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"Mowgli" is abbreviated to read by chapter

The Mowgli Brothers

It was evening in the mountains of Zion when the jackal Tabaki came to the lair of the wolves. He asked
to be treated to a bone and said that the tiger Sher-Khan had changed the place of hunting.

The wolves were not happy about this news. Then they learned that the tiger is hunting for humans.
They heard Sher Khan roar as he fell into the woodcutter's fire, and then a small human baby crawled
into the lair.

The wolves refused to give the human cub to Sher Khan. Raksha the wolf even challenged him and Sher-
khan decided to wait for the decision of the wolf pack.

When the wolves were a little older, the wolves led them to the Rock of the Council, next to which lay an
old gray wolf, Akela.

Sher-khan demanded to give him a cub, but Akela said that wolves do not care about decrees from the
outside, they obey only their own laws. Akela asked who was ready to vouch for the human baby.

The first to speak was Balu the bear, who agreed to raise him, but needed a voice.

Then Bagheera's panther jumped out to the wolves and offered them a ransom - a deer carcass for a
human life.

So the man remained in a pack of wolves and was named Mowgli - a hairless frog.

10-11 years have passed. Mowgli grew up, he learned a lot about life in the jungle, became strong and

During this time, Akela grew old and Sher Khan began to confuse the minds of young wolves, saying that
man has no place in their pack.

Bagheera warned Mowgli that many considered him an enemy just because he was human. She told
Mowgli that he had to get a red flower.

Mowgli went to the village, and a pack of wolves went hunting.

Mowgli stared at the flowerpot for a long time, and making sure it wasn't dangerous, took it from the
little boy.

Wolves gather near the Rock. Sher Khan demands to give him Mowgli, and Akela shames the wolves
who have forgotten about the honor.

Bagheera and Balu are ready to fight for Mowgli.

Here Mowgli says that he was so much told that he was a man that he believed in it. He throws the pot
on the ground and a fire starts in the jungle.

Mowgli forces the wolves to recognize Akela as their leader again, pokes Sher Khan in the flames with
his snout and goes to the people.

But he promises to return.

Kaa python hunting

When Mowgli was little Balu and Bagheera taught him the laws of the jungle. In particular, they taught
him to pronounce the words "We are of one blood" in the language of all animals and birds.

Mowgli showed his friends a wild dance and it turned out that he was talking to the Banderlogs
(monkeys), who were consoling him when Balu hit the boy.

Balu and Bagheera warned Mowgli not to have a relationship with the Banderlogs.

But the monkeys had a different opinion, they wanted Mowgli to be in their pack, because he knew and
knew a lot of useful things. So when the boy slept surrounded by Balu and Bagira, the Banderlogs went
down and stole him.

Mowgli woke up already among the branches. He saw Chill the Shulik in the sky and shouted his
password. Mowgli asked to follow him and tell him where the Bandarlogs were holding him.

At this time, Balu and Bagheera were deciding what to do. They mentioned Python Kaa, who was the
main fear of monkeys, and went to him. Fortunately for them, the python had not yet eaten.

In a few words, Bagheera deftly inflamed the anger of Python Kaa, passing on to him the words allegedly
said by the Banderlogs.

Balu said they were hunting for Banderlogs who stole a human baby. Kaa decides to help and take part
in the hunt.

The monkeys made a den in the lost city. Mowgli did not like the order of the Banderlogs, who did
nothing, fussed, interfered with each other and broke everything. But he could not free himself. He was
constantly surrounded by monkeys in several rows.

And here came the panther. Giving the monkeys strong blows, she tried to get closer to Mowgli, but the
monkeys attacked Bagheera and hid Mowgli in the ruined dome.

Cobras lived in the dome, but Mowgli told them "We are of one blood" and they did not bite him.

At this time, Bagheera had a hard time and Mowgli shouted at her to jump into the pool. Bagheera hid
in the water and was soon joined by Balu.

And here the Kaa python appeared in the ruins. The banderlogs were frightened, but the python did not
let them run away, mesmerizing with their eyes. Kaa offered Balu and Bagheera to take Mowgli. Mowgli
said he owed Kaa and would definitely help him if Kaa asked for help. Kaa said he liked Mowgli.

Balu, Bagheera and Mowgli left the ruins, and Kaa asked the banderlogs if they could see him well. Kaa
began his dance, and the banderlogs descended closer and closer to him.

Moreover, even Bagheera and Balu took a step towards Kaa. Mowgli put his hands on their necks and
the beasts woke up.

Mowgli pleaded guilty to disobeying teachers. Then Mowgli jumped on Bagiri's back and they headed
"Tiger! Tiger"

Mowgli goes out to the village and people are surprised to see him. The priest offers to take Mowgli to
Messua, his wife, the richest man whose son was once taken away by a tiger.

Mowgli lives among the people and adopts their laws. They seem very strange and absurd to him.

He is sent to graze a herd of buffaloes, and at this time the Gray Brother brings Mowgli the news of Sher
Khan's return. Mowgli decides to kill Sher Khan and bring his skin to the village, because he was
persuaded to do so by the hunter Buldeo.

Gray Brother and Akela come to Mowgli and they break a herd of buffaloes to trap Sher Khan. Angry
buffaloes run at Sher Khan from both sides and he decides to take the fight. But the buffalo just trample
the tiger and he dies. Mowgli peels off his skin.

Buldeo sees a slain tiger and considers Mowgli a sorcerer capable of turning into animals. He runs to the
village and when Mowgli drives the buffalo back, he is met by a hail of stones and a musket shot.

Mowgli drives the herd to the village and leaves, saying goodbye to Messua, who became his second

He returns to the Rock of Wolves and spreads the skin of Sher Khan. The wolves ask Mowgli to become
their leader along with Akela, but Mowgli refuses. Together with his four wolf brothers, he goes to the
jungle to hunt alone.

"How fear came in the jungle"

There was a drought in the jungle. The river became shallow, the birds flew south. A water truce was

All the animals gather near the floodplain and the Hati elephant monitors the water truce. Bagheera
looks at the deer and regrets that he cannot hunt. The deer are frightened, but Khati's elephant calms
them down.

Sher-khan appears by the river and says that he has just killed a man because it is his right. The elephant
demands that Sher Khan leave and he goes. Mowgli asks Hati what right Sher-khan was talking about
and Hati tells an old story

Once upon a time there was no fear in the jungle. A wise tiger ruled over everyone and everyone
obeyed him. But once a tiger killed a deer and the jungle went crazy with the sight of blood. The tiger
itself was afraid of what it had done and went far. Elephant Ta asked who would be the new owner of
the jungle. He volunteered to be a monkey. But she brought shame in the jungle. She laughed at
everyone and everyone laughed at her.

Elephant Ta said that there would be no law until the beasts found fear, and told everyone to seek it.
The buffaloes found fear in the cave. He looked like a hairless two-legged creature and everyone was
afraid of her.

The first tiger came to the cave and was also afraid of hairless. He escaped and the elephant Ta gave him
the right one night when the tiger will not be afraid of hairless.
Then the tiger came to the cave and killed the hairless one.

But Ta said that now the tiger has taught people to kill and they will hunt him.

"Jungle Invasion"

Mowgli hunts in the jungle with his brothers. Sher Khan's skin hangs on the rocks of wolves.

Mowgli learns that hunters from the village are following in the footsteps of wolves.

He sees Buldeo and forbids the wolves to touch him. Mowgli and wolves confuse the tracks and Buldeo
can't figure out where the wolves ran.

Mowgli learns that Buldeo claims to have killed the tiger himself, and Mowgli has turned into a wolf.
That his adoptive parents want to burn like sorcerers and tell the British that they died from a cobra

Mowgli enters the village at night and finds Messua and her husband tied up in a hut. he frees them and
helps them get out of the village. Mowgli's parents go to the British, and the wolves accompany them.

Mowgli and Bagheera are sitting in a hut and when people want to burn the sorcerers, they see a
panther. Everyone was scared and hid.

Mowgli calls Hati the elephant and asks him to send people to the fields - antelopes, deer, wild boar. By
morning, all the fields were trampled and the crops died.

People pray and are afraid, but they have to leave their village.

And elephants destroy it.

The jungle engulfs the cursed place.

"Royal Ankas"

Mowgli plays with Kaa's python, and Kaa tells him about a strange place in a ruined city, where there are
many human things, but which is worth a white cobra.

The boy decides to look at this place and Kaa leads him to the dungeon.

They are met by a white cobra waiting for a man to appear. It is very old and remembers the times when
the city above was filled with people.

Mowgli looks indifferently at the treasures, they do not interest him, because they can not be eaten.

But he finds a royal ankas, a scepter of an elephant driver, decorated with a ruby. Mowgli wants to take
it and promises to bring the White Cobra Frog.

But the White Cobra does not want to let go of Mowgli, she threatens him with death. However, Mowgli
throws the ankas and he presses the cobra. Kaa also attacks the cobra and paralyzes it. Mowgli discovers
that the cobra has lost its venomous glands and its bite is harmless.
He goes with an ankas.

The precious wand quickly bores Mowgli, and Bagheera says he bears death. Mowgli throws out his

Mowgli notices that the man takes the wand and follows in her footsteps with Bagheera. He sees one
person kill another, then finds the corpse of another person. Then they go to the hearth, near which lie
four corpses.

Mowgli takes the ankas and gives it to the White Cobra. He advises the cobra to hire young helpers so
that no one takes away these jewels.

"Red dogs"

After the jungle entered the village, Mowgli lived a quiet life. But one day another wounded wolf came
to the rock of the wolves. He said there were red dogs in the jungle.

Akela senses that the next hunt will be his last and advises Mowgli to flee. The same thing is said by
someone else's wolf.

Mowgli goes to Kaa for advice and the python remembers the years. Then he calls Mowgli after him and
shows him the gorge on the river, where a small people of rocks live. Kaa says that even Khati is afraid of
these people.

Kaa told Mowgli about a deer that, escaping from wolves, jumped off rocks through clouds of bees and
survived. But the wolves that jumped after him died.

Mowgli begins his hunt. He meets red dogs on a tree and teases their leader. Then he grabs him and
cuts off his tail.

Red dogs are furious. Mowgli runs to the rocks and jumps into the water. Dogs chasing him are bitten by
swarms of bees and many of them die.

Others chase Mowgli in the water and he kills many dogs.

Finally, Mowgli sails to the ambush site. Dogs are chosen ashore and here they are met by wolves. A
terrible battle begins.

Akela dies in Mowgli's arms and advises him to leave the jungle, because he is a man.


Two years have passed. Mowgli turned 17 years old. The spring came.

Mowgli feels desperate and does not understand what is happening to him. He seems to be weak and
even a brisk run does not restore his strength.

He comes to a human village and suddenly recognizes Messua. Mother happily greets Mowgli, saying
that he has become the most beautiful of people and that he looks like a forest deity.
After saying goodbye to all his friends, Mowgli decides to stay with people.

They wish him a successful hunt.\

Kipling "Mowgli" summary (translation briefly)

The book consists of two parts. Some of the stories tell about Mowgli, about his life in the jungle among
wild animals. At the age of two, the lumberjack's young son gets lost in the jungle. The lame tiger Sher-
Khan is following him and wants to make him his prey. The child crawls to the lair of wolves. Father and
Mother Wolves take him into their family and protect him from Sher Khan. They call him Mowgli, which
means "frog". At the wolf pack council, Balu the bear, who teaches the jungle wolf cubs, and Bagheera,
the black panther, who pays the pack to keep the baby from tearing Sher Khan apart, advocate that
Mowgli be allowed to live among the wolves.

Mowgli's intelligence and courage allow him to survive and strengthen in the difficult conditions of life in
the jungle. His friends and patrons are the bear Balu, Bagheera, the boa constrictor Kaa, the leader of
the wolf pack Akela. There are many adventures in his life, he learns to speak the language of all the
inhabitants of the jungle, and this often saves his life.

One day, Bandar-log monkeys take a boy to the Cold Lair, a ruined Hindu city built in the jungle centuries
ago. While the monkeys carry him, moving along the branches of trees, Mowgli asks the kite to follow
where he is being taken and to warn his friends. Bagheera, Balu and Kaa come to the boy's aid and
rescue him from the monkeys who play with him like a toy.

Ten years after Mowgli's arrival in the jungle, the leader of the flock, Akela, grows old and can no longer
patronize his pet. Many wolves hate Mowgli because they can't stand his gaze and feel his inexplicable
superiority. Sher Khan is waiting for the right moment to deal with Mowgli. Then, on the advice of
Bagheera, Mowgli brings fire from the village. On the Rock of the Council of the wolf pack, he
demonstrates his strength to the beasts, sets fire to the skin of Sher Khan, defends Akela.

After that he goes out of the jungle and goes to the village, to the people. There, a woman named
Messua takes him as her son, once abducted by Sher Khan, and gives him shelter in her home. Mowgli
learns human language, gets used to the way of life of people, and then for a few months becomes a
shepherd of a rural herd of buffalo. One day he learns from wolves loyal to him that Sher Khan, who
went to another part of the jungle to heal his wounds, has returned. Then Mowgli lures the tiger into a
trap and sends a buffalo herd on both sides. Sher-Khan dies. Upon learning of the tiger's death, the
village hunter wants to get 100 rupees for catching Sher Khan and wants to take his skin to the village.
Mowgli does not allow him to do so. Then the hunter calls him a werewolf, and Messua and her
husband sorcerers. Mowgli with tiger skin hides in the jungle. His named parents are going to be burned.
Mowgli returns, helping them to hide and get to the British settlement, where they can ask for
protection. Mowgli sends wild elephants, buffaloes, and deer to the village, and they trample all the
fields, destroy houses, disperse herds, so that the inhabitants are forced to leave their former habitat
and seek refuge elsewhere.

After Sher Khan's death and the destruction of the village, Mowgli returns to the jungle and now lives
particularly well. Everyone recognizes the rights of the owner and master of the jungle. He grows up a
handsome, strong and intelligent young man.

When he reaches 17 years of age, the habitat of wolves is attacked by wild red dogs down. Each of them
is weaker than a wolf, but they attack hordes, they are hungry and kill all living things in their path.
Mowgli and Kaa lure them into a trap consisting of a billion swarms of wild bees and a rapid river. The
trick helps him deal with most uninvited guests. Then the wolf pack kills the rest of the living and the
most stubborn of them. In this way, Mowgli saves the wolves from certain death (if they decide to fight
the dola without prior measures) or from forced relocation.

Spring comes, and Mowgli draws to the people. He says goodbye to his friends and finally goes to where
Messua and her newborn child now live. Mowgli meets a girl, marries her and leads a normal life, but
forever remembers his first years in the jungle and the images of faithful friends.

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