US Indonesia: Mission Notice

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ISSUANCE DATE: March 15, 2018

CLOSING DATE: March 28, 2018

4:00 p.m. Jakarta time

SUBJECT: Employment Opportunities (USAID) Indonesian Citizens, USAID

Project Management Specialist (Forestry), FSN-12 (Full Performance

The United States Government, represented by the U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID), is seeking applications from qualified Foreign Service Nationals
(FSNs) to provide services as USAID Project Management Specialist (Forestry), FSN-12
(Full Performance Level) under a Personal Services Contract, as described in the attached
solicitation. The place of performance for this position will be in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Submissions to this solicitation shall be in accordance with the attached information, at the
place and time specified. Incomplete, unsigned or late applications will not be considered.
Applicants should retain, for their records, copies of all enclosures which accompany their
applications. Applications received after the closing date and time contained in this
solicitation will be considered late and will not be accepted. USAID/Indonesia will not
consider an extension to the submission deadline for this procurement.

This solicitation in no way obligates USAID to award a PSC contract, nor does it commit
USAID to pay any cost incurred in the preparation and submission of the offers.

Any questions regarding this solicitation should be in writing and directed to the
undersigned at

Phone calls or e-mail to any address other than the one specified in this solicitation
will not be accepted.


Susan Cheung
Contracting Officer
US AID/Indonesia
U.S. Agency for International Development
American Embassy Annex, Gedung Sarana
JI. Budi Kemuliaan 111, Jakarta Pusat 10110
Tel: (62 21) 3435-9000
Fax: (62 21) 380-6694

Solicitation for (USAID) Indonesian Citizens, USAID Project Management Specialist

(Forestry), FSN-12 (Full Performance Level)

SOLICITATION NO.: 029 - 2018

ISSUANCE DATE: March 15, 2018

TIME FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS: March 28, 2018 at 4:00 p.rn. Jal{arta

POSITION TITLE: USAID Project Management

Specialist (Forestry)

MARKET VALUE: IDR 458,652,994 - 733,844,834 per

annun1 equivalents to FSN Grade
12. Final con1pensatio11 will be
negotiated '\Vithin the listed 1narkct
value based upon the candidate's past
salary, work history and educational
background. Salaries over an<l above
the top of the FSN-12 pay range will
not be entertained or negotiated

PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: 5 year contract period, renewable

(I11deiinite - type position)

PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: USAID/I11donesia, Jaka11a, Indonesia

AREA OF CONSIDERATION: All Interested Candidates (Indonesian


SUPERVISORY CONTROL: The Project Manage1nent Specialist

(Forest1y), or Senior Forestry
Specialist, is responsible for
supervision of two FSN-11 Program
Manage1ne11t Specialists (PMS) in
USAID/lndonesia's Enviro1u11ent
OJlice, Land and Seascapes (SCAPES)

SUPERVISOR: The Senior Forestry Specialist
reports to the SCAPES Team Lead.

MEDICAL CLEARANCE: 1'he apparently successful applica111

must be able to obtain required
i11edical clearm1ce as a pre-condition
for en1ploy1ne11t and/or residence in

SECURITY CLEARANCE: For a FSN, an E1nployment

Autl1orization is reqttired as a pre-
co11dition for en1ployi11ent.



The Senior Forestry Specialist is the resident Missio11 tecl1nical expert and advisor on
forestry, cli1nate change 1nitigation tl1rough the land use sector, and terrestrial
biodiversity conservation, by far the largest po1ifolio i11 USAID/I11do11esia's
Environment Office (ENV). In this capacity, the Senior Forestry S1Jecialist provides
sector specific leadership and strategic guidance 011 tl1e design, execution, 1nanage1nent,
evaluation and docu1nentation the portfolio. S/he directs the perfo1n1ance of n1ajor
tecl111ical assistance contractors, grants, cooperative agreen1e11ts, public private
partnerships, m.1d i11teragency agreements with the U.S. Forest Sen ice (USFS) and U.S.

Departn1ent of Interior (001) for forestry, biodiversity, and climate change 1nitigation
accordi11g to Agency policy. S/l1e will supervise two forestry, biodiversity and clirnate
change staff respo11sible for directi11g the perforn1at1ce of forestry ar1d cli1nate change
1nitigation contracts and cooperative agreen1ents. S/l1e is responsible for senior !evel
tecl1nical/professional co1nmunications with tl1e Gover11ment of Indonesia (GOI) and
other U.S. Governn1ent (USG) Agencies in the forestry a11d clin1ate cl1ange n1itigatio11
sector. The Senior Forestry Specialist also represents USAID with other do11ors (both
bilateral and inultilateral instit11tions), the private sector, and acaden1ia for coordination,
program manage111ent as well as for technical meetings, workshops and conferences.
The E11viroru11ent Office is co1nprised of two core tech11ical temns: The Land m1d
Seascapes Tem.11 and the Climate, Water, and Integratio11 Tem.11. Each of these tea1ns is
led by a "feam Lead who oversees and supervises team n1en1bers and the JJrojects tl1ey
1nanage and who repo11s directly to the Enviro1m1ent Office Director and Deputy
Director. The Senior forestry Specialist is a n1c1nber ofENV's SCAPES Teain and
works under the su1Jervision of the SCAPES Tea1n Lead. The Senior l:;-orestry
Specialist SUJJervises two Progra1n Managen1cnt Specialists (PMS) on SCAPES Team.
The Senior Forestry Specialist may be delegated the n1aximu1n range ofprogran1,

personnel and administrative 1nanagen1ent responsibilities allowable under Agency


A. Lead for the Forestry, Climate Change Mitigation, and Terrestrial

Biodiversity portfolio (60°/o)

The Senior Forestry Specialist provides tecl111ical guida11ce to ENV and the SCAPES
Team in the implementation of activities in the forestry, clin1ate cl1ange mitigation, and
terrestrial biodi\1crsity conservatio11 portfolio wl1ich pron1otes national policy and
decentralized decisio11-1naking in USAID supported landscapes to conserve Indonesia's
unique te1Testrial biodiversity and reduce greenhouse gas en1issions fron1 the forestry
and land use sector. The incun1bent n1otivates, coordinates, i111plen1ents, a11d n1onitors
resources and activities in this sector ai1d has the overall responsibility and authority for
providi11g activity 1nanage111ent in this sector to produce results and acco1nplisl1
objectives. The inct1n1bent represents the SCAPES Tean1 in facilitating forestry.
clin1ate change mitigation and terrestrial biodiversity activities i11 Indonesia. The
Senior Forestry Specialist \Nill serve as the ENV resident expert in the fo\lo\vi11g
technical areas: (i) land use gove1na11ce; (ii) national park 1nanagen1ent; (iii)
com1nt1nity livelil1ood develop1nent for conservation; and/or (iv) sustainable forestry.

'fhe Senior Forestry Specialist 111a11ages directly and supervises other SCAIJES tcan1
1ne1nbers for the effective 1nanage111ent of gra11ts, cooperative agreen1ents, and co11tracts
in this sector. 1'11e incu1nbent directly 1nanages tl1e ENV's largest and 1nost important
forestry, climate cl1angc mitigation and te1Testrial biodiversity conservation contracts,
cooperative agrcen1ents and interagency agree1nents (IAAs), inai11taining close contact
\Vi1h Chiefs of Party and other personnel fro1n the technical assistance
contractor/grantees, inter1Jational research centers, USF'S, DOI, and all other
in1ple1nenting agents related to the ENV's forestry prograin both it1 Jakarta ai1d field
locations. In this capacity, the Senior Forestry Specialist directs tl1e develop1nent of the
detailed annual work. plai1s and bt1dgets for forestry, climate change mitigation, and
ten·estrial biodiversity conservation progra1n activities and the identiiicatio11 of
appropriate assistance interventions. S/he oversees imple1ne11tation of activities,
contractor expenditures, and 1nonitors results/outco111es of the progra111 activities.
Duties also include coordi11ating resources, ensuring use of perforn1ance monitoring
systen1s to assess progress, ensuri11g close collaboration betwee11 and m11ong concer11ed
parties within ENV, the Missio11, partners and customers, and in1ple1nenting activities
to produce results.

'fhe Senior Forestry Specialist is responsible for conceptualizing the planning, design,
and structure of forestry, clin1ate chru1ge mitigation and terrestrial biodiversity
conservatio11 activities enst1ring tl1at new interve11tions are consistent with the Missio11
Country Development and Cooperatio11 Strategy (CDCS), tl1e Assistance Agreement
with the Govern111ent of I11do11esia. S/he leads the i111plen1cntation of these activities
i11cluding preparit1g docu1ne11tation related to contract finai1cing and an1e11dn1ents for
the forestry, climate cl1ange 111itigation, and terrestrial biodiversity conservation

act1v1t1es for contractors and/or grantees, in collaboratio11 ot11er progran1 nlrn1agers.
S/l1e the11 assesses perfor1nance, tnodifies targets a11d co111pletes an11t1al repo1iing
requirements. The Senior Forestry Specialist manages and directs timely respo11se to
a11d preparation of regular and ad-hoc repo1iing requiretnents as needed by
USAlD/l11donesia and Washington.

The Senior Forestry Specialist is responsible for developing and mai11taini11g high level
contacts in the implementatio11 of these activities including within USAID/lndo11esia,
U.S. E1nbassy Jaka1ta, relevant offices in USAID/Washi11gton, and other USG entities
with activities in Indonesia (USFS, DOI).

B. Principle tccltnical specialist in formulation and administration of forestry,

climate change mitigation, and terrestrial biodiversity activities at the national
a11cl subnational levels (20°/o)

The Senior Forestry Specialist supports ENV and wider Missio11 nla11age111ent in
forn1ulati11g progra111s strategic to lndo11esia and USAID. The incun1bent is the reside11t
expert i11 the ENV office in t111derstanding technical issues, GOI policies, institl1tional
issues and tl1e ctnTcnt science affecting tl1e direction a11d imple1nentation of
USAID/lndonesia's forestry, clin1ate change n1itigatio11, and terrestrial biodiversity
conservation acti\'ities, and i11 associated en\'irorunent topics, to fon11ulate, negotiate
a11d itnple1nent required actions within the Indonesia11 context.

In close coordination vvith the ENV Director, Deputy Director, and the Land and
Seascapes 1'ean1 Lead, the Se11ior Forestry Specialist serves as tl1e principal advisor to
senior USAID/lndo11esia and otl1er USG personnel on the design and in1plen1e11tatio11 of
appropriate ENV program interventions, on critical policy issues and in formulating
policies to achieve the objectives of terrestrial biodiversity conservation a11d reduced
greenhouse gases in Indo11esia. Given the dynamic nature of the sector, tl1e i11cu1nbent
is expected to stay abreast of en1erging forestry, cli1nate chru1ge 111itigation, and
terrestrial biodiversity issues, conti11ually assess the political and econon1ic
environn1ent as it relates to USAID's forestry programs and advise the ENV Office
Director, Deputy Director, a11d SCAPES '[ean1 Lead 011 cha11gi11g approaches to
respond to new i11forn1ation and analysis.

The Senior Forestry Specialist provides isstLe-oriented briefings and presentations 011
environn1ental topics, including forestry, clin1ate cha11ge n1itigation, and te1Testrial
biodiversity conservatio11 progra111 objectives, acco1nplishlnents and developn1ent
im])acts to GOI representatives, NGOs, private groups, donors and otl1er external
audiences, as required.

C. Senior advisor on Forestry Issues

As a senior FSN advisor, the incumbent serves as the ENV and SCAPES coordinator
and liaison to establish, maintain, and n1obilize prodltctive professional relationsl1ips
and networks rn11ong all tl1e partners a11d stakeholders in tl1e forestry, cli1nate change
111itigation and terrestrial biodiversity conservation sector in Indonesia. "rhese include
the U.S. E1nbassy, USAID/Washington, international and local i1nplementers and

grandees, private sector, universities, and tnt1ltilateral and bilateral donor institutions.
Tl1is network of contacts a11d clients pro111otes dialogue feedback and cooperatio11
a1no11g all stakeholders for a n1ore effective i1nplen1entatio11 ru1d rapid achieverne11t of
ENV goals.

The Se11ior Forestry Specialist develops and inait1tains contact with otl1er donor
agencies worki11g on forestry and clin1ate cha11ge nlitigation m1d related issues
i11cluding but i1ot limited to the UK Clin1ate Cl1ange U11it, the World Ba11k, Asian
Dcvelopn1e11t Bank, GIZ, Et1ropean Union, Norwegia11 Embassy and private
foundatio11s such as tl1e Walton Fa111ily }'.<'oundation, the Ford Fotu1datio11, Packard
Fou11dation ru1d others.

"fhe Senior l~orestry Specialist functions as tl1e primary contact with senior level GOI
contacts related with national and sub-national policy forn1ulatio11 and implementation
and dece11tralized 111anage1nent of natural resources (inclt1di11g the M.inistry of Forestry
and Enviro1m1ent, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Agraria11 m1d Spatial Pla1111ing,
National Planning Ministry (BAPPENAS), Ministry of I-Ion1e Affairs, and others);
analyzes i1i:fi.J11nation from these and otl1er sotirces, detcr1nines n1ajor i1nplications of
evolving GOJ policies and program decisions for forestry and terrestrial biodiversity
conservation progra111 deve!op1nent and pc1forn1ance. a11d provides the SC 1-\PES 1'eam
Leader, ENV De1)uty and ENV Office Director with strategic plm1ning a11d operational
guidance \Vl1ich will strengthen progra111 results a11d acl1ieven1e11t.

The Senior Forestry Specialist assists the Mission with. a11d as instructed, directly
u11dcrtakes, t1egotiations V·.'ith GOI decision-n1aI(ers ru1d other donor and private sector
leaders on issues affecting progratn performance, in1plen1entatio11 of evaluatio11iaudit
recon11nendations, in1pact and sustainability issues, or other prograin matters. S/he
regularly 1neets i11dependently with key senior representatives of the public a11d JJrivate
sectors, civil society, and other l11donesian and International pa11ner entities.

In carrying out the various progran1 functions described above, the Senior Forestry
Specialist will coordinate and work closely with the SCAPES Team Lead, ENV
Director and Deputy Director, 1nembers of tl1e SCAPES Team, other appropriate ENV
staff responsible for individual acti\1ity direction, implementation a11d support, and with
appropriate staff fro111 otl1er Mission and GO! offices. In exercising the administrative
n1anagen1ent and oversight responsibilities, tl1e Senior Forestry Specialist nlust
freqttentty exercise independent judgment based on a11 tu1dcrstru1ding of lJSAID
policies and n1anage1ne11t guidelines, arrivi11g at adaptations and courses of action
consistent witl1 tl1e nlost current policies and guideli11es. The Senior Forestry Specialist
is expected to perfor111 otl1er dt1ties assigned by tl1e ENV Office Director, Deputy
Office Director, or SCAPES Team Leader whicl1 are associated with the core fu11ctions
of tl1e positions described above.

5 year contract period, renewable (l11definitc - type position)


a. Supervision Received: The Senior Forestry Specialist reports to the SCAPES

Tean1 Lead.

b. Available Guideline: USAID Al1to1nated Directives Systen1 (ADS) and

Mission Orders. Annual guidance fro1n USAID/Washington regarding project
reporti11g requiren1ents. Tl1e Senior 1::orestry Specialist will be expected to be an
active contribtttor to the improve111e11t and effectiveness of Mission and Agency
reporting syste1ns.

c. Exercise of Judgn1ent: Missio11 operati11g procedures require J')rogra1n tnanagers

to exercise considerable judg1nent ai1d initiative in i1nplementing progran1
activities approved in the USAID Country Develop1nent Cooperation Strategy
(CDCS) for Indonesia.

d. Altthority to l\1ake Co1nn1itn1ents: Authority to i11ake con1111it1nents \vill be

exercised to tl1e extent consistent witl1 the existing guidelines, policies, and

c. Nature, I~cvcl and Purpose of Contacts: l'hc Senior Forestry Specialist initiates
a11d i11aintains contacts at the senior level of Depl1ty Ministry. Secretary General
a11d Director General \Vi thin Gover1m1ent of I11donesia Ministries, directors of
NGOs and }Jrivate firms, professors and senior researchers i11 universities and
researcl1 institutio11s, 1nanagers and di\'ision chiefs in donor orga11izations and
n1ultilateral banks, Governors, District I-leads, Iviayors and their senior staff, and
legislative n1embers both at provincial and district/n1ltnicipality levels. Contacts
will be on policy, technical and progra111111atic related issues.

f. Supervision Exercised: l'he Senior Forestry Specialist is responsible for

supervision of two FSN-11 PMS on the SCAPES Team. '!'he Senior Forestry
Specialist is responsible for settii1g work objectives and writing performance
appraisals as well as daily oversight at1d supervision for tl1e adn1inistrativc m1d
progra1nmatic 111anagement of these staff.

Time required perfor111ing full range of duties after entry into the position: Twelve (12)


The selected candidate 1nust obtain a U.S. Gove1n1ncnt security and n1edical clearances. If
sucl1 clearances arc not obtai11ed witl1i11 a reasonable ti111c or 11egative suitability issl1es are
involved, any offer made may be rescinded. Details on l1ow to obtain n1edical clearance
will be provided once a job offer is 1nade a11d accepted. You nlllSt be available to start work
as soon as valid n1edical and security clearance arc obtained. This availability tnl1st be
i11dicated in your cover letter.


In order to be considered for the position, a candidate shall be an Indonesia Citizen. "fhe
candidate 111ust meet the minimum qualifications listed below. Co11sideration and selection
V11ill be based on a panel evaluation of the evaluation criteria factor belo\V. Please note that
only sl101tlisted/finalist applicants will be i11terviewed or co11tacted. USAID does not pay
for a11y expenses associated witl1 tl1e i11terviews unless expenses are pre-authorized.
Reference checks will be conducted 011 those candidates selected for an intervie\v. 'fhe
applica11t 's references rnttst be able to provide substantive intbrn1ation about his/her past
perforn1m1ce and abilities.

Interviews m1d a writing exercise i11ay be requested. Applica11ts are required to prepare a
brief 11arrati\'C demonstrating how prior experience and/or education and training address
selection criteria factors listed below.

a. Education (15 points)

l'be Senior Forestry Specialist n1ust have a t\1aster Degree fi:on1 an accredited
university in forestry, terrestrial conservation, biology. natural resottrccs
n1anage1ncnt, environmental 1nanagen1ent, or in a related agricultural.
cnviro11n1e11tal or develop111ent field.

Additional education in these fields is desirable.

b. Prior Work Experience (20 points)

The Se11ior 1-;-orestry Specialist must have a mini1num se\'en (7) years of
progressively respo11sible, professional experience in developn1e11t assistance in
one or more of the fields listed above. S/hc must have at least three (3) years of
worl< experience leading forestry. terrestrial biodiversity conservation, or
cli1nate cha11ge initigation progra1ns i11 large international donor agencies,
international NGOs, or equivalent private sector or govern1ncnt \Vork.

Additional experience in tl1ese fields is desirable.

c. l...anguage Proficie11cy ( 15 points)

Level IV written and oral English proficiency is required. Level IV written and
spoken Bahasa Indonesian proficiency is required.

1-Iigher levels of language proficiency is desirable.

d. Job Knowledge (25 points)

T11e Senior Forestry Specialist 111ust demonstrate an in-depth technical
knowledge of concepts, principles, techniques, and practices of sound forestry
111anagernent and climate cha11ge 1nitigation through tl1e land ttse sector in
I11donesia witl1 applied ex1)ertise in dece11tralized land use planning and
governance, protected area 1nanagen1ent, and sustainable forestry trade. Tl1e
Senior Forestry Specialist must have established working relationships with key
government of Indonesia and other stakeholders in the forestry and/or climate
change mitigation sectors in Indonesia. The Senior Forestry Specialist must
also demonstrate a strong command of development assistance principles and

Additional job knowledge in these areas is desirable.

e. Skills and Abilities (25 points)

Strong project management skills and familiarity with financial management
principles are required. The Senior Forestry Advisor must be able to stay
abreast of current peer-reviewed literature and government laws and policies
that relate to Mission programs and identify linkages between forestry and
climate change mitigation issues and other Mission/Agency priorities such as
natural resource governance, science and technology, and private sector
engagement. The Senior Forestry Specialist must have a demonstrated ability to
work effectively with senior counterpart officials and other influential persons
and have demonstrated maturity, judgement, and representational skills needed
to represent and defend USAID policies and programs. S/he must be able to
work well with a team, demonstrating strong interpersonal skills and good
judgment in order to meet objectives. S/he must have proficient computer skills
(e.g., Microsoft Office, Google applications, and other online services).

The Senior Forestry Specialist must also have the ability to establish and
maintain contacts at all levels of the Government of Indonesia (i.e., from the
local level to the Ministerial level) and with stakeholders in the non-
governmental arena in order to explain USAID political process
project/program policies, objectives and procedures. The Senior Forestry
Specialist must be able to transmit and interpret host county government and
non-governmental sector program-related concerns to senior USAID officials
and Mission Management in concise, targeted formats. The Senior Forestry
Specialist must also have demonstrated potential to acquire knowledge of U.S.
Government legislation relating to humanitarian and development assistance
programming policies, regulations, procedures and documentation.

Additional skills and abilities in these areas are desirable.

Maximum Points Available: 100

At USAID's discretion, reference checks and interviews may be conducted as part of the
evaluation process.


A. Please send a completed and signed Form DS-174 and a curriculum vitae
containing the fo llowing information. Forms is available at 174.pdf
1. Personal Information: Full name, mailing address (with Zip Code) day and
evening phone numbers, social security number, country of citizenship,
highest federal civilian grade held (also give job series and dates held);

2. Education: high school name, city and State (Zip code if known) date of
diploma or GED; colleges and universities, name city and State (Zip code if
known, majors, type and year of any degrees received;

3. Work Experience: give the following information for your paid and non-
paid work experience related to the job for which you are applying (do not
send job descriptions); job title (include series and grade if Federal job),
duties, and accomplishments, employers name and address, supervisor's
name and phone number, starting and ending dates (month and year), hours
per week, salary. Indicate if we may contact your current supervisor;

4. Other Qualifications: job-related training courses (title and year), job related
skills; for example, other languages, computer software /hardware, tools,
machinery, typing speed, job related certificates (current only), job-related
honors, awards, and special accomplishments, for examples, publications,
memberships in professional or honor societies, leadership, activities, public
speaking, and performance awards (give dates but do not send documents
unless requested).

B. Applicants must also include in their application package as fo llows:

I. A cover letter of no more than three (3) pages that demonstrates how the
candidate' s qualifications meet the work requirements;
2. A curriculum vitae which, at a minimum, describes education, latest
experience and career achievements;
3. Names, current and accurate contact numbers (e-mail and phone) of three
professional references that have knowledge of the applicant's abilities to
perform the duties set forth in the solicitation;

All of the above information must be included in the application package in order for the
package to be considered complete.


Interested candidates should send the above information via US or International mail to the
attention of: Ms. Susan Cheung, Contracting Officer, at one of the fo llowing addresses

(Subject: K11013 USAID Project Management Specialist (Forestry), FSN-12)

USAID Humm1 Resources Office
c/o A1nerican E111bassy A1111ex,
Gedung Sarana Jaya, Jl.Budi Kemuliam1 I/I, Jal(arta I 0110

Electronic submissions will be accepted for this procurement. Please be advised that
the US Governn1en1 shall not be responsible for incon1plete/corrupted or n1issing
info1n1ation in electronic sub1nissio11s, m1d these a1Jplications 1nay not be accepted. USAID
will only confir111 receipt and pri11t out the electro11ic submission, USAID will 11ot ensure
quality or co1npleteness of electronic files attached to e-n1ails. The applica11t assumes all
risk related to a11 electro11ic submission. Applications 1nust be received no later thai1 tl1e
due date m1d ti1ne of this solicitatio11. Late applications or delayed electronic subn1issions
will 11ot be accepted.


Clearly n1ark e11velopes (on top left side) containing applications as follows:

Solicitation Number 029-2018

1(11013 USAID Project Management Specialist (Forestry), FSN-12


Applications 1nust be in t11e EXO Office. USAID/Indonesia, no later than Marcl1 28, 2018
at 4;00 p.m ..Jakarta Time.



USAID regulations and policies governing CCN/TCN PSC awards are available at these

1. USAID Acquisition Regulation (AIDAR), Appendix J, "Direct USAID Contracts

With a Cooperating Country National and with a Third Country National for Personal
Services Abroad," including contract clause "General Provisions," available at O.pdf

2. Contract Cover Page form AID 309-1 available at

3. Acquisition & Assistance Policy Directives/Contract Information Bulletins

(AAPDs/CIBs) for Personal Services Contracts with Individuals available at
http://www.usaid. gov/work-usaid/aapds-cibs

4. Ethical Conduct. By the acceptance of a USAID personal services contract as an

individual, the contractor will be acknowledging receipt of the "Standards of Ethical
Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch," available from the U.S. Office of
Government Ethics, in accordance with General Provision 2 and 5 CFR 2635. See



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