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Consider the two key forces driving the new ways of business

How are they likely to change in the future?
What other major trends or forces might affect
communication platform in the workplace? Discuss your
I think the two key forces driving the new ways of business communication are
emphasizing on self-directed work groups or virtual teams and communication
technology because in the pandemic period, we can easily see that when
some people have stayed and worked at home, they have had an experience
with remote work. People become part of a virtual team whose members
are in remote locations and who communicate almost exclusively
electronically. have to use technologies to work at home, so that in
business, technologies help workers to conduct meetings with associates
around the world even social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter as
well as blogs, wikis (multiuser weblogs), and peer-to-peer tools help
businesspeople collect information, serve customers, and sell products and

Nowadays, information technology is developing day by day; business is going

continually to invest in technology to ensure their employees will work in the
office from home or party from home. By using the AI system, upgrading the
internal network, connectivity and cyber security with help them protect from
malware and cyber-attack while work virtually. In addition, business use
technology to organize the meeting from home, to get plan or prepare the

There are other major trends or forces might affect communication

platform in the workplace that are flattened management hierarchies and
heightened global competition. As a successful business communicator,
you will want to learn about other cultures. You will also need to develop
intercultural skills including sensitivity, flexibility, patience, and tolerance.
To better compete and to reduce expenses, businesses have for years been
trimming layers of management. You will be making decisions and
communicating them to customers, to fellow employees, and to executives.

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