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Ache (n): dolor “backache, stomachache, a headache, First-aid box (n): botiquín First-aids (n): primeros auxilios

earache, toothache” Flu,Influenza (n): gripe

Allergy (n): alergia “he has allergy to cats” allergic to Hayfever/allergy to pollen

Bandage (n): venda Health insurance (n): seguro medico

Blood pressure (n) : presión sanguínea, tensión BP Heart attack: infarto

FALL/BP RISE Hospital(n): hospital “to be in hospital” (hospitalizado)

Blood test: análisis de sangre “to be at the hospital” (por otro motivo)

Breath( n ): respiración Breathe (v): respirar Ill(Br)/ Sick (Am) (adj/n): enfermo/a, malo/a

Burn (n): quemadura “sunburn”: “quemadura del sol” Illness (n) : enfermedad en general

Cold (n): catarro, resfríado “to catch a …; to have a…” Injection (n): inyección

Constipated (adj): extreñido “to be…” Injured(adj): herido Injury (n): herida ,lesión (lesion)

Cough (n)(v): tos , toser Intensive care unit: “UCI”

Check-up(n): chequeo Handicap: minusvalia

Diabetes (n): diabetes Tablet (n): comprimido

Disabled (adj): discapacitado Temperature(n):fiebre“to have a …(Br)/ a fever (Am)”

Disease(n):enfermedad específica “liver disease, heart To be dizzy: estar mareado

disease…” To cure : curar una enfermedad

Drops (n): gotas “eye drops” / “gotas para los ojos” To get seasick/carsick: marearse en el mar/coche

Drugstore (Am) / Chemist´s (Br) (n): farmacia To heal: curar una herida

Medication/medicine :medicamento “to be on medication” To hurt (v): doler “that hurts!” / “ ¡eso duele!”

Nacional Health Service (n): servicio sanitario nacional To suffer (v. from) : sufrir de, doler..

Needle: aguja To throw up (v.informal): vomitar To vomit (v.formal)

Nurse(n): enfermero/a To vaccinate: vacunar Vaccination(n): vacuna

Ointment (n): pomada Transplant : transplante (bone-marrow transplant:

Operation(n): operación “a kidney operation” transplante de médula)

Operation theatre: quirófano Ward (n) : sala de hospital

Pain (n): dolor “I have a pain in my leg” X-ray plate (n): radiografía

Painkiller (n) : calmante Syringe(n): jeringa

Pill(n): pastilla “sleeping pills”/ “pastillas para dormir” Syrup(n): jarabe

Plaster (n): (sticking plaster)tirita /escayola Sick leave: baja por enfermedad (to be on sick leave)

“in plaster” (adj): escayolado Sorethroat(n):dolor de garganta “to have a sore throat”

Prescription(n): receta Treatment: tratamiento

Rash (n): sarpullido “to have …” Vaccine/ vaccination: vacuna

1.- Have you ever been in hospital? Why?

2.- What do you do if you have a headache?
3.- Do you prefer natural medicine or drugs? Which natural remedies do you know?
4.- have you ever been in plaster? What happened?
5.- what do you do if you have a cold?
6.- What were you doing the last time you stayed at home ill?
1. be on a diet :estar a dieta 25. Low-calories products:bajo en

2. start a diet: ponerse a dieta calorías

3. be on fit/in shape: estar en forma 26. Fat:grasa

4. lose weight: perder peso 27. Light: ligero

5. gain weight: ganar peso 28. Diet coke: cocacola light

6. do exercise:hacer ejercicio 29. Junk food: comida basura

7. scales:báscula 30. Fast food: comida rápida

8. join a gym:apuntarse al gimnasio 31. Quantity: cantidad

9. Exercise bike: bici estática 32. Portions: porciones

10. Train: entrenar 33. Foodstuff: alimento (contable)

11. Do push-ups /squats: hacer flexiones 34. Pellets: alimentos concentrados

12. Do sit-ups/crunches: hacer abdominales 35. Organic food: comida orgánica

13. Abs,abdominals,”the six pack”: 36. Balanced diet: dieta equilibrada

abdominales 37. Convenient food: comida preparada
14. Muscles: músculos 38. Veggie,vegetarian :Vegetariano
15. Warm-up: calentar 39. Preservatives: conservantes
16. Stamina,resistance: resistencia 40. Pastries: bollería
17. Speed: velocidad 41. Candies,goodies: chuches
18. Pulse, beat: pulsaciones 42. Meat: carne
19. Stretch: estirar 43. Vegetables: verdura
20. Burn calories:quemar calorías 44. Legumes: legumbres
21. Go jogging: hacer futing 45. Fish:pescado
22. Go running: salir a correr 46. Fruit: fruta
23. Go for a walk: dar un paseo 47. Meals: comidas
24. Go hiking: hacer senderismo 48. Lunch / lunchtime

1.- Are you on fit? What do you do to get it?

2.- have you got a balanced diet? Is there anything you must eat more often?
3.- If you are a beginner, how can you start to exercise?
4.- have your eating habits changed through the years?
5.- what must you avoid to be healthier?
6.- is it better to do sport on your own or do you prefer to go to the gym?
7.- how many meals do you have a day?
8.- How must you prepare before you do sport?

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