Sample Paper 9: Mi Ut S

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firne Allowed: 90 minutes

Max. Marks: 40
1. Tlie Question Paper contains 3 Sections.
z. Section A has 24 Questions. Attempt any 20 Questions.
3. Section B has 24 Questions. Attempt any 20 Questions.
4. Section C has 12 Questions. Attempt any 10 Que
5. All Questions carry equal marks.
6. There is No Negative marking.

t. Efficiency is concerned with
(a) Doing the righ t thin g
(b) Doing things righ t
(c) Achieving end results
(d) None of the above
2. Which of the foll owi ng statements is
true with reference to principles of
(a) The principles of man age men t have evolved.
(b) The principles of man age men t are yet to be
(c) The principles of man age men t are in the cont
inuous process of evolution.
(d) None of the above.
3. 'Twinkle Stars' is a wel l-kn own resort for orga
nising parties, especially for children.
However, in past 6 mon ths its popularity has
reduced considerably as a new resort
with better ambience and facilities has opened
within its vicinity. Name the related
feature of bus ines s environment whi ch has influ
enced the bus ines s of 'Twinkle Stars'
(a) Totality of external forces
(b) Dynamic natu re
(c) Interrelatedness
(d) Uncertainty

Sample Paper 9
. . 110 t a benefit of planning?
4· Which of th e following is . and wasteful activities.
. . d s overlapping
(a) Pl anning ie uce .
. ntal exercise.
(b) Planning is a me .
. rovides direct10ns.
(c) Plann'.ng pd the risks of uncertainty.
(d) Planning re uces . f I . I
. f . b positions on the basis o re ahve ro es and respo .
5• What•
is the ranking o JO ns1bili1·
known a · .
(b) Hierarchy
(a) Span of management
. ti n (d) None of the above
(c) Decentra JJSa O •
Which of the following is a feature of marketmg process?
· (a) Sa tisfying needs and wants of the consumers
(b) Creating a market offering .
(c) Developing an exchange mechamsm
(d) All of the above
7. "Human resources are an organisation's greatest asset. Despite all developments,
technology "getting work done through peorle" is sti.ll a major task for the manage:.~
Identify the dimensions of management being described above.
(a) Management of work
(b) Management of people
(c) Management of operations
(d) All of the above
8. Which of the following statements best defines the techniques of management?
(a) It is a set of guidelines to take decisions and actions.
(b) It is a procedure which involves a series of steps to be taken.
(c) They are general rules for behaviour of individuals.
(d) None of the above.
9. Digilocker is the country's first secured cloud-based platform for the storage, issuance
and verification of documents with the Driving Licence and Vehicle Registration
System of the Road Transport Ministry. The integration of a government department
with Digilocker since its launch last year is one of the biggest of its kind. It will
spare people the trouble of carrying licences and vehicle papers, which can be accessed
on phones using the Digilocker app. Identify the related dimension of business
(a) Economic dimension (b) Technological dimension
(c) Social dimension (d) Political dimension
10. Assertion(A): Planning is an exclusive function of top management.
Reason (R): The scope of planning is same at all levels of management.
(a) Both the statements (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the right explanation of (A)
(b) Both the statements (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the right explanation of (A)
(c) Statement (A) is correct but statement (R) is incorrect
(d) Both statements (A) and (R) are incorrect

~ P-liY
~ Perfect 10+1 Sample Papers in Business Studies-XII

the jobs of sim ilark natu re i .
w.11ert fi . n an orga n1sa .
if· duction, nance, mar ebn g and h tion ar
d t d uma n res e grouped under functions l 'k
,,ro tme nts it l ourc e and f h
r rnarke as sepa ra e epar eads t . urt er th ese ma1o . • e
11re . I o crea tion of a r functions
) Qivis 10na
(b) Functional - - - structure.
(.1) Either (a) or (b)
(c ife Lim ited has laun che d a new ran (d) _None of the above
itioners .
. ~~ usability of the prod uct. The newge of air condCondit' m order to add value to
t ifier and are avai labl e in attrac t'1ve col
range of air 1oners have an .mb uilt _air
pur b . d . abov e . ours . Iden tify the
hiJosoph y e1ng escr ibed in the
hnes . type of marketing
I' p duct conc ept (b) p .
(a) ro . roduction concept
) Marketin g con cept
(c . . (d) Soci etal m k ·
imp orta nt to . . ar eting concept
_Management 1s equ ally poli tical •
· economic · organ1sa · t·ton. Wh .ich feat ure run of a organisation as it is to run an
management . b . reflected in the given
. is e1ng
(a) Man agem ent 1s goa l orie nted
(b) Man agem ent is mul tidim ensi ona l
(c) Man agem ent is all perv asiv e
(d) Managem ent is a grou p acti vity
nce is con side red to be
4. The prin cipl es of pur e scie (b) Ri ·a__ _ _ in nature.
(a) Flexible ~
(d) Non e of the above
(c) Creative
dou ble Indi a's expo rt of goods an d services . to over USO 100 0
15. In. orde r to boo st. and . . '
. orat e tax t b · d
bdhon by 2025 , 1t 1s imp ortal nt to low er effective corp ra e, nng own cost
· 1 d · rfy
1 regu ator y and tax framework. Iden tify the related dimension
of cap~ta an S1!11P
of busi ness env iron men t.
(a) Social dim ensi on and Legal dimension
(b) Technological dim ensi on and Political dimensi
(c) Political dim ensi on and Social dimension
(d) Economic dim ensi on and Legal dimension
conc erne d with setti ng of objective
16. Identify the fun ctio n of man age men t whi ch is
and iden tify ing the way s of ach ieve them .
(a) Planning (b) Staffing
(c) Directing (d) Organising
orga nisa tion , the num ber of leve ls of
17. As the spa n of man age men t incr ease s in an
man agem ent in the org anis atio n _ _ _ __
(a) Increases (b) Decreases
(c) Remains una ffec ted (d) None of the above
• h. , Dev bou ght a leat her jack et for him self . Iden tify
18 As th e win ters wer e app roac 1ng .
n case. . .
the type of pro duc t util ity bein g desc ribe d in the give
(a) Functional util ity (b) Psychological utility
(c) Social utili ty (d) All of the above

Sample Paper 9 ~11~

- I • • •

f. one function of the }eve1 o f packaging be in g affected below.

19. State any
_ .......,.--
V - - - ~ / / Jf j
lli;: ::i=,:::z__

(a) It provides an a dditional layer of protection to the pr od uc t.
(b) Kept till the product is
ready for use
(c) Both (a) an d (b)
(d) None of the above
. bl the manager to gain an . . .
20. Plannmg en~ esalte insight into future and make
amongst vanous ma tiv e courses of action. Identify a ch oic e fr
the related point of impon . . ~ll\
opf 1anning being referred to in the above lines. ~"lllce
(a) Planning reduces overlap ful .. .
ping an d wa ste . activities
(b) Planning establishes
sta nd ard s for controlling
(c) Planning facilitates decis
ion ma kin g
(d) Planning reduces the risks
of un ce rta int y
21 . Th is typ e of organisational structure
is large, has diversified is most suitabl~ wh en th~ siz
activities and operations e of t~e organisation
specialisation. require a hi gh degree of
(a) Divisional structure
(b) Functional str uc tur e
(c) Both (a) an d (b)
(d) No ne of the above
22. In order to re instate it's
lost public image in wake of
of by its patients, ho ly Hosp recent cases of negligence file
ital limited has set up a sepa d
work towards creating a posit rate Department who would
ive perception about the ho
at large. Identify the relation sp ita l in the m in ds of public
element of promotion m ix
case. be in g described in the given
(a) Personal selling
(b) Public rel ati on
(c) Ad ve rti sin g
(d) Sales pr om ot io n
23. In order to improve
up on its competitive ed ge
packaging of its hair care , Kh us hb oo Li m ite d has
products. Th ey are no w av change the
design, which has a nozzle att ai la bl e in a co ns um er friendly
d to th e lid so th at at th e tim e
doesn't need to op en the ca of us ag e the consutner
explained in the given lines. p of th e bo ttl e. Na m e th e m ar ke tin g function being
(a) Pr od uc t de sig ni ng an d
de ve lo pm en t
(b) Cu sto me r su pp or t se rv
ice s
(c) Pr om oti on
(d) Physical di str ib ut io n

SP-~ Perfect 10+1 Sa mp le Pa pe rs

in Business Studies-XII
. ter school quiz competition, the parti .
Jtt all ks and were asked to identify th b cipants were shown
geft d~~entify t~e relat~d point highligh:n r~~ds: All the Participa:~:e~ :~les of
40_s0• described 1n the given case. g e importance of packaging wh~!: ::
be• g . g standards of health and sanitatio
(a) J{is~i·tates product differentiation n
faCl 1 .
(b) ovative packagmg adds value to a prod t
(i.:") {r1!l ful in self service
. l
out ets UC.
(d) l]se
f1fy the feature of co-ordination being h. hi' .
Idell dination is not a one time function it b . ig •ghted In the given statement:
"coorntrolling." , egms at the planning stage and continue
till co . .
coordination ensures uruty of action
(a) . . 11 .
Coordination 1s an a pervasive function
(lJ) . . tin
Coordination 1s a con uous process
(c ) · 1s . a deliberate function
(d) Coordination
JI1babu works as a supervisor in a paint making f t H ft
26, Ra . f k . ac ory. e o en observes the
problent of fatigue • o wor ers• 1n the factory.• In order to reso1ve the situation,
. . he
cOnducts an expenment
• to see 1f an additional rest interval d • k h
unng wor ours would
improve their _work performance. It is observed, that by providing an additional
break of 10 minutes, 2 hours after the tea break helped to reduce their str d
· · Id 'fy h ess
increase producbvity. enb t e feature of principles of management been described an
in the above lines.
(a) Formed by practice and experimentation
(b) General guidelines
(c) Cause and effect
(d) None of the above
'l!. According to a report by the India Staffing Federation (ISF), India has emerged as the
fifth largest market worldwide in fl.exi-staffing in 2018 and the country would have
6.1 million fl.exi-workforce by 2021. It showed that Haryana, Gujarat, Kamataka,
Madhya Pradesh and Telangana are the states with high growth potential for flexi-
staffing but Andhra Pradesh tops the list of states with favourable business
environment. Identify the feature of business environment being discussed above.
(a) Relativity (b) Dynamic nature
(c) Uncertainty (d) Interrelatedness
28. Pizza chain Pizza Hut India, owned by Yum Brands in the country, is planning to
double its outlets to over 700 by 2022, based on the growing popularity of western
fast-food in the country. Identify the feature of planning being described in the
above case.
(a) Planning is pervasive
{b) Planning focuses on achieving objectives
(c) Planning is continuous

(d) Planning is a mental exercise

Sample Paper 9
loye e shou ld b e - - - - - -
thority grante d to an eIIlP
.b ·lity entr usted to him
29 Au the respons1 I d
. ( ) More than "bility entru ste to him
a the respo ns1
(b ) Less than .b.lity entr uste d to him
1 to the respons1 I
(c) Equa
(d) A 11 o
f the above .
k Supe
rviso r
in a
company deal ing 1n prec .ious gem s an d stones. lAh.
3o. Yash wor s a~ 1 . ? ., n1ch 1
following statemen t high ligh ts his scop e of P ann ing.
of the I . for the orga nisa tion as a who1e.
(a) Undertakes p anru ng . 1
(b) Undertakes the depa rtme ntal plan rung .
(c) Undertakes day- to-da y oper ation al plan rung
(d) All of the above . . . . .
31. The au thon - •ty resp onsi bilit y rela tion ship s that exis t with in the organisation given·
to _ _ _ _ _ __ ~

(a) Different func tions with in the orga nisa tion

(b) Different levels in the orga nisa tion
(c) Man agem ent as a mult idim ensi onal activ ity
(d) Man agem ent as a grou p activ ity
32. Suraj works as a production manager in a com
pany. The kno wled ge of principles of
management has guid ed him to imp erso nali se man
ager ial cond uct so as to enable 1
him use his managerial pow er with due disc retio n for
the ben efit of the organisation.
Name the related poin t whic h high ligh ts the sign ifica
nce of prin cipl es of managemenl
(a) Man agem ent train ing, educ ation and rese arch
(b) Prov iding man ager s with usef ul insig ht into
real ity
(c) Opti mum utili satio n of reso urce s and effec tive
adm inis trati on
(d) Fulfilling socia l resp onsi bilit y
33. Match the follo wing :

Column 1
Colu mn 2
I. Educational system and literacy rates
a. Econ omic Env iron men t
II. Airline companies book their tickets online
b. Poli tical Env iron men t
III. Rates of saving and investment
C. Lega l Env iron men t
IV. The nature of relationship of our coun try with f
countries .
oreig n d. Tech nolo gica l Environment

V Prohibition of advertisement of alcoholic beve rage

s -
e. Soci al Env iron men t

Perfect IO+ 1 Sam 1 .

p e Papers m Business Studies-XII
1· .
Option B Option c Option D
optio n A
I-b I-e
1- a I-d
II -e II -d
fl -b II -a
III-d Ill-a
fll-e III-b
IV-c IV-b
IV-d IV-c
V-C V- C V-e
"' j\ssertion(A): The span of management, to a large extent gives shape to the
:r· ·sational structure.
son (R): Span of management refers t0 th e number of subordinates that can be
Rea_... ly managed by a super·1or.
nation of (A)
(a) Both th e statem ents (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the right expla
explanation of
(b) Bo)th the stateme nts (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the right
(c) Statement (A) is correct but statement (R) is incorrect
(d) Both statements (A) and (R) are incorrect
the following:
35. Match
Column 1 Column 2

I. A good mana ger works throug h a combination a. Mana geme nt as a profe ssion
of practice, creativity, imagination, initiative and
innova tion.
II. The prominence of huma n factor in the b. Mana geme nt as an art
as social science
III. Anyone can be called a mana ger irrespective of c. Mana geme nt
the educational qualifications possessed.

Option B Option C Option D

Option A
I -b I-b I-a
I- C
II -a II -c II -b
II -b
36. Aayush joins a e-commerce company as a delivery executive. The Area Team
months, due to
Shekar is very happ y with his performance. However, after a few
to meet the
some family problems Aayush becomes irregular to work and is not able
e his team targets.
Work related dead lines. As a result, Shekar is not able to realis
Under such a situation whic h of the follow ing statement will hold true?
work assig ned to
(a) Shekar can absolve himself of his accountability to the extend of
(b) Shekar canno t absolve himself of his accountability to the exten
d of work assig ned
to Aayush.
Shekar can partly absolve himself of his accountability to the extend of work assil>h
(c) C><1ec1
to Aayush.
(d) None of the above
37 Within 2 years of it's · mception,
· · Bhavis
· h ya Limited has created a very
. Posir
· reputation about itself and its products in the eyes 0 ~ general pubhc by participat:;e
extensively in various social welfare programs. Identify the component of prolllotiog
mixing described in the given lines. ~
(a) Advertising (b) Personal sell~g
(c) Public relation (d) Sales promotion
38. Assertion(A): Management aims at guiding individual efforts towards achieving a
common objective. . . . . .
Reason (R): People in organisations are performing similar tasks to achieve the sante
(a) Both the statements (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the ri~ht explanation of (A)
(b) Both the statements (A) and (R) are correct _b~t (R) is not the nght explanation of (A)
(c) Statement (A) is correct but statement (R) 1s mcorrect
(d) Both statements (A) and (R) are incorrect
39. According to this principle of scientific management, "Scientific management has for
its foundation the firm conviction that true interest of the management and workers
are one and the same; the prosperity for the employer cannot exist for a long time
unless it is accompanied by prosperity for the employees and vice versa."
(a) Science, not rule of thumb (b) Co-operation, not individualism
(c) Harmony, not discord (d) All of the above
40. Rishabh has joined as a Creative Head in an entertainment company. He always
ensures that the work has been divided into small and manageable activities and also
the activities of similar nature are grouped together. Identify the related step in
organising process being mentioned in the above lines.
(a) Identification and division of work
(b) Departmentalisation
(c) Assignment of duties
(d) Establishing reporting relationships
41. 'Sureksha Pvt. Ltd.' is a well established Knowledge process outsourcing company
with experienced specialists in different areas. Considering it to be the need of the
hour the company wants to introduce new system of accounting. Initially, there is
so~~ resistance f~om the accounting staff but when he explains the purpose, provides
trammg and motivates with additional rewards the employees accept the change and
cooperate with him.
In content of the above case:
~dentify the related function of management which has helped the company to
introduce changes in the organisation.
(a) Planning {b) Directing (c) Controlling (d) Organising

_Jr-~ Perfect 10+1 Sample Papers in Business Studies-XU

}\run started a factory two iJ
11-· Wd direct control of one supe J~ar
er direct contr
s back With sow orkers h h
o1 of one supe rv1so
Wh '. e had placed 10 workers
. ereas his fri end AJay,
1111 d • • r h"
e]a ted to orgams1ng bein g described 1. n the is garment fa t , as placed 20 workers
r . ab
ove case.
c ory. Identify th e concept '.\
(i) pJanm ng ''

~) Span o f man agem ent (b) Decentralisation

( · (d) None of the above
"b"l"t . d
,S. J{espons1 ~ 1 y 1s enve d from __ __
(c1) Authority
) Accountability (b) Formal position
(c • • (d) All of th
Which of the follo wing 1s not an O rgan1sabo • • e above
44, . nal ob. .
(a) Earnmg enou gh reve nue to cover costs Jechve of management?
cient profits to cover ns •k .
(b) Earning suffi
. s of business
s of business mt • h e long
(,c) Increase m the pros pect
(d) Prov iding free educ ation to children in slums run
has rece ntly join ed a comp any d ea1ing . •
45. Harsh it. H h as b een pers isten tly tryin t hin consu . .
mer durabl es as a coordinator
marketing . e g O s are .his. 1nnovaf~ve P1ans f or mcre • .
with his supe rior A asmg
the sales of th e com pany 8
with one of his colle ague Dev. Dev then t0 lmdah~1mathiru. So, he discussed his frustration
at employ_ees work"ing at midd ·
neith e II d le
and lower leve l in the com pany are are ra owe to devia te from plans
. . nor are
they pernutted to act on their own . They only carry out orders. Identif y the related
• · f 1 · • abov e lines .
1imitat10n o p ann1ng func tion bein g referred to in the
(a) Planning redu ces creat ivity
(b) Planning lead s to rigid ity and Planning reduces creativity
(c) Planning may not work in a dyna mic environment
(d) Planning does not guar ante e success
urce department of a popular
46. Jayank Kha ndel wal wor ks as the Head of Human Reso
department heads of other
chain of retail store s. He hold s regular meet ings with the
ile busi ness environment.
division so as to be able to antic ipate chan ges in the volat
be anticipated and effective
He stress that risk s cann ot be elim inate d but they can
tify the related point of
managerial resp onse s to them can be deve lope d. Iden
ed upon.
importance of plan ning that Jaya nk Kha ndel wal emphasis
(a) Planning redu ces over lapp ing and wasteful activities
(b) Plan ning is a men tal exercise
(c) Planning prov ides direc tions
(d) Plan ning redu ces the risks of unce rtain ty
47. Which of the follo wing is a func tion of top level management?
(a) Ensu ring qual ity of outp ut th . d rtm ents
·b 'liti t err epa
ess and its impact on the
(b) Assi gnin g nece ssary duti es and resp ~~~ i 0 ;sth~ busin
(c) Taking resp onsi bilit y for all the activities
. .
society . taine d with in the organisation.
(d) Ensu ring that the safe ty stan dard s are main

Sample Paper 9 ~n-

restaurant in Delhi. He has identified
. I ning to sta rt a I K h .. follt
48 . Lakshay 1s p an ff at the restaurant name y; as min cuisine {J typ
cruisines that he ma~ _o ernd RaJ· asthani Cuisine. Now he needs to' ttara1}sOf
. S. dhi Cuisine a
Cuisine, in
.. Id 'fy eva1 ~~~
th most viable proposition. enh the step i \tat~ ~i
• nd select e . n the e~
alternabve a h eds to perform after selecting the most viable . Pia~ .t~
process that Laks ay n~ option. ~t~~
(a) Selecting an alternative
(b) Setting objectives
(c) Evaluating alternative courses
(d) None of the above . .
ing text and answer queshon No. 49-54 on the basis of the san.
Read the f o11oW ••1e:
d ided to start a tiffin service under the brand name 'Annapurna' to in
Me hak ec d l . 'ff' nl . th creaSe
f mil income. To begin with she starte supp ymg ti m o y m e neighbourh her
~ or~g the people about her service she designed a beautiful informative Pam ~Od. P01
it printed and started distributing it through the daily newspapers. She has decided et, go1
the size and shape of the package which will be convenient to open, handle and Us ~Seleq
consumers based on a survey conducted by her. e rtht
49. Identify the promotional tool used by Mehak to communicate to the customers ab
her tiffin service. ut
(a) Personal selling (b) Advertising
(c) Public relation (d) Sales promotion
50. Identify the important product related decision which has not been mentioned in the
above paragraph.
(a) Branding (b) Labelling
(c) Packaging (d) All of the above
51. Name the function of packaging being mentioned in the given paragraph.
(a) Facilitating use of the Product (b) Product Identification
(c) Product Protection (d) None of the above
52. Identify the element of marketing mix not being mentioned in the above paragraph
(a) Product (b) Price
(c) Place (d) Promotion
53. Identify the channel of distributiion being adopted by Mehak.
(a) Direct channel (b) Indirect channel
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
54. Identify the marketing philosophy being adopted by Mehak.
(a) Product concept (b) Productiion concept
(c) Marketing concept (d) Societial marketing concept
55. Japleen works as a time table in charge in a senior secondary school. She prepares
time table for all the staff members in the beginning of the new session. At the end
of that session there is need for a new time table to be drawn on the basis of new
requirements and future conditions. identify the feature of planning function being
described in the above lines.

~ P-IE) Perfect 10+ 1 Sample Papers in Business Studies-XII

ac hi ev in g objectiv es
pl anni ng fo cu ses_ o~
(a) anning is fu tu .
ns hc
) pJ uous
(I? fanning is contin g
Ppl nn ing in vo lv es decision m ak in
(d) a
th er ow ns a su ga rcane factory . , A ndhra Pradesh. Over the
an 's fa I~ C hi ttoor
e management a d worsened. In order to
)laJtlll the rift between th they decide to h. n
e w or kers has
years, ve the situation, ated efforts to I~e a management consultant, kers and the
entr e wor
iJJt? ; ant makes conc r H e adv· c atnhge th e mind sett of th
· h
)laJnlgement towards
each ot he
• ises em to co•opera e wit each other rather
ff y t
Jllanaquarrelling over trivial issues. Id 1 th con~ept of scientific managemen
n e.
th ~ used by R aj in ik an th to impro ve t~ e work situation at the factory.
1,e1ng . .
(a) Just m tu ne .
(b) Mental re vo lu tio
(c) Lean manufactu
(d) None of the abov t, bu t w it h the entry of MNCs
lthca re se gm en
irv Lt d. w as a ~ ar k et _le~der in the Hea h th e si tu at io n th e General Manager
57, N clining. In order to
deal w it the
its m ar ke t sh ar e Is. de
au th or it y to di ff er ent levels throughout
er se d some of hi s ons and actions whi
of the company di sp s ta ke su it ab le de ci si
en ab le the manager anagement which
organisation so as to enti fy th e co nc ep t of m
w it hi n th ei r re sp ec tive jurisdiction. Id
are ove.
has been described ab (b) Decentralisation
(a) Delegation (d) None of the abov
en t he
(c) Span of m an ag em
in P un e. T hr ou gh systematic planning
s a diagnostic cent als of the organisation
. Gauri S ha nk ar ru n ade aw ar e of w ha t th e go
w ay s en su re s th at each employee is m al s. Id en ti fy th e related po in t of
al e go
u st do to achieve thos
an d w ha t he /s he m
au ri S ha nk er ha s emphasised upon.
in g th at G
importance o f p la n n an d wasteful activities
s ov er la pp in g
(a) Planning re du ce
(b ) Planning is a m
en ta l exercise
es directions
(c) Planning pr ov id
e risks of uncertainty
(d) Pla nn in g re du ce s th
ny in In di a. T he pr od uc ti on m an ag er
di L td . is a w el l k n o w n au to m ob il e th e co m pa ny because of effect
9. Gad sult s co m e to
th e co m pa ny be li ev es th at th e be st re em en t an d a co op erative w or ke rs
of anag
hi p be tw ee n a tr ai ne d an d qualified m th e pr in ci pl e of scientific
partners io ns . Id en ti fy
th us th er e is n o n ee d o f tr ad e un
ag em en t b ei n g de sc ri be d above.
sc or d
(a) Harmony, n o t di
o f thumb eatest efficiency an
(b) Science, n o t ru le rs on to ge t ou r gr
ea ch an d ev er y pe
(c) Development o f
(d) None of th e ab ov

ple Paper 9 {SP.12L

60. Assertion(A): Delegation has a narrow scope.
Reason (R): Delegation implies extension of auth
ority to the
management. lowest
(a) Both the statements (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is
the right expla . ~f
(b) Both the statements (A) and (R) are correct but (R)
is not the right nation of (
explanation A)
(c) Statement (A) is correct but statement (R) is incorrect 01
(d) Both statements (A) and (R) are incorrect

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