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BMC Capacity Management

BMC Capacity Management delivers business-aware capacity planning for modern data
centers — comprised of physical, virtual, and cloud technologies — by linking IT
resources to measurable business impact. It combines flexible visualization, automated
exception-based analysis and reporting, and a wide range of planning capabilities to
provide a comprehensive solution for ensuring cost-effective, optimal business service
performance and alignment.

Key Benefits Business Challenge

» Leverage modern, elastic Organizations in every market segment require IT to continuously anticipate and meet the changing
architectures to deliver services capacity needs of the business, while also ensuring optimal performance and cost. Enterprises with siloed,
faster with minimal risk heterogeneous environments struggle to manage and plan for service performance and capacity needs
» Promote unified visibility across IT effectively. Moreover, the shared and dynamic nature of virtual and cloud technologies increases risk when
departments, better align IT and the demand for IT resources exceeds available capacity. In order to avoid poor performance, frequent
the business, and increase IT outages, missed SLAs, and unplanned expenditures, companies are adopting continuous, business-aware
agility and control capacity management as a new approach to IT resource optimization.

» Effectively respond to business

demand, while reducing operating Effective capacity management balances cost against capacity (and supply against demand) to ensure that
and capital expenditures sufficient IT resources are available to meet current and future business requirements. Unfortunately, for the
majority of IT organizations with an already over-burdened staff, capacity management remains an
» Remove impediments for
unattainable goal. Enterprises cannot rely solely on a manual approach and highly skilled capacity planners;
effective capacity management;
new tools providing a high degree of
placing the power of capacity
management within everyone’s automation and integration are required.
» Better support the business by
The BMC Solution
streamlining operational BMC Capacity Management is an easy-to-use,
processes “business-aware” solution that doesn’t require
specialist skills to implement or use. It provides
all the analysis, forecasting, modeling, and
reporting capabilities you need to implement a
continuous, comprehensive, and structured
capacity management process.

With BMC Capacity Management, you can Figure 1. Quickly identify over and underutilized systems
automatically identify under-utilized or over- and areas of unused capacity
utilized servers; accurately plan, implement,
and manage your virtualization and cloud computing initiatives; and continuously optimize your data center
resources — all with your existing IT staff. Moreover, by linking business key performance indicators (KPIs)
with resource utilization data, you can relate your capacity needs to business drivers in order to improve

BMC Capacity Management provides process-level data collection technology, as well as the ability to
integrate performance metrics related to any IT resource (physical and virtual servers, databases,
middleware, storage, networks, facilities, and more) or business service. Data sourcing options include third-
party performance management tools, standard interfaces and protocols, and custom repositories.
Moreover, the solution integrates with BMC’s comprehensive portfolio of Business Service Management
(BSM) solutions, including BMC ProactiveNet Performance Management, the BMC Atrium CMDB, and
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping.

BMC Capacity Management is based on a robust and scalable architecture with an open and extensible
capacity database (CDB). It provides powerful and modern visualization capabilities to easily enable
consistent analysis, modeling, and reporting across today’s complex, heterogeneous environments.
Why BMC Analyze and Forecast Business Service Performance
» Enterprise-wide capacity BMC Capacity Management provides sophisticated,
management: Create yet easy-to-use, analysis and forecasting capabilities
comprehensive, technical, and that enable you to rapidly identify resource/service
business views of enterprise trends and requirements to deliver consistent
resources by linking IT resources performance that meets or exceeds expectations.
(physical and virtual servers,
databases, applications, storage, » Analyze application performance running in a
networks, and facilities) with physical, virtual, or cloud environment with a
business KPIs wide range of views
» Business-aware capacity » Analyze resource utilization with respect to
planning: Continuously align IT
capacity and business demand business cycles to identify busiest periods,
Figure 2. Automatically forecast growth and
periodical behaviors, and baselines
notify users of impending saturation date
» Automated capacity
management: Perform » Identify how operational and process events,
exception-based analysis and such as incidents, maintenance, or change events, consume resources that impact performance
modeling, and generate reports » Analyze aggregated resources at different levels, such as physical clusters or any other logical
» Hybrid data center groupings, and generate “typical” utilization profiles
optimization: Optimize workload » Predict saturation dates and residual capacity with comprehensive forecasting techniques, such as
allocation for physical, virtual, and linear, last-ramp detection, time-shifts, exponential, logarithmic, Holt-Winters, and Box and Jenkins
cloud environments
» Automatically identify and notify users of resource saturations or deviations from baselines ahead of
» Unified BSM architecture: time — before services are impacted
Integrate discovery, configuration,
» Track the servers and applications in an n-tier application that make up overall response time
performance, and capacity
management » Analyze application utilization and non-linear response time in terms of CPU service, CPU queuing,
and I/O service and wait time

Align IT Capacity to Business Drivers

BMC Capacity Management enables users to optimize service performance and hardware spend by
modeling the impact a business change, such as increasing the number of customer orders, will have on
performance and response time. It provides a broad range of predictive capabilities, including correlation
and analytic modeling, extrapolation analysis, and “what-if” scenarios that support a proactive approach to
prevent service disruptions and continuously align capacity with business demand.

» Analyze how capacity needs are related to

business drivers by correlating resource
performance with business KPIs, such as
identifying the storage space requirements of
customer relationship management (CRM) users

» Estimate saturation points in terms of business

metrics, such as identifying the maximum
number of transactions that can be supported by
the current infrastructure

» Model how infrastructure changes, such as

horizontal/vertical scaling, and business
Figure 3. Identify business growth scenarios
changes, such as business trends, impact (utilization vs. orders) with estimated saturation point
resource utilization and service response time

» Identify bottlenecks and required additional capacity to support expected/desired growth in terms of
business KPIs, while also respecting thresholds on resource utilization and response times

» Evaluate and compare different hardware options with respect to standard (SPEC, TPC-C) or custom
benchmarks, as well as to other criteria, such as overall cost or compliance with Green IT guidelines

Deliver Optimal Consolidation, Virtualization, and Cloud Plans

BMC Capacity Management reduces the risk of migrating applications to private and hybrid clouds with
comprehensive consolidation, virtualization, and cloud planning capabilities — across a full range of
provisioning options.
Using policy-based planning, BMC Capacity Management takes business, technical, and compliance
constraints into consideration to identify the optimal
Business Benefits
workload placement that will ensure workload
» Cost reduction: Infrastructure
compatibility, minimize resource contention, and use
right-sizing and timely (also
the least amount of resources.
known as ”just-in-time”)
provisioning enable savings on
both hardware and operating » Gain a comprehensive view of shared
costs. resources, including physical utilization at the
host level and virtual utilization at the virtual
» Risk avoidance: Automated machine level
notification of forecasted capacity
issues improves service » Model consolidation, virtualization, and cloud
availability and guarantees higher activities by identifying best candidates, targets,
Figure 4. Design, manage, and optimize virtual and
levels of service. and placement scenarios with respect to cloud infrastructures with policy-based planning
technical, geographical, and business criteria
» Safe consolidation: Placement
simulation and optimization
enables safe data center » Identify required additional resources and best configurations at the virtualization layer, including data
consolidation, virtualization, and store and memory requirements associated to these scenarios
cloud initiatives. » Automatically forecast resource utilization in the cloud with respect to business KPIs
» IT and business alignment:
» Account for resource consumption and “show” or “charge” costs back to users or other accounting
Correlation between capacity
entities using different cost modeling options, including fixed, allocated, or utilization models
needs and business drivers
ensures that IT infrastructures » Simulate how changes in cost models might affect accounting and chargeback analysis and reports
always match service demands.

Deliver Automated, Exception-Based Analysis, Reports, and Plans

BMC Capacity Management visualization capabilities, powered by a robust CDB, enable consistent,
common reporting across today’s complex, heterogeneous environments. A variety of performance reports
and graphs can be created automatically or in response to ad hoc queries. Graphs and reports can be
tailored to answer specific questions or provide exact data views. By focusing on areas of interest, you can
refine data views, isolate the root cause of a problem, and discover potential solutions.

The solution includes advanced statistical analysis capabilities that examine business drivers for long-term
patterns, typical use, and response-time peaks and valleys. After understanding normal performance
characteristics, it delivers exception reports automatically. All performance reports and graphs can be
reviewed and refined through the intuitive interface that provides an interactive, self-service capability for
system administrators and business users who want insight into the overall performance of their application
servers. A web-based interface provides dynamic access to performance information, with best-practice
views that foster communication between performance staff and business owners.

» Allow business and technical users access to user-friendly web console and easily-customizable web
dashboard to view graphs and reports according to their specific roles

» Monitor forecasted issues and deviations from baselines and automatically notify users (e.g. via mail to
defined recipients with attached by-exception reports)

» Leverage the embedded reporting engine (based on Eclipse BIRT) to design, generate, and publish
scheduled, on-demand, and by-exception reports in PDF, HTML, RTF, PPT, and other formats.

Leverage Multiple Data Sources and Detailed Performance Data

Effective capacity management begins with efficient and accurate performance data collection. BMC
Capacity Management provides the most flexible and comprehensive data collection options on the market
today. IT organizations can use their existing data sources or deploy BMC data collection. Users can quickly
and easily leverage their existing performance and business data for capacity analysis, reporting, and
planning using out-of-the-box data connectors or creating custom connectors as needed. Sample data
sources include:

» BMC: BMC ProactiveNet Performance Management, BMC PATROL, and BMC Atrium

» Third-party: VMware vCenter, MS SCOM, Citrix Xen Server, and nMon

» Standard Interfaces and Protocols: WMI, SAR, SNMP, and JMX

» Custom: CSV files, application log files,
and custom databases

For companies that lack performance data or

require the added accuracy and detail of
granular process-level performance data, BMC
Capacity Management includes data collection
capabilities that cover physical and virtual
® ®
systems on UNIX , Linux , and Windows

operating systems. Data collection is scalable Figure 5. Track the components in an n-tier application that
makeup overall response time
with low overhead and highly granular
sampling intervals. As user volume increases, applications are added, or infrastructure grows, performance
data collection continues without interruption, omission, manual intervention, or increased overhead to the
server. BMC Capacity Management can be configured for agentless data collection from VMware ESX and
Microsoft Windows, providing all the benefits of granular data collection without the administrative burden.

Superior server configuration data collection, coupled with the most sophisticated and automatic techniques
for matching performance benchmarks with measured configurations, ensures accurate results for P2P,
P2V, and V2V capacity planning studies. Patented technology ensures a near 100 percent data-capture
rate that is unique in the industry, providing a business advantage unmatched by any other solution. This
technology provides a foundation for current performance reporting, sizing, and analytic modeling results.
Real-time data, as well as near-term, detailed, historical data, is also available, allowing continuous access
to detailed, accurate data for performance through capacity planning activities.

Drive Business Value through a Unified BSM Architecture

Business Service Management (BSM) is a comprehensive approach and unified platform that
simultaneously optimizes IT costs, demonstrates transparency, increases business value, controls risk, and
assures quality of service. BSM simplifies, standardizes, and automates IT processes, so you can efficiently
manage business services throughout their lifecycle — across distributed, mainframe, virtual, and cloud-
based resources.

BMC Capacity Management enables IT Operations to deliver real business value through integration with
third-party and BMC tools, such as the BMC Atrium CMDB, BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency
Mapping and BMC ProactiveNet Performance Management.

BUSINESS RUNS ON I.T. Integration with the BMC Atrium CMDB

I.T. RUNS ON BMC SOFTWARE. BMC Capacity Management leverages business service relationships stored in the BMC Atrium CMDB to
Business thrives when IT runs smarter,
deliver precise capacity analysis, reporting, and planning based on the current service configurations.
faster, and stronger. That’s why the most
Leveraging existing configuration items (CIs) and service relationships defined in the BMC Atrium CMDB
demanding IT organizations in the world
ensures consistency and eliminates the need to maintain the same information in multiple tools.
rely on BMC Software across both
distributed and mainframe environments.
Recognized as the leader in Business Integration with BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping
Service Management, BMC provides a Using BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping, BMC Capacity Management has visibility into all
comprehensive and unified platform that physical and virtual resources currently deployed in your data center. Though this integration, BMC
helps IT organizations cut cost, reduce Capacity Management can analyze performance and capacity utilization and design the optimal mix of
risk, and drive business profit. For the physical and virtual resources that will maintain performance and quality of service (QOS).
four fiscal quarters ended September 30,
2010, BMC revenue was approximately
Integration with BMC ProactiveNet Performance Management
$1.96 billion.
BMC Capacity Management integrates with BMC ProactiveNet Performance Management for an end-to-
end view of business-service performance and capacity. Though this integration, your IT operations staff
can manage every stage of the performance management workflow cycle by delivering real-time analytics,
historical data analysis, long-term capacity planning, and performance tuning.

For More Information

To learn more on BMC Capacity Management, please visit

BMC, BMC Software, and the BMC Software logo are the exclusive properties of BMC Software, Inc., are registered with the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office, and may be registered or pending registration in other countries. All other BMC trademarks, service marks, and logos may be
registered or pending registration in the U.S. or in other countries. UNIX is the registered trademark of The Open Group in the US and other
countries. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective
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owners. © 2006,2009, 2010 BMC Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

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