Materi Presentasi 2

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PE 6-1A Gross profit

During the current year, merchandise is sold for $315,800 cash and $1,225,000 on
account. The cost of the merchandise sold is $875,000. What is the amount of the gross
Selama tahun berjalan, barang dagangan dijual seharga $315.800 tunai dan $1,225.000
secara kredit. Harga pokok barang dagangan yang dijual adalah $875.000. Berapa jumlah
keuntungan kotornya?
Diketahui :
(gross profit = Pendapatan Penjualan – Harga Pokok Penjualan).
Pendapatan penjualan : ( 315.800 + 1.225.000) = 1.540.800
Harga pokok penjualan : 875.000
Jawab :
Gross profit = 1.540.800 – 875.000
Gross profit = 665.800
2. PE 6-1B Gross profit
During the current year, merchandise is sold for $18.300 cash and $295.000 on account.
The cost of the merchandise sold is $188.000. what is the amount of the gross profit?
Jawab :
Gross profit = 313.300 – 188.000
Gross profit = 125.300
3. PE 6-2A
Purchases transactions
Halibut Company purchased merchandise on account from a supplier for $18,600, terms
2/10, n/30. Halibut Company returned $5,000 of the merchandise and received full
credit. a. If Halibut Company pays the invoice within the discount period, what is the
amount of cash required for the payment? b. What account is credited by Halibut
Company to record the return?
Perusahaan Halibut membeli barang dagang secara kredit dari supplier seharga $18.600.
Syaratnya 2/10, n/30. Perusahaan Halibut mengembalikan barang dagangannya (retur)
senilai $5.000 dan menerima kredit penuh.
Pembelian : 18.600
pengembalian : 5.000
Nilai pembayaran (bukan dalam periode diskon)
Nilai pembayaran = pembelian – pengembalian
Nilai pembayaran = 18.600 – 5000
Nilai pembayaran = 13.400

Ditanyakan :
a. Jika perusahaan Halibut membayar faktur/tagihan dalam periode diskon, berapa
nilai kas yang diperlukan untuk pembayarannya?
b. Akun apa yang dikreditkan oleh perusahaan Halibut dalam mencatat pengembalian

Jawab (a)
Mencari nilai
pembelian setelah Jawab (b)
Pembelian 18600 - (18600 x 2%) Merchandise inventory
18600 372 (barang dagang) = saldo
normal di debet (bertambah)
Mencari nilai Jadi kalo berkurang di kredit.
n setelah
didiskon 4. PE 6-2B (cara sama seperti di
pengembalian 5000 - (5000 x 2%)
5000 - 100 atas)
4900 Purchases transactions

Pembelian - 18.228- Hoffman Company

pengembalia 4900 purchased merchandise on
n = 13328
account from a supplier for
$65,000, terms 1/10, n/30.
Hoffman Company returned $7,500 of the merchandise and received full credit. a. If
Hoffman Company pays the invoice within the discount period, what is the amount of
cash required for the payment? b. What account is debited by Hoffman Company to
record the return?

Jawab (a)
pembelian 65000 - 65000 x 1%
0 - 650

pengembalian 7500 - 7500 x 1%

7500 - 75

0 - 7425
= 5
Jawab (b)
Yang didebetkan = utang dagang (account payable) = karena mengurangi utang

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