Logic Final Exam 4

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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


Summer Year 2020-2021

Name:____________________________________ Date:_____________
Course and Section:_________________________ Score:____________

Multiple Choice (10pts.)
DIRECTIONS: Choose the most accurate answer based on the following questions/items being
asked. Write your answers on the line provided before the number of the item.
Answer in CAPITAL LETTERS. Write legibly and avoid erasures.

______1. This is a fallacy often times called reductive or nothing but fallacy which argues that the
origin of a thing that is identical with that which came from it. It is fallacious in that the
product or consequence of a thing is not necessarily the same as that from which it came.
A. Gambler’s Fallacy B. False Dilemma
C. Genetic Fallacy D. Red Herring
_____2. This is referred to as the Science of Correct thinking.
A. Logic B. Ontology
C. Epistemology D. Logos
_____3. This Philosophical Process explains that a philosopher is not cynical, but rather
A. Formulation of Questions and Problems B. Methodic Doubt
C. Doing Dialectics D. Enunciation of Solution
_____4. The following are types of Special Metaphysics except one:
A. Theodicy B. Ontology
C. Psychology D. Cosmology
_____5. This branch of Philosophy tries do question “why or how do we know?”
A. Epistemology B. Logic
C. Ontology D. Ethics
______6. In context of Philosophy, how is the word Love (philia) defined?
A. Strong emotion for something B. Constant affiliation to something
C. Strong desire towards something D. Constant affection towards something
_____7. He was the first philosopher to introduce Logic.
A. Erasthosthenes B. Aristotle
C. Plato D. Socrates
______8. The following are the types of Categorical propositions except one:
A. Negation B. Explanation
C. Conjunction D. Conditional
_____9. This fallacy happens when the major term (predicate of the major premise) is
“particular” (or not distributed) in the major term, but is “universal” (distributed) in the
A. Deductive Fallacy B. Inductive Fallacy
C. Fallacy of Illicit Minor D. Fallacy of Illicit Major
_____10. This fallacy occurs when the middle term (the term that appears in both major and
minor premise) remains particular or undistributed in both premises.
A. Fallacy of Undistributed Middle B. Inductive Fallacy
C. Fallacy of Illicit Minor D. Fallacy of Illicit Major

Modified True or False (20pts)

DIRECTIONS: Identify whether the following questions are True or False. Write A if only the
first statement is true, B if only the second statement is true, C if both statements are true, and D
if both statements are false. Write your answers on the line provided before the number of the item.
Answer in CAPITAL LETTERS. Write legibly and avoid erasures.

_____1. A. To philosophize is to look at the world as a whole.

B. Ethics is equal morality.
_____2. A. Statements are argumentative in nature.
B. A warning is an argumentative statement.
_____3. A. The goal of logic is to win over people’s belief.
B. Reasoning cannot supercharge our cognitive abilities
_____4. A. An explanation consists of an explanandum and explanans.
B. A conditional statement can never be argumentative.
_____5. A. The correspondence theory is the most reliable source of truth.
B. Opinions can never be truth.
_____6. A. The third rule of valid thought by Aristotle is the law of identity.
B. Syllogisms are mainly logical inferences to purport truth.
_____7. A. Men, according to Aristotle, are governed by Reason, Spirit, and Appetite.
B. Plato was the father of western philosophy.
_____8. A. Logic can be used in any profession.
B. A logical person knows how to distinguish sound arguments from unsound
_____9. A. A piece of advice does not contain an argumentative statement.
B. A report can be contextualized as an argument.
_____10. A. Plato’s allegory of the cave distinguishes philosophers from non-philosophers.
B. For him, philosophy begins in wonder.

Matching Type (20pts.)
DIRECTIONS: Identify and match from the choices below what Fallacy is being demonstrated
in the following items. Write your answers on the line provided before the
number of the item. Answer in CAPITAL LETTERS. Write legibly and avoid


A. Ad Hominem K. Personal Attack U. Appeal to Belief

B. Appeal to Flattery L. Appeal to Authority V. Begging the Question
C. False Dilemma M. Appeal to Fear W. Circumstantial Ad
D. Guilt by Association N. Hasty Generalization X. Division
E. Ignoring a Common Cause O. Appeal to Common Y. Relativist Fallacy
F. Misleading Vividness P. Red Herring Z. Appeal to Novelty
G. Poisoning the Well Q. Ad Hominem Tu Quoque
H. Composition R. Middle Ground
I. Appeal to Popularity S. Slippery Slope
J. Burden of Proof T. Appeal to Emotion

_____1. Occurs when a person dismisses a claim by saying that while the claim may be true for
others, it may not be for him. This argument is fallacious in that objective evidence may
be by-passed to suits ones’ whims
_____2. Also called the fallacy of questionable cause, happens when a conclusion is made that A
causes B simply because A and B are regularly associated or connected
_____3. Occurs when a person makes a decision based on a few dramatic or emotional events
rather than on evidence presented.
_____4. The fallacy of division argues that what is true of the whole is necessarily true of its
parts. The argument is fallacious in that what is generally is not always true particularly
_____5. Argues that a claim or idea is true simply because more people are inclined to accept
such claim or idea.
_____6. Also called the bad company fallacy or fallacy or company that you keep fallacy
_____7. Also called fallacy of hasty induction, occurs when a general statement is asserted which
is based on limited information, inadequate evidence or unrepresentative sampling.
_____8. Peter believes “Inducing Marijuana is good, no one has proven that its bad.”
_____9. “Either you suffer from the consequences from violating the quarantine protocols, or we
wait for the vaccine from Russia.” the president remarked..
_____10. Is a fallacy where the conclusion is assumed in the premises. Also called petition
principia (assuming the initial point)
_____11. My friend and I were kicked out the bar when she said to the bouncer: “We can’t pay
for this entrance fee, the singer there is not even good because of her ugly voice”
_____12. This is from the Latin statement that roughly translates to “you too.” It is a statement
that argues that person’s claim is false because it is inconsistent with what that
person’s earlier statement or action
_____13. This fallacy happens when one discredits what a speaker will say in the future by
giving in advance unfavorable information about the speaker.
_____14. This is also called the fallacy of moderation or the golden mean fallacy
_____15. This fallacy argues that what is true of a part is likewise true of the whole itself.
_____16. I believe that there is a conspiracy between the government and the mass shooting, my
favorite actor Robin Padilla gave a speech regarding this controversy.
_____17. This is from the Latin statement that roughly translates to “argument to the man.” It is
an argument rejecting a person’s views by attacking or abusing his personality,
character, motives, intentions, qualifications, etc., as opposed to providing evidence
why the views are incorrect
_____18. My superior had a remark “You can no longer work with us since you joined that rally,
for all I know, next thing you’ll do is become a leftist and threaten the president of our
_____19. This usually happens when a topic foreign to the issue is suddenly introduced in order
to divert the attention from the original issue.
_____20. She chatted me with a remark “Hey! It’s been a long time since we saw each other. I
didn’t know you’ll turn out to be this handsome already!” followed by a “By the way,
are you interested in buying my cookies?”

Analogy Test (20pts)
DIRECTIONS: Review the following statements. Choose three (3) topics and state your opinion
regarding the matters. Are you for or against them? Why? Explain logically. You
may use arguments and other logical techniques to defend your answer.

Answer this by using a separate Word Document with the following format:
a) Times New Roman (12)
b) 1.15 Spacing
c) Justified with Indention
d) Minimum of 400 Words each (not including the heading and signatory)

1. It is high time for the Philippines to make abortion legal.

2. The government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic is poor.
3. Students who are against the government must be penalized by the law.
4. Vaping is better than smoking cigarettes.
5. The vaccination program of the Philippines is biased towards the rich.
6. Gay marriage must be legalized now.
7. The minimum academic requirement for a government official/elected politician should
be a bachelor’s degree.
8. Technology did more harm than good in today’s generation.
9. Malls should accommodate the homeless people when they are closed.
10. Virginity is the basis for a person’s integrity and sexual purity.
11. Nurses are underpaid but are overworked.
12. The licensure examinations for professionals should be abolished.
13. Teachers who do not teach should be compensated less.
14. Marijuana must be legalized for medicinal purposes.
15. The minimum age for criminalization must be 9.
Essay (25pts)
DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions by writing a short essay with 5-7 Sentences.
Write legibly and avoid erasures.
1. What is the importance of learning the fundamentals of Logic and Critical Thinking?

2. Choose two Fallacies that you had done but did not realize you were doing and briefly
explain what happened. What lessons can you derive from these circumstances? (10pts)

3. How can you, as a Nursing scholar, use Logic and Critical Thinking in addressing the
economic, political, and social issues regarding your future profession? (10pts)
“Do not mistake the noises in your minds as true knowledge rather focus on the uproars of
your true temperaments as wisdom”
Inspired by Birdman (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

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