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Name : Fitma Ramadhani

Reg. Number : A1M219007

Book Identity:

a) Book : Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII Kurikulum 2013 (Buku Siswa)

b) Authors : Utami Widiati, Zuliati Rohmah, dan Furaidah
c) Year : 2018

Analysis of the feasibility of teaching material: Based on the analysis of the feasibility of
teaching material in meeting the criteria for a good EFL textbook, there are six criteria proposed
by Cunningsworth (1955) and Harmer (2007) which show the advantages and disadvantages of
this book, namely:

1) Goals and approach: Two criteria that must be present in English textbooks are
objectives and approaches (Cunningsworth, 1995). First, the content of the textbook
must match and match the existing syllabus. In this book, learning objectives which are
in accordance with the 2013 Curriculum syllabus are displayed at the beginning of each
chapter. It tries to limit the scope as the focus of learning. Second, English books must
use a variety of learning and teaching styles. The style or method is that the
presentation of the material stimulates interaction between students, students and
teachers, and students and the environment (BSNP, 2013). In fact, this book does not
meet the criteria because the approach in presenting the material in this book only
stimulates interaction between students around 75% and about 25% between students
and teachers.
2) Design and organization: The design relates to the total content of the textbook. The
total content of the books includes: student books, teacher books, workbooks, and
cassettes. In this book, the total content of this textbook is incomplete because there
are no cassettes or audio. So, this book is not equipped with good listening skills.
Regarding the organization of the material, the ordering of the material is in accordance
with the order of basic competencies in the syllabus.
3) Language content: Cunningsworth (1995) says that language content is related to the
grammar and vocabulary sections in textbooks. This textbook fulfills these criteria
because in each chapter there is a grammar review that can give students
understanding about grammar and vocabulary use.
4) Skills: In terms of skills, Harmer (2007) claim that this tbook must cover four skills and all
four must be integrated. The four skills are listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
However, in this book the 4 skills are not balanced. Speaking, reading, and writing skills
are more trained than listening skills.
5) Methodology: According to Cunningsworth (1995), English textbooks must meet three
criteria in terms of methodology. First, the technique used to present/practice the new
language material must be suitable for students. Second, communicative skills must be
developed in textbooks. Third, the material included in the textbook must provide
advice/help students about learning abilities and learning strategies. This book does not
meet the first criteria because the presentation of the material is not new or
6) Instruction: According to Harmer (2007), English books must meet two criteria in terms
of instruction. First, the instructions must be clear and unambiguous. Second,
instructions must be written in a language that students can understand. In this book,
almost all the exercises in this book are titled very clearly and are easy to understand. It
is clear about what actions students must take and what skills are needed by students in
the exercise in each chapter to achieve the learning objectives.

The theory of development of teaching material:

Next, I chose the theory of development of teaching material according to Gagne & Briggs to
address the shortcomings of the book I analyzed, the development steps in this theory include:
(1) analysis and identification of needs, (2) setting general goals and specifically, (3)
identification of alternative ways to meet needs, (4) designing components of the system, (5)
analysis of (a) required resources (b) available resources (c) constraints, (6) activities to
overcome obstacles, (7) select or develop subject matter, (8) design student research
procedures, (9) field trials: formative evaluation and teacher education, (10) adjustment,
revision and further evaluation, (11) summative evaluation, and (12) operational
implementation. I chose this theory because it is based on the principle of harmony between
the goals to be achieved, the strategies to achieve them, and the evaluation of success. By
using these steps, the development of teaching materials will focus on analyzing the needs of
students and what shortcomings or obstacles still need to be improved as I explained earlier.
Also, further revision and evaluation can be improved, especially the summative evaluation of
the teaching materials so that the application of this book in the teaching and learning process
can be even better. The components in this development theory are the references for the
improvement of the student book.

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