Community Language Learning by Group 3

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ANDI MUH. ARIK (A1M219001)

A. Definition of Community Language Learning

According to Hardini (2018) Community Language Learning is also called Counseling

Learning. Community language Language Learning is a parable of the application of
psychotherapy methods in the language learning process. The teacher teaches about things to
do that are trusted and can take time in learning to reflect on himself about the ups and downs
of his life during his life. This language guidance approach prioritizes the importance of
language methods or points, and language interpretation. This language guidance is
implemented according to a humanistic approach.

Community Language Learning grew from an idea to apply the concept of psychotherapy in
language teaching. From various research results it is reported that this approach has
achieved better results than the conventional teaching approach.

Experts in this approach assume that when a person enters a new arena, such as the process of
learning English, he or she as a human being is endowed with various human characteristics
in general. In a new environment where he feels foreign, he is overcome by insecurity, a
sense of threat, a sense of uncertainty, conflict and various other feelings that unconsciously
prevent him from progressing.

The main task of a teacher, who in this approach is called a counselor, is to eliminate or at
least reduce all negative feelings of his students. A teacher is required to have a facilitative
attitude, both in transmitting his knowledge and in helping students progress from one stage
to another. A friendly, understanding, affirmative, and supportive attitude are qualifications
that every teacher must possess.

In this paper, the author describes a learning model based on a community language learning
approach or method with the hope of enriching readers' insights, especially English teachers
so that they can improve the quality of the English learning process which in turn can
improve student learning outcomes.
B. Goals in using Community Language Learning

Learning is carried out based on students' difficulties. The purpose of self-study is to build
communication relationships and eliminate fears in students as they learn a second language.
Therefore, the CLL learning method aims to enable students to learn how to use the target
language (the language being studied) communicatively.

The purpose of this method is for students to learn how to use language communicative
targets. Students also learn how to learn on their own and take responsibility for this, and
learn how to learn with people other. The main role of the teacher is as a counselor for
students, meaning the teacher recognize how the threat of learning situations that can occur to
students so that teachers can understand and provide support for their students in trying to
master the language.

C. The concept of Community Language Learning

The basic principle of Community Language Learning is that teachers consider their students
as a whole person. Whole-person learning means that the teacher does not only consider
students' feelings and intelligence, but also has an understanding of students' feelings,
physical reactions, instinctive protective reactions, and a desire to learn.

In this approach, there are six concepts needed to grow "Learning". These six concepts are
covered in one abbreviation, SARD, which stands for Security, Attention-Aggression,
Retention-Reflection, and Discrimination.

a. Security is a sense of security for students, which in this approach is called the client, as
well as for the teacher. A sense of security can be found when classmates and counselors
show a cooperative attitude and trust them.

b. Attention-Aggression is looking for a balance between teachers in fostering attention and

students in playing an active role in the learning process.
c. Retention and reflection is a self-reflection process to find out to what extent students have
mastered the subject matter and what problems arise in the learning process. In this case,
there are two kinds of reflection, namely text reflection and experience reflection. These two
reflection processes are carried out at the end of each lesson.

In text reflection, students listen back to the conversations they have had a few minutes or
hours before to reflect on and recall the meaning and significance of the sentences or phrases
they have made.

Reflection on experience is intended to bring out from the bottom of the heart all the
psychological problems experienced by each student during the previous class. In meetings
like this the teacher is required to be able to provide psychological guidance and direction
that will lead students in a positive direction.

d Discrimination is the stage where errors of speech, expression, and syntax do not need to
be disputed, the most important thing is that communication occurs where the listener can
understand the intent of the speaker.

D. Stages of Mastery of Community Language Learning

There are five stages of mastery in the Community Language Learning approach, namely the
Embryonic Stage, Self-Assertion Stage, Birth Stage, Reversal Stage, and Independent Stage.

a. Embryonic Stage is a stage where the dependence of students on the teacher is very large.
At this stage, the teacher is tasked with eliminating or reducing students' negative feelings by
providing proper guidance and counseling. The teacher explains what activities are expected
and gives students time to reflect on their experiences.

b. Self-Assertion Stage is the stage where students have received moral support from their
classmates to use English together and find identity as speakers of that language. At this
stage, students have begun to dare to break away from their teacher a little and use English
directly with other friends.
c. Birth Stage is the stage where students gradually begin to reduce the use of their mother
tongue. He has begun to feel his habit of using English and this creates a sense of security
between them.

d. Reversal Stage is the stage where the relationship between students and teachers has
reached a level of mutual trust. Each no longer feels a psychological barrier, and this mutual
trust is also found among other students. In this fourth stage, students are no longer silent
during learning meetings as in the first stage, but are more active in lively conversations.

e. Independent Stage is the stage where students have mastered all the learning materials. At
this stage students expand their English language and learn also the social and cultural
aspects of native speakers.

F. The advantages and disadvantages of Community Language Learning

In its learning Community Language Learning does not use any text or teaching aids, and the
teacher allows students to determine the type of conversation and analyze foreign languages
inductively. Thus the factors that tend to be a threat in learning a second language can be
defeated because the teacher plays a major role in providing students' intrinsic motivation.

However, Community Language Learning can only be done in small classes, ranging from 6-
12 students. Students are initially very dependent on the teacher, and the teacher must have
expertise (proficient) in the target language and the student's language. Teachers must also
have extra energy both physically and psychologically.

Therefore, the success of this Community Language Learning method largely depends on the
translation skills of the teacher. Translation is a complex and intricate process that is often
“easier said than practiced”; if the aspects of language that are difficult to translate are
wrong, then there can be misunderstandings in the language.

Hanum, Rahmawati, (2019) “ Implementasi Pendekatan Fungsional Dalam Pembelajaran

Bahasa Arab Melalui Metode Community Language Learning”. Vol. 9, No. 2,2019.

Nurhasanah, (2015) “ The Use of Community Language Learning Method to Increase the
Students Participation in Classroom Conversation”. Vol. 8, No. 1,2015

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