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“11 Cs for better credit analysis in Asia” authored by me and it was published in “Asian Banking

& Finance” 8 years ago. In this article, it has been emphasized upon 5 Cs for good credit and 5
Cs for bad credit and other 1C for good and bad credit which can be used as a lending/investing
tool for any investment officer/manager towards sound & prudent commercial investnent making

11Cs for better credit analysis in Asia

Loan default is a universal phenomenon associated with all types of business enterprises.
However, loan default in case of banks has special significance because extending of credit is
almost the exclusive business of banking institutions.

Naturally magnitude of loan default largely determines the destiny of a bank. So, its importance
is absolute for the very existence of a bank. As banks deal with other people’s money, quick
recovery of loans is one of the most important factors that banks make commercially viable.

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