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12 Department of Education

National Capital Region



Quarter 1-Module 7
Writing a Critique

Writer: Regina R. Sacdalan

Illustrator: Marexcza Z. Salinas
Layout Artist: Richland C. Buere

City of Good Character 1

What I Need to Know
We see reviews and critiques posted over the internet, like online
newspapers and social media platforms. Learning how to write a review or
critique, and bringing it to the next level, if you did it very well, could help you
earn some money. A written review or critique over the internet could
resonate work of arts’ marketability. Moreover, after learning the skills in
reviewing or critiquing, you can go beyond, by writing about other things like
product reviews, movie, food, and the like!

In this lesson, you will learn to:

write an objective/balanced review or critique of a work of art, an event, or a


You can say that you have understood the lesson in this module if you
can already:

1. describe the importance of a critique;

2. explain the characteristics of a balanced critique;
3. discuss the parts or components of a critique, and
4. write an objective and balanced critique from a given context.

What I Know
Read the following statements below. Write a smiley if the statement
is correct, otherwise write X.
_______ 1. The use of a sincere and polite tone on a critique is less effective
than using more ambitious words to give prestige to the author.

_______ 2. A critique is a form of academic writing.

_______ 3. A critique does not include a movie, film, music, and arts, it only
critiques a literary piece like articles, journals, books, and novels.

_______ 4. The title, author’s or creator's name, and thesis statement are
found in the introduction.

_______ 5. An objective and balanced critique reveal drawback with clear

reasoning and valid proofs.

City of Good Character 1

What’s In

Opinions and comments of one could go a long way and since we

perceive things differently, we should be more responsible and objective in
critiquing any work of art, event, or program. This lesson aims to equip you
with the necessary skills you need to be able to write a well-balanced review
or critique.

In any writing discipline and profession, knowledge about critiquing is

crucial for this exhibit and develop analytical and critical skills in academic
and professional writing.

Before we begin our lesson, let’s have a quick review of the previous
topic by doing the activity below:

Compare and contrast formalism and feminism by working on the Venn

diagram. Write your answer on the inner portion of the diagram.

As you move on, you will get to learn more about writing an objective
or balanced critique. Just keep going until you finish all the tasks. Enjoy
while learning something worthwhile!

City of Good Character 2

Writing a Critique

What’s New
A. Pre-Writing Activity

It is natural that people react or comment about something or

anything. Have you experienced commenting about something you find
admirable on social media? Does is make any difference commenting
something positive or negative online? How? __________________________
____________________________________________________________________ .

B. While-Writing Activity
Comment on the drawing or artwork below. Compare and
contrast by describing both drawings; the genre, the style, technique,
and overall quality. Write your comment in full sentences in the box

C. Post-Writing Activity
1. Did you find it hard to comment on these works of arts? Why?
________________________________________________________________________________ .
2. What knowledge or skills do you think you must have to be able to
answer or do the above activity easier and better? Why?
________________________________________________________________________________ .

City of Good Character 3

What is It

In the previous module, you have learned the critical approaches used
in critique writing. In this lesson, you will be focusing on the technical know-
how or the skills needed to be able to write a critique paper. Are you ready to
apply what you have learned from the previous lesson? What do you think
are the considerations in writing a full-blown critique? _____________________
__________________________________________________________________________ .

Writing a Critique
A critique is academic writing, it critically evaluates a piece of work such
as literary pieces, exhibits, film, performances, artworks, news reports, music,
events, programs, and the likes.

Like any other academic writing, a critique uses a formal academic

writing style and structure. It has an introduction, body, and conclusion.
Nevertheless, the body of a critique incorporates a summary and evaluation,
or the critiquing part itself. The purpose of an evaluation is to assess the value
or impact of a work in a particular field.

The succeeding lessons and activities will lead you to better understand
critique writing, and why it matters?

What makes an objective and balanced Review or Critique?

 It is free from biases

 It has a sincere and polite manner of writing
 It reveals drawbacks with clear reasoning, credible evidences,
and valid proofs
 It upholds the creator’s integrity, likewise encourages and
motivates its audience

On the other hand, you must avoid the following in writing your
critique paper:

 Irresponsible reviews without thorough observation and

evaluation of a particular work or masterpiece.
 Shows pretentious and ambitious critique to undermine the
 Shows biases and insensitivities
 Being too aggressive and too argumentative
 Too faults-finding and imposing ideology

City of Good Character 4

Importance of a written critique

 It gives a critical evaluation of a work that discusses its worth, or

strengths and weaknesses, and the perceived success and failure of a
certain work being critiqued.
 It provides essential information about a piece of work like, the
purpose, the style, the audience or intended market in which a certain
work is most beneficial.
 It provides its audience the knowledge or understanding of a piece
of work from various fields or disciplines, making a certain work well-
recognized and known by a larger audience or mass public.

Now that you have finished the key concepts of this lesson, are you ready
to explain what makes an objective and balanced critique? At this point, you
are about to learn the skills needed to be able to write your own critique. It
is suggested that you are already eyeing for any work of art, a masterpiece,
and the like to work on and practice critiquing. Write while you read for the
succeeding lessons. If you do, you will find your learning goals easier and
manageable enough. You are about to plan for your critique and visualize
writing your first draft!

Important considerations in writing your critique

A thorough planning is important for you to properly organize your

paper. You may ask questions like, what comprises a critique paper, or what
should I look for on a certain work. Below are the important considerations to
account for as you begin writing your critique:

1. The writing style for a literary piece – the writing techniques and
skills of the author, as presented in the texts mirrors the author’s
expertise and integrity.

2. The theme or subject – is the subject or theme believable and

vividly portrayed or expressed, and suits its context and target

3. The value or relevance of work – the conveyed message and

meaning of such work is meaningful and relevant to the intended
audience. How does it benefit me? Or the audience in general?

4. The critique part – the focus of the evaluation or critique, which

part of work that could have been presented better, the strengths
and weaknesses of the piece or work.

City of Good Character 5

The Structure or Format of a Critique Paper

A critique writing format includes an introduction, summary, critique

part, and a conclusion. Let us go over the parts below to come up with a full-
blown critique. A critique paper is composed of the following parts:

1. The Introduction
 To begin, mention the work being reviewed, the name or title, the
author’s or creator’s name, as well as the date.
 Write a brief description of the work, including the key points, the
reason or purpose of the work, and the context in which the work was
created, whether for academic, professional, personal, political, etc.
 State the main point or signposts of your evaluation, indicating a strong
statement of your judgment, whether positive, negative, or neutral.
 Make your introduction short.

2. The Body incorporates the summary and the critique:

The Summary
 Provide a summary of the main points of the work you are
 Focus on giving the reader an overall idea of the content of your
critique, the results from your observation, questions,
comparisons, and outcomes.

The Critique Part

 Discuss your critique or evaluation.
 Examine the strengths and weaknesses of the work being
 Present your analysis, describe any problem, and provide
alternatives or recommendations of the method, procedure,
process, or techniques that might have been overlooked by the

3. The Concluding Statement

 Do a brief recap, summarizing only the relevant points from which your
critical evaluation was made.
 Leave a positive mark or show the bigger picture and the worthiness of
such work.
 Finish the critique by a concluding statement of your overall evaluation
 State your recommendations for improvement on the work, as may be
deemed necessary or appropriate.

City of Good Character 6

Let’s have an example of a critique for you to have a better grasp of the

An Example Critique
Learn more by close reading a 650-word critique below. It is labelled
to help you get familiar with the structure and format of a critique.

Theater and Arts Critique

Title: “Ang Huling El Bimbo”, Second Run (2019)
Critiqued by: Regina R. Sacdalan, (PHS)
Ang Huling El Bimbo”, The Musical, left the audience in awe!
The Resort’s World Manila had witnessed a standing ovation as the
musical, Ang Huling El Bimbo”, conquered the huge crowd and genuinely
left the audience in awe! “Ang Huling El Bimbo” was played into a musical,
written by Dingdong Noverio, and directed by Dexter M. Santos. What
Makes Ang Huling El Bimbo a standing ovation? Inspired by the major songs
of the Eraserheads, which were played on the scenes weaving a spectacular
play, and literally turned to be a phenomenon in the world of theater and
musical play. The first run in 2018 yields all sold out, with a back to back
success by its second run in 2019.

(Body 1: The Summary Part)

The plot mainly revolved around the four main characters namely:
Joy, as “Paraluman”, young, innocent, and beautiful young lady, Emman,
Anthony, and Hector, (which will be termed “the trio” soon after), tells the
story of college best friends, played by the stage actors Gian Magdangal, OJ
Mariano, and Jon Santos.

The trio were roommates and became friends though had different
backgrounds. Emman, the “probinsyano”, Anthony, a discreet "gay", and
Hector who came from a wealthy family. The trio soon develops a special
friendship with Joy, a “carinderia” vendor; Emman who she considered to
be her Kuya, Anthony her best friend, and Hector became her boyfriend.

The climax, like a rollercoaster, is a twist and shout. The best friends:
the trio and joy, had a “joy ride” that caused a tragic incident that changed
their friendship and lives forever. Joy was raped in front of her friends, and
since they were young, they avoided Joy. The trio thought that the only
way to forget the pain is to escape and leave for good. The dilemma of Joy,
being rejected by her boyfriend and friends, was left alone, given up on her
dreams, and failed to finish her studies. Meanwhile, the trio finished college
and led a more settled life, however, their past had a great impact on their
lives. The trio reunited after two long decades, when they heard about what
happened to their friend Joy—who committed suicide.

City of Good Character 7

(Body 2: The Critique Part)
The plot creates profoundness and admiration with the way they kept
the audience glued and fascinated. The characters act gracefully, so
appealing to the eye. Love and friendship is the heart of the musical, this
became the hook of the story, on how their lives would unfold, and the
rollercoaster rides towards a twisted end. The moment when their friendship
had fallen apart was so unbearable. The way they acted upon the tragic
scene when Joy had committed suicide was heartfelt and their performance
has succeeded to be felt by the crowd.

The nostalgic effect of the song by Eraserheads was a big thing! So

those who are a fan and grown with the song would have "LSS" and surely
reminisce, whether it was during their high school life or college days;
bonding, friendship, and past love. On the other hand, those who are not a
fan, or not familiar with those songs, would not appreciate it as much.

The division of scenes into thematic sections was strategic and

effective, making the audience guess and wait for more. The performance
was fast-moving, it was entertaining and meaningful. The musical play kept
the audience's attention for two and some long hours, however, this is way
too long and may bring boredom.

(Concluding Statement)
The end of the musical was a standing ovation. The performance itself
had left the audience in awe! They made the characters in the plot came to
life. It indeed managed to capture the audience’s emotions. The
collaboration of the director and writer, both esoteric on their own field, had
made the musical a phenomenal success. It resonates emotions into a
mixture of drama, nostalgia, and euphoria, all at the same time! By and
large, the musical play leaves the reviewer, herself, in deep awe, and
genuine lessons about life, love, and friendship.


City of Good Character 8

What’s More
Let us do the following activity to assess your understanding of the
knowledge and skills you have learned from this module.
Activity 1
Answer the following questions below. Write in complete sentences on
the space provided. You may need a separate paper to do this.
1. Why a critique is important? ___________________________________________




2. What makes an objective and balanced critique? Answer using your own
words? ___________________________________________________________________




3. How do you format a critique paper? Explain thoroughly using the major
parts of a critique. ________________________________________________________




Grading Criteria
Correctness and relevance of content 3 pts
Organization / Coherence 1 pt.
Grammar and punctuation 1 pt.
Total 5 pts. HPS per item

Let’s begin writing the most essential part; the critique, and gradually
you should be able to write a full-blown critique on your own. You will also
experience choosing from the most common to critiquing like a literary piece,
music, art, film, program, event, etc. by doing the activity below.

City of Good Character 9

Activity 2:

1. Evaluate the artwork presented by answering the questions posted on

the art critique organizer.
2. Weave your answers to come up with a formal critique.
3. Answer thoroughly in complete sentences.
4. Be analytical and reasonable as possible and follow the properties of an
objective and balanced critique.
5. You may need extra paper to do this.

This is an original artwork of Napolexander B. Mina

Title/Year/Medium: “The Hardheaded Carabao, Alas, Escaped”, 2019, Watercolor

City of Good Character 10

•What do i see? •How is the work
(appearance and organized? (technique
illustration) and style)

Describe Analyze

Interpret Judge •What do I think about

•What is the artwork
about? (message and the artwork? (strength
and weakness)

Title/Artist/Date: _______________________________________________________

Art Critique: ____________________________________________________________


Grading Rubric for Activity 2 and 3:

Content: 20 points
Applies the characteristics of an objective and balanced critique (10 pts)
Uses logical, credible, relevant reasoning, and judgment (10 pts)

Organization and Mechanics: 10 points

Organization of ideas is logical and coherent (5 pts)
punctuations and capitalization (3 pts)
grammar and structure (2 pts)

Total = 30 points

City of Good Character 11

Activity 3:

Let us try some more activity for critiquing.

1. Choose one (1) from any of the following for critique according to your
personal interest or preference, provided that it is safe and has no
malicious content.
2. Exhaust the internet if available, otherwise choose activities suitable
while offline.
3. Follow the additional instructions indicated on the item or activity
4. Be analytical and reasonable as possible and follow the properties of
an objective and balanced critique.
5. Answer thoroughly in complete sentences.
6. Use the self-check below as a guide for your critique.
7. Write on a separate sheet of paper.

Choose one (1) from the forms of critiques listed below:

1. Video or Film Critique
Knowledge on the Go by Marlo Mortel
2. Event Critique: This could be any event or festival being celebrated in
schools and communities; whether local, regional, national, and global.
Rehiyon-rehiyon, United Nations Day, Sinulog, ASEAN Summit, etc.
3. Song or Music Video Critique: This could be any song or music video
that you find interesting.
4. Theater / Stage Play Critique: This could be any theater /stage play
available for free on YouTube, or stage plays you have seen in the past but
has been remarkable and valuable for you.
5. Literary Piece Critique: This could be an article, journal, research, or
even classic novel you prefer to critique.
1. Have I stated the creator or author, what the critique is about,
and what I think about the value of the work? YES or NO

2. Is my critique well-organized with an easily identifiable format? YES or NO

3. Have I represented the arguments fairly and accurately? YES or NO

4. Have I presented evidence to back up statements I have made
about the creator and his/her purpose? YES or NO

5. Have I presented an objective and balanced argument about the

value of the work for the welfare of the creator and its audience? YES or NO

City of Good Character 12

What I Have Learned
In this module, you have studied about presenting a concept
paper. Explain thoroughly and expressively what you have learned by
completing the statements below:

My understanding of a well-written critique ________________________


The importance of a balanced review or critique ___________________


The parts or components of a critique _____________________________


What I Can Do
Apply what you have learned in this module by doing this activity.

Activity: Writing a Critique

You are almost done! It is time to do a more challenging activity to
assess your progress.
1. Write a critique about the Jeepney Modernization Program.
2. You can use the reading materials below as reference.
3. You can refer to these websites at
4. Exhaust for a possible source of information. Do research online or interview anyone
from home that might have an idea about the topic for critique.
5. Make note of an objective and balanced way of writing critiques.
6. Observe the proper introduction, body, and concluding part.
7. Refer back to the lessons: Important considerations in writing your critique and
Structure or Format of a Critique paper whenever necessary.
8. Write in complete sentences in no less than 300 words.

City of Good Character 13

________________________________________________________________________________ .
_______________________________________________________________________________ .
_________________________________________________________________________ .

(Reading Materials for the activity)

What is Jeepney Modernization Program?

The Jeepney Modernization Program or The Public Utility Vehicle
Modernization Program (PUVMP) was launched by the Department of
Transportation of the Philippines in 2017, with the goal of making the
country's public transportation system efficient and environmentally friendly
by 2020. The program calls for the phasing-out jeepneys, buses and other
Public Utility Vehicles (PUVs) that are at least 15 years old and replacing them
with safer, more comfortable and more environmentally-friendly alternatives
over the next three years. Currently, there are 220,000 jeepney units
operating throughout the country.
Replacement vehicles are required to have at least a Euro 4-compliant
engine or an electric engine to lessen pollution. Some proposed requirements
include CCTV cameras, Panta Transportation Payment Terminal, speed
limiters and GPS monitors.
Some transport groups have criticized the program as "anti-poor".
These groups have pointed out that under the program, most drivers and
small-time operators would be unable to afford replacement units and

City of Good Character 14

corporate entities would seek to monopolize the market and impose fare hikes
on commuters.

Old jeepneys can operate beyond 2020 but with conditions – DOTr
By CNN Philippines Staff
Published Nov 20, 2019 5:56:59 PM

Old unit operators should also file a petition for consolidation on or before the
said date and “express their petition to modernize.”

However, if operators fail to do so, their routes will be made available to other
interested applicants.

Senator Grace Poe, the Senate public services panel's chairperson, earlier
welcomed the move not to automatically phase out old jeepneys.

"This is for their sake. This is a lot more pragmatic for us, expedient. That if
it is still pliable, if it’s safe, and doesn’t have any adverse emissions, that it be
allowed and it will also save a lot," Poe said Wednesday during the Senate
deliberation on DOTr’s 2020 budget.

She added that the DOTr admitted during budget hearings that it has
modernized only 1.5 percent or 2,550 of the country's jeepneys, three years
into the controversial PUV modernization program.

The department, however, clarified that the government’s modernization

program will still push through.

The program, which plans to phase out old jeepneys and UV Express service
vehicles by 2020, has been tagged “anti-poor" because of its heavy cost to
jeepney drivers and operators. It has sparked a number of nationwide
transport strikes but the government has stood by the program.

In an earlier media briefing, the Land Transportation Franchising and

Regulatory Board gave a different figure. It said a total of 18,000 units -- more
than 5,000 of which are jeepneys -- have complied with the program since it
was signed in 2017.

CNN Philippines Correspondent Joyce Ilas contributed to this report.

City of Good Character 15

Grading Rubric:
Content: 20 points
Applies the characteristics of an objective and balanced critique (10 pts)
Uses logical, credible, relevant reasoning, and judgment (10 pts)

Parts of the Paragraph: 20 points

Each part is well-organized; containing essential properties of a well-written
Introduction (5 pts)
Body: Summary, Critique (10 pts)
Conclusion (5 pts)

Mechanics: 10 points
The following mechanics were applied correctly and appropriately.
punctuations and capitalization (5 pts)
grammar and structure (5 pts)

Total = 50 points

Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. What academic writing requires you to analyze a book, identify its

arguments, and evaluates its strength and weaknesses?
A. Book Report
B. Critique
C. Essay
D. Journal

2. Which of the following statements best describe a critique?

A. It simply summarizes a literary piece.
B. It gives information about a book or article.
C. It discusses the advantages and disadvantages of a book.
D. It evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of a work being critiqued.

3. How would you best describe a good introduction?

A. Mentioning opinions and examples at this time.
B. Summarizing the relevant points to be discussed.
C. Interpreting what the creator is trying to communicate.
D. Mentioning the title, the creator and the thesis statement.

City of Good Character 16

4. How would you state the conclusion part best?
A. Mention the title and author’s name.
B. Explain opinions and examples at this time.
C. Briefly introduce the thesis statement of the body.
D. Summarize the relevant points from which the evaluation was made.

5. How do you determine an objective and balanced critique?

A. It is more subjective than objective.
B. It uses formal language and highly technical.
C. It shows pretentious comments to discredit the author.
D. It reveals drawbacks with clear reasoning and valid proofs.

Additional Activities
To enrich your learnings from this module, check on the following websites
and choose one from the given activities below:

1. Check on more visual critique organizers to help you manage your

critique at

2. Read more about critique writing at, and
practice critiquing using a critique organizer.

City of Good Character 17


Online Sources:

"10 Steps for Writing a Successful Psychology Critique Paper." Verywell

Mind. Accessed July 2, 2020.

"199 Best Analyzing and Critiquing Text Images | School Reading, Teaching
Reading, Reading Classroom." Pinterest. Last modified 25, 2014.

Adrian, Marc. "PUV Modernization: Here's What You Need To Know." Last modified October 5, 2019.

Aurelio, AurelioJohn Smith B. "Portrait." Parang High School. Last modified


"Critiquing a Text – The Word on College Reading and Writing." Open Oregon
– Educational Resources. Accessed July 6, 2020.

Mina, Napolexander B. "The Hardheaded Carabao, Alas, Escaped." Last

modified 2019.

"Old Jeepneys Can Operate Beyond 2020 but with Conditions – DOTr." Cnn.
Last modified November 20, 2019.

"PUV Modernization." LTFRB | LTFRB Official Website. Accessed

July 3, 2020.

"Writing a Critique." QUT | QUT Cite|write. Accessed June 30, 2020.

City of Good Character 18

Development Team of the Module
Writer: Regina R. Sacdalan (PHS)
Nieves T. Salazar, Ph. D. (PHS)
Albert B. Mutia (PSDS)

Internal Reviewer: Janet S. Cajuguiran (EPS- English)

Illustrator: Marexcza Z. Salinas (PHS)
Layout Artist: Richland C. Buere (SEHS)
Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Janet S. Cajuguiran
Education Program Supervisor-English

Ivy Coney A. Gamatero

Education Program Supervisor – LRMS

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989

Email Address:

City of Good Character 19


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