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If it is true that God is a male, then His Divinity or Deity is expressed in His
masculinity. Yet I am a woman, and there are parts of my body; such as my breasts,
my vagina, and my womb that are telling a story about God that I have never
learned or understood. This is an exploration of the significance of a womb that
must shed and bleed before it can create.

Women's voices have been silenced for a long time as society and the church has
quieted their bodies. Will we courageously choose to listen to the sound of your
voice, the song of your womb, and speak for the world to hear?

Theology of the Womb is a few stories from my own journey of finding a God who
bleeds just like my body bleeds on a monthly basis … [T]hrough deep prayer and
research, I came to see this subject as an invitation to hear a silent message that
men have been unable to address as well as women can. Men cannot give birth,
and while men co-create with God as like women do, the physical act of bleeding
and birthing—being intimately connected and co-creating alongside our Maker—is
a part of our glory as women.

Christy Angelle Bauman, Theology of the Womb: Knowing God

Through the Body of a Woman.
Introduction: The Story of the Womb Section 3: Dying and Burying
Chapter 9: A Menopausal God
Section 1: Waiting and Growth Chapter 10: Womb Theology
Chapter 1: A Bleeding God Chapter 11: Climacteric
Chapter 2: Rites of Passage
Chapter 3: A Singing, Storytelling God

Section 2: Creating and Birthing

Chapter 4: Breasts Bras & Breastplates
Chapter 5: A Sexual God
Chapter 6: God as Womb
Chapter 7: A Creating God
Chapter 8: God as Mother
Introduction: The Story of the Womb

• “Before there was a beginning, there was a womb.”

• PL memahami “bara”, menciptakan, sama seperti orang yang sedang melahirkan. Band. Yehezkiel 21:30

• Maka perkataan tentang Allah (baca: teologi) sesungguhnya memuat kisah-kisah tentang Allah yang berahim
dan melahirkan kehidupan yang keluar dari rahimNya. Dan sama seperti rahim yang memiliki siklus menstruasi
(peluruhan sel-sel darah dari dinding rahim), folikuler (ovarium memproduksi folikel yang berisi sel ovum atau sel
telur), ovulasi (sel telur dilepaskan untuk siap dibuahi oleh sperma) dan luteal (folikel yang telah pecah
mengeluarkan sel telur akan membentuk korpus luteum, yang memicu peningkatan hormon progesteron untuk
mempertebal lapisan dinding rahim); demikian juga pembagian waktu dalam kalender Kristen
(Adven/Natal/Epifani/Prapaska/Paska/Pentakosta dan Minggu-minggu Biasa) dapat dibaca dari lensa siklus
kerahiman ini.
waiting/growth creation/birth burial/death
• Menstruasi: stigma, shame, taboo

• Niddah (Ibr.) sebagai dosa yang menubuh yang memunculkan halangan religius dan
seksual bagi perempuan. Sementara kutukan atas laki-laki terkait dengan kerja atas
alam, perempuan menanggung kutukan itu pada tubuhnya (mengandung dan birahi, Kej

• Allah, sang Bapa, meninggalkan Kristus yang menanggung dosa dunia sebagai “yang
terkutuk” karena tubuhNya yang mengalami pendarahan di kayu salib mengungkapkan
nilai rohani yang sama seperti “darah menstrual” yang najis.
“Madonna is holding death
or releasing what has been emptied ..”
Heather Smith Stringer
ritual maker, psychoterapist
“Our menstrual blood is symbolically a powerful offering to cover what is impure, common, and
unclean; to pay the price by being poured out of us, so that life can be reborn.

As believers, God has given us two powerful elements: blood and water, which are symbols in
times of sacrifice and worship. Jesus used these two elements often to display power: baptism,
communion, and eternal life. Death’s intent was to mock God when Jesus died on the cross, but
Christ defeated death. We as Christ followers no longer have to fear death or being unclean, for
we are “washed in the blood of the Lamb” and “baptized in the Holy Spirit.” Blood (life) and water
(cleansing) are two elements of power we have as believers. For women, the theology of the
womb highlights that menstruation and birth bear these two elements.”
Hawa dan Bunda Maria

Dua perempuan, dua teologi

dengan satu pengalaman kerahiman

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