Machine Learning: Argon Lert

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Machine Learning
By Dav i d A . P r i c e

ustomers of online music services have long been to predict the correct category of an image of an item of
able to explore new music, or revisit old music, furniture it hasn’t seen before. Alternatively, the training
through the services’ playlists. Whether you like data could be individuals’ financial information, together
’80s pop, ’90s rap, or new country, your online music service with an indicator for each individual of whether he or she
has had a playlist for you, handmade by music experts. But has a home mortgage default on record. The system would
in 2015, Spotify added something different: individually per- use that data to build a model for predicting whether a loan
sonalized playlists that each of its millions of users received applicant is likely to default on a loan. (The person creating
every Monday. The feature, known as Discover Weekly, the system may hold back some of the data he or she has on
gained devotees. One wrote, “It felt like an intimate gift hand to test the reliability of the model.)
from someone who knew my tastes inside and out.” In unsupervised machine learning, the system receives
Of course, Spotify didn’t scale up its staff of human records, such as images or financial information, but no
music experts to create weekly playlists for what are now information on how to classify them. The task for the
reportedly 87 million subscribers. Discover Weekly relies system is to discover categories within the data on its own.
instead on a user’s past listening habits and those of others In both supervised and unsupervised machine learn-
with apparently similar tastes — and ing, the potential performance of
on machine learning software that the system improves as the system
converts this data into predictions receives more data. Commonly,
of what a user would like. what goes into a machine learn-
Music is just one of a range of ing system is an enormous dataset,
industries being affected by machine so-called “big data,” comprising
learning technology. Machine learn- millions of observations. Indeed,
ing is likely to improve high-tech part of what has fueled the growth
products in applications from of machine learning is the availabil-
spam filtering to face recognition. ity of such datasets within tech-
In medicine, machine learning nology companies as a byproduct
may improve the interpretation of of their operations as they capture
X-rays and other scans, as well as suggest diagnoses based data on transactions and other user behavior.
on detailed patient information. Within the financial sec- One important difference between machine learning
tor, some applications include detecting fraud, estimat- and conventional techniques is that conventional statis-
ing insurance risks, and analyzing investments. In some tical techniques produce models that can be interpreted
industries, the adoption of machine learning may change by humans. Someone can look at the coefficients of a
the profile of skills sought by employers and even reduce multiple regression analysis and see how it works — which
employment numbers outright. variables count positively, which count negatively, and by
But what is it, exactly? Historically, it has a number of how much. In contrast, complex machine learning models
fields in its family tree: computer science, cognitive science, are like black boxes and cannot be translated into a form
and statistics, among others. It’s sometimes said to be a that lets humans understand the model’s workings.
branch of artificial intelligence, or AI, but not the general, Within the discipline of economics, some researchers,
human-like AI seen in the fictional computers of 2001: A such as Susan Athey of Stanford University, foresee that
Space Odyssey and Star Trek. Rather, it’s a type of software machine learning may become an increasingly important
that learns from examples — that is, it autonomously con- tool, transforming economic research. But for the time
structs models based on data fed into it. The data may rep- being, at least, switching from conventional statistical
resent transactions, images, or anything else in digital form. methods to machine learning comes at a price: Compared
Machine learning systems fall into one of two broad cat- to machine learning, econometrics is better suited to asking
egories: supervised or unsupervised. In supervised machine about causation. Machine learning is about classification
learning, the system receives training data: a set of examples and prediction. Econometrics is too, but it also lets a
and information about the correct classification of each researcher make inferences about whether and how one
Illustration: Timothy Cook

example. The latter is the “supervision.” For instance, the variable among many has been influencing the phenome-
training data could be images of furniture with information non that the researcher is studying. That distinction could
about whether each item is, say, a chair, a desk, or a sofa. erode, however, as researchers are seeking to combine
With sufficient training data, the system would be able machine learning with analysis of causation. EF

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