MARS Is The Second Home For Humanity IELTS

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MARS is The Second Home for Humanity

My response:

I think people should go to mars because, our scientists find a solution if earth cannot reach life again for
our humanity. According to steven hawking, he talk that, ‘ we are already at the point where we cannot
be on this earth. And then, NASA launch the first human to go to mars at 2020-2024 to test how can
human survive in the planet mars. Mars has a surface that is almost similar to earth. For example like
atmosphere, water (was), satellite nature (phobos and deimos), so scientists think that mars can be the
second home for humanity. And the reason we should go to mars because the total human population
has over capacity, so we need a new place to accommodate humans. And then, NASA is already test, like
send a robot to mars and build like home for survive in there, and NASA build like underground to avoid
ultraviolet light, and then, NASA created a food like a potato, because potato mostly don’t need a water,
can survive without water. And then, NASA hope this plan work properly and succesfull

That’s it for today, thankyou miss

Name: Ivan Dzaky Pradana

Class: XII-IPS

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