Difference Between My Generation and My Parents Generation

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Difference between my generation and my

parents generation
My generation , is much more different then my mom’s or my dad’s . both of them are very mad when
I’m into my phone for long time, when I don’t want to go to school they both are telling me the story
how much it was hard to get into school 40 years ago, that It was hard back then to learn something
because they had no light most of the time and they used candles to light up the room, back then , they
didn’t paid attention what they were wearing, they just paid attention to other things like friends, going
out and stuff , they also say that it was much more “safe “ to go out then now, I don’t know why they
keep saying that, back then , all of the teenagers had knifes and guns , I literally don’t understand that.
How they were safe? Now, in 2021 most of teenagers are depressed, stressed , they care what others
will think, they are ashamed of their body, their face just because someone told/commented on their
photo really rude things, we know much more than we must to know . we care about our Appearance
we care other’s opinions about us , we listen to them and we want to be “batter” but in reality, the best
of yourself is when you are doing what u like, what u want to do but it’s really hard for us to understand
that. Plus the corona virus , most of teens can’t go out because of the virus , most of teenagers think
that they aren’t enough for their friends, family and I can’t explain why we feel like that but we really
think too much about everything, we overthink everything and least we are all lost.

Also they didn’t had that modern technology we have now , they were playing lots of games , they were
talking about their problems , My generation is completely immersed in the internet, most of teenagers
aren’t talking about their problems with anyone they keep it to themselves and that is the reason why
we have lots of cases of suicide, they think that this is end of the world but in reality, actually talking to a
friend or mom or anyone and sharing a story will solve everything.

I think the only reason that my generation is mentally unstable , aggressive and depressed is social
media .

Salome Buachidze 10th grade

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