Pre-Intermediate Word List Headword Verb Noun Adjective Adverb Collocation

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1. athletic/musical/artistic etc ability
Able ability able be able to do something

Abroad abroad live, go, travel abroad
3. Absolutely absolutely
4. acceptable /
Accept accept unacceptable accept a gift, offer, invitation
5. Accountant accountant
6. Acid acid acid
7. Active active active life/lifestyle
8. leisure/recreation/outdoor/cultural
Activity activity etc activities
9. Actress Actress
10. Actually actual Actually
11. advantage of stg have an
advantage give somebody
Advantage advantage an advantage
12. Adventure adventure a great adventure
advertise (something) on
television/in a newspaper
a newspaper/ television/radio
advertisement a full-
advertisement, page/half-page/two-page
Advertise Advertise advertiser advertisement a job advertisement
advice on/about
follow/take somebody's advice
Advice Advise Advice advise somebody to do

15. to afford to do sth to
easily/hardly afford to
be (un)able to afford
to be affordable
Afford afford affordable
16. Afterwards Afterwards
17. agree with agree
to do something come to /
Agree agree agreement reach an agreement
20. Alcohol Alcohol , alcoholic alcoholic alcoholic drinks
21. Alive live alive stay alive, be alive
22. Almost almost almost all/every/everything
23. Already Already
24. Altogether Altogether
25. amazed to see/find/discover
Amazed amazement amazed, amazing to somebody's amazement
26. an ambition to do something/of
Ambition ambition ambitious doing something
27. Ambulance ambulance
28. Ankle Ankle
29. be annoyed at/with somebody
Annoy Annoy Annoyed , annoying be annoyed about/by something
30. Anymore Anymore
31. apologize for (doing) something
apologize to somebody
letter of apology written apology
Apologise Apologise apology formal apology

apply for a job job
application fill in/out an application
application form make/put
Apply apply application in/submit an application
33. have an appointment make an
appointment an appointment to do
Appointment Appointment something
34. no-smoking area dining
Area area area
35. Arm arm
36. to arrest sb to
be arrested for sth to
make an arrest to
Arrest arrest arrest be under arrest
37. Article article newspaper, magazine article
38. Artist artist
39. Artwork artwork
40. to attack violently a
terrorist/violent/gun attack an
attack happens/takes
place/occurs to
Attack attack attack have a heart attack
41. pay attention (to
Attention attention somebody/something)
42. Audio Audio

43. Author author

44. have a baby give
birth to a baby
newborn/new baby premature
Baby baby baby baby boy/girl
45. Bake bake baker, bakery bake a cake
46. Band (Music) band music band in a band
47. Bar bar
48. Bat bat
49. Bean bean
50. a sandy bay
Bay bay across the bay
51. Beard beard
Beauty beauty beautiful natural beauty beauty products.
53. Beer beer
54. since the beginning (of something)
at the beginning (of something)
from the beginning in the
Beginning begin Beginning beginning
55. well-behaved/badly- good/bad behaviour
Behavior behave behavior behaved behaviour problem
56. believable / a strong/firm belief popular
Believe believe belief unbelievable belief
57. Bell bell ring the bell
58. Belt belt seat belt
59. place of birth time of
Birth birth birth
60. totally/completely/almost/partially
Blind blind blind
61. Body body
62. Book book booklet book a room
63. Boot boot wear boots
Borrow borrow borrow something from somebody
65. Boss boss
66. Bowl bowl a soup/salad/cereal bowl
67. the right/left hemisphere of the
Brain brain brain
68. Brave bravery brave
69. a bright student
Bright brightness bright bright colours
70. brilliant idea brilliant
Brilliant brilliant career

71. to fire/shoot a bullet
bullet hits sb/sth
Bullet bullet bullet wound/scar
72. Bunch bunch a bunch of flowers
73. Bush bush
74. Calendar calendar
75. Calm calm calmly remain/stay/keep calm
76. Camera camera
77. Camp camp camping go camping
78. Crash crash car crash
take care take
care of somebody/something day
care, health care, intensive care
care about
a warm and caring man
provide smb with care care about
care caring become/get/grow careless
Care care carelessness careless carelessly a caring attitude
80. Career career make a career
81. Carrot carrot carrot juice
82. Carry carry
83. Case case just in case
84. Castle castle Edinburgh Castle
85. Catalogue
86. cause and effect natural
Cause cause causes
87. Cell phone Cell phone
88. Central Central Central America/Asia/Europe
89. Century century
90. it is/seems certain (that)
Certain Certain Certainly it is certainly true/possible
91. Champion Championship

92. Chapter chapter chapter 5

93. Chase Chase
94. Chat chat chat have a friendly chat
95. *Cheek cheek
96. Cheque cheque pay by cheque
97. in/during/since (somebody's)
childhood childhood
Childhood Childhood , child Childish /childlike home/friend/experience
98. have no choice make a
choice a choice of /
Choice choose choice between
99. Church church at church
100. Cigarette Cigarette smoke a cigarette
101. Circle circle circle circle round/above/over
102. Classical Classical classical music
103. make something clear
clear idea Please speak
Clear clear clearly clearly
104. Clerk clerk a bank/sales/store clerk
105. climate change climate of a
Climate climate place
106. Clinic Clinic Clinical

107. a tennis coach coach

Coach coach coach somebody for something
108. coast of on the
coast off the
Coast coast coast
109. Collect collect collection a stamp collection
110. college graduates
a college education
College college college campus
111. Comb comb comb comb your hair
112. it's common for somebody to do
Common common commonly something
113. competition, competition between/among
Competition compete competitor compete with/against

114. to complain constantly
to complain about sth
Complain complain complaint to have/make a complaint
115. Completely complete completely
be/get/stay/keep in contact (with
Contact contact contact somebody) contact person
Content Content

118. have control (over/of something)

take/gain control (of/over
something) lose
control (of/over something)
be under control
Control control control keep something under control
119. keep/stay cool cool
Cool cool temperature
copy of stg
Copy copy copy copy (something) from something
correct yourself, correct mistakes
Correct correct correction correct / incorrect correctly make corrections
122. a couple of the
Couple couple couple next door
123. Crazy crazy crazy idea , go crazy
124. Cream cream put cream on stg
125. creativity
Create create creator creative great/artistic creativity
126. Credit Card Credit Card
127. Crime crime, criminal commit crime
128. Cross cross cross (over) the road/street/river
129. a crowded room
Crowd crowd crowded a crowded street

130. cultural activities cultured
Culture culture cultural, cultured culture
131. draw/close/pull the curtains
Curtain curtain draw back/open the curtains
132. in danger
Danger danger dangerous dangerous for somebody
133. Date date date To date somebody / have a date
with somebody/ have a date for the
134. death of somebody
Death death death from an illness
135. Decade decade

136. Decorate decorate decoration

137. Definite definite definitely
138. Delayed delay delay delayed long/considerable/slight delay
139. Delighted Delighted delighted to do something
140. the personnel department ,
Department Department Department Store
141. Depressed depression Depressed depressed about
142. describe how/why/what
Description describe description description of
graphic design design
something for something
Design design design, designer interior designer
144. further/more details
Details detail detailed detailed description
145. developed
Develop develop development developing a developed/developing country

146. Diagnostic Diagnose Diagnosis Diagnostic Diagnose an illness

147. Diamond diamond flawless/perfect/real diamond

148. Diary diary keep a diary
149. D Diet diet balanced diet, good/healthy diet, go
on a diet
difference small/minor difference
Difference Difference different difference between
151. Dirty dirty dirty clothes
152. social/economic/educational
Disadvantages Disadvantage disadvantage
153. disappoint somebody's
Disappointed disappoint Disappointed hopes/plans
Disaster disaster nuclear disaster, natural disaster
discuss something with somebody
Discuss discuss Discussion discussion about
156. Disease disease heart disease
157. Dishes Dishes wash the dishes
dream of/about (doing) something
Dream dream dream have a dream
159. Drivers License drive driver Drivers License
160. Drug Drug Drug use / drug addict
161. Dye Dye Dye Hair dye / food dye
162. whisper/say (something) in
Ear ear somebody's ear
163. Eastern Eastern

164. economy,
Economics economics Economics (Department)
165. (Department) education to have/receive education
Education educate educator good/poor education
166. Electrician Electrician
167. to have the energy to do sth
Energy energy energetic to be energetic
168. Enormous Enormous enormously enormous amount of
169. Enough enough bad/difficult/hard etc enough
170. Entrance enter entrance front/back/side entrance
171. Envelop Envelop
172. working/learning environment
good for the environment:
Environment Environment environmental environmentally environmentally friendly
173. to escape from sth
Escape (from) escape escape successful escape
174. Especially Especially
175. Even even even bigger/better/brighter
176. sequence of events
Event event charity/fund-raising event
177. Exactly Exactly It's exactly half past five.
178. Example Example for example, an example of
179. Excellence Excel Excellence Excellent Academic excellence / education
180. exchange rate (money), exchange
Exchange exchange student
181. an exhibition of (black and white
Exhibition Exhibition photographs)
182. expect somebody/something to do
Expect expect expectation something
183. explain something to somebody
Explain explain explanation explanation of/for
184. express your views/opinions
Express express expression an expression of surprise
Extra extra an extra ten minutes/three metres
186. extreme weather/conditions
Extremely extreme Extremely extreme sports
187. fail to do something fail a
test failure to do
Fail fail failure heart/kidney/liver failure
188. win/achieve/gain/find fame
Fame fame famous fame
189. farmer, farm,
Farmer farming a pig/dairy/cattle farm
Fashion fashion Fashionable Fashion model , fashion magazine
191. feeling of have/get a
Feeling feel feeling feeling (that)
192. bare feet , front/back/hind feet ,
Feet feet, foot wipe your feet
Few few quite a few/a good few/not a few
194. (have a )fight against/with
Fight fight fight fight about/over/for
195. final decision/say sit/take
Final final final finally your finals
196. Finger finger cross your fingers
197. fire a gun/weapon/rifle
start a fire put
out a fire forest
Fire fire fire fire
198. Firstly first firstly
Fish fish fish Fish and Chips go fishing
200. Fit fit physically fit.
Flight attendant book a
Flight attendant fly flight flight catch a flight , miss a flight
202. Flu flu have, get, catch flu

203. follow somebody follower of
the following
Follow follow follower following afternoon/month/page/chapter
204. Foreign foreigner Foreign foreign policy
205. formal
Formal formality formal / informal education/training/qualifications
206. have a good fortune, tell
Fortunately fortune fortune Fortunately somebody's fortune
207. Fossil Fossil Fossil fuel

frightened of be
frightened to do something
Frightened Frightened, frightening it is frightening (to do something)
209. have fun good/great fun a
Fun fun fun, funny lot of fun a fun day
210. Further further further details
211. general idea as a general
Generally general generally rule
212. Generous generosity generous generously generosity to/towards
213. geographical
Geography Geography geographical area/location/position
214. Ghost Ghost Ghost writer
Ghost house
215. glad to do something glad to
Glad glad see/hear
216. Gold gold golden a golden opportunity
217. Golf Golf Play golf
218. local government, central
Government Government government
219. Grey grey dark/light grey
220. Grocery grocery grocery store
221. Ground ground above/below/under ground
222. security guards guard
somebody/something against
Guard Guard Guard something

223. guess right/correctly/wrong
make a guess (at something)
have a guess (at something) ,
Guess guess guess take a guess (at something)
224. tour guide guide
Guide guide guide somebody along/through
225. Guy guy
226. city hall , concert hall, dance hall,
Hall hall music hall
227. happy to do something
happy in your work/job
Happiness Happiness happy / unhappy happily happily married
228. turn your head shake your head ,
Head head nod your head
229. damage your health improve your
health good/excellent health
poor/ill health healthy
Health Health Healthy / unhealthy diet
heart trouble/problems a heart
Heart heart condition , somebody's heart
231. heat
rate something up the heat
of the day central
Heat heat heat, heating heating
Hell Go to hell

throughout history recent/modern
Historical history Historical historically history early/ancient history
Hold hold hold something in your hand/arms
235. Horror Horror horror film, story
236. hope for look/seem
Hopeful/hopeless hope hope hopeless/ hopeful hopefully hopeless
237. Host host / hostess
238. Huge huge a huge amount/quantity
239. the human body , the human
Human human (being) human brain, human being
240. hurry up, hurry to do something,
Hurry hurry hurry be in a hurry to do something
241. Ice ice
242. to suffer from/have illness
to be/become ill
to feel/look ill to
Illness illness ill be very/seriously/extremely ill
243. imagine somebody doing
something it is
e to imagine use your
Imagine imagine imagination imaginative imagination
244. Immediately Immediately
a strong/real/distinct
it is impossible (for somebody) to
do something
Impossible possibility Impossible / possible make something impossible
246. Improve Improve improvement find an
see it impossible to do something
247. include something in/on
Include include something
Instead instead instead of somebody/something
249. Instructions Instructions read the instructions
250. Intelligent intelligence intelligent high/low , artificial intelligence
251. to have an interest in sth to
interesting lose interest in sth
Interest interest interested to be interested in sth/sb
252. Internet Internet on the Internet
253. Introduce introduce introduction a brief/short introduction
item on the agenda/list/menu
Item item item of clothing/furniture/jewellery
255. Jam jam strawberry jam, traffic jam
256. Join join join the army, a group, a party
Jump jump jump over/across/onto something
258. Just just just you, me
259. Keyboard Keyboard a computer keyboard
260. King King King of England
261. Knee knee on your knees
262. knock at/on, a loud knock at the
Knock knock knock door
263. research laboratory, laboratory
Laboratory Laboratory tests/experiments/studies
264. land on/in/at (the plane) dry
Land land land land
Landscape Design Landscape Design
266. Last last last last of all, last year
267. Laugh laugh laughter
268. Law law, lawyer
269. Lazy laziness lazy lazily
270. Leader leader political/military/religious leader
271. Leather leather
272. Leg leg
273. Lend lend lend something to somebody
274. Less less less (...) than
275. lie to somebody, lie about
Level level something
276. Liar lie liar
277. Librarian Librarian, library
278. Lift lift (elevator) use the lift, take the lift
279. straight line, stand in a line, cut in
Line line line, next in line
280. Liquid liquid
281. Literature literature works of literature
282. Loaf loaf a loaf of bread
283. Local locals local local hospital
284. Lonely loneliness lonely lonely life
285. Look forward look forward look forward to doing stg
286. not have much/any luck , have no
luck, have good luck , be
Luck luck lucky lucky to do/be something
287. Main main main campus
288. Make-up make-up put on make-up
289. Male-Female Male-Female
290. Mark mark good/high mark
291. Marry marry married get married, happily married
292. Math Math math problems
293. Maybe maybe
294. meaningful, What does ...mean? The meaning
Meaning mean meaning meaningless of ....
295. Medicine medicine take your medicine
have/hold a meeting , go
Meeting meet meeting to/attend a meeting, be in/at a
297. to be/become a member
family/staff members
member to apply for membership
Member membership to renew membership
Memorize Unforgettable memory
Memorize Memory Memorable Excellent memory
Lose memory
Mend mend a complete mess, make a mess
300. Mess mess
301. get/receive a message, leave a
message, send a message,
Message message take a message
Mid- mid-March
Middle mid-afternoon
303. Mineral Water Mineral Water

304. feel miserable, make life
Miserable misery Miserable miserable
305. Missing missing go missing
306. make a mistake, be full of
mistakes, spelling mistake, silly
Mistake mistake mistaken mistake
307. Mountain /Mount Mountain /Mount Mount Everest
Movie Movie watch/see a movie , go to a movie
309. Multi- multiethnic
multi-million dollar

310. Nearly nearly

311. Necessary / it is necessary (for somebody) to
Necessary unnecessary do something
312. Neck neck around somebody's neck
313. Neighbour, next-door neighbours, in the
Neighbour neighbourhood neighbourhood
314. Nervous nervousness nervous nervously nervous about
315. Noise noise noisy make a noise
316. it is normal (for somebody) to do
Normal normal something
317. blow your nose , wipe your nose,
Nose nose pick your nose
Novel novel, novelist detective/romantic/historical novel
319. Nowadays Nowadays
320. obvious example
Obviously obvious Obviously The obvious question is -
321. Occupation Occupation
322. a government official, an official
Official Official Official visit/engagement
323. in somebody's opinion ,
general/popular opinion ,public
Opinion Opinion opinion
324. Own own owner own
325. paint something (in)
Paint paint painter, painting blue/red/green
Pair pair pair of trousers/scissors/glasses
327. Parcel parcel
328. Pass pass pass an exam,
329. Passive passive (active / passive)
330. AIDS patient, be patient with,
Patient patient patient patiently wait
331. Perhaps perhaps patiently
332. to have a warm/outgoing
Personality personality personality
333. Photocopy Photocopy Photocopy make a photocopy
334. Phrase phrase
335. physical appearance
Physical physical physical fitness
336. Physician Physician Experienced physician

337. Physics Physics

338. pick somebody/something for
Pick pick something, pick flowers
339. Piece piece a piece of
340. Plant plant plant plant trees, water the plants
341. Plastic plastic made of plastic
342. Pleased pleased be pleased with
343. Poet poet, poetry write poetry
Point point point a good point, point at somebody
poison somebody with
Poison poison poison, poisoning poisonous something, food- poisoning,
346. Politician Politician, Politics national/local politics
poisonous snake.
347. Population Population population of
348. Possibility Possibility Possible Possibly
349. Poster poster make a poster

350. a powerful man/woman a
Power power powerful powerful engine/weapon
351. Pre-

352. prepare the meal, make

Prepare prepare preparation preparations
353. Preschool Preschool Preschool teacher
Preschool education
354. Present present birthday/Christmas present
355. Printer print printer, printing Printing Press
out of prison , put somebody in
prison/send somebody to prison
, release somebody from
Prison prison, prisoner prison/let somebody out of
357. Probably probably most
358. Problematic Problem Problematic Have a problem
A problematic life

359. Programme programme see/watch a programme

360. promise to do something, make,
Promise promise promise keep, break a promise
361. to protect from sth
to protect against sth
Protect protect protection protective protective clothing
362. Psychology Psychology psychology department
363. pull somebody/something
Pull pull into/away from/over something
364. Pupil pupil star pupil (student)
365. push somebody/something
Push push away/back/aside
366. Puzzle puzzle make a puzzle
367. Questionnaire Questionnaire Fill in a questionnaire
Design a questionnaire

368. Quiet quiet quietly as quiet as a mouse
369. take part in a race, win a race,
Race race race race against
370. Radio radio
371. Real reality real / unreal real reason
372. Reason reason real reason
keep a record , medical/dental
records , school records ,
historical records, a written record
/ break/beat a record , hold a
Record record record record/ listening to records
374. Regularly regular / irregular Regularly
375. personal/family/social
Relationship Relationship relationships
376. Religion religion religious to be very religious
377. to repair successfully/poorly
Repair repair repairs to do/make repairs
378. a brief reply
Reply reply reply to have/get a reply
379. Reporter reporter a news reporter
380. do/conduct research, research
Research research research research
Resort Resort Holiday resort

382. Retire retire retired retire from, retire early

383. good/bad/mixed review, publish a
review review books,
Review review review films
384. Ring ring wedding ring
385. Roast roast roast chicken

386. to rob a bank a
bank robbery
to commit a robbery
robbery a bank robber an
Rob rob robber armed robber
387. Rock (Music) rock Rock (Music)
388. to tie a rope
Rope rope rope strong rope
389. Row row a row of houses, row of trees
390. Rude rude it is rude to do something
391. Ruler ruler measure with a ruler
392. sailing to go sailing
Sail sail sailor an experienced/good sailor
393. Sale sale on sale
394. Scared scared scared of (doing) something
395. opening scene, battle scenes,
Scene scene love scenes
396. Science science, scientist science and technology
397. Search search search for
398. Seatbelt Seatbelt
399. secret ingredient/recipe/formula
tell somebody a secret keep
Secret secret secret a secret
400. a serious illness
to have serious injuries
Serious serious seriously to seriously damage your health
401. Several several
402. Shave shave
403. to shine brightly a
Shine shine shining shining silver cup
404. Ship ship by ship, cruise ship
405. get/have the shock of your life
Shock shock shocked shocked by
406. to shout aloud
Shout shout shout to hear shouts

407. to be/feel shy
Shy shy shyly to smile shyly
408. n this/one side (of
Side side somebody/something)
409. brief/long silence
Silent silence silent silently to be/become silent
410. n a ... situation ,
Situation situation situation, impossible
411. Size size the size of
412. Skeleton skeleton
413. Skills skill skilled develop/acquire/learn a skill
414. Slice slice a slice of
415. Social Socialize Social, sociable, Socially social skills, social life, social
antisocial class
416. Society society members of society
417. Socks socks a pair of socks
418. Soldier soldier a brave/good soldier
419. Sore throat Sore throat
420. Sound sound sound sound of something, sound like
421. Staff staff
422. Stairs stairs up/down the stairs
423. under the stars,
Star star movie/film/Hollywood star
424. State state State Verbs
425. Statistics (Dep) Statistics Statistics (Department)
426. Stomach stomach stomach ache
427. Straight straight straight line, hair
428. Strange stranger strange strangely perfect/complete/total stranger
Stress stress stressful/stressed under stress, stressful
430. Subject subject experience
Subject - Object
Suddenly sudden Suddenly a sudden change, all of a sudden
432. Sun sun sunny Look/be sunny

433. S Sunlight Sunset Beautiful sunset
Watch the sunset

To have a golden/ good suntan

434. Supper supper have super

435. Sure sure are you sure?
436. Surgery Surgery / surgeon Have surgery
437. Swollen swollen a swollen toe
438. Symbol symbolize symbol symbol of something
439. Tailor tailor
440. Taste taste taste
441. Technology technology technological modern technology
442. Teenager Teenager Teenage Teenage problems
Teen Difficult teenager

443. Telephone phone telephone phone somebody

at a temperature of something,
high temperature, low
temperature, a rise in
temperature, a fall/drop in
temperature, a temperature
Temperature temperature change/a change in temperature
445. Tense tenses tenses in English
446. Theatre theatre an open-air theatre
447. Thick thickness thick 3 feet/1cm/two inches thick
448. Thief thief, theft a car/jewel thief, car theft
449. Thin thin thin arms/legs/lip
450. Tidy tidy tidy / untidy neat and tidy, tidy up
451. Timetable timetable Detailed timetable, follow
452. Tiny tiny a tiny baby
453. Title title a title of
454. go to the toilet, flush the toilet,
Toilet toilet toilet paper
455. Too too too ... for something/somebody
456. Touch touch touch somebody on the arm/leg
457. tough questions, be tough on/with
Tough tough somebody
city tour, a
Tour tour tour walking/cycling/sightseeing
459. Tower tower go sightseeing
the Eiffel tower
460. Tradition tradition traditional
461. Tragedy Tragedy Tragic A tragic accident/life
462. Train train by train
463. travel by train/car/air, travel the
Traveller travel traveller world/country, travel abroad
464. have trouble (with something),
have (no) trouble doing
something, without any/too
much trouble , cause trouble,
Trouble trouble serious trouble
465. Truth truth find out/discover/get to the truth
466. Try try try to do something
467. turn around/round/away, turn
left/right, take turns
Turn turn turn doing something, your
468. Twice twice twice
turn a day/week/year
469. Twin twin identical twin
470. Type type type of
471. Tyre tyre flat tyre , spare tyre
472. Unfortunately Unfortunately
473. Uniform uniform school/army/police uniform
474. Unusual Unusual / Usual as usual
upset by/about/at , be upset with
Upset upset upset somebody, an upset stomach

476. useful information/advice/tip
useful way of doing something, it
is useful to do something, find
Useful use use Useful something useful
477. Video video
478. loud voice quiet/soft/low/small
Voice voice voice deep/low voice
479. Vowel/Consonant Vowel/Consonant Vowel/Consonant
480. wait for somebody/something to
Wait wait waiter/ waitress do something, wait tables
481. Wall wall stone/brick/concrete wall
482. Wallet wallet in your wallet
483. to cause/avoid waste a
Waste waste waste waste of time/money
484. Website website on a website
485. a wedding present, cake, dress,
Wedding wedding ceremony
486. Well-dressed Well-dressed
487. Whole whole the whole school/country/village
488. Wild wild wild animals, flowers
Wind wind strong/high winds, the wind blows
490. Wine wine red/white wine
Writer write writer a writer of children's stories
492. Yet yet not yet


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