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Vizitati ! Arhiva online cu diplome, cursuri si referate postate de utilizatori.


1. Bagley, Cristopher, Child sexual abuse: the search for healing, New York:
Tavisock/Routlege, 1991
2. Baiceanu, L., Dictionar de psihologie, editura Tehnica, Bucuresti, 2004
3. Briere, John, Child abuse trauma - theory and treatment of the lasting efects, New
Delhi, Sage Publications, 1992
4. Cooper, David & David, Ball, Abuzul asupra copilului, editura Alternative, 1993
5. Cooper, David & David, Ball, Social work and child abuse, London: Mc Millan
Press, 1991
6. ***, Family abuse and its consequences: new directions in Research, New Delhi:
Sage Publications, 1998
7. Garbarino, J, Guttman E., Seeley, J.N., The psychologically battered child, s.l.,
8. Gray, J. & Kempe, C.H., The abuse child at time of injury, I:H.P. Martin (ed.), ab
The abuse Child Ballinger, Cambridge, Mass
9. Gloser, Danya, Child sexual abuse, Mc Millan Press, London 1993
10. Ionescu, Serban, Copilul maltratat, Editat de Fundatia Internationala pentru copil
si familie, Bucuresti, 2001
11. Killen, Kari, Copilul maltratat, editura Eurobit, Timisoara, 1998
12. Laplanche, J, & Pontalis, J.B., Vocabularul psihanalizei, editura Humanitas,
Bucuresti, 1994
13. Lopez, Gerard, Violentele sexuale asupra copiilor, editura Dacia, Cluj Napoca,
14. ***, Manualul pentru diagnosticul si stabilirea tulburarilor mentale, editat de
Asociatia Psihiatrilor Liberi din Romania, 1993
15. Neculau, Adrian & Gilles, Ferreol, Violenta.Aspecte psihosociale, editura
Polirom, Iasi, 2003.
16. Ouvray, S, Robert,Copil abuzat,copil meduzat, editura Eurostampa, Timisoara

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17. Parton, Nigel, The politics of child abuse, Mc Millan Press, London, 1994
18. Popescu, V. & Radut, M. (ianuarie 1998), Copilul maltratat, in: Viata medicala,
420, nr. 2, anul X
19. Roth - Szamoskozi Maria, Protectia copilului, dileme, conceptii, metode, editura
Presa Universitara Clujeana, Cluj Napoca, 1999
20. Stratton, Petter, Cliff Davis, & Kevin Browne, Early prediction and prevention of
child abuse, Chichester, New York 1991
21. Strauss, M.A., Stress and psihical child abuse, I: Child abuse and neglect, s.l., s.a.
22. Wegsheider, S. Another change.Hope and health for the Alcoholic Familiy, Pallo
Alto, Science and Behaviour Books, 1981
23. Whitman, M., Evaluarea si pregatirea in cazul copiilor neglijati si abuzati,
Seminar organizat de World Vision si Word Learning, CLuj 1989
24. Zamfir, Elena., Situatia copilului si a familiei in Romania, UNICEF, 1997

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