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1. Computer Abstractions and Technology

Diego Montero

Slide Sources: Patterson & Hennessy MK 3rd and 5th edition, adapted and supplemented

Facultad de Ingenierı́a

Semestre Septiembre2021 - Marzo2022


Outline Notes

1 Introduction
Classes of Computing Applications and Their Characteristics
Welcome to the PostPC Era
Objectives of this course
Understanding Program Performance

2 Eight Great Ideas in Computer Architecture

3 Below Your Program

From a High-Level Language to the Language of Hardware

4 Under the Covers

Opening the Box

5 Performance
Defining Performance
Measuring Execution Time
Instruction Count and CPI

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Relevance Notes

Computers have led to a third revolution for civilization

Applications that were economically infeasible suddenly become

Computers in automobiles
Cell phones
Human genome project
World Wide Web
Search engines

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Relevance Notes

Advances in this technology affects almost every aspect of our society

Hardware advances → programmers create wonderfully useful software

Today’s science fiction suggests tomorrow’s killer applications

self-driving cars
cashless society: bitcoins
augmented reality
artificial intelligence

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Introduction Classes of Computing Applications

Classes of Computing Applications Notes

Personal Computer (PCs)

single user: incorporates a display, keyboard and a mouse
good performance, low cost
merely 40 years old

multiple users, carry sizable workloads
accessed via a network
resources expandable, dependability

Supercomputers: high-end servers

highest performance and cost: tens of thousands of processors and
many terabytes of memory
high-end scientific and engineering calculations: weather forecasting, oil
exploration, protein structure

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Introduction Classes of Computing Applications

Classes of Computing Applications Notes

Embedded computers
designed to run one or a set of related applications

integrated with the hardware

largest class of computers and span the widest range of applications

and performance

found in your car, the computers in a television set, and the networks
of processors that control a modern airplane or cargo ship

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Introduction PostPC

Welcome to the PostPC Era Notes

Figure: The number manufactured per year of tablets and smart phones, which
reflect the post-PC era, versus PC and traditional cell phones.

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Introduction PostPC

Classes of Computing Applications Notes

Personal mobile device (PMD)

battery operated
wireless connectivity
smart phones, tablets

Cloud Computing
Warehouse Scale Computers (WSC)
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Portion of software run on a PMD and a portion run in the Cloud
Amazon, Google

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Introduction Objectives

Objectives Notes

How are programs written in a high-level language, such as C or Java,

translated into the language of the hardware, and how does the
hardware execute the resulting program?

What is the interface between the software and the hardware, and
how does software instruct the hardware to perform needed functions?

What determines the performance of a program, and how can a

programmer improve the performance?

What techniques can be used by hardware designers to improve


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Introduction Objectives

Objectives Notes

The answers to these questions will enable us to:

Improve the performance of a program
Select a specific hardware to execute a specific application

The rest of the course content:

basic ideas and definitions
Hardware and Software components
Performance evaluation

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Introduction Performance

Performance of a program Notes

Effectiveness of the algorithms used

Software systems used to create and translate the program into
machine instructions
Effectiveness of the computer in executing those instructions (I/O
operations may be included)

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Introduction Performance

Performance of a program Notes

Hardware or software How this component affects

component performance
Determines both the number of
source-level statements and the
number of I/O operations
Determines the number of computer
Programming language,
instructions for each source-level
compiler, and architecture
Processor and memory Determines how fast instructions
system can be executed
I/O system (hardware and Determines how fast I/O operations
operating system) may be executed

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Introduction Performance

Exercise Notes

Can you think of examples where each of the following is the right place to
look for a performance bottleneck?
The algorithm chosen
The programming language or compiler
The operating system
The processor
The I/O system and devices

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Outline Notes

1 Introduction
Classes of Computing Applications and Their Characteristics
Welcome to the PostPC Era
Objectives of this course
Understanding Program Performance

2 Eight Great Ideas in Computer Architecture

3 Below Your Program

From a High-Level Language to the Language of Hardware

4 Under the Covers

Opening the Box

5 Performance
Defining Performance
Measuring Execution Time
Instruction Count and CPI

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Eight Great Ideas in Computer Architecture Notes

1 Design for Moore’s Law: integrated circuit resources double every

18–24 months
2 Use Abstraction to Simplify Design: design at different levels of
representation; lower-level details are hidden→simpler model at higher
levels higher levels
3 Make the Common Case Fast
4 Performance via Parallelism
5 Performance via Pipelining
6 Performance via Prediction
7 Hierarchy of Memories
8 Dependability via Redundancy

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Below Your Program

Outline Notes

1 Introduction
Classes of Computing Applications and Their Characteristics
Welcome to the PostPC Era
Objectives of this course
Understanding Program Performance

2 Eight Great Ideas in Computer Architecture

3 Below Your Program

From a High-Level Language to the Language of Hardware

4 Under the Covers

Opening the Box

5 Performance
Defining Performance
Measuring Execution Time
Instruction Count and CPI

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Below Your Program

Below Your Program Notes

Typical application → millions of lines of code and rely on

sophisticated libraries
The hardware in a computer can only execute extremely simple
low-level instructions
From complex application to simple instructions
several layers of software interpret/translate high-level operations into
simple computer-specific instructions

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Below Your Program

Below Your Program Notes

Figure: A simplified view of hardware and software as hierarchical layers.

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Below Your Program

Systems software Notes

Operating system
Interfaces between a user’s program and the hardware
Handles basic input and output operations
Allocates storage and memory
Provides protected sharing of the computer among multiple
applications using it simultaneously.
Linux, iOS, Android and Windows

translation of a program written in a high-level language, such as C,
C++, Java, or Visual Basic into instructions that the hardware can

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Below Your Program High-Level to Hardware

From a High-Level Language to the Language of Hardware Notes

Computers understand “instructions”

collections of bits that the computer understands and obeys
1000110010100000 → ADD two numbers

First programmers communicated to computers in binary numbers

Assembler: translates a symbolic version of an instruction into the

binary version
add A, B → 1000110010100000

Machine language = binary language

Assembly language = symbolic language

write one line for every instruction

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Below Your Program High-Level to Hardware

From a High-Level Language to the Language of Hardware Notes

program compiled intoAbstractions
(OAC-18586) assembly language and then assembled into
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binary machine language

Below Your Program High-Level to Hardware

High-Level programming languages Notes

Allow the programmer to think in a more natural language

Improve programmer productivity.

Allow programs to be independent of the computer on which they

were developed

Compilers and assemblers translate high-level language programs to

the binary instructions

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Under the Covers

Outline Notes

1 Introduction
Classes of Computing Applications and Their Characteristics
Welcome to the PostPC Era
Objectives of this course
Understanding Program Performance

2 Eight Great Ideas in Computer Architecture

3 Below Your Program

From a High-Level Language to the Language of Hardware

4 Under the Covers

Opening the Box

5 Performance
Defining Performance
Measuring Execution Time
Instruction Count and CPI

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Under the Covers

Under the Covers Notes

The hardware in any

computer performs the same
basic functions
inputting data
outputting data
processing data
storing data

The five classic components

of a computer
Output Figure: The organization of a
Memory computer, showing the five classic
Data and control path, or components.

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Under the Covers Opening the Box

Opening the Box Notes

Figure: Components of the Apple iPad 2 A1395.

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Under the Covers Opening the Box

Opening the Box Notes

Figure: Mainboard of the Apple iPad 2 A1395.

ARM processor 1 GHz

512 MB memory
32 GB flash drive

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Under the Covers Opening the Box

Opening the Box Notes

connects to I/O devices
The processor

CPU central processor unit

datapath: performs aritmetic operations
control path: tells the datapath, memory and I/O devices what to do
according to the instructions

built with DRAM chips

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Under the Covers Opening the Box

Opening the Box Notes

Figure: The processor integrated circuit inside the A5 package.

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Under the Covers Opening the Box

Opening the Box Notes

Cache Memory
small and fast memory
act as a buffer for the DRAM
SRAM technology: faster but less dence → more expensive

Main memory, volatile, DRAM
non-volatile storage: Flash drives, hard drives

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Under the Covers Opening the Box

Instruction Set Architecture Notes

ISA (Instruction Set Architecture) or Architecture

Interface hardware ↔ lowest-level software

Includes anything programmers need to know to make a binary

machine language program work correctly

OS encapsulate I/O, memory allocation, and other low-level system


ISA + OS = Application binary interface (ABI)

ISA allows us to talk about functions independently from the hardware

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Under the Covers Opening the Box

Abstractions Notes

Both hardware and software consist of hierarchical layers using abstraction,

with each lower layer hiding details from the level above.

One key interface between the levels of abstraction is the instruction set
architecture—the interface between the hardware and low-level software.
This abstract interface enables many implementations of varying cost and
performance to run identical software.

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Recap Notes

Code generation, translation and execution

Hardware components


Raspberry PI ISA: ARM Cortex-A72, ARMv8-A 64-bit instruction set.

Arduino UNO ISA: ATmega328P, AVR enhanced RISC architecture.

Advanced RISC Machine (ARM) is a processor architecture based on a
32-bit reduced instruction set (RISC) computer.

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Outline Notes

1 Introduction
Classes of Computing Applications and Their Characteristics
Welcome to the PostPC Era
Objectives of this course
Understanding Program Performance

2 Eight Great Ideas in Computer Architecture

3 Below Your Program

From a High-Level Language to the Language of Hardware

4 Under the Covers

Opening the Box

5 Performance
Defining Performance
Measuring Execution Time
Instruction Count and CPI

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Performance Defining Performance

Performance Notes

One computer has better performance than another?

Which airplane has the best performance?
Passenger Cruising range Cruising speed Passenger throughput
capacity (miles) (m.p.h) (passengers x m.p.h.)
Boeing 737 240 3000 564 135,360
BAC/Sud Concorde 132 4000 1350 178,200
Boeing 777-200LR 301 9395 554 166,761
Airbus A380-800 853 8477 587 500,711

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Performance Defining Performance

Performance Notes

Comparing two different desktop PC

Response time or execution time: time for task completion (metric)

Throughput or bandwidth: total amount of work done in a given
time (metric), e.g., tasks/transactions/... per hour

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Performance Defining Performance

Response Time and Throughput: Example Notes

How are response time and throughput affected by:

1 Replacing the processor in a computer with a faster version?

2 Adding more processors?

We will focus on response time . . .

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Performance Defining Performance

Relative Performance Notes

For a computer X:
PerformanceX =
Execution timeX
For two computers X and Y, if the performance of X is greater than Y:

PerformanceX > PerformanceY

Execution timeY > Execution timeX

PerformanceX Execution timeY

= =n
PerformanceY Execution timeX
If X is n times as fast as Y, then the execution time on Y is n times as
long as it is on X.

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Performance Defining Performance

Relative Performance: Example Notes

If computer A runs a program in 10 seconds and computer B runs the

same program in 15 seconds, how much faster is A than B?
PerformanceA Execution timeB
= =n
PerformanceB Execution timeA
= 1.5
A is therefore 1.5 times as fast as B.

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Performance Measuring Execution Time

Measuring Execution Time Notes

Elapsed time
Total response time, including: processing, I/O, OS overhead, idle time
Determines system performance

CPU time
Time spent processing a given job — discounts I/O time, other jobs’

Comprises user CPU time and system CPU time

Different programs are affected differently by CPU and system


Focus on this one

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Performance Measuring Execution Time

CPU Clocking Notes

Operation of digital hardware governed by a a constant-rate clock

Clock period: duration of a clock cycle

e.g., 250ps = 0.25ns = 250Ö10–12s

Clock frequency (rate): cycles per second

e.g., 4.0GHz = 4000MHz = 4.0 times109 Hz

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Performance Measuring Execution Time

CPU Time Notes

CPU execution time CPU clock cycles

= × Clock cycle time
for a program for a program

CPU execution time CPU clock cycles for a program

for a program Clock rate

Performance improved by:

reducing the number of clock cycles required for a program

Increasing clock rate

Hardware designer must often trade off clock rate against cycle count

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Performance Measuring Execution Time

CPU Time: Example Notes

Computer A: 2GHz clock, 10s CPU time

Designing Computer B
Objective: 6s CPU time
Can do faster clock, but causes 1.2 × clock cycles of A

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Performance Measuring Execution Time

CPU Time: Example Notes

CPU clock cyclesA

CPU timeA =
Clock rateA
CPU clock cyclesA
10 seconds = cycles
2 × 109 second

CPU clock cyclesA = 10 seconds × 2 × 109 = 20 × 109 cycles
Clock rate for B?
1.2 × CPU clock cyclesA 1.2 × 20 × 109 cycles
CPU timeB = =
Clock rateB Clock rateB

1.2 × 20 × 109 cycles

Clock rateB = = 4 GHz
6 seconds
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Performance Instruction Count and CPI

Instruction Count and CPI Notes

Average clock cycles

CPU clock cycles = Instructions Count ×
per instruction (CPI)

CPU time = Instruction count × CPI × Clock cycle time

Instruction count × CPI

CPU time =
Clock rate

Instruction Count for a program

Determined by program, ISA and compiler
Average Cycles per instruction (CPI)
Determined by CPU hardware
If different instructions have different CPI: average CPI affected by
instruction mix
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Performance Instruction Count and CPI

CPI Example Notes

Computer A: Cycle Time = 250ps, CPI=2.0

Computer B: Cycle Time = 500ps, CPI=1.2
Same ISA → same instruction count I
Which is faster, and by how much?

CPUTimeA = I × CPIA × CycleTimeA

= I × 2.0 × 250ps = I × 500ps
CPUTimeB = I × CPIA × CycleTimeB
= I × 1.2 × 500ps = I × 600ps
CPUTimeA I × 600ps
= = 1.2
CPUTimeA I × 500ps
A is 1.2 times as faster as B.

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Performance Instruction Count and CPI

CPI in more detail: comparing code segments Notes

Compiler designer is trying to decide between two code sequences for a

particular computer.
CPI for each instruction class
CPI 1 2 3
For a particular high-level language statement, the compiler writer is
considering two code sequences:
Instruction counts for
each instruction class
Code sequence A B C
1 2 1 2
2 4 1 1
Which code sequence executes the most instructions? Which will be faster?
What is the CPI for each sequence?
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Performance Instruction Count and CPI

CPI in more detail: comparing code segments Notes

Recap: Clock Cycles = CPI × Instruction Count

if different instruction classes take different number of cycles
Clock Cycles = CPIi × Instruction Counti
Sequence 1:

InstructionCount = 2 + 1 + 2 = 5 10
CPI1 = 5 =2
ClockCycles = 2 × 1 + 1 × 2 + 2 × 3 = 10

Sequence 2:

InstructionCount = 4 + 1 + 1 = 6 9
CPI2 = 6 = 1.5
ClockCycles = 4 × 1 + 1 × 2 + 1 × 3 = 9

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Performance Instruction Count and CPI

Performance Summary Notes

The BIG Picture

Seconds Instructions Clock cycles Seconds
Time = = × ×
Program program Instructions ClockCycle

Components of performance Units of measure

CPU execution time for a program Seconds for the program
Instructions executed for the
Instruction count
Average number of clock c
Clock cycles per instruction (CPI)
ycles per instruction
Clock cycle time Seconds per clock cycle

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Performance Instruction Count and CPI

Performance Summary: understanding program Notes


or software Affects what?
Instruction count,
possibly CPI
Programming Instruction count,
language CPI
Instruction count,
Instruction set Instruction count,
architecture clock rate, CPI

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Performance Instruction Count and CPI

Concluding Remarks Notes

Cost/performance is improving
Due to underlying technology development

Hierarchical layers of abstraction

In both hardware and software

Instruction set architecture

The hardware/software interface

Execution time: the best performance measure

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