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Jesus did not tell what the older son's response to his father because it is obvious by his words and
actions, that he is not showing love for his brother and his father. All he had to do is to see the past
wrongdoings of his brother and he always repeat it as an excuse. One of the eldest son's responsibilities
would have been to reconcile the father and his son. He would have been the one to throw the feast to
mark his brother's return. Despite this, he remains in the field rather than in the house where he should
be. This act alone would have resulted in the father's public humiliation.

If I will be the older son, I will tell my Father that I'm lucky of what he said that "You are always with me,
and all that is mine is yours". Even though he celebrated for my younger brother, it was a good
celebration because my brother already found the light that he never had in his past life. I will be glad
that he learned his lessons on what he has done. I will say to my father that I'm lucky that he was my
father because based on the parable, he still accepted my brother even though he had sinned many
times. I will humble myself down and I will join in the feast.


All I wish to Jesus is for me to have a peace of mind and let me heal in all my sufferings mentally and
physically. In this pandemic time, all of us are stressed and sometimes we can't even understand our
self. May Jesus heal me from things I am suffering silently and those things I can't tell to others. Lately,
I've been overthinking a lot because I've entered a course that is so hard to learn through an online
class. Everytime my class ends in the afternoon, I feel like I'm exhausted and not willing to do any task
that were given. May Jesus heal me from these things and let me have a peace of mind in everything.

For me, Jesus' healing touch gives me strength. It helps me get up in the morning and continue with life.
The other aspect of human health is our physical, emotional, social, spiritual and mental. It is true that
Jesus's healing touch is a source of restoration since with him, we feel like we're in a safe place and we
are healed in everything.

Not all pain is physically but also, emotionally and mentally. I will help those people who are suffering
and miserable in my own way. I will pray for them everyday because I know that praying to God is the
best healing because God is the best healer. Moreover, I will help them in the best way I can. To those
who are suffering physically, if they need some money or something to eat, I will give them small
amount that may help them surpass their hunger. To those who are suffering emotionally and mentally,
I will give them pieces of advice and tips on how to live a good life. I will also let them feel that I am
always at their side even though they are on their down side.

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