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We, humans are completely living beyond our ecological problems and the 5 i made resolutions that i

think will help and improve the world we live in to reduce climate was such as;

1. I will nourish and water my plant often and always

Our main problem in our environment is lack of trees and this causes flooding so we must stop blurring
the trees and we must always protect the forest and the ocean to be safe and have a good breeze in our
world. But to the best of my ability all I can do for now is water our plants and take care of it.

2. I will use more our solar power than electricity

According to what I've read, all sorts of power generating have an environmental impact on our air,
water, and land; electricity generation not only contributes to climate change, but it has also become a
major historical event with a plethora of rules. I will use our solar power more than electricity especially
on a daily basis to save on bills and most of all I can also help to reduce the problems in our world.

3. I will avoid using oil or oil based products and i will use more from natural resources for my everyday

One of the reason of causing climate change is the fossill fuels, the combustion of fossil fuels such as oil,
gas, and coal is the primary driver of climate change; when these fuels are used, carbon dioxide is
released into the atmosphere, causing climate change. Oil is used in about 6,000 goods at the moment.
In reality, there are literally thousands of oil-based items that we should generally avoid using, before i
take a bath i always used to put oil in my hair but now I realize that it is better and can be from natural
resources such as the aloe vera.

4. I always turn off unused electricity when it’s not needed

Producing and using electricity more effectively reduces the quantity of fuel used to create energy as
well as the quantity of greenhouse gases and other air pollution released. Before even though we have
our own solar power i always forget to turn off appliances that are not in use but know i will practice my
self to be more discipline to reduce the use of electricity and help to somehow reduce the amount of
wasted and consumed electricity i use that is not too much important.

5. I will grow our own food at home and don’t waste it.

Growing your own food at home can make you healthier and atleast save your money by preventing you
from wasting your time going to the store to buy foodstuffs that we can't be sure are made from natural
resources because some fruits and vegetables at the store aren't 100% likely to grow naturally. Me and
my family is really planning to have our own backyard to lessen our expenses, but also to help our

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