type of mutation is
that stabilizes NADH binding [48]. The S94A mutation more frequent in cultures of M. tuberculosis with active
occurs in the cofactor-binding region. The hydroxyl of KatG [24, 80]. Other residues putatively involved in the
Ser94 interacts via a water molecule with one of the oxy- catalytic process have been identified by sequence com-
gen atoms of the pyrophosphate moiety of NADH in hy- parisons with members of the alcohol dehydrogenase
drogen bonding distance. This interaction is lost in the family and structural analysis. The tyrosine 158 (Y158)
mutant and the resulting reorientation of Gly14 in loop 1 plays a role in binding the substrate by interacting with its
causes small but potentially significant structural chang- carbonyl group [81]. Consequently, replacement ofY158
es [30]. Other mutations have been reported localized in with phenylalanine (Y158F) or with alanine (Y158A) re-
520 Scior et al. Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 2002, 335, 511–525

sults in 24- and 1500-fold decreases in the catalytical such thatY158 functions as an electrophilic catalyst, sta-
constant, respectively, while leaving KM for the substrate, bilizing the transition state for hydride transfer by hydro-
trans-2-dodecenoyl-CoA, unaffected. However, replace- gen bonding to the substrate carbonyl [82]. Interestingly,
ment of Y158 with serine (Y158S) results in an enzyme in our modeling study (see Figure 6), this moiety is able
with wild-type activity. These data may be interpreted to interact with the meta-isomer of NAD(H) [35].

Table 2. Available 3D structures of the InhA protein in the Brookhaven databank.

PDB Resol. Molecule Substrates Reference

1ENY 2.2 Å Enoyl-[Acyl-Carrier-Protein] Reductase NAD+ [48]

1ENZ 2.7 Å Enoyl-[Acyl-Carrier-Protein] Reductase NAD+ [48]
1ZID 2.7 Å Enoyl-[Acyl-Carrier-Protein] Reductase ( Isonicotinic-acyl-NAD+ [31]
1BVR 2.8 Å Enoyl-[Acyl-Carrier-Protein] Reductase NAD+ and trans-2-Hexa- [81]

Figure 7. 3D-representation of InhA protein, taken from Brookhaven databank (entry code 1ZID) [31]. Amino acids are
omitted and backbone schematically depicted (helices violet, loop regions light blue, beta strands yellow arrows). The
prosthetic group, NADH, is modeled (C, white; H, light blue; O, red; N, blue). The covalently bound acyl form of INH is
represented as space-filling model.
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 2002, 335, 511–525 Isoniazid Activation and Resistance 521

Figure 8. 3D-stereo-representation of KatG enzyme as a computed Swiss-model [85] based on 1ITK [84]. Amino acids
are omitted and the backbone is schematically depicted (green blue and mauve lines of A and B chain of KatG dimer,
respectively). We show the position of W321 (yellow, space filling). The prosthetic heme is colored according to atom
types (C, white; O, red; N, blue; Fe, green).

Figure 9. Stick representation of the active site on KatG enzyme as a computed Swiss-model [85] based on 1ITK [84].
The prosthetic heme (C, orange; Fe, red; H, light blue), as well as interacting aspartate (D94), arginine (R104), histi-
dines (H270, H 276), tryptophan (W107, W321), proline (P100) and serine (S315) are identified (C, white on amino
acids; O, red; N, blue).
522 Scior et al. Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem. 2002, 335, 511–525

Protein structures Conclusions

In 1997, X-ray crystallography (Brookhaven Databank Mycobacterium tuberculosis infects over one-third of the
entry 1BVR, a complete survey of available 3D-struc- world’s population and causes almost three million
tures dealing with InhA is given in Table 2) and mass deaths every year worldwide. Isoniazid (INH) is used in
spectrometry revealed that the bacterial target of pro- combination with other primary antituberculous drugs to
drug isoniazid is InhA through covalent binding of its treat diseased patients. As to date (Summer 2002) con-
KatG activated form (isonicotinic acyl moiety) to the nico- clusive evidence is gathered around the following points:
tinamide ring of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide Isoniazid is a pro-drug, which is activated by a catalase-
(NADH) which in turn is non-covalently docked at the ac- peroxidase enzyme (KatG). The activated drug subse-
tive site of InhA (see Figure 4 and 7) [31]. As bactericidal quently interacts with one or more targets: InhA (an
mechanism of action follows a fatal disturbance in cell NADH-dependent enoyl [acyl carrier protein] reductase)
wall biosynthesis because the enzyme’s role is catalyz- and/or KasA (a β-keto acyl carrier protein synthase).
ing biosynthesis of mycolic acids in M. tuberculosis Mutations in katG account for the majority of INH-resist-
[83]. ant clinical isolates. Mutations at the inhA locus, which
encodes enzymes involved in mycolic acid biosynthesis,
Concerning the MtKatG enzyme, there is still no com-
participate in INH resistance. However, mutations occur-
plete three-dimensional structure available in the
ring in these two genes only account for up to 80 % of all
Brookhaven Databank. However, the crystal structure of
INH resistant organisms. In the other 20 % of isolates,
the highly homologous (56 %) catalase-peroxidase from
the molecular mechanisms responsible for INH resist-
Haloarcula marismortui has recently been determined
ance are still unknown. In the effort to identify the inhibi-
[84]. We computed a Swiss-model [85] (see Figures 8
tor, there are two mayor mechanisms outlined in the liter-
and 9). According to its role of INH activation, the katG
ature: INH is activated by KatG, forming an acyl radical,
gene is a major target for mutations in INH-resistant
which in turn reacts with NAD(H) forming an adduct. Al-
strains [80]. Thus far, a large number of mutations have
ternatively, the stable product of the oxidation process,
been described, of which especially the Ser to Thr muta-
isonicotinic acid (false substrate), replaces the nicotinic
tion at position 315 (S315T) is found with a high frequen-
acid moiety (natural substrate) of bacterial NAD biosyn-
cy and has been shown to be associated with high levels
thesis, thus forming an inhibitor (false prosthetic group of
(MICs of 5–10 µg/mL) of INH resistance [86–88].Yama-
InhA). At this stage of knowledge it is strongly desirable
da and coworkers inferred a deep understanding of the
to have experimental studies focused on in vivo bacterial
effects of the S315T mutation [84]. The mutated amino
acid is sitting at the entrance to the active site, narrowing
most probably the diameter of the channel to the heme
group, thereby blocking the access for INH but having lit-
tle effect on the diffusion of smaller substrate molecules. Acknowledgments
On the other hand, the Arg to Leu mutation (R463L) of Special thanks are due to William Jacobs Jr. for discuss-
katG does not guarantee INH resistance of all katG- ing with us unpublished results, and to Joachim Seydel
R463L mutated M. tuberculosis strains, i.e. INH pro-drug for stimulating discussions. We are also grateful to Gerd
activation by KatG is not suppressed in these cases Helms, Katharina Bauer, David Martin at University of
[41]. Tübingen, Germany for assistance.
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Bobadilla-del Valle, M. Palacios-Martinez, G. Canales, A.

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