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Name: Gapoy, Frednixen B.

Year and Section: BSMT2-Alpha Date: October 10, 2021

Instruction: Write a minimum of 300-word Reflective Learning Report. You may refer to the
guide questions below. Write legibly and submit your work at the end of week 2.

A safe speed is one that is less than the maximum speed at which the operator can take
proper and effective action to avoid a collision and stop within a reasonable distance given the
circumstances and conditions.
The operator must consider visibility, traffic density, vessel maneuverability (stopping
distance and turning ability), background light at night, proximity of navigational hazards, vessel
draft, radar equipment limitations, and the state of wind, sea, and current when determining a
safe operating speed.
Controlling and limiting the speed of vessels can help prevent collisions and reduce the
severity of injuries and damages suffered by victims when they do happen. Take note that the
the higher the speed of a vessel, the shorter the time a navigator has to stop and avoid a
According to the rule 6 of COLREGS, “Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe
speed so that they can take proper and appropriate action to avoid collision, and be able to
stop in a safe distance, and appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions”. What
this implies is that any type of watercraft, including non-displacement craft, WIG craft, and
seaplanes, that is used or capable of being used as a mode of water transportation must follow
the safe speed. Even if it is just a liesure boat, fishing boat, or raft, they must comply.
According to our instructor, if you are already at the open sea, there’s really no need to
follow safe speed because the risk of collision is very low there. Also, once that the speed was
already set on the open sea in line with the ETA, seafarers cannot change it anymore. This is
because the speed that you are currently sailing with is the speed needed to reach the next
port on time. If you were to alter it, then you might be late. You will then be penalized.
Even in Philippines, safe speed is imposed. We must always bear in mind that COLREG
must be followed in all areas navigable by sea-going vessels. This is because each country that is
a member of the convention are mandated to enact COLREG regulations and legislations on
international waters while following specific inland waterway. Philippines is member of this
coonvention. So we must follow it.
I am pretty much contented with the existing COLREGS because through the utilization
of_it,the number of collisions is actually dropping with time, indicating some improvement. How
ever, the number of collisions remains unacceptably high, and the majority of collisions are still t
he consequence of human error, specifically a failure to effectively apply – or comply with
the Rules.
In my own opinion, the problem is not the COLREG itself, but rather the lack of proper
understanding and interpretation of the given rules of some seafarers.
Too many seafarers don't seem to comprehend the meaning of these expressions, and I believe th
ey're interpreting them incorrectly. 
Many seafarers, for example, consider "risk of collision" to indicate that if no action is done, the 
two vessels will surely collide; they feel that a few cables is a safe passing distance at sea in open 
waters in any conditions.
All in all, the entire week was tiresome yet meaningful. I am very thankful to our
instructor because he really put a lot of effort in teaching us in such a way that we can
understand easier. He prepared a lot of videos that are really educational. Because of his
discussion, I was able to garner a lot of information about COLREG. I learned that COLREG is
really of great significance because by abiding to the rules, navigators, seafarers, fishermen,
recreational boaters are able to prevent collisions. It provides requirements in lookout, travel at
safe speed, navigation in narrow channels, and operating in restricted visibility.I did my best to
understand the topics to the best of my abilities. I actively participated during the class
discussion because I am really eager to learn. I am looking forward fr our next class discussion.
All in all, the entire week was tiresome yet meaningful. I am very thankful to our instructor
because he really put a lot of effort in teaching us in such a way that we can understand easier. He
prepared a lot of videos that are really educational. I did my best to understand the topics to the best
of my abilities. I actively participated during the class discussion because I am really eager to learn. I
am looking forward fr our next class discussion.

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