Revisi Terbaru-Block 1 Study Skills

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Block Guide

Block 1
Study Skills

dr. Ratih Yulistika Utami, MMedEd


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Competency-based curriculum with SPICES approach had been implemented in the
undergraduate program in medical education, according to the Ministry of National Education
decree No. 045/U/2002 since 2008.
A competency-based curriculum's objective is to produce a professional doctor capable of
giving community service and utilizing technology. The curriculum at the Faculty of Medicine,
UMSU, had been revised and reviewed third, the first in 2011, 2016, and 2020.
The study skills block is the first block in which students would be prepared with generic
skills to face the next blocks. This block comprises learning methods, generic skills such as
reading, communication, note-taking skills. This block is the basic knowledge that correlates with
their studies throughout the future semesters.

Faculty of Medicine,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

( Prof. dr. H.Gusbakti Rusip, M.Sc., PKK, AIFM )


Acknowledgement 1
Content 2
Faculty of Medicine's Visions, Missions, and Objectives 3

Chapter I Introduction
1.1 Block description 4
1.2 Learning outcome 4
1.3 Assessment 5

Chapter II Learning Activities

2.1 Lecture 7
2.2 SGD 7
2.3 Laboratory practice 7
2.4 Self study 8
2.6 PIM 8

Chapter III Learning topic

3.1 Learning scope 9
3.1.1 Topic tree 9
3.1.2 Learning topic 10
3.2 List of competences 12
3.3 List of references 12
3.4 Table of lecturer and facilitator 13

Reference 15

1. List of assignments 16
2. Block schedule 18

Faculty of Medicine's Visions, Missions, and Objectives

To be a leading center of medical education in the development of science, technology, and human
resources that have a global perspective, professional, dedicated, and community-oriented, based
on Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan principles

1. Providing education and teaching medical science that is competency-based and built upon
Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan
2. Conducting research and development in the field of medical science based on Al-Islam
and Kemuhammadiyahan
3. Carrying out community service in the field of medical science based on Al-Islam and

1. To produce graduates who are professional, competent, dedicated, and have an Islamic
perspective by the Indonesian Doctors Competency Standards (SKDI) and Standards of
Character and Competence of Muhammadiyah's Doctor (SKKDM)
2. To increase the number of research and scientific publications in national and international
3. To develop a network of sustainable partnerships in the field of medical science at the
national and international level
4. To Increase the number of community services to create a healthy and knowledgeable

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1. Introduction
Research is the first block in the first semester. This block will be held for two weeks with two credits, consisted of almost
19 hours of lecture session, 2 hours of laboratory practice, 4 hours of small group discussion, and 4 hours project-based learning.
This block's contents are related to all blocks given from the first to fourth semester.

1.2. Learning outcomes:

At the end of this block, students are able to:
1. Explain the generic skills in learning
2. Explain the learning methods in medical school
3. Explain the medical curriculum, especially in FM UMSU
4. Explain the attitude based on academic regulation and Islamic concept
5. Find the valid literature and understand the importance of evidence-based medicine for medical practice
6. Explain the character of students as an adult learner and the concept of lifelong learning

National Competency areas of Graduate profile LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO

Qualification Indonesian doctors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
framework competency standards
Attitude Professionalism Islamic doctors a
Generic skills Introspective and self- Competence doctors a a a a a a a a a
Effective Competence doctors, global
a a
communication perspective doctors
Information Competence doctors, global a a a a a a
management perspective doctors
Knowledge The scientific basis of Competence doctors a a a a a
Specific skills Clinical skills Competence doctors a
Management of health Competence doctors, a a a
problems community-oriented doctors

1.3 Assessment

Aspects Assessment method Summative Formative Percentage

Knowledge Project-based learning Do the project under the Feedback from lecturer 40%
supervision of lecturers
Use relevant literature to
support the project
Making good ppowerpoint
Present the planning and
evaluation of the project to
the supervisors
Show good communication
Be able to manage time and
Make a reflection from the
experiences related tto he
Laboratory practice MCQ - 10%
Skills Note-taking (mind Define a problem at Feedback from lecturer 20%
map) thcenterre
Maconnectionsction between
Use different color and
Using sofapplicationscation
to make a mind map
Reading and paraphrase Determine the reading Feedback from lecturer 20%
skimming, intensive,
extensive rToding)

Do paraphe oahe
ceparticulararagraphofn an
Attitude Process observation Process observation checklist Feedback from lecturer 10%
while SGD and project-based

Chapter II
Learning Activities

To adapt to COVID-19 the pandemic, the learning activity has to be changed following the
changichangearningthe method. Since the spread of COVID-19 tren tendsncrease every day,
so ththe Indonesian government suggestsschools implement online learning. However, it is
challenging to conduct skills online. Online learning will be a success to enhance knowledge
acquisition, but not the skills. FM UMSU concern about that challenge and arrangarrangeded
learning, a combination of online, andface tface-to-faceing. The face tface-to-faceing is
explicitly aimed at skills training.

2.1 Lecture
The lecture is online meetings between students and lecturers in a large group of students. The
lecturer encourages students to give questions and have a discussion between students and
lecturers. Students have to download and read the lecture’s material before the online lecture
session from e-learning. Moreover, there are two to three topics discussed in one session.

2.2 small group discussion (SGD)

Small group discussion (SGD) is a learning activity that 8-10 students discuss with a facilitator.
SGD is held with seven jumps; students clarify new terminology, identify problems, brainstorm,
make a hypothesis, discuss, formulate learning issues, self-study, and share learning results.
SGD is held twice a week for two hours. This activity is also conducted online.

2.3 Laboratory practice

The laboratory practice should be a learning process in the laboratory in which students can
acquire and prove knowledge. In a pandemic situation, this learning activity is held online as
well as the lecture. The lecturers send the video of specific laboratory topics on e-learning, then
students need to watch and learn it.

2.4 Self-study
Self-study is a student activity to learn the subject or learning issues out of other learning
activities. Students can learn from any resources (meet up with lecturer online, online searching,
read a textbook, etc.) anywhere (library, home). Students, as an adult, have to regulate their
learning independently. Students who have strong internal motivation will gain online and face-
to-face learning, while students with low motivation will struggle.

2.5 Program Insan Mulia (PIM)

PIM is a program that was designed to reach Islamic competences. In competenciesm, the
student must memorize the ayat from Al-Qur’ a (Juz 30) and deliver it to their assigned lecturers
for recitation-DPHC (dosen pembimbing program insan mulia) every block. In the pandemic
siation, students have to send their memorizing videos to their lecturers.

Chapter III
Learning topic

3.1 Learning scope

3.1.1 Topic tree

• Islamic doctor
• Community
• Global perspective

Student of
Faculty of
Medicine, UMSU

Generic skills Learner

• communication Adult learner
• literature Critical thinker
searching Learning style
• reading and
• note taking and

3.1.2 Learning topic

Learning Content Sub content Teaching Time Assessment

outcomes learning allocation methods
1. Searching Literature Types of sea arch Lecture Download 1x50'
literature searching engine, free database bahan ajar
of mea dical journal, and
using keyword to discussion
search literature forum
Classification of Lecture
references style,
methods to write
Write references references
wdifferentnces style,
recognize references
Mendeley, Zotero, etc
Literature Laboratory Download 2x50' MCQ/Essay
searching and practice video
write references
2. Explain Doctor-patient Doctor and patient Lecture Download 1x50’ Assignment:
professional communication obligation, rights, bahan ajar Projebasedase
behaviors active listening learning
Being a medical The future medical Lecture
doctor doctor, five stars
doctor, UKMPPD,
(aaltruism honesty,e
3. Explateaching- Competence Compare conventional Lecture Download 1x50' Assignment:
learninging based curriculum acompetency-basedsed bahan ajar presentation
activities and PBL curriculum, PBL at SGD
principal (self-directed
learning, constructive,
SGD Seven jumps, Lecture Download 1x50'
component in SGD bahan ajar
process and their roles, and
assessment in SGD, discussion
rules in SGD forum

Basic clinical Basic clinical skills Lecture

skills phase, basic clinical (Basic
skills process, Clinical
assessment in skills Skills)
training (prerequisite
and OSCE), skills
trainin,g and OSCE
Clinical Family attachment Lecture Download 1x50'
experiences in program and hospital (Public bahan ajar
community and visit health) and

healthcare discussion
facilities forum
Islamic medicine Al-Qur’an recitation Lecture
and DPPIM program, SKKDM, 9 (Islamic
golden habits, medicine)
4. Explain study Learning theory Behavioral, Lecture Download 1x50'
skills and adult learner cognitivesocial- bahan ajar
Learning style and Classification of Lecture
strategies learning style, identify
student learning style,
classification of
learning strategies,
differences between
learning style and
learning strategies
Time management Basprinciplepal of Lecture Download 1x50' Assignment:
management, bahan ajar Make ppt for
management function, project-based
methods to manage learning
Makexcellentgood Methods to make a Lecture
and scientific good
presentation presentatipowerpointer
point, pPrezi, prezi, etc
Note taking and note-taking taking, Lecture Download 1x50' Assignment:
mind map thinking concept, bahan ajar Paraphrase
mindmap, conc,ept Mind map
map and methods a to (SGD)
make mind map
Academic reading Scanning, skimming, Lecture
intensive and extensive
5. Explain AssessmenThe Assessment process, Lecture Download 1x50'
academic assessment roles in examination (Assessment) bahan ajar
regulation Academic Stobligationst and Lecture and
regulation in obligation, rules of discussion
Faculty of dressing, study ta ime, forum
MedicinerightsU discipline, learning
6. Explain and Self-reflection and Definition, reflection Lecture Download 1x50' Assignment:
practice self- constructive leva el, write or make bahan ajar Project based
reflection feedback reflection, reflection learning
assessment, how to
give constructive
Jumlah jam kuliah 19 jam
Jumlah jam praktikum 4 jam
Jumlah SGD 1x pertemuan 4 jam

3.2 List of competence
(source SKDI 2012)
1. Area of competency 1: Professionalism
• Professional behaviors
2. AreaSelf-reflection2: Self reflection and self-development
• Apply self-reflection
• Practice lifelong learning
• Construct new knowledge and insight
3. Area of competency 3: Effective communication
• Doctor-patient communication
• Interprofessional communication
4. Area of competency 4: Information management

3.3 List of references

Department Title Writer Publisher Year/Editio
Generic skills in Murdoch-Eaton, Medical Education 2012: 46:
medical education: Whittle, Sue 120–128
developing the
tools for successful
lifelong learning
Basic in Medical Zubair Amin, Khoo World Scientific 2009/
Education Hoon Eng Publishing Second
Medical Company edition
Assessment in Neil Jackson, Alex CRC Press 2007/First
Medical Education Jamieson, Anwar Khan Edition
and Training: A
Practical Guide
Practical Guide to Zubair Amin, Chong World Scientific 2006
Medical Student Yap Seng, Khoo Hoon PublLiteraturempa
Assessment Eng ny
Lierature Doing a literature Christ Hart SAGE 2001
searching and search: a Publications.
write references comprehensive First Edition
guide. SAGE
Study Skills Series

Department Title Writer Publisher Year/Editio
Being a medical Good medical General Medical 2013
doctor and practice. Available Council
doctor-patients from:
communication https://www.gmc-

Standar Konsil Kedokteran 2012
Kompetensi Dokter Indonesia

A world of Cuesta-Briand B., BMC Medical 2014;14(77).

difference’: a Auret, K., Johnson P., Education
qualitative study of Playford D.
medical students’
views on
professionalism .’d
the ‘good doctor’.,
Komunikasi Konsil Kedokteran 2006
Efektif Dokter- Indonesia
Islamic Kumpulan Kuliah Omar Kasule
medicine Kedokteran Islam

3.4 Table of lecturer and facilitator

Department Name Telp Email
Medical dr. Hemma Yulfi, DAP&E, 08116143112
education unit M.MedEd 08116023347
dr. Ratih Yulistika Utami, M.Med.Ed 081381008194
dr. Melviana Lubis, M.Biomed
Tutorial dr. Cut Mourisa, M.Biomed 08116323580
Division dr. Amelia Eka Damayanti, M.Gizi 081376107613
dr. Isra Thristy, M.Biomed 08126330780
dr. Ikhfana S, Sp.P
Skills lab dr. Debby Mirani Lubis, M.Biomed 08116551286
division dr. Said Munazar Rahmat, MKT 081361658686
dr. Rahmanita Sinaga, Sp.OG 0811605345
dr. Nita Andrini, Sp.KK 08197213460

Assessment dr. Ance Roslina,M.Kes 081370163232
division dr. Mila Trisna Sari 08192100173
dr. Rinna Azrida, M.Kes 082163633300
drg. Hasbina Wildhani 081375430035
dr. Hidayat Sasmita,M.Biomed 081361694245
dr. Annisa, MKT 081218615119
Islamic dr. M. Jalaluddin A Chalil, SpAn 08116000196
Medicine Unit Maulana Siregar, S.Ag, MA 085261567300
dr. Des Suryani, M.Biomed 082112342024
dr. Siti Mirhalina, Sp.PA 083196902870
Public health dr. Ika Nopa Nasution, M.Kes 08116578868
department dr. Elman Boy, M.Kes 08112570085
dr. Heppy Jelita Sari, MKM 081396678841
dr. Dwi Mahayeti, M/Kes 081375746616
dr. Rinna Azrida, M.Kes 082163633300
dr. Yulia Afrina, MKM 081370888764
dr. Mila Trisna Sari, MKM 08192100173
Dr. dr. Pinta Pudiyanti Siregar, MSc 081397683013
Agama Maulana, S.Ag, MA 085261567300
Pancasila Faisal, SH, M.Hum 081363614836
Bahasa Sri Listiana Izar, M.Pd 082276350662
Bahasa Inggris Dr.Bambang Panca Syahputra, 081375849750


1. . 2015. Panduan Akademik FK UMSU. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera

2. . Murdoch-Eaton, Whittle, Sue. 2012. Generic skills in medical education: developing the tools for
successful lifelong learning. Medical Education 2012: 46: 120–128

Attachment 1, Assignments:
1. Project-based learning
project-based project based learning
Project based learning is a learning method that provide opportunity for student to reach specific learning
objective by conducting a project altogether with peers in a group.

at the end of this project, students are able to:
a. Show empathy to others.
b. Demonstrate team work, time management, effective communication.
c. Make a reflection on interesting experiences of the project.
d. Demonstrate delivering constructive feedback to peers.

Students have to read the learning materials which have been provided at e-learning related to this
a. Doctor-patient communication
b. Literature searching
c. Make good and scientific presentation
d. Time management
e. Self-Reflection and constructive feedback

Students may conduct various activities online or offline to achieve the learning goals, for example hold
the charity event to collect donation for people who are affected by pandemic situation, promote health
education or information gathering education utilizing social media and technology.
If students choose to conduct a project offline, they should follow the health protocol, such as physical
distancing, use mask, wash hand, avoid the crowd.
Students should follow this step in order to conducting a project:
a. Contact the supervisor as soon as possible to make an appointment
b. Arrange a group meeting with supervisor to set up a project planning
c. Develop a project proposal under supervision
d. Conduct a project
e. Present projects’ report to the supervisor using power point in a group meeting

Assessment form
Project based learning
Likert scale 0-10 (very poor-excellent)
Aspects Score

Project proposal
Use relevant literature to support projects’ idea
Presentation skill
Provide image or video
Make an eye contact
Give suitable responses
Other skills
Time and team management
Reflection and feedbacks

2. Reading and paraphrase

1. Please read these learning materials below from e-learning before doing the assignment:
a. Academic reading
b. Write references
2. Read the assignment and article that has been attached at e-elarning
3. Submit your assignment at e-learning

Likert scale 0-10 (very poor-excellent)

Aspects Score
Determine the reading methods (scaning, skimming, intensive, extensive reading)
Use different structure or kind of the sentences to creat new sentences
Sentences have the same meaning as before
Utilize reference manager to make citation and reference

3. Mind map
1. Read relevant learning materials which are provided at e-learning (Note taking and mind map)
2. Make a mind map related to the problems at SGD session
3. Present your mind map to the lecturer at the SGD session two

Likert scale 0-10 (very poor-excellent)

Aspects Score
Define a problem at the centre
Make connection between concepts
Use various colors and images
Utilize software application to make a mind map

Attachment 2, Block Schedule

Week I:
Download materials (e-learning)
1. Block Introduction (dr. Ratih Y. Utami, M.Med.Ed)
2. Being a medical doctor (dr. Amelia Eka Damayanti, M.Gizi)
3. Doctor-patient communication (dr. Amelia Eka Damayanti, M.Gizi)
4. Academic regulation in Faculty of Medicine, UMSU (dr. Desi Isnayanti, M.Pd.Ked)
5. Assessment process (dr. Ance Roslina, M.Kes)
6. Literature searching (Dr. dr. Pinta Pudiyanti Siregar, MSc)
7. Write references (Dr. dr. Pinta Pudiyanti Siregar, MSc)
Day/ Class A Class B Class C
Date Content Lecturer Content Lecturer
08.00-08.50 Block introduction dr. Ratih Y. Utami,
(zoom meeting) M.Med.Ed
09.00-09.50 Block introduction dr. Ratih Y. Utami,
Oct 01,
(zoom meeting) M.Med.Ed
10.00-10.50 Block introduction dr. Ratih Y. Utami,
(zoom meeting) M.Med.Ed
Monday 08.00-08.50 Discussion forum: Dr. dr. Pinta Discussion forum: dr. Desi Isnayanti, dr. Amelia Eka
Oct 04, 1. Literature searching Pudiyanti Siregar, 1. Academic M.Pd.Ked Discussion forum: Damayanty, M.Gizi
2021 2. Write references MSc regulation in dr. Ance Roslina, 1. Being a medical
Faculty of doctor
Medicine, UMSU 2. Doctor-patient
SGD communication
2. Assessment process
09.00-09.50 dr. Amelia Eka Discussion forum: Dr. dr. Pinta Discussion forum: dr. Desi Isnayanti,
Discussion forum: Damayanty, M.Gizi 1. Literature searching Pudiyanti Siregar, 1. Academic M.Pd.Ked
1. Being a medical 2. Write references MSc regulation in dr. Ance Roslina,
doctor Faculty of M.Kes
2. Doctor-patient Medicine, UMSU
communication SGD
2. Assessment
10.00-11.50 Zoom meeting of Agama Maulana Siregar, Zoom meeting of Sri Listiana Izar, Zoom meeting of Dr.Bambang Panca
S.Ag, MA Bahasa Indonesia M.Pd Bahasa Inggris Syahputra, M.Hum
12.00-13.30 Lunch and Dzuhur Pray

13.30-14.20 Discussion forum: dr. Desi Isnayanti, dr. Amelia Eka Discussion forum: Dr. dr. Pinta Pudiyanti
Discussion forum:
1. Academic regulation M.Pd.Ked Damayanty, M.Gizi 1. Literature Siregar, MSc
1. Being a medical
in Faculty of dr. Ance Roslina, searching
Medicine, UMSU M.Kes 2. Write references
2. Doctor-patient
2. Assessment process
15.30-16.00 Ashar Pray
Tuesday Download materials (e-learning)
Oct 05, 1. Competence based curriculum and PBL (dr. Hemma Yulfi, DAP&E, M.MedEd)
2021 2. SGD (dr. Hemma Yulfi, DAP&E, M.MedEd)
3. Basic clinical skills (dr. Debby Mirani Lubis, M.Biomed)
4. Clinical experiences in community and healthcare facilities (Dr. dr. Pinta Pudiyanti Siregar, MSc)
5. Islamic medicine and DPPIM (dr. Des Suryani, M.Biomed)
6. Learning theory and adult learner (dr. Desi Isnayanti, M.Pd.Ked)
7. Learning style and strategies (dr. Desi Isnayanti, M.Pd.Ked)
08.00-09.50 Zoom meeting of Zoom meeting of Maulana Siregar, Zoom meeting of
Faisal, SH, M.Hum Sri Listiana Izar, M.Pd
Pancasila Agama MA Bahasa Indonesia
10.00-11.50 Zoom meeting of Bahasa Dr. Bambang Panca, Zoom meeting of Zoom meeting of
Faisal, SH, M.Hum Maulana Siregar, MA
Inggris M.Pd Pancasila Agama
12.00-13.30 Lunch and Dzuhur Pray
13.30-15.20 Zoom meeting of Bahasa Sri Listiana Izar, Zoom meeting of Dr. Bambang Panca, Zoom meeting of Faisal, SH, M.Hum
Indonesia M.Pd Inggris M.Pd Pancasila
15.30-16.00 Ashar Pray
16.00-16.50 Pre-test Laboratory Practice (E-learning)
Wednesd Download materials (e-learning)
ay 1. Self-reflection and constructive feedback (dr. Ratih Y. Utami, M.Med.Ed)
Oct 06, 2. Time management (dr. Desi Isnayanti, M.Pd.Ked)
2021 3. Make good and scientific presentation (dr. Ratih Y. Utami, M.MedEd)
4. Note taking and mind map (dr. Hemma Yulfi, DAP&E, M.MedEd)
5. Academic reading (dr. Hemma Yulfi, DAP&E, M.MedEd)
6. Download video laboratory practice of literature searching and write references (Dr. dr. Pinta Pudiyanti Siregar, MSc)
08.00-08.50 Discussion forum: Dr. dr. Pinta Discussion forum: dr. Hemma Yulfi,
1. Clinical experiences Pudiyanti Siregar, 1. SGD DAP&E, M.MedEd
in community and MSc 2. Basic clinical skills
healthcare facilities

2. Islamic medicine and dr. Des Suryani, dr. Debby Mirani
DPPIM M.Biomed Lubis, M.Biomed

09.00-09.50 Discussion forum: Dr. dr. Pinta Discussion forum: dr. Hemma Yulfi,
1. Clinical experiences Pudiyanti Siregar, 1. SGD DAP&E, M.MedEd
in community and MSc 2. Basic clinical dr. Debby Mirani
healthcare facilities dr. Des Suryani, skills
Lubis, M.Biomed
2. Islamic medicine M.Biomed
10.00-10.50 Discussion forum: dr. Hemma Yulfi, Discussion forum: Dr. dr. Pinta Pudiyanti
1. SGD DAP&E, M.MedEd 1. Clinical Siregar, MSc
2. Basic clinical skills dr. Debby Mirani experiences in dr. Des Suryani,
community and M.Biomed
Lubis, M.Biomed
2. Islamic medicine

12.00-13.30 Lunch and Dzuhur Pray

13.30-15.20 Meet the supervisor of project-based learning
15.30-16.00 Ashar Pray
Thursda 08.00-09.50 Laboratory practice of Dr. dr. Pinta
y literature searching and Pudiyanti Siregar,
Oct 07, write references MSc
2021 10.00-11.50 Laboratory practice of Dr. dr. Pinta
literature searching and Pudiyanti Siregar,
write references MSc
12.00-13.30 Lunch and Dzuhur Pray
13.30-15.20 Laboratory practice of Dr. dr. Pinta Pudiyanti
literature searching and Siregar, MSc
write references
15.30-16.00 Ashar Pray

Friday 08.00-09.50
Oct 08, Submit assignment to the e-learning: Reading and paraphrase
2021 10.00-10.50
12.00-13.30 Lunch and Dzuhur Pray
15.30-16.00 Ashar Pray

Week II:
Day/ Class A Class B Class C
Date Content Lecturer Content Lecturer
Monday 08.00-09.50 SGD
Oct 11, 10.00-11.50 Chat forum of Agama Maulana Siregar, Chat forum of Bahasa Sri Listiana Izar, Chat forum of Bahasa Dr.Bambang Panca
2021 S.Ag, MA Indonesia M.Pd Inggris Syahputra, M.Hum
12.00-13.30 Lunch and Dzuhur Pray
15.30-16.00 Ashar Pray
Tuesday Maulana Siregar, Chat forum of Bahasa
Oct 12, 08.00-09.50 Chat forum of Pancasila Faisal, SH, M.Hum Chat forum of Agama Sri Listiana Izar, M.Pd
MA Indonesia
10.00-11.50 Chat forum of Bahasa Dr. Bambang Panca,
Chat forum of Pancasila Faisal, SH, M.Hum Chat forum of Agama Maulana Siregar, MA
Inggris M.Pd
12.00-13.30 Lunch and Dzuhur Pray
13.30-15.20 Chat forum of Bahasa Sri Listiana Izar, Chat forum of Bahasa Dr. Bambang Panca, Chat forum of Faisal, SH, M.Hum
Indonesia M.Pd Inggris M.Pd Pancasila
15.30-16.00 Ashar Pray
Wednesd 08.00-08.50
ay 09.00-09.50
Oct 13, 10.00-10.50 REMEDIAL PRACTICAL TEST (e-learning)
12.00-13.30 Lunch and Dzuhur Pray
16.00-16.50 Ashar Pray
Thursda 08.00-09.50 SGD
y Submit the assignment to the lecturer at SGD: mind map
Oct 14, 10.00-10.50 Submit project proposal at e-learning
2021 11.00-11.50
12.00-13.30 Lunch and Dzuhur Pray

16.00-16.50 Ashar Pray
Friday 08.00-09.50
2021 10.00-11.50
12.00-13.30 Lunch and Dzuhur Pray
15.30-16.00 Ashar Pray


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