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1. The feasibility of teaching materials in meeting the criteria of a good EFL textbook I
see is based on the proposals of Cunningsworth (1955) and Harmer (2007). The eight
criteria consist of:
1) Goals and approach
According to Cunningsworth. (1995), English textbooks must meet two criteria in
terms of objectives and approaches. First, the content of the textbook must be
appropriate and match the current syllabus. In this textbook, core competencies
and basic competencies are complete and in accordance with the syllabus. Second,
English textbooks must use a variety of learning and teaching styles. BSNP
(2013). The style or method is that the presentation of material stimulates
interaction between students, students and teachers, and students and the
environment (BSNP, 2013). This textbook does not meet these criteria because the
approach in presenting the material in this textbook only stimulates interaction
between students about 75% and also about 25% of students and teachers.
2) Design and organization
The design relates to the total content of the textbook. The total content of the
textbooks includes: student books, teacher books, workbooks, and cassettes. In
this book, the total contents of this textbook are incomplete because there are no
cassettes or audio in this textbook. So this textbook is not equipped with good
listening skills. Regarding organization, it has to do with the organization of the
textbook and the order of its chapters. In this book, the ordering of the material is
in accordance with the order of the basic competencies in the syllabus.
3) Language content
Cunningsworth (1995) says that language content is related to the grammar and
vocabulary sections in textbooks. This textbook meets these criteria because there
is a grammar review that can give students understanding about grammar and
vocabulary use.
4) Skill or Skill
In terms of skills, according to Harmer (2007), textbooks must cover four skills
and all four must be integrated. The four skills are listening, speaking, reading,
and writing. However, in this book the 4 skills are not balanced. Speaking and
writing skills are more trained than listening and reading skills.
5) Methodology
According to Cunningsworth. (1995), English textbooks must meet three criteria
in terms of methodology. First, the technique used to present/practice the new
language material must be suitable for students. Second, communicative skills
must be developed in textbooks. Third, the material included in the textbook must
provide advice/help students about learning abilities and learning strategies. This
textbook does not meet the first criteria because the presentation of the material is
not new or monotonous.
6) Instruction
According to Harmer (2007), English textbooks must meet two criteria in terms of
instruction. First, the instructions must be clear and unambiguous. Second,
instructions must be written in a language that students can understand. In this
book, almost all the exercises in this book are titled very clearly and are easy to
understand. It is clear about what actions students must take and what skills are
needed by students in the exercise.
2. In order for the selected teaching materials to be appropriate, the feasibility of
textbooks can be developed by following the steps for developing teaching materials
according to Dick and Carey:
- Identify Instructional Goals, can be seen and adjusted in the syllabus.
- Conduct Instructional Analysis, by determining what abilities are involved in the
learning process to achieve goals and analyzing the topic or material to be studied.
- Analyze Learners and Contexts, by analyzing where students learn, and what
contexts and places they use.
- Develop Assessment Instrument, based on the objectives that have been
formulated in the RPP in accordance with the syllabus.
- Develop Instructional Strategy, with determine learning activities help in
achieving goals
- Develop and Select Instructional Materials, with develop and select learning
materials including instructions for students, learning materials, and questions.
- Revise Instruction, based on or adapting the teaching materials used or selected.

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