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Stage 1: Unpacking your chosen question

Directions: This worksheet is intended to help you understand exactly what your
chosen ToK prescribed title requires of you. Follow the directions to answer all of the
questions about the title you are considering using for your ToK essay.

Step 1: Copy the prescribed title below exactly as it is given:

How can we distinguish between good and bad interpretations? Discuss with refer
ence to the arts and one other area of knowledge.

Step 2: List all the command verbs Step 3: For each of the command verbs,
from the title. explain in your
own words what it requires you to do.

distinguish Compare and contrast between good and bad


reference Use arts and another area of knowledge as a

example to give explanations

Step 4: List key terms in the Step 5: Define the key terms/Explain the
prescribed title. significance of
the key terms. (What they mean to you and
how you will use them in your discussion)

good and bad Effective and ineffective

interpretations Giving explanations, convey ideas

Step 5: Extract a series of knowledge Step 6: Develop possible answers or
questions out of the prescribed title. responses to these knowledge questions.

Is good and bad subjective or objective in the Objective: Both good and bad in this statement
statement refer to the validity or effectiveness of
interpretation, which is the ability of people to
convey complex information to others
effectively and ensure that most of it is
understood correctly. So, the process is

What are the requirements for a good True: Truth test

interpretation? Keep most of the information
In a short of time

For artworks, what are interpretations Author’s ideas?

specifically for? Famous reader’s ideas?
Most reader’s ideas?
Objectively what skills the author use?

(M. H. Abrams’ theory of criticism)

Who can judge whether there is a good or bad Choice A: a specific person or group of people
interpretation? according to the area of the knowledge.

Choice B: anyone that owns a certain ability

(for example, think objectively and logically)

When people giving interpretations, is the When we value a methodology, normally if it

results more important or the can be applied for most people or most
process/methodology the person uses more salutations successfully, we say it is a good
important? methodology. That means the process and the
results normally success simultaneously. Thus,
the comparison of the importance of result and
the process would not make sense.

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