Unit 11 - L P 8

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UNIT 11 – LỚP 8

1. Future tenses
A. Simple future : tương lai đơn Sẽ = will/ shall
*use : Diễn tả sự việc sẽ xảy ra nhưng chưa có kế hoạch và chuẩn bị trước , thường
quyết định ngay sau khi nói
Ex: A it’s hot here
B I will turn on the fan
*form :
- Be / V
+ S will Be
- S will not Be
Won’t V

? Will S Be ?
V ?

b, Near future : tương lai gần : Sẽ = am/ is /are going to

*use : sẽ xảy ra nhưng đã có kế hoạch và sự chuẩn bị trước hay tiên đoán 1 việc gì
sắp xảy ra dựa trên bằng chứng
* form : Be / V
+ S am/is/are going to Be
- not
? Am/is/are going to Be
* Cách nhận biết ( TLĐ + TLG )
C1. Tomorrow : ngày mai
C2. Next week
C3. In 2022 ->
C4. Soon : sớm
C5. In the future
C6. Tonight : tối nay
C7. This afternoon
* Chú ý:
1. Tương lai đơn
a, As soon as : ngay sau khi
When : khi
After : sau khi -> 1 câu (HTĐ) , 1 câu (TLĐ)
Before : trước khi
Until / till : đến tận
b, In ( khoảng thời gian ) : trong bao lâu nữa
c, TLĐ dùng cho các loại câu
+ Hi vọng : Hope
+ Hứa : promise
+ Tin : believe
+ Nghĩ ( quan điểm ) : think
+ Chắc chắn : sure / certain
- TLĐ sử dụng trong câu đề nghị : will= can/could
Ex : Can you turn off the lights ? = Will you turn off the lights ?
*Chú ý : Tương lai gần
1. Đối với động từ : come / go : khi chia ở TLG ta dùng thì HTTD
2. S am / is / are going to V
S plan / intend to V
EX. He is going to study abroad
He plans …………………………………………..
B, Report Speech
Loại 1: Câu khẳng / phủ

“ Câu khẳng / phủ ” S said

S be/v /kt chia thì said to sb
told sb
=> S said
said to sb ( that ) Câu khẳng / phủ
told sb rằng ( đổi ngôi /lùi thì )

1, Lùi thì:
2, Khuyết thiếu
Can → Could
May → Might
Will → Would
Must → Had to
3, Now → Then
Here → There
This → That
These → Those
Today → That day
Tonight → That night
4, Yesterday → The day before
previous day
Last week → The week
month month before
year year
… …
previous week
5, Tomorrow → The next day
following day
Next week → The next week
month month
year year
… …
following week

6, Ago → Before
7, The day after tomorrow → In two days’ time
Ex: 1.″I have lived here for 10 years″ Mr.Huy said
→ Mr.Huy said ……………………………………………..
2..″My parents didn’t come with me yeserday″ She said
→ She said……………………………………………….
3. “ I want to meet your father tonight ” Mr Huy said to her
→ Mr Huy…………………………………………………….
4. “ I can’t do this test ” He said to me
→ He said to me……………………………………………
5. “ We are learning E now ” The children said
→ The children said……………………………………..
6. “ I must finish these works on time ” She said to his son
→ She said to his son…………………………………….
7. “ Your brother works here ” I said to her
→ I said to her………………………………………………
8. “ My teacher travels to work by bike everyday ” Nam said
→ Nam said

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