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2 Essay Questions

(1) What were the reasons for, and the results of Lincoln's Emancipation


Emancipation Proclamation is one of the historical events that started in January 1863 during

the leadership of Abraham Lincoln that significantly changed American history. Lincoln

issued Emancipation Proclamation due to several reasons. The critical reason behind the

proclamation was the freedom of slaves in the Southern States, which was at stake. Lincoln

thought that the idea of owning slaves was an approach undermining the rights and progress

of the minority families such as African Americans. More so, Lincoln also intended for the

former slaves to have the opportunity of joining Union. Such a change provided an avenue to

challenge the actions of the Confederates in the course of the Civil War.

Furthermore, Lincoln also proclaimed intending to end the treatment of the African

Americans as property by the whites for years, an act that most of Americans begun

questioning. The proclamation idea provided Lincoln with the power to first influences the

surrender of the Confederates in September 1862, but the approach was not successful,

thereby resulting to the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1863. The

commitment of Lincoln to see the proclamation make a difference led to convincing the

cabinet, which was radical at the beginning. Lincoln managed to stress the necessity of the

proclamation as an avenue for getting justice for the affected populace. The cabinet, however,

waited for a Union victory in July 1862 to begin the enforcement of the proclamation.

The proclamation had significant results with the leading being the proclamation of the slave

freedom in up to ten confederate states. In such sense, the issuance of the proclamation

opened doors for the release of slaves in thousands. The second result is the political effect of

creating an opportunity for African Americans to be part of the Union army and assist in

fighting the confederates. More so, the result proved to be a brilliant strategic approach in
strengthening the forces in the South by influencing the population to join the fight. The freed

slaves in the South got the courage to arm them and participate in fighting their former

masters that were still in rebellion. The effect enabled an increase in the number of union

members up to 200000. The union also had the advantage of accessing resources for the

soldiers through the recruited slaves, thereby overpowering the Confederacy.

Additionally, the proclamation also resulted in a broadened union goal of eradicating slavery

and reuniting America as a country after the War. In such sense, the Union was able to use the

proclamation as guidance for abolishing slavery. The approach resulted in states to experience

a sense of peace and freedom. America, as a result, abolished slavery in December 1865 after

the Civil War ended. The benefit also opened doors for the solidification of the American

Dream as well as the changing society of equal opportunities that Americans enjoys today.

Lastly, the proclamation provided America with a way to prevent the intervention of the

European forces in the Civil War in support of the Confederacy. The approach was possible

through linking of Confederacy support to slavery, which thereby convinced foreign power to

support the effort of outlawing slavery.

(2) What were the causes and consequences of the Mexican War?

The Mexican War an 1846 to 1848 event involved the US and Mexico. The US was the

consistently victorious party in the War with a significant result of acquiring up to 500000

square miles of the territory previously claimed by the Mexicans. More so, the War started

due to substantial reasons. One of the leading causes of the War was Texan annexation by the

US. Mexico issued a warning about its regard for such an annexation approach as a reason to

start a war. The US went ahead with the process prompting Mexico to break its diplomatic

relation. The US considered such a plan as an act of declaring War and went ahead deploy

troops to the disputed area that extended from Nueces to the Rio Grande under the command

of Gen. Zachary Taylor.

The second cause of the War was a boundary dispute between the US and Mexico. In such

sense, the US argued that the Southern Texas border resulted from the Rio Grande despite the

status of the area as a rebellious region in Mexico or one of the American states. Mexico, on

the other hand, maintained an argument that there was a traditional boundary located at

Nueces River which was further north of the region. The inability to settle on the correct

border led the two nations to conflict. Another reason behind the War was the California

question. In this context, President Polk emphasized on an expansion approach for the

country to cover up to the Pacific Ocean through establishing control over California as well

as the Southwest region. The Mexicans refused the idea, thereby breaking its relations with

the US. Lastly, the monetary claims that the US had against Mexico also contributed to the

War. In this case, the US claimed that Mexico owed Americans up to $3 million as cover fork

the property lost during the revolution as well as turmoil in the region.

However, the wat had a significant impact on Mexican and US history. In the case of the US,

the party ended up acquiring a new territory measuring up to 525000 square miles. In this

case, the US was able to strengthen its political control over Mexico, having won the War and

expanded its territory. The situation initiated bitter debates about the issue of slavery as the

US gained new lands. The consequences were also in the sense of losses as most of the

American soldiers died in combat as other succumbed to diseases. More so, the War also

provided an opportunity for young American soldiers to improve their skills needed for other

events such as the case of individuals who also participated in the Civil War.

In the case of Mexico, the party ended up losing approximately half of its territory to

Americans, which at length was a humiliating process. In the process, Mexicans developed

ill-feeling towards Americans. Another consequence was political instability during and after

the War, due to the involvement of the US. Lastly, the most significant impact of the War was

the psychological effect on Mexicans. Mexico lost a considerable number of soldiers in the
War and also lost the War leading to humiliation in the sense that Americans were occupying

most of its territory and the capital. More so, the blow of the peace treaty leading to the

alienation of almost half its national territory also psychologically affected most of the

citizens. In such sense, the situation shattered the Mexicans believe in national honor as well

as engendered the long-lasting resentment feeling about Americans.

(3) What were the achievements and weaknesses of the Confederation government?

The confederation government came into existence after the adoption of Articles of

Confederation by the Continental Congress in 1777. Thirteen states ratified the Articles on

March 1, 1781, thereby creating a union consisting of sovereign states with an assembly of

delegates to represent the states. The existence of the Confederation government comes with

achievements as well as weaknesses. One of the accomplishments of the confederation

government was enabling Congress to have distinct powers; namely the capability to make

war as well as peace; settle emerging disputes between the states as well as undertake foreign

affairs. More so, this also included the capacity for requesting men as well as money from

respective states and borrowing money.

The achievement for the states under the government, on the other hand, included the power

to enforce laws and administer justice. The states were also able to regulate commerce and

levy taxes as a way of raising resources to fund activities. Another achievement through the

Confederation approach was the limitation of representatives in serving more than three years

in Congress. Such an approach assisted the government in preventing the representatives

from forming a political elite. The limits on powers did not prevent the Confederation

Congress from achieving remarkable success.

The government, through such structure, was able to enter into a treaty of alliance in 1778

with France. More so, the Confederation government was ready to wage war against the

British for US independence successfully. In 1783, the confederation government was able to
end the American Revolution by signing the Treaty of Paris. The Articles of Confederation

also provided the government with the structure to grant the free Americans in every state

privileges as well as immunities. Another achievement by the government was able to enact

the 1787 Northwest Ordinance that provided an avenue for the Northwest Territories to

establish own governments. In such sense, they had the opportunity for eventual admission

into the Union with equal footing. Most significantly, the ordinance was able to outlaw

slavery in the region, thereby giving minority communities a chance to thrive in the


On the other hand, the Confederation government had weaknesses. One of the weaknesses

was decentralized power in the sense that the government was able to declare War only

through the willingness of respective states. Such indicated that the government had a slow

decision-making approach given the necessity to appeal for support from individual states.

For example, the Articles of Confederation indicated that central legislation should involve

nine states which made the process slow and time-consuming. More so, this also extended to

the limitation in reacting to specific state needs as well as a sustainable tax system.

Another weakness was in the sense of state indifference. The government lacked the

incentive to encourage individual states to show concern for issues of other states. Such

reflects on complications states experienced while trying to get assistance from other states as

well as even the central government. The style of governance from the Confederation

government, therefore, could not push individual states to extend support for other states.

Another weakness was in terms of currency where the instability experienced by the

government lowered faith in money value, thereby weakening trade capability in the foreign

market. The South experienced a lack of value in printed money, as seen in the Civil War.

Such therefore indicates that the Confederation government had weaknesses despite its


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