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MADRAGA: Hello Everyone I am Mathew Madraga from Group 1, in this

presentation we are going to present you 5 Ways on How We Can Act Now in
Protecting the Environment
MANGALUS: There is a lot going on in our world right now. Beginning with
air pollution, which is a combination of solid particles and gases in the air.
Particles can contain car emissions, chemicals from factories, dust, pollen, and
mold spores. Ozone, a gas, contributes significantly to urban air pollution. To
global warming, which is the long-term rise in the global temperature. Because of
the excess heat in the atmosphere, the average global temperature has risen over
time, a phenomenon known as global warming. Climate change has emerged as a
result of global warming. To cut a long story short, we are the ones causing these
issues. We were the ones who took mother earth's treasures, and now we are
destroying and harming them. Meanwhile, we've come up with five solutions that
could help us save our house.
BUQUEL: Throw your trash in the trash bin, Our world and environments have
too much trash and litter that is harmful to people, wildlife, and natural resources.
Trash can be harmful to our world thats why we need to throw our trash in the
trash bin. When this happens, animals may become endangered or even go extinct.
TAYAWA: Switch To Eco-Friendly Alternative, Switching to eco-friendly
alternatives can help the wildlife greatly, especially the sea life. Use reusable
straws and cups when ordering drinks, use eco-bags instead of plastics, beeswax
wrap instead of cling wraps, bamboo toothbrushes instead of plastic toothbrushes,
stainless steel bottles instead of plastic bottles, etc. Using eco-friendly products
improves quality of life and ensure the safety of the Earth.
LAMARCKUZ: Re-use and Recycle, Plastic Recycle It’s best to avoid waste in
the first place, so think more carefully about your purchases like plastic like single
use plastic. You can use reusable It’s best to avoid waste in the first place, so think
more carefully about your purchases like plastic like single use plastic. cause it will
help the environment.
HINGGO: Eliminate plastic water bottles and take the #TapWaterChallenge.
Some media reports that some people have begun to store PET bottles. Bottled
water is more expensive, less secure, and harmful to the ecosystem than tap water.
Tap water and bottled water have both advantages and disadvantages, but tap water
is generally a better option. It is cheaper, more environmentally friendly, and
contains less microplastic.
LOZARE: Conserve Water, conserving water is important because it keeps
water pure and clean while protecting the environment. As every individual
depends on water for livelihood, we must learn how to keep our limited supply of
water pure and away from pollution. One of the strategies in water conservation is
rainwater harvesting. Digging ponds, lakes, canals, expanding the water reservoir,
and installing rainwater catching ducts and filtration systems on homes are
different methods of harvesting rainwater.
CABUCOS: The earth doesn't end with it dying, it ends with us helping it.
Helping the earth today may be impossible, but somewhere in the near future I
know that human civilization is helping the earth get back up from its knees.
MADRAGA: That’s All, Thank You

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