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Name :
Class : Year 1
Subject : Science
Date : 11th November 2021 (Thursday) & 12th November 2021 (Friday)
Time : 1030-1230
Teacher : Norazimah binti Gani
Theme : Material Science
Topic : 8.0 Absorption
Content : 8.1 The ability of materials to absorb water.
Learning : 8.1.1 Identify the objects that absorb water and cannot absorb water through
Standard investigation.
8.1.2 Classify objects that absorb water and cannot absorb water.
8.1.3 Describe the ability of objects to absorb water based on types of materials
through investigation.
8.1.4 State the importance of objects that absorb water and cannot absorb
water in daily life.
Learning : At the end of this lesson, pupils able to:
outcomes 1. State the objects that absorb water and cannot absorb water.
2. List the importance of objects that absorb water and cannot absorb water
in daily life.
3. Classify objects that absorb water and cannot absorb water.
4. List the reasoning on the importance of materials that do not absorb water
in daily life.
References : 1) Text book page 71-80.
2) Youtube (Part 1) (Part 2)
3) Activity book page 49, 51, 53, 54, 55
Assessment : Writing
1. State the objects that absorb water and cannot absorb water. (PL1)
2. List the importance of objects that absorb water and cannot absorb water
in daily life. (PL2)
3. Classify objects that absorb water and cannot absorb water. (PL3)
4. List the reasoning on the importance of materials that do not absorb water
in daily life. (PL4)
5. Arrange in sequence the ability of objects to absorb water based on types
of materials. (PL5)
Note/Examples: Absorption

Objects that cannot absorb water

Instruction 1. Read and observe the note given. You are advised to refer note in the textbook
page 71-80.
Baca dan perhatikan nota yang diberikan. Kamu juga digalakkan untuk merujuk
buku teks muka surat 71-80.

2. You can also refer to this video

Kamu juga boleh merujuk kepada video ini (Part 1) (Part 2)

*** Do on 11th November 2021 (Thursday)

3. Science Recreation.
Let’s Test: Water Absorbent or Not (Activity 1).

i) Apparatus and Materials

ii) Steps

1) Put drops of coloured water onto the object.

2) Observe what happens to the coloured water.
3) Record your observation in a table as shown below.
Object Absorb Water?
Yes No
Notepad √
Tissue paper
Paper clip
Cotton balls
Plastic toy
4. Complete the exercise in activity book page 49 and 51 (Activity 2).
Selesaikan latihan dalam buku aktiviti muka surat 49 dan 51 (Aktiviti 2).

Page 49: Colour the objects that absorb water.

Muka surat 49: Warna object yang menyerap air.

Page 51: Classify the following objects correctly.

Muka surat 51: Kelaskan objek-objek berikut mengikut kumpulan yang betul.

*** Do on 12th November 2021 (Friday)

5. Science Recreation.
Let’s Test: More Absorbent Material (Activity 3).

i) Apparatus and Materials

ii) Steps

1. Cut the newspaper, kitchen paper and

cloth into strip of same size.

2. Glue the strips onto a stick.

3. Dip the ends of the strips into a

beaker containing a coloured water. Leave
for 1 minute.
3. Observe the water level absorbed by
the three objects.

iii) Answer the questions beloq.

1) Which object absorbed water the most?


2) Which object absorbed water the least?


3) Arrange the objects according to their ability to absorb water

in an ascending order.

6. Complete the exercise in activity book page 53, 54 and 55 (Activity 4).
Selesaikan latihan dalam buku aktiviti muka surat 53, 54 dan 55 (Aktiviti 4).

Page 53: Do the experiment and answer the questions given. You can refer to
this video on how to conduct the experiment
Muka surat 49: Jalankan eksperimen dan jawab soalan yang diberikan. Kamu
boleh rujuk video ini tentang cara mengendalikan eksperimen.

Page 54: Match the pictures to the correct answer.

Muka surat 54: Padankan jawapan dengan gambar yang betul.

Page 55: Match the importance of non-absorbent objects to the answer.

Muka surat 55: Padankan jawapan dengan kepentingan objek yang tidak
menyerap air.

7. Submit your exercise.

Hantar latihan kamu

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