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Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy


Numerical and experimental investigation on the thermochemical

gasification potential of Cocoa pod husk (Theobroma Cacoa)
in an open‑core gasifier
Arun Prasad Gunasekaran1 · Murugan Paradesi Chockalingam1   · Saji Raveendran Padmavathy1 ·
Joseph Sekhar Santhappan2

Received: 17 December 2020 / Accepted: 10 February 2021

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH, DE part of Springer Nature 2021

Thermochemical conversion is a promising technology to generate producer gas (PG) from different types of agroforestry
biomass residues. To use an existing open-core biomass gasifier for different feedstocks available in a agroforestry region, its
viability must be studied systematically. Cocoa pod husk (CPH) is one of the promising agricultural wastes, widely available
in tropical farmlands of hilly regions. In this study, a commercial 115 k­ Wth biomass gasifier is used in both numerical and
experimental methods to find the potential of CPH as a feedstock. The moisture of CPH is varied from 5 to 25%, and the
performance of gasifier is investigated for ER between 0.20 and 0.40. The results show that compositions of CO, H ­ 2 and C
­ H4
in PG are 20–24%, 12.0–16.5% and 2.0–3.2%, respectively, for the tested conditions. The best equivalence ratio and moisture
content are identified as 0.25 and 5%, respectively. The calorific value, conversion efficiency and cold gas efficiency are
found as 6.13 MJ/Nm3, 82% and 68%, respectively. The predicted performance parameters and temperature distribution are
compared with experimental values and literature. Thus, CPH is identified as a promising feedstock for an open-core gasifier.
Graphic abstract

Extended author information available on the last page of the article

A. P. Gunasekaran et al.

Keywords  Agricultural waste · Carbon conversion efficiency · Cocoa pod husk · Gasifier · Producer gas · Species transport

List of symbols eco-friendly energy sources. Effective utilization of agricul-

Ar Arrhenius rate ­(s−1) tural waste is one of the possible methods for cleaner energy
CCE Carbon conversion efficiency (%) production in agriculture dominated regions. For instance,
CFD Computational fluid dynamics India has the potential to generate 16,000 MW of electricity
CG Constituent gases from agricultural residues. However, adequate studies on the
CGE Cold gas efficiency (%) energy conversion potential of many biowastes are not estab-
CPH Coco Pod Husk lished and due to the non-availability of suitable technolo-
CV Calorific Value (MJ ­Nm−3) gies, only a limited quantity is utilized (Kumar et al. 2015).
CZ Combustion zone In the population without the access to electricity, 84% of
Ea Activation energy (J k ­mol−1) them are living in rural areas (Pode et al. 2015). For instant,
ER Equivalence ratio 19% of the villages in India do not have access to electric-
PG Producer gas ity; however, these villages are rich in agricultural activities
PZ Pyrolysis zone (Nouni et al. 2008). In such a situation, the implementation
RMS Root mean square of decentralized power generation from the locally available
RZ Reduction zone biomass is encouraged (Kumar et al. 2015; Chun and Song
Cx𝜀 Model constants 2019). For the effective implementation of gasifiers in power
Di,m Mass diffusion coefficient for species ‘i’ in the generation from agricultural and forest residues, intensive
mixture ­(m2 ­s−1) studies are anticipated (Mathimani et al. 2019).
F ⃗ Body forces ­(Nm−3) The feasibility of using different feedstock like rice husk
g⃗ Acceleration due to gravity ­(ms−2) (Murugan and Sekhar 2017a), wood waste (Sheth and Babu
Gb Buoyancy turbulence kinetic energy ­(m2 ­s2) 2009; Kim et al. 2019), rice straw (Lee et al. 1999), cashew
Gk Gradient turbulence kinetic energy ­(m2 ­s2) nutshell (Singh et al. 2006), jatropha seed husk (Vyas and
J��⃗i Diffusion flux of species i Singh 2007), peanut shell waste (Nisamaneenate et al. 2015),
P Static pressure (Pa) sugarcane bagasse (keche et al. 2015), tung shells (Prasad
Rir Homogeneous reaction rate of species i et al. 2015), etc., in gasifiers is reported in the literature.
(kg ­m−3 ­s−1) However, the possibility of using various types of biomass
Ri,r Homogeneous reaction rate (kg ­m−3 ­s−1) available in different regions is still under investigation.
Sh Source term ­(Wm−1) Since the generation of agricultural waste is not uniform
Sk , Se User-defined source terms throughout a year, the gasifier used for an application should
Sm MASS added to the phase (kg) have provision to accommodate different types of biomass
v⃗ Velocity ­(ms−1) as feedstock. Among the various money crops, the vanilla
Yi Mass fraction of the species i (%) flavour is produced by vanillin in industries. It is used as
Ym Overall dissipation turbulence rate an additive in perfume industry and also adds flavour for
ρ Density (kg ­m−3) food items. The waste extracted from this plant is effectively
μ Dynamic viscosity (kg ­m−1 ­s−1) utilized for energy generation via biochemical route (Pov-
ε Turbulent dissipation rate ­(m2 ­s−3) eda-Giraldo and Cardona Alzate 2020). Similarly, cocoa is
k Turbulent kinetic energy ­(m2 ­s2) also a money crop, and its different forms are used in many
σk Turbulent Prandtl number food products and it is cultivated in many parts of the world
λeff Effective conductivity (Afoakwa et al. 2007). The yearly production of this crop is
estimated at 4.2 million tons which worth $11.8 billion and
contributes to 3% in the economic growth of the world per
Introduction year (Beg et al. 2017). In India, around 200 thousand tons
of CPH are left out as agricultural waste, mainly in tropi-
The rapid changes taking place in the living condition of cal areas (Directorate of Cashewnut & Cocoa Development
people and industrial developments demand huge energy 2018; Oddoye et al. 2010). Normally, from 10 tons of raw
requirement and lead to drastic exhaustion of fossil fuel cocoa one ton of CPH waste is generated (Vriesmann et al.
resources (Tun and Juchelková 2019). The world’s pri- 2011). This residue is rich in lignocelluloses, and it can be a
mary energy demand is projected to increase by 38.33% good feedstock for gasification (Dahunsi et al. 2019).
between 2017 and 2040, which shows the increasing need of

Numerical and experimental investigation on the thermochemical gasification potential of…

Even though many types of gasifiers are available, down- validate the predictions. Since commercial biomass gasifiers
draft gasifier is generally used in industrial application. The like 115 ­kWth are used for different applications, the same
important factors to be considered for efficient gasifica- has been selected for this study. The data from fuel charac-
tion and also to get good quality producer gas are gasifier terization of CPH is used in the two-dimensional model.
design, equivalence ratio, moisture content, gasification tem- The commercial software code ANSYS-FLUENT is used for
perature, feedstock quality and cold gas efficiency (Puig- this simulation. All reactions taking place in various zones
Arnavat et al. 2010). If the moisture in biomass increases, of the gasifier are also incorporated into the analysis from
efficiency of gasifier and consistency of producer gas also suitable provisions available in the CFD code. The perfor-
change (Brammer and Bridgwater 2002). The gasification mance parameters of simulation studies are verified with
of wood chips with 11% moisture shows that the maximum experimental results to prove the validity of this approach.
cold gas efficiency of 79.7% can be achieved (Huchon et al.
2020). The important parameters considered with respect to
the design of the downdraft gasifier are throat angle, throat Model description
diameter, nozzle position, feedstock inlet dimension and
length of various zones. In a throatless biomass gasifier, the The domain used in the numerical study is schematically
change in combustion zone geometry does not play a major represented in Fig. 1. The diameter and height of the study
role for using low density feedstock (Jain and Goss 2000). domain are 640 mm and 2000 mm, respectively. The diam-
The operation of this gasifier is very responsive to the size eter of the gas exit is maintained at 340 mm. The height of
and consistency for shell type biomass of low and medium the four zones of gasifier is given in the figure. To supply air,
density (Bhavanam and Sastry 2011). The throatless biomass 200-mm-long nozzles are fixed at 80 mm above the reduc-
gasifier is used for the gasification of rice husk and saw dust tion zone with an inclination of 45°.
blend. Better performance is attained for the rice husk at
ER of 0.2, whereas ER is 0.15 for rice husk-saw dust blend
(Susastriawan et al. 2018). The simulation on gasification of
wood for tea drying, reveals that the throat angle of a gasifier
greatly influences its performances (Jayah et al. 2003). The
effect of the nozzle’s position and inclination on the gaseous
fuel has been already proved with systematic investigations
(Murugan and Sekhar 2017b). The studies on throat angle,
throat diameter and temperature of preheated air have shown
their influence on conversion efficiency (Prasertcharoensuk
et al. 2018). Moreover, for a better species concentration of
producer gas, the choke plate angle may be selected between
10° and 25° (Kumar et al. 2008). Therefore, the performance
of a gasifier may vary whenever a feedstock other than the
specified one is used. Numerical analysis with CFD tech-
nique is an effective methodology for predicting the gasifi-
cation potential of any biomass in a downdraft gasifier for
various operating conditions.
The kinetics of chemical reactions must be defined to
develop the CFD model. To implement the flow physics and
study the generation potential of combustible gases, species-
transport model is preferred (Kumar and Paul 2020). Moreo-
ver, the multiple chemical reactions are also used for the
numerical analysis (Mashayak 2009). The model has been
used to find the gasification potential of rice husk (Muru-
gan and Sekhar 2017a), rubber seed kernel shell (Murugan
and Sekhar 2017b) and coconut shell (Murugan and Joseph
Sekhar 2017) which proves its validity to analyse any new
feedstock for thermochemical conversion.
In this paper, the thermochemical conversion of CPH
in a downdraft gasifier has been studied using the CFD
Fig. 1  Schematic diagram of the study domain
technique, and also an experimental study is conducted to

A. P. Gunasekaran et al.

The two-dimensional geometry of the domain is created in The temperature, pressure and turbulent eddies are used
ANSYS-Design Modeller. The mesh size has been selected to define the chemical reaction rate. The species destruction
based on previous studies, and grid independence test has also rate has been defined as
been used for accuracy of the selection. To incorporate flow ( )
physics and other simulation controls, the following procedure 𝜀 Yr

Ri,r = vi,r Mi,r A𝜌 min
is used. k R v�R,r , Mw,j

Numerical modelling ∑
⎛ ⎞
𝜀 p Yp
The general governing equations for the problem are selected Ri,r = v�i,r Mi,r B𝜌 ⎜ ∑N ⎟ (10)
k⎜ v��
M ⎟
as follows ⎝ j j,r w,j ⎠
Equation of mass
( )
∇ ⋅ 𝜌⃗v = Sm . (1)
Boundary conditions and the convergence criteria
Equation of momentum
( ) ( ) The feedstock characterization data of the CPH are rep-

∇ ⋅ 𝜌⃗vv⃗ = −∇P + ∇ ⋅ 𝜏 + 𝜌⃗g + F (2) resented as (C: 43.87%, H: 5.82%, O: 47.28%, N: 2.23%,
S: 0.57%, volatile matter: 68.47%, fixed carbon: 10.43%,
Equation of energy
moisture: 10.29%, ash: 10.81%), and the same has been
( ∑ ) incorporated in the definition of biomass’s condition at the
∇ ⋅ (v(𝜌E + p)) = ∇ ⋅ 𝜆eff ∇T − 𝜏eff ⋅ v⃗ ) + Sh
hjJj + (⃗
inlet. The tested conditions used in the numerical analysis
(3) are summarized in Table 1. The various reactions involved
The RNG turbulence model and the various parameters of in gasification at various zones such as drying, pyroly-
the same are selected as follows (Murugan and Joseph Sekhar sis, combustion and reduction zones are listed in Table 2.
2017; Ravi et al. 2013] The parameters that normally influence convergence of
the solution are the number of cells, RMS error, relaxa-
C1𝜀 = 1.44, C2𝜀 = 1.92, Ym = 0.09, Sk = 1.0, Se = 1
tion factor and physics of the problem. The RMS error
[( ] ) for continuity equations is fixed as 1­ 0–6 to fix the conver-
𝜕 ( ) 𝜕 𝜕k 𝜇 gence criteria (Ngamsidhiphongsa et al. 2020), and a false
𝜌kui = 𝜇+ + Gk + Gb − 𝜌𝜀 − Ym + Sk
𝜕xi 𝜕xj 𝜕xj 𝜎k time-step with an under-relaxation factor of 0.01 has been
(4) selected to define the turbulence–chemistry interaction.
( [( ) ] )
𝜕 ( ) 𝜕 𝜇 𝜕e 𝜀
𝜌𝜀ui = 𝜇+ + C1𝜀 (Gk + G3𝜀 Gb
𝜕xi 𝜕xj 𝜎k 𝜕xj k
𝜀2 Table 1  Tested conditions of the numerical study
− C2𝜀 𝜌 + S𝜀
k Sl. no Description Details
The generalized form of the species transport equation for 1 Feedstock Cocoa Pod Husk (Theobroma
individual species is given as (Magnussen and Hjertager 1976)
2 Temperature 30 °C
𝜕( ) ( ) 3 Pressure Atmospheric pressure
𝜌Yi + ∇ ⋅ 𝜌⃗vYi = ∇ ⋅ J��⃗i + Ri (6)
𝜕t 4 Equivalence ratio (ER) 0.20–0.45
5 Mass flow rate 0.0138 (kg/s)
in which the mass diffusion of laminar flow is defined as
6 Moisture content (MC) 5–25%
( )
𝜇 7 Tar & char formation Negligible usually ranges from
J⃗ = − 𝜌Di,m + i ∇Yi (7) (0.015–3 g/Nm3) (Prasertchar-
Sci oensuk et al. 2018)
8 Biomass inlet condition Mass flow inlet
Similarly, the mass diffusion flux is taken as
9 Air inlet condition Velocity inlet
J⃗ = −𝜌Di,m ∇Yi (8) 10 Gas outlet condition Pressure outlet
11 Wall condition Adiabatic with no-slip
12 Solver SIMPLE algorithm
13 Relaxation factor 0.01

Numerical and experimental investigation on the thermochemical gasification potential of…

Table 2  Gasification reactions Reaction equation Equation Ar ­(sec−1) Ea (Jk ­mol−1) References

used in this study number

CH4 + 1.5O2 → CO + ­H2O (11) 5.0 × ­1011 2.0 × ­108 Nakod (2013)

H2O → ­H2 + 0.5 ­O2 (12) 2.0 × ­1011 2.7 × ­108 Nakod (2013)
CO + 0.5O2 → ­CO2 (13) 4.4 × ­1011 1.2 × ­108 Masmoudi et al. (2017)
H2 + 0.5O2 → ­H2O (14) 1.0 × ­1014 4.2 × ­107 Masmoudi et al. (2017)
CO + ­H2O → ­CO2 + ­H2 (15) 2.8 × ­10−2 32.8 × ­103 Gao and Li (2008)
C + ­CO2 → 2CO (16) 34.0 × ­106 179.50 × ­103 Fletcher et al. (2000)
C + ­H2O → CO + ­H2 (17) 14.0 × ­107 179.50 × ­103 Fletcher et al. (2000)
CH4 + ­H2O → CO + ­3H2 (18) 16.5 × ­1010 33.9 × ­107 Gerun et al. (2008)
C + ­2H2 → ­CH4 (19) 1.0 × ­1011 4.2 × ­107 Prasertcharoensuk et al. (2018)
C + ­O2 → ­CO2 (20) 5.6 × ­109 1.6 × 10 Prasertcharoensuk et al. (2018)

Description of experimental facility both the woody and fine particle types biomass and also
efficiently deliver producer gas are given in Table 3. The
The equipment, components and major instruments used water circulated for primary cooling and cleaning mecha-
in the experimental facility are schematically shown in nisms is placed below the gasifier, and such an arrange-
Fig. 2. The specifications of the gasifier which can handle ment removes impurities like tar, unburnt carbon and so
on. The secondary system comprises of cyclone separator,

Fig. 2  Schematic representation of the experimental facility

A. P. Gunasekaran et al.

Table 3  Specification of the Sl. no Parameter Specifications

downdraft biomass gasifier
1 Manufacturer Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd
2 Model COMBO-40
3 Rated capacity 115 kW (Thermal)
4 Gasification temperature 1050–1100 °C
5 Rated gas flow 60–90 ­Nm3/h
6 Fuel feeding Continuous
7 Rated biomass consumption 40–50 kg/h (non-woody)
30–34 kg/h (woody)
8 Typical conversion efficiency  > 75%
9 Typical gas composition CO-28 ± 3%, ­H2-18 ± 2%, ­CH4− up to 3%

cooling tower and a scrubber. The measuring instruments volume. Once the blower and other supporting equipment
like multigas analyser (Electronic System Tech.: accu- were started, the feedstock was ignited using a piece of
racy ± 3%), gas flowmeter (Unitech-accuracy ± 2%), elec- red-hot charcoal. The gas leaving at the exit point con-
tronic weighing balance (accuracy ± 1%), The moisture sisted of tar and other particulates. Hence, a scrubber unit
content in feedstock is measured as per the ASTM stand- and multiple filters were used to clean the gas. To ensure
ard (Serrano et al. 2011). Chromel–Alumel K-type ther- proper generation of gas, its combustion nature was tested
mocouples (accuracy ± 3%) are connected with the system in the flare. Once the combustion quality was confirmed,
to observe performance parameters. A data logger is used gas samples were collected every 10 min of the experimen-
to record temperature data. A variable frequency drive is tal run, stabilization of the composition was observed after
attached to the blower to control air flow. 40 min, and the average readings were plotted. The tar
and ash removal systems were monitored to ensure proper
Preparation of feedstock operation. Samples of water from both lines were collected
to check tar and ash removal rates. The unprocessed feed-
Cocoa is a money crop cultivated in agricultural lands of stock in the ash was also checked.
rain forest regions. It is also cultivated along with other Each experimental run was carried out for four hours con-
crops. A district located in southern Tamil Nadu (8.0883° N, tinuously, and the performance parameters were recorded.
77.5385° E) with an area of 25.86 square metre was selected During the experimentation, water samples were collected
to collect the required quantity of the biomass. The cocoa from cooling and cleaning circuits to measure the quantity
fruits were collected here, and the cocoa pod got removed of ash, tar and unburnt feedstock present. The same was used
and it was sent to the food processing industries. In this for the analysis of mass balance. Moreover, as per the manu-
process, CPH was left out as agricultural waste. The col- facturer’s guidelines, their values were maintained below
lected feedstock was dried in open sunlight to remove excess 10%. The sediment of these residues was collected from the
moisture in the feedstock. After processing the wet CPH, the sump. It was dried and given to adjacent agricultural farms
feedstock was checked for moisture content and the average as fertilizer. To confirm the measured values, a mass balance
value was maintained at 10%. To conduct all experimental between the inputs and products was studied and given in
tests, 700 kg of dried feedstock was collected. Table 4.

Experimental procedure

The basic preparations needed to run the gasifier were Result and discussion
carried out as per the guidelines of the equipment man-
ufacturer. Before the feedstock was loaded, the gasifier During the gasification process, ER may not be stable due to
wall was cleaned to remove tar and char particles. The the fluctuation of moisture in CPH. Therefore, equivalence
joints of the combustion cone were sealed with insulation ratio and moisture in feedstock are varied as 0.20 to 0.40 and
rope to prevent any leakage of producer gas or entry of 5% to 25%, respectively. The volume fractions of CO, ­H2 and
unmeasured atmospheric air. The average moisture of the ­CH4 in producer gas, equivalence ratio (ER), heating value
feedstock was measured to its limit, and it was maintained of the gaseous fuel, efficiencies of the conversion process
below 20% for smooth working of the gasifier. The feed- and temperature distribution are studied from experimental
stock (CPH) was loaded up to 60% of the gasifier’s total and numerical results and discussed as follows.

Numerical and experimental investigation on the thermochemical gasification potential of…

Table 4  Mass balance of CPH Run Equivalence Input Output Mass balance (%)
and the products of gasification ratio (ϕ)
Airflow (kg/h) Feedstock con- Flow rate of Ash
sumed (kg/h) output gas produced
(kg/h) (kg/h)

1 0.25 21.32 26.42 37.43 8.62 96.46

2 0.30 21.46 30.65 40.28 10.11 97.33

given in Fig. 5. The composition of constituent gases in PG

observed in this study at ER 0.25 is also matching with the
values observed in previous studies (Sheth and Babu 2009).
The ER above 0.25 accelerates the combustion of feedstock;
besides, the fraction of ­N2 in the PG decreases the volume
fraction of CG. It is also observed that the numerical predic-
tions are on par with the experimental results with a devia-
tion within 6%. The causes for this deviation may be due
to assumption made in defining the property of substances,
boundary conditions, losses, chemical reaction and so on
(Murugan and Sekhar 2017a). The results obtained from the
study are validated with the other shell type biomass such
as coconut shell and cashew nut shell and listed in Table 5.

Variation of feedstock moisture on the quality of PG

Fig. 3  Gird accuracy check on mesh cells of the numerical simulation
Moisture content and ER of the feedstock have a signifi-
cant impact on the quality of PG (Guangul et al. 2014).
Grid independence test Figure 6a–c shows the influence of moisture in CPH and
ER on generation of combustible gases. It is seen that the
Initially, the geometry was meshed with 25,000 cells and maximum volume percentage of CO, ­H2 and ­CH4 in PG is
the domain was analysed. Further, to study the impact of 23.3%, 15.4% and 3.8%, respectively. From Fig. 6a at the ER
total number of cells on the performance, geometry was of 0.25, maximum composition is observed and for further
discretized to an increment of 25,000 cells as mentioned increase in ER, the composition drops gradually. At high ER,
in Fig. 3 and gas composition was predicted until stabiliza- the combustion of CPH increases and it eventually raises the
tion occurs. During this grid independency test, ER of the formation of C ­ O2 and N
­ 2. Even though more heat is avail-
gasifier was maintained at 0.25, and other boundary condi- able for the endothermic processes in RZ at higher ER, the
tions were kept constant. Since CO and H ­ 2 had not shown higher ­CO2 concentration reduces the quality of PG. High
significant change in volume fraction from the cell count moisture content in feedstock normally reduces the forma-
of 175,000 and above, the same number was used for all tion of CO (Atnaw et al., 2014). The CO composition for the
the studies. Similar methodology is also reported in the lit- tested range of the operating parameter is between 19.5 and
erature to select cell count (Andrew et al. 2010). This also 23.3% which proves the suitability of the gasifier to maintain
ensures accuracy of the numerical simulation for using CPH good CO composition in producer gas.
as feedstock, besides the applicability of species-transport Figure 6b shows the trend of H ­ 2 composition with varia-
model for such simulation. tion in moisture content and ER. In contrast to Fig. 6a, the
­H2 composition increases with moisture content. A similar
Validation for the prediction of numerical study trend for ­H2 is also observed in the literature (Sulaiman et al.
2013). The intense formation of water–gas shift reactions
The predicted contour plots for composition of products may be the reason for the increase of H ­ 2 in producer gas.
from gasification at ER of 0.25 are shown in Fig. 4. The Figure 6c shows that the composition of C ­ H4 does not have a
numerical results are predicted from average values taken significant effect due to the increase of ER above 0.25. Even
along the particle tracking line which is shown in Fig. 1. though moisture content has some effect, the variation is in
The validation of the experimental and numerical study is a narrow range. Hence, the behaviour of CPH in a gasifier is

A. P. Gunasekaran et al.

Fig. 4  Numerical results of the combustible gas composition for the equivalence ratio 0.25 a CO composition b ­H2 composition c ­CH4 composi-

Table 5  Comparison of results with similar feedstock from the litera-


Parameters Cocoa pod husk Coconut shell Cashew nut shell

(Present study) (Venkatesh (Singh et al.
et al. 2017) 2006)

CO (%) 20–24 18–21 11.9–16.51

H2 (%) 12–16.5 14–17 12.03–12.67
CH4 (%) 2.0–3.2 3.6–3.9 1.51–2.25
CV (MJ/Nm3) 6.13 6.3 4.53

and thus, it reduces the CV of the gas and a similar trend is

also observed in the figure. The best quality of PG is seen
at the ER of 0.25, where the maximum CV is 6.25 MJ/Nm3.
From all tested conditions, the minimum CV is observed as
5.15 MJ/Nm3 for the ER 0.40. It is seen that the CV drops
when the equivalence ratio increases above 0.25, which may
be due to the endothermic conditions of the reaction zone,
Fig. 5  Comparison of numerical and experimental results on gas
composition intensive combustion of feedstock, besides the composition
of nitrogen and C ­ O2 in PG. The results from the simula-
tion are verified with two experimental values as shown in
conducive for getting a stable percentage of ­CH4 like other Fig. 5d. For ER 0.25 and 0.3 with a moisture content of
types of biomass recommended for this gasifier. 10%, the CVs found in the experimental studies are 6.13
Figure 6d represents the impact of the variation in mois- and 6.25 MJ/Nm3, respectively, which are on par with the
ture and ER on the CV of PG. Generally, moisture content values in the literature for a similar type of feedstock (Sheth
in a feedstock strongly influences the CV of PG (Augustine and Babu 2009; Murugan and Joseph Sekhar 2017b). The
and Sekhar 2019). If moisture content is higher, the amount above findings confirm the suitability of CPH as a promis-
of thermal energy required for gasification is also higher, ing feedstock for biomass gasifiers of various applications.

Numerical and experimental investigation on the thermochemical gasification potential of…

Fig. 6  Impact of moisture and ER on a CO, b ­H2 c ­CH4 and d CV

Temperature distribution the exit of RZ are 900–1100 °C, 700–900 °C and 415 °C,

respectively. The same trend of temperature distribution
The temperature inside the gasifier plays a vital role in gasi- is also reported in the literature (Jayah et al. 2003). Thus,
fication reactions. Moreover, reliability of the components suitability of the proposed simulation, occurrence of good
in the gasifier is also influenced by operating temperature. thermochemical conversion and reliability of the gasifier are
Due to more amount of N ­ 2 entry from the air inlet reduces confirmed.
temperature inside the combustion and reduction zones.
This reduction in temperature affects the potential of reduc- Efficiencies of the gasifier
tion zone reactions (Singh and Sekhar 2016; Murugan and
Sekhar 2017b). So, at low temperature, the reaction rate Carbon conversion efficiency (CCE) represents the per-
reduces, and the formation of CG is affected. High tempera- centage of total moles of carbon-bearing components in
ture in gasifiers is due to excess combustion, which leads to PG (CO, ­CO2 and ­CH4) to the carbon composition present
the formation of more ­CO2. Therefore, a proper temperature in CPH. It is also one of the parameters to decide the quan-
distribution is needed throughout the gasifier to improve its tity of a feedstock. Figure 8a shows the effect of moisture
efficiency. In this case, the thermochemical conversion pro- content and equivalent ratio on CCE of the gasifier. The
cess is affected due to the presence of C ­ O2. Therefore, at figure shows that at the ER of 0.25, the conversion effi-
ER of 0.25, this impact has been analysed in Fig. 7. During ciency increases to 82% which may be due to reduction
gasification of CPH, temperature observed in CZ, PZ and at in release of volatile matter during oxidation reactions

A. P. Gunasekaran et al.

Uncertainty analysis

The uncertainty in experiment observations mainly arises

due to the operating conditions, instrumentation selection,
surrounding environment and the calibration of the instru-
ments. To validate the accuracy of experimentation, uncer-
tainty analysis is predominant tool. In this study, uncertainty
is calculated by the standard procedure (Holman 2000).
The total uncertainty in temperature measurement is found
as ± 1.25%. The uncertainty in the cold gas efficiency is also
estimated as ± 8.40% which is on par with the allowable val-
ues in literature (Plis and Wilk 2011). Thus, the reliability in
experimental observation is confirmed.

Fig. 7  Temperature at various positions
The thermochemical gasification potential of Cocoa Pod
Husk (CPH) has been studied for various operating condi-
(Sikarwar et al. 2006). CGE is a parameter to predict the tions in a gasifier. The results from numerical and experi-
performance of a gasifier, and it is depicted in Fig. 8b. The mental studies show that this agricultural waste can be used
variation of CGE is 64% to 68% for the tested range of ER, as a feedstock like another biomass. Moreover, analysis of
0.20–0.40. Besides, the result shows maximum cold gas the performance parameters like equivalence ratio, gas com-
efficiency, 68% at the ER of 0.25. The increase of ER leads position, CV of PG and influence of moisture in CPH leads
to an increase in gasification temperature and high sensible to the following conclusions:
heat present in the air (Awais et al. 2020). Therefore, at
equivalence ratios above 0.25, CG present in PG reduces • The comparison of numerical and experimental results
with the domination of C ­ O2. These observations show that proves that the proposed numerical study is suitable to
the above-discussed efficiencies are in allowable range analyse the performance of the gasifier with CPH as feed-
for entire operating ranges of the gasifier; however, to get stock.
maximum performance of CPH, the ER may be maintained • The compositions of CO, ­H2 and ­CH4 in the producer gas
at 0.25 with minimum moisture content. are 20.3–23.8%, 12.5–16.2% and 2.3–3.2%, respectively,
for the tested conditions, which is on par with the char-

Fig. 8  Impact of variations in moisture content and ER on a carbon conversion efficiency and b cold gas efficiency

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Authors and Affiliations

Arun Prasad Gunasekaran1 · Murugan Paradesi Chockalingam1   · Saji Raveendran Padmavathy1 ·

Joseph Sekhar Santhappan2

* Murugan Paradesi Chockalingam Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shinas College of Technology, University of Technology and Applied
Sciences-Shinas, PC‑324, Shinas, Oman
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kongu Engineering
College, Erode 638060, India


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