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Name: …………………………………… Class: ……… Total: …….. / 40

I. Fill in the gap with a preposition. (10pts)
1. Don’t tell me.  I’m going to tell ……………….. you if you keep doing that!
2. The teacher told him ……………………. for talking in class. 
3. I still have a problem telling the twins ………………….
4. Can you tell her …………………….. her sister? 
5. I am sure it was my age that told ………………………
6. The notice tells ……………………… the proposed job cuts.
7. The way a person dresses can tell you a lot ……………………. them.
8. Can you tell ………………………… the meaning of this word?
9. He broke my sister’s heart, so I told him …………………………
10. His reputation as a troublemaker told …………………… him when he tried to change his job.
II. Fill in the gap with ONE word. (20pts)
1. There are 50 people coming, …………………… told.
2. She has been married five times, so she tells a ………………… or two about men.
3. If I get an award, I will tell your ………………… first on the stage. 
4. They’re so alike. I can’t tell the ………………………..!
5. Tell me your ……………………. I won’t tell anyone.
6. I heard John is getting fired, but don’t tell a …………………– I don’t think even he knows yet.
7. We cannot tell a ……………………, so we confessed we were getting way too many.
8. To tell the ……………………, I didn't understand a word of what he was saying.
9. The host tells a ………………….. to his guest to break the ice.
10. She is only five – she hasn’t learnt to tell the ………………….yet.
11. "I worked all day yesterday." "Oh yeah, tell me ………………………….
12. I often ……………………….. tell of such things.
13. "How did you know he was leaving?" "Oh, let's just say a little …………………… told me."
14. “Who are you going out with tonight?” – “That ……………………. be telling”.
15. Time ……………………… will tell if the treatment has been successful.
16. It sounds like a nice place to live, but you ………………………can tell – we may end up hating it.
17.  She told me where to ………………… off and then started in scolding Tom.
18. Her face told its ………………… story.
19. We had a horrific journey, but we ………………………… to tell the tale.
20. I was so furious I nearly told him where to ………………………. his rotten job!
III. Rewrite the sentences as guided. (10pts)
1. As far as I know, she’s enjoying the course. (tell)
As far as ……………………………………………………………….. she’s enjoying the course.
2. It’s difficult to distinguish the two versions. (difference)
It’s difficult to ………………………………………………………………… the two versions.
3. It’s impossible to know how they will react. (no)
There ……………………………………… how they will react.
4. For this point of view, I completely agree with you. (telling)
For this point of view, ……………………………………………………………………………………….
5. She got into the habit of telling a seemingly harmless lie. (white)
She got into the habit of ……………………………………………………………………………………

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