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REVTRA Psychological Services

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REVTRA is a life science training center providing
comprehensive board licensure examination review classes
inclusive of professional learning development trainings.


INSTRUCTIONS: Read and analyze each statement / question carefully.

Choose the option that answers the given questions.

1. What branch of philosophy would most likely govern the principle that
counselees are not just formed by heredity but also by their
A. Monism C. Existentialism
B. Dualism D. Mechanism
2. Bernard is about to counsel a client who has a problem of taking
responsibility for his actions. Which among the following foundations
of guidance could BEST serve as a guiding principle to aid Bernard in
counseling this type of client?
A. Determinism C. Existentialism
B. Monism D. Positivism
3. The counseling session is a venue where counselor and counselee
clarify the problems of human life and society when the client is
given the freedom to choose solutions. What contemporary philosophy is
illustrated in the above statement?
A. Pragmatism C. Existentialism
B. Reconstructionism D. Essentialism
4. If existentialism sees the goal of guidance as developing authentic
individuals who exercise freedom of choice and take responsibility for
their actions; then, what is now the role of the counselor?
A. Encourage clients to philosophize about life and to recognize and
fulfill personal freedom
B. Facilitate the learning environment and present stimuli using
conditioning and social learning to shape clients’ behavior
C. Stimulate cognitive development and facilitate the clients’
learning and thought processes
D. Lead and advocate change.
5. When one believes that human beings enter the world with inborn
knowledge and that reasoning gives human beings access to this
knowledge, he or she is likely to use a philosophical approach called
A. Presentism C. Historicism
B. Rationalism D. Empiricism
6. Which perspective of human behavior focuses on the individual’s
personal experience of events?
A. Pragmatism C. Phenomenology
B. Constructivism D. Realism
7. Which philosophical orientation has for its goal to develop and apply
practical knowledge and skills for life in a progressive democratic
A. Existentialism C. Pragmatism
B. Cognitivism D. Constructivism
8. Counselors rather than imparting knowledge are facilitators of
conditions and experiences so counselees can construct their own
understanding of problem-solving. What philosophy is illustrated in
the above statement?
A. Behaviorism C. Progressivism
B. Essentialism D. Cognitivism

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9. Social Reconstructionists advocate that schools should take lead to
reconstruct society in order to create a better world. What strategies
could be sued to transmit knowledge?
A. Critical thinking skills C. Question-Asking
B. Information processing D. A and C
10. Resty asserts that as a Guidance Counselor in Baguio City, he has to
be familiar with the way of life of Cordillerans. What Foundation of
Guidance is Resty most likely adhering to?
A. Sociology C. Psychology
B. Philosophy D. Anthropology
11. Idealists believe that people are born with knowledge and in search
for truth, have turned away from the physical world. Therefore,
according to the idealists, the task of the counselor is ___________
A. To help counselees to reflect and think clearly to solve their
problem based on their own ideas and aid them in governing
themselves wisely
B. To teach the individual about the world in which they live and
learn from their experience
C. To help individuals to seek meaning in their own lives
D. All of the above.
12. Which philosophical orientation has for its counseling method a
A. Existentialism C. Cognitivism
B. Perennialism D. Behaviorism
13. Ayo believes that counselees have the capacity to determine who they
are as individuals. What philosophical orientation is Ayo’s belief
most in line with?
A. Progressivism C. Behaviorism
B. Determinism D. Humanism
14. The nature-nurture problem in behavioral psychology may be said to
be most relatable with which philosophical orientation?
A. Dualism C. Mechanism
B. Monism D. Pragmatism
15. What foundation of guidance could help guide someone who wishes to
better understand how the physical and physiological structure of the
person could affect their behavior?
A. Biology C. Philosophy
B. Sociology D. Anthropology
16. Seiji believes that careful research is needed in order to better
understand the psychological profile of clients, before they are to be
counseled by their respective counsellors. What philosophical
foundation of Guidance is Seiji’s assertion most strongly inclined to?
A. Positivism C. Monism
B. Determinism D. Pragmatism
17. Given the situation in the previous item no. 16, which foundation of
guidance would be the most distinct opposite of such a perspective by
A. Dualism C. Existentialism
B. Empiricism D. Mechanism
18. What foundation of guidance pertains to the study of societal
expectations from people that could influence the behaviors of
A. Biology C. Philosophy
B. Sociology D. Anthropology
19. Jay believes that the problems of clients are caused by ungrounded
beliefs that they hold about themselves and the world. Which among the
following foundations of guidance could BEST describe the kind of
thinking that Jay has?
A. Rationalism C. Monism
B. Empiricism D. Dualism

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20. Sandra is a counselor who is more inclined towards behaviorism, such
that she believes that only observable behaviors are necessary in
counseling. What philosophical orientation is she most inclined to?
A. Existentialism C. Positivism
B. Humanism D. Dualism
21. How are humanism and existentialism similar with each other?
A. Both are philosophical foundations
B. Both emphasize the uniqueness of the person
C. Both are directive approaches
D. Both are Founded by Existentialists
22. What philosophical foundation of guidance could be said to be the
basis of certain psychological theories that provide labels to
individuals given certain behaviors clients exhibit?
A. Humanism C. Perennialism
B. Cognitivism D. Mechanism
23. What philosophical orientation could be said to be a foundation of
Cognitive Behavior Therapy?
A. Rationalism C. Positivism
B. Empiricism D. Pragmatism
24. Manny believes that he needs to help his client go beyond his
anxiety facing loss of sense of fulfillment in his job. What
philosophical orientation would best guide a person towards the
resolution of such an issue?
A. Humanism C. Existentialism
B. Determinism D. Rationalism
25. Levi tends to counsel following a phenomenological approach. Which
of the following is the least likely approach he would do?
A. He asks the client to do the empty chair technique during
B. He interprets the client’s experiences based on the client’s
C. He asks the client to talk about his relationships with his
siblings in the family.
D. He interprets the past of the client to determine what motivates
his behavior
26. Which among the following approaches would a counselor with a strong
phenomenologist orientation be LEAST LIKELY to?
A. Person-Centered Therapy C. Existential Therapy
B. Psychoanalytic Therapy D. Rational Emotive Behavior
27. Which among the following philosophical orientations may work quite
well with phenomenology?
A. Determinism C. Empiricism
B. Rationalism D. Mechanism
28. Mr. Chan was consulted by a parent about her child’s low performance
in school. After which, he told the teachers of the child that the
parent came. This started a gossip among the teachers and Mr. Chan.
What ethical standard was violated in the scenario?
a. Informed consent c. Dual relationships
b. Confidentiality d. Multiple helpers
29. Beneficence is manifested in which of the following situations?
a. Mr. Martinez is encouraging everyone in the science and regular
class to avail of the guidance services especially counseling.
a. Ms. Alfonso is scheduling a counseling and follow-up service to a
transferee student who has difficulty making friends.
b. Mr. Martinez is making sure that there are no pointed objects in his
counseling room.
c. Ms. Alfonso does not allow a student to face a confronting parent of
another student without the student’s guardian.

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30. Justice is applied in which scenario?
a. Mr. Martinez is encouraging everyone in the science and regular
class to avail of the guidance services especially counseling.
b. Ms. Alfonso is scheduling a counseling and follow-up service to a
transferee student who has difficulty making friends.
c. Mr. Martinez is making sure that there are no pointed objects in his
counseling room.
d. Ms. Alfonso does not allow a student to face a confronting parent of
another student without the student’s guardian.
31. If a child says to a playmate “I will let you borrow my toy if you
will lend me yours” is an example of what level of moral development
according to Kohlberg?
a. Posts-conventional b. Pre-conventional c. Conventional
32. Which stage of cognitive development is manifested when a child
playing mineral water bottle considers it as an imaginary airplane?
a. Sensorimotor b. Pre-operational c. Concrete
33. According to Erikson, if a five-year old child is given freedom to
explore and experiment as well as express his curiosity over his
environment, he will likely to successfully overcome which stage of
a. Initiative vs. Guilt b. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt c.
Industry vs. Inferiority
34. The sociological imagination involves ________.
a. imagining a social life through the eyes of one single perspective
b. understanding how society works
c. understanding how society works in relation to one's own life
d. Both b and c.
35. According to multicultural theory, personality is determined by:
a. Culture, no one theory or universal theory of personality, stating
that race is a social construction, and a myth of uniformity
b. Society, social factors a the major determinant of personality
c. Race, inherent biological differences between the races accounts for
differences in personality
d. All of the above
36. According to multicultural theory, the expression of psychopathology
is often:
a. Culturally determined, based upon prejudice, discrimination, racism,
and low SES leading to more health problems.
b. Societal and political issues including, economic support, housing,
and healthcare
c. Due to parents lack of nurturing cultural issues within their
d. None of the above
37. Which therapist is demonstrating an Emic appropach to counseling?
a. If a client looks Black, Lashanda always assumes they are African
b. If a female client reports being in a relationship, Maria always ask
if they have a boyfriend or a husband
c. Ramon believes that part of being a culturally sensitive therapist
includes addressing all his clients by the first name to demonstrate
his collaborative approach to treatment
d. Farnoosh personally disagrees with her client's decision to remain
married to a cheating spouse. However, she is able to identify the
culture bound values that are influencing her client's choice.
38. Multicultural awareness appreciates the ____________ of people of a
differing cultural background.
a. Values c. history
b. Experiences d. lifestyle

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39. A belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic and cultural group
a. ingroup bias. c. ethnocentrism.
b. the realistic group conflict effect. d. the social identity
40. Ted believes women are not knowledgeable about cars. He tends to
notice that most of the cars stopped at the side of the road with
engine trouble have women standing next to them looking helpless. Ted
is good at bringing such instances to mind. He is using a prejudicial:
a. schema c. discrimination category
b. outgroup category d. inverse discrimination category
41. The theory that states we adopt certain attitudes in order to
justify our past actions is ____________________ theory.
a. cognitive dissonance c. self-perception
b. self-presentation d. psychological reactance
42. Milford has always strongly believed that it is wrong to cheat. But
after he himself cheats on a chemistry quiz, his attitude toward
cheating becomes significantly less harsh. What best accounts for this
attitude shift?
a. cognitive dissonance theory c. reinforcement theory
b. self-perception theory d. role-playing theory
43. To reduce ill health and other social problems, we need to promote
social integration and regulate behavior. This is an application of
which theory in sociology?
a. conflict theory b. feminism c.
structural functionalism
44. A macro theory that says society is made up of different groups and
interests that compete for unequal distributions of power and
resources. Focuses on inequality and blames the power elite for
problems. The major proponent of this is Karl Marx
a. conflict theory c. structural functionalism
b. feminism d. symbolic interactionism
45. A micro theory - society is created by individuals interacting in
small groups where they socially construct shared definitions and
meanings, based on their everyday interactions. Subjective
interpretations, meanings and symbols, with face-to-face interactions
in specific situations. The main proponent is Weber.
a. conflict theory c. structural functionalism
b. feminism d. symbolic interactionism
46. The less apparent, unintended, and often unrecognized functions in
social institutions and processes which is the focus of
a. Latent function c. Symbolic function
b. Manifest function d. Social function
47. People are likely to invest less effort in a task when they are
working with others. What is this phenomenon called?
a. Social facilitation c. Deindividuation
b. Social loafing d. The bystander effect
48. What is group polarization?
a. The tendency for a dominant point of view in a group to be
strengthened to a more extreme position after a group discussion.
b. The strength of the liking and commitment group members have toward
each other and to a group
c. The tendency of a close-knit group to emphasize consensus at the
expense of critical thinking and rational decision making
d. A situation in which one harms oneself and others by acting in one’s
49. If people work hard to reach a goal, they are likely to justify
their hard work by valuing the goal highly. What is this tendency
a. Justification of effort b. Cognitive dissonance c.
Diffusion of responsibility

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50. Justin sees his psychology professor arguing angrily with a worker
at the local post office. From this, he assumes that his professor is
a hostile person. What does his assumption illustrate?
a. The just world hypothesis c. The matching hypothesis
b. The fundamental attribution error d. The bystander effect
51. The feelings of helplessness, homesickness, disorientation, anger,
and frustration that occur when a person experiences exposure to
another society's culture is
a. tourist syndrome b. culture shock c.
psychological syndrome
52. The ability to generate a maximum number of thoughts, words, and
behaviors to communicate with self and others within a given culture;
ability to communicate with a variety of diverse groups; ability to
formulate plans, act on many possibilities in a culture, and reflect
on these actions.
a. Multicultural intentionality c. Inbreeding
b. Diffusion of responsibility d. Enculturation
53. When a Western researcher observes a young tribesman being branded
with the tribes' markings, he tries to look at it through the lens of
the culture. Stated plainly, he tries to get inside the head of the
young man, realizing that to him it symbolized acceptance and manhood.
This western researcher is using what approach?
a. Emic c. Cross cultural
b. Etic d. Multicultural
54. If, however, the western researcher theorizes on the meaning of the
ritual by comparing it to similar rituals in other cultures without
ever interviewing the young man or any of his tribesmen, this
researcher is using what approach?
a. Emic c. Cross cultural
b. Etic d. Multicultural
55. An Asian Counselor says to an African- American client, “If you’re
unhappy with the system, get out there and rebel. You can change the
system”. This is the ___________ for coping with the environment.
a. Autoplastic viewpoint c. Emic approach
b. Alloplastic viewpoint d. Etic approach
56. A young Igorot male is obviously the victim of discrimination
because of his cultural background. His counselor remarks “I hear what
you are saying and I will help you change your thinking so this will
not have such a profound impact on you”. In this case the counselor
had suggested:
a. An alloplastic method of coping c. Emic approach
b. An autoplastic method of coping d. Multicultural
57. This principle states that behavior must be assessed in context of
the culture in which the behavior occurs
a. Acculturation c. Contextualism
b. Encapsulation d. Assimilation
58. According to Leon Festinger (1957), individuals are motivated to
remove inconsistency and incompatible actions/beliefs. This is known
a. Balance Theory (Cognitive Dissonance Theory) c. Social Order Theory
b. Cultural Consistency d. Chaos Theory
59. Durkheim refers to the general structure of shared understanding,
norms, and beliefs as:
a. collective representation b. collective
effervescence c. collective conscience
60. Which of the following statements conveys Durkheim's understanding
of individualism?
a. Individualism has no place in modern society.
b. Individual interpretations of social facts are the driving force of
social change.
c. The cult of the individual characterizes the collective conscience
of modern society.

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d. Moral individualism is replaced by egoistic individualism in modern
61. Durkheim believed that morality is composed of which of the
following three elements?
a. discipline, attachment, autonomy c. egoism, altruism, fatalism
b. discipline, attachment, anomie d. religious beliefs, rituals,
collective effervescence
62. Which of the following provides the best example of the macrosystem
as described in Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory?
a. Students interact directly with their teacher.
b. A parent attends a parent-teacher conference without the student.
c. Local government approves increased funding for public school
d. Society progresses toward acceptability of females serving in more
administrative roles in the schools
63. Which theory espouses the idea that families and the interactions of
their members tend toward equilibrium or homeostasis, exhibiting some
resistance to change instigated by external forces?
a. ecological theory c. psychoanalytic theory
b. learning theory d. systems theory
64. The ability to engage in actions or create conditions that maximize
the optimal development of client and client systems.
a. Multiculturalism c. Ethnocentrism
b. Cultural competence d. Cultural bias
65. This is a characteristic of a counselor, psychologist or otherwise
therapeutic authority with ethnocentric perspective. This is
manifested when they do not fully understand the culture disposition
of their client, creating a serious gap in the counseling process.
a. Ethnocentrism c. Cultural Encapsulation
b. Cultural competence d. Stereotyping
66. This is a belief in the importance of the individual and the virtue
of self-reliance and personal independence.
a. Collectivism c. Ethnocentrism
b. Individualism d. Multiculturalism
67. This is the belief that all people should have equal political,
economic, social, and civil rights.
a. Machismo c. Internalization
b. Marianismo d. Egalitarianism
68. Perspective taking: trying to put yourself in the other person's
place. Look at what it's like from their point of view with their
different up bringing and experiences, not what you would do.
a. Cognitive symphathy c. Internalization
b. Cognitive empathy d. Egalitarianism
69. A healthy reaction to racism and shown when a client does not
disclose to a therapist from a different cultural background of fear
of being hurt or misunderstood
a. Ethnocentrism c. Cultural bias
b. Encapsulation d. Cultural paranoia
70. This refers to the taking on of cultural patterns of another group.
a. Ethnocentrism c. Cultural assimilation
b. Encapsulation d. Acculturation
71. The ability to provide services cross-culturally in an effective
a. Cultural competence c. Cognitive sympathy
b. Cultural bias d. Cognitive empathy
72. Any distinguishable groups of people whose members share a common
culture and see themselves as separate and different from the majority
a. Ethnic group c. Culture
b. Racial group d. Cultural diversity
73. A biologically isolated, inbreeding population with a distinctive
genetic heritage.
a. Ethnic group c. Culture
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b. Racial group d. Cultural diversity
74. According to John Dollard and colleagues, frustration causes
aggression, but when the source of the frustration cannot be
challenged, the aggression gets displaced onto an innocent target.
What is this theory called?
a. REBT c. Cognitive dissonance theory
b. Balance theory d. Frustration- aggression theory
75. Situation that exists when a person must choose between two equally
attractive goals.
a. Avoidance- Avoidance conflict c. Approach- Approach conflict
b. Approach- Avoidance conflict d. All of the above
76. Situation that exists when a person must choose between two equally
aversive goals.
a. Avoidance- Avoidance conflict c. Approach- Approach conflict
b. Approach- Avoidance conflict d. All of the above
77. Situation that exists when a person is both attracted to and repelled
by the same goal.
a. Avoidance- Avoidance conflict c. Approach- Approach conflict
b. Approach- Avoidance conflict d. All of the above
78. “I’d rather smoke three packs of cigarettes a day and enjoy myself
than quit and live an extra year or two”. This is an example of:
a. REBT c. Frustration- aggression theory
b. Balance theory d. Gestalt
79. This theory states that self has two parts, self-awareness and a
self-image. Our self and our notion of who we are, what we like, what
our personality is, et cetera, becomes constructed through being in
the world, through interaction, through reflection in thinking about
the interaction and then more interaction with others. And so the
self is developed as we age, as we grow. It's not something innately
a. Mead’s Theory of the Self c. Kohlberg’s Morality of Justice
b. Cooley’s Looking Glass Self d. Gilligan’s Morality of Care
80. Knowing that you are supposed to be sitting down and listening
quietly to mass, but you may eat popcorn and scream to horror movies
in cinemas is an example of
a. Social loafing c. Social referencing
b. Social situations d. Social norms
81. Norms that are strictly enforced because they are thought essential
to core values.
a. Mores b. Folkways c. Taboos
d. Values
82. A norm so strong that it brings revulsion if it is violated.
a. Mores b. Folkways c. Taboos d. Values
83. The process by which cultures become similar to one another, and
especially by which Western industrial culture is imported and
diffused into industrializing nations
a. Cultural lag c. Cultural leveling
b. Cultural relativism d. Cultural diffusion
84. How we influence our future can be known through our past and
present situations. What philosophical orientation is the given
statement most inclined to?
A. Monism C. Idealism
B. Dualism D. Determinism
85. Idealism suggests that the ultimate reality lies in consciousness or
reasons. A counselor who processes an idealistic orientation is likely
to ____________
A. Help individuals resolve their problems through self-examination
and discourse
B. Seek the source of a client’s problems by investigating a real
world or environment around the individual
C. Help the individual strive for eternity with God

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D. Help individuals strive for personal meaning in their experience
and interpretation of life.
86. The counseling session is a venue where counselor and counselees
clarify the problems of human life and society when the client is
given the freedom to choose solutions. What contemporary philosophy is
illustrated in the above statement?
A. Pragmatism C. Essentialism
B. Reconstructionism D. Existentialism
87. Complete the analogy: overcoming anxiety is to Existenialism as the
person determines his individuality is to ________________.
A. Determinism C. Monism
B. Pragmatism D. Humanism
88. According to this philosophy, knowledge can be gained from
experience. What philosophy is this?
A. Rationalism C. Monism
B. Empiricism D. Humanism
89. Plato believed that human beings are born with knowledge and the
task of the counselor is
A. Elicit this knowledge
B. help people realize their responsibility to others
C. Help people think clearly
D. All of the above
90. Which among the following aspects of existence highlights the
person’s capacity for self-determination?
A. Free Will C. Intellect
B. Mortality D. All of the above
91. Which among the following approaches could help a counselor counsel
a client who is grieving due to losing his job?
A. Career Counseling C. Existential Counseling
B. Adlerian Counseling D. None of the above
92. John asserts that he should tap into the client’s potentials to help
the latter address his issues. What philosophical orientation is most
reflective here?
A. Humanism C. Pragmatism
B. Existentialism D. Empiricism
93. Which philosophical orientation is more reflective of the emphasis
of psychoanalytic counseling on the unconscious?
A. Existentialism C. Monism
B. Progressivism D. Rationalism
94. Which among the following would place more importance on subjective
rather than objective reality?
A. Existentialism C. Positivism
B. Progressivism D. Rationalism
95. Gestalt therapy could be said to be relatable with which
philosophical orientation?
A. Pragmatism C. Materialism
B. Empiricism D. Perennialism

96. Which among the following would place more importance on objective
rather than subjective reality?
A. Existentialism C. Positivism
B. Progressivism D. Rationalism
97. Which among the following is true regarding existential therapy?
A. It utilizes its own unique skills and techniques
B. It perceives the person as anxiety-laden
C. It views the person as pre-determined
D. All of the above

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98. This holds the belief that learning is a process of acquiring
sensory perceptions.
A. Empiricism C. Dualism
B. Rationalism D. Positivism

99. How are humanistic therapists and existential therapists different

from one another?
A. Humanistic therapists have a positive view of the person while
existentialists have a negative one.
B. Humanistic therapists view the person as complete individual
while existentialists view humans as incomplete.
C. Humanistic therapists are more anxiety laden as compared to
existential therapists who say otherwise
D. Humanistic therapists utilize a variety of techniques while
existential therapists only use logotherapy.

100. Which among the following is NOT a proposition of existentialism

regarding the human person?
A. The human person is a free willing being
B. The human person is quite anxiety-laden
C. The human person is a product of his past
D. All of the above

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