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Exercise 1: Confined Aquifer - Theis Analysis Page 1 of 6

Exercise 1: Confined Aquifer - Theis Analysis Top Previous Next

This exercise is designed to introduce you to the basic functions and pathways in AquiferTest. Go through this section carefully, taking
note of the locations of different shortcuts, buttons, tabs, links, etc.

This exercise is based on the pumping test data published in Fetter, Applied Hydrogeology, 3rd Edition, 1994, p. 223.

[1] If you have not already done so, double-click the AquiferTest icon to start an AquiferTest session.
[2] From the landing page ensure that the "Create Pumping Test" box is checked and choose the "Create a new project" button. A
blank project with the Pumping Test tab active loads automatically. The loaded page should look similar to the one shown below:

[3] In this step you will fill in the information needed for the project and/or the test. Not all information is required, however it is helpful in
organizing tests and data sets.
In the Project Information frame enter the following:
· Project Name: Example 1
· Project No.: 1
· Client: ABC
· Location: Your Town
In the Pumping Test frame enter the following:
· Name: Example 1: Theis Analysis
· Performed by: Your Name
· Date: Filled in automatically with the current date
HINT: To move from one data entry box to the next, use the Tab key or the arrow keys
In the Units frame fill in the following:
· Site Plan: ft
· Dimensions: ft
· Time: min
· Discharge: US gal/min
· Transmissivity: ft /d
· Pressure: mbar
In the Aquifer Properties frame enter the following:
· Thickness: 48
· Type: Confined
· Bar. Eff.: leave blank
Your fields should now look similar to the figure below:

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Exercise 1: Confined Aquifer - Theis Analysis Page 2 of 6

[4] All new projects have one default pumping well created in the Wells table (located in the bottom half of this window). Define the
following well parameters for this well by typing directly into the table fields:
· Name: PW1
· Type: Pumping Well
· X: 0
· Y: 0
[5] “Click here to create a new well” link under the first well to create a new well. Define the following well parameters:
· Name: OW1
· Type: Observation Well
· X: 824
· Y: 0
The Wells table should now look similar to the following tab:

NOTE: It is not necessary to enter well geometry data, since the Theis analysis assumes fully penetrating wells.
[6] Click on the Discharge tab to enter the discharge rate for the pumping well

[7] In the Discharge frame select the “Constant” option

[8] Enter the following discharge rate: 220.

NOTE: PW1 is highlighted in the window to the left of the Discharge frame. When there are multiple pumping wells in the test, the
one that is highlighted is the one for which you are entering data; ensure that correct well is selected.
[9] Click on the Water Levels tab to enter the water level data for the observation well.

[10] In the box in the top left corner of the tab, select OW1, and ensure it is highlighted.

[11] In this exercise you will import data from a MSExcel file. From the main menu, select File / Import / Import Data....
[12] Navigate to the folder “...\Users\Public\Documents\AquiferTest Pro\Exercise Files\" and select the file Exercise 1.xls
[13] Click Open. The data should now appear in the time - water levels table.
[14] Type 0 in the Static Water Level field.

[15] Click on the (Refresh) button in the toolbar, to refresh the graph.
[16] You will see the calculated drawdown data appear in the Drawdown column and a drawdown graph displayed on the right.

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Exercise 1: Confined Aquifer - Theis Analysis Page 3 of 6

[17] Click on the Analysis tab

[18] In the Data from window, select OW1

[19] In the Analysis Name field, type “Theis Analysis”. Your fields should now look similar to the figure below

[20] Select the Analysis Graph tab an click on the (Fit) icon, to fit the data to the type curve. The analysis graph should
appear, as shown below.

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Exercise 1: Confined Aquifer - Theis Analysis Page 4 of 6

[21] To view a Dimensionless display of the plot, select the checkbox beside “Dimensionless” above the analysis graph. You should
now see the following analysis graph.

NOTE: You may need to adjust the Min and Max values for the Time and Drawdown axis.

[22] Click on the (Automatic Fit) icon, to fit the data to the type curve.

[23] Click on the (Parameter Controls) icon to manually adjust the curve fit, and the calculated parameters.
[24] Use the sliders to adjust the parameters for Transmissivity and Storativity, or, if you notice that the increment is too large and
your curve moves too quickly, type the new parameter values in the fields manually.

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Exercise 1: Confined Aquifer - Theis Analysis Page 5 of 6

[25] When you have achieved the best fit between the fitted line and your data, close the parameter controls.
[26] The Results frame of the Analysis navigator displays the calculated values. These values should be approximately:
Transmissivity = 1.32E+3 ft /d
Storativity = 2.09E-5

The following table illustrates a comparison of these values to those that are published.

AquiferTest Published (Fetter, 1994)

Transmissivity (ft2/d) 1.32 E+3 1.40 E+3
Storativity 2.09 E-5 2.40 E-5
[27] To print the analysis, click the Reports tab

[28] The navigation tree in the left portion of the tab lists all reports that are available for printing. Expand this tree.
[29] Under the Analysis Graphs, select the box beside “Theis Analysis”
[30] In the window to the right you will see the preview of the print-out

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Exercise 1: Confined Aquifer - Theis Analysis Page 6 of 6

You can define your company information and logo under Tools / Options.

[31] Click on the (Print) button in the tool bar, or select File/Print from the main menu.
[32] Save your project by selecting File/Save As, and define a project name (Example 1).
This concludes the exercise on the Theis analysis. In the next exercise you will analyze data using a method. You have a choice of
exiting AquiferTest or continuing on to the next exercise.

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