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Emmanuel R. Dalere B.S.Ed.

English 3A

Foundation of SPED

Learning disability Learning disorder

Caused by a difference They might have vision

in the brain that affects problems or auditory
information received. problems.
Can’t be cured or fixed Can be challenged through
it’s a lifelong issue. evaluation, trained specialist,
Result from a difference therapy and drug treatments.
in a way a person’s brain Need Assistance They’re able to
is wired. They live an
Smart deserved to independent life.
Have the love They deserved
same rights.
to belong

They are unique individuals with their

own likes and dislikes.
Difficulties with accurate provision of
affective classroom instruction.
Certain genes may
contribute to dyslexia.

Learning difficulty

It's critical for parents and educators to recognize the symptoms that may interfere with a
child's ability to learn. It also demonstrates how a child with a learning disability perceives
things differently than a child without learning disabilities, disorder, or difficulty. It instructs
parents and educators on how to spot student behavior. As their teacher, it is my responsibility
to understand their learning differences. I will better understand each and every situation, and
if I have this type of student, I will treat his or her assessment fairly, showing that it is a
requirement for them to complete their studies. I will inspire them to be good at all costs and
to continue to believe in themselves.

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