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1348869 P1/RAT
ROHDAv aguoot HAMIHATIOH (aEoaOH 914 )

ue w a laan n t The is to Certity thal AYUBH RAJ

Mother'a/Falhor'a/Guardlan'e Name DADY DEV/MUKEGH KUMAR

Jt 1ai Datn of Dirth 24/09/2001 24TH BEPTEMBER TWO THOUSAND ONE
1 ma q-ar e
School 60347-8HIVAM
has portormed an followa
afd faaa Aoademlc Portormance u Part-1 m . AlI Soholestio Aroas
Subjoct Codo and Name
A 0A OvarnllGrada(FA 9A) arale ras verellGrado(PA19A)
Gndo arato Poit (G)
101 ENGLISH COMM. A1 D1 A2** A2 A2
A1 0
041 MATHEMATICS A2 A2 A2 A2 G1* 06
086 SCIENCE A2 31 A2 AZ B2**
087 SOCIAL SCIENCE 1 42 A1* 10 1 C2 2 7

Additional: 165 FOUNDATION OF IT A1 B1 A2 B1 31

|A2 09

4f ed A (TIGIUjz) Cumulativo Grade PoBnt Average (CGPA) 7.8

F AT7 2AqU] 1TAI (QUHTa) 3ATH 4 E Grado in Aooouament IX.B1 X A1
of Bpoaking and Lloloning Bkils (AtHL) 1

2 ( ) (A) t e ITA Life Skills: uri Part - 2: -PINAG 14 8A Co-Bcholoolo Aroas

Clase iX_ A Class
Life Skills qU-IH 3Trf Descrlptive Indicalors Grade
Easlly ldentifies porsonal strongths and woaknossos and usos thom to arrlve at An-A4, Jng Doscrptlve indicotors
ldontillos porsonal sfrongths and weskriossos, 6valualss Informaion and
meaningful declalons, ralsos quostlons, capablo of Indopendent thinking, hao choosos approprlato altornatlvos, arrivss at Innovative and constructiv
Thinking Skills oxceptlonal problem- solving and docielon- making skllls. olutlons to problems.
Empathetic,Displays sonsitivity towards difforontly-ablod, possossos good Empathotlo, wlth very good Intarpersonal and communlcative skills, an
Interpersonal sklls and approclatos othor's oplnlons, accopte foodback from A
activo llstoner, observos school rulos, accopts foodback and criticism
Soclal Skills teachers, olders and peors for solf-improvoment.
positivoly, often demonstratos leadorshlp skills and Is an Insplning eam
Self-confidont and
managos optimistic, advorso situations and stross tdentifloswoaknossos, stross snd nogativo omottonstatrny wet, manage6
HTaATFH 7IAExprossos emotions appropriately. offoctivoly. B
then wlth solf confldenco and Is ompathotlc.
Emotional Sklls

2 ()B) TT241 Work Education

Grasps assignod tasks oaslly, solf-motlvated, hotptut, gutdosothors and 1s Tinnovatlvo and shows tnvotvomont ir any asstgnmont, hetps and gutdes
punctual. others roadily, appllos knowledgo practically and ls punctual.
Work Education

2(7C) Ar Eu IParticipatos
Visualand Porforming Arts:
activelyin artisuc activitiOs, croauvo, vory obsorvant, approclatos
B Parucipatos uCuvoiyin artistic acivitio, qute creaüvoand aostnotuc, takos
7a r azi1 rAand undorstands varlous art forms. Intlativos activoly to plan and conduct anistic events, approclates and
Visual and undorstande various art forms.
Perlorming Arto:
2 ()D) 3retrrai a A Attitudes and Values:
3% aft towards auTH 3 t a Descriptive Indlcators AATFHK 3mal Descriptive indicators
Grado Grade
Very courtoous towards t6achors, obsorvos school norms, roady to holp,
communlcates and confides In them. B Vory courteous towards toachers, follows school rulos, has a positlve
attitudo and takos critlclsm In the rlght B
31t24144 splrit
Expresses Tdeas and op/nlons with clarity,is sonsitive towards poors and Exprossos ldoas and Tntoracts offoctivoly in clas5, 5onsitlvo towards poors
differently abled schoolmates, respocts diversity, and is recoptive to new ldoas and difforontly abled schoolmatos, respects now ldeas and oplnlons, gots 3
Schoolmates along woll with poors.

AT onthustastic participantinvartous schootprogrammosand onvironmontat

Initlatlves, possossos loadershlp sklls. Usually takos in prldo In the school and
Participatos In varlouS ScHOol programmos and onvironmontar initiatives
rogularly, possoss0s good loadorshlp qualitlos and Is punctual.
Benool property.
School Programmes & po
Environment Undorstands vatue systems qutø well and adhoros to rulos. Courtoous towards Undorstands value systoms
peers and elders. Rospects the national flag and aymbols, rospocts school the natlonal flag and symbols.
quit6 wolland adhores to school rules, rospecti B
Honest, courtoous and sensltive to diverslty,
property and is sensitlve to diverslty wIth a positlve outlook,
Value Syatems
YT Port-3 TE TET KTYA Co-Curriculor Activitio00
3 (5)(A) HE T 7 514r Co- Curlcular Activitles:

CreniveSkllo Regularly participates In literary Inter- and Intra -muralevents, approclatos Actlvely particlpates In Intor- and Intra-mural litorary ovonts, an avld reader
wrltten and spoken lIterary forms, oxpressos ldoas and opinlons creatively, an and approclates written and
spokon literary forms, oxprosses ldeas and
avld roader and Inspiros others. opinlons cloarly and approprlately.
organizaluonal and PoBsesses good organizational and leadershlp qualitlos, Innovative and very ls an activo momber of varlous clubs, dermonstrates Initiatlve and
obsorvant, particlpatos In club activities at difforent lovols, domonstratos A onthuslasm for planning and organlzing ovents at different lovels,
Lendership Bkille
Inltlatlve and onthuslasm for planning ovents as a toam membor. possosses good organlzational and leadershlp skils, a team worker,
dellivers assigned Jobs offectively and punctually.
3 ())B) TRA Ta i r faneA1 Hoatth and Phyaical Education:
ET}AT Activity
sport l Good In an Tdentified sport and reprosonts theschoolat various lovols, has Talentod Trn an ldentifiod sport, roprosonts the school at varíous
portho-Rho EC) excellent hand-oyo co-ordination, exhlblts aglty, ondurance and floxiblty,
A lovols, has
stamina, strength and floxiblity with good hand- A
eye coordinatlon, displays
domonstratos aporting skille, team splrlt and detorminatlon to excel, toam spirit, dleclplino and punctualty.

Very Interestod In the diøclpline, undorstande the tochniques, postures (mudras) Intorostod and understands the tochnlquos,
breath rogulatlon exercisos, floxiblo and postures (mudras) and ls good
and proficlent at breath regulation exorclses. Aglle and floxible, can medltate, at A
agllo and can meditate.
Integrates the dlecipline with practical, day-to-day actvltles. Integratos the discipllne with practical, day to day activitles.


U Upgrndod Grede
w Upscalod Grade

MAT Prindpal
2T Dated 28-05-2016 Controller of Examinailons
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