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id you ever wonder what the world looks like This adventure really comes to life through narration and
from a rat's perspective? Well, wonder no more! putting things into perspective. For the players to feel tiny
This mystical adventure lets the party explore they need to see everyday objects in a completely different
the unique wonders and dangers of a rat burrow way. For example, the playing card under the floorboard
built beneath a tavern. A patron of the towers over their heads three times as tall as them. Everyday
establishment tasks the party to recover her lost items are heavy when you are small, like a platinum piece
ring. One of those pesky rats snatched it last that can be found in the burrow. If the party really wants to
night and dragged it into its burrow. Desperately to get her take this treasure with them, they will have to find creative
possession back she approaches the party for help. Will they ways of transportation. Do not neglect these details and try to
accept and brave the dangers of this tiny dungeon?
The party paint them the most vivid picture of the scenery in front of
must face different perils in this alien world. In there, brute them. Your players will love it. Monster names and map
strength might not always be the best choice. The adventure points are written in black-bold letters.
favors clever and strategic play and rewards the "first observe
then act" type of approach, ideal for a party of low levels with Text in such boxes is meant to be read or paraphrased to the
limited magic tools at their disposal. After passing the boss of players.
the dungeon the party must face one last danger. They have
to cross the busy tavern floor in their tiny forms to reach the
quest giver again who promised to turn them back to their Adventure Hooks
old selves once the ring is returned. This adventure can easily be played as a one-shot or be part
of a bigger campaign. Either tied up to a PC background or
The Adventure place it as a side quest to encounter in a random tavern.
The players arrive at the tavern (The White Rabbit or one of Some ideas are listed here, but feel free to play it as you see
your choice) and after a while are approached by either Mara fit. If you include it in a bigger campaign, the party should be
or the unlucky gambler Funton asking for help. If the party close to or into level 3 by the end.
accepts they are offered to drink from a special potion which 1. Mara the traveling alchemist.
Within the tavern they are
will shrink them down small enough to enter the burrow. The approached by a woman in simple clothing. She
transformation lasts until a counteragent is ingested which introduces herself as Mara, a traveling alchemist just
will be provided to the party once they return (successful or passing through to the next big city. She looks distraught
not). as she fumbles with her right hand. Yesterday a rat stole
The questgiver leads them to the hole where they saw the her wedding ring after it slipped from her finger. She tried
fat rat disappear and hands them the potion. Their goal is to to chase it, but it was too quick to enter a hole in the
find the ring and bring it back. The questgiver has only tavern wall. The ring is very dear to Mara, as it reminds
enough potions so that each party member shrinks once and her of her husband waiting back home. She has brewed a
be treated with an antidote a time after that. This means, it is special potion to shrink a person tiny enough to enter the
not possible for the party to go in and out of the burrow and narrow rat burrow. But alas, nobody in the tavern is
re-shrink themselves, since after taking the antidote they willing to go in there. She is offering the party 50 gp each
cannot be shrunk again. as well as a less potent shrinking potion (Appendix B:
Potion of Diminution) from her stock to retrieve the ring.
DM Advice 2. A debt to be paid.
The party is approached by a man with
Down the Rathole is a 2 to 3 hour one-shot adventure for a a bloody nose dripping down onto his shirt. A black eye
party of four level 3 characters. Adjustments need to be made and cracked eyebrow complete the look of a man who has
to the encounters in case it is played with a different number been severely beaten. He introduces himself as Funton
of participants. Allison and pleads for the party to help him. Normally he
Players are shrunk down to approximately 1,2 inches (3,5 is a successful gambler, but today lady luck was not on his
cm) tall. They now weigh roughly 1 oz (30 grams). In this side. A rather hot-headed fellow player felt cheated and
adventure, the PCs’ size counts as medium, while the demanded the whole wager as compensation. The
enemies have had their sizes adjusted in a way that it makes unlucky gambler refused and in the subsequent brawl the
sense. For example, an earthworm would be tiny in a normal table got knocked over. As he was held in a headlock he
world, but in this adventure it counts as huge. To make the watched a fat rat snatch a ring from the scattered wager
transition into the scale of this tiny world easier, we will dragging it into a hole in the wall. The brute threatened to
continue using familiar units for distance, meaning 5 feet = 1 kill him if the ring is not returned. The unlucky gambler
square on the map (5 ft. in regular world would be equivalent possesses the means to enter the burrow, with a potion
to 0,78 inches in the rat burrow for those of you who want to which he bought a while ago, but never used, but is too
know it to the exact). much of a coward himself to retrieve the ring. If the party
The party starts the adventure well rested. However, if after is willing to help him, he offers another, less potent
hearing the proposition, they think that a rest is needed to shrinking potion (Appendix B: Potion of Diminution) as he
better prepare, allow them a long rest at the tavern. has no gold left to give.

The tavern also hosts a bar which rests at the far side of the
room with a door behind it that leads to the kitchen. Stairs to
Shrinking Potion the right of the entrance lead up to 3 bed chambers (one bed
A person drinking this potion is affected the same in each) and one communal bath. The rooms cost 7 silver
way as he would be by the Potion of Diminution, pieces per night per person. The table below shows what the
but the effect is permanent until a dropplet of the tavern serves today:
counteragent is applied on the shrank individual.
Any objects not initially shrunk are not affected by White Rabbit Prices
the counteragent. Price Item
4 cp Buckwheat Brew
No matter the way you choose to initiate the adventure, one 8 cp Dwarven Ale
thing is important. The potion the party will be given has a
permanent effect, until the antidote (which is in the hands of 1 sp Pear Cider
the quest giver) is provided. This will prevent things like going 5 sp Cintillian Wine
in and out of the burrow to rest every after a fight, and also 5 sp Fried sausages with grits
give the PCs a sense of "now we're inside, there's no turning
back." 3 sp Cabbage soup with bacon bits
7 sp Old Nanny Fram's famous beef stew
The White Rabbit
The tavern is called "The White Rabbit" and is owned by Old The Adventure works best, if the tavern is placed
Nanny Fram, a cheerful fat lady with more wrinkles in her somewhere in the countryside, since the ground beneath it
face than you can count. It is a narrow wooden building with needs to be soft soil. Otherwise, it would seem implausible
two stories entirely made from wood and a thatched roof. that a burrow could be dug there. A roadside inn works best,
The ground floor is a 30 by 60 ft. room with 3 long tables but feel free to place it anywhere you need to. The tavern
placed in the center. Stuffed rabbits of all colors and sizes presented here is just an example and can be easily replaced
adorn the room. Some of them even wear clothes and are with another tavern to fit your campaign.
arranged in cute little scenes. Nobody knows why Nanny
Fram is such a fan of them, but she threatens anybody who
tries to mess with them, with her iron soup ladle.

The Burrow 1. Entrance Cave
Could there be a more perfect place for rats to be other than As you step into a dirty puddle on the ground you enter the
under a busy tavern, where Nanny Fram cooks delicious food first cavern of the rat burrow. It is not as dark as you expected,
every day (and isn't too concerned about where she discards but lit by an eerie blue glow. You look around to see where the
the scraps). The Ratking was the first to establish a nest
underneath the tavern. With an exit right into the tavern floor light is coming from and your eyes rest on bushels of
it could venture out when every patron had been too drunk phosphorescent mushrooms. They grow in all variations of
already to notice a rat stealing scraps. The exceptional food sizes along the walls of the cave. Some are small, maybe the
quality and especially the beef stew fattened the Ratking up size of your hand. While the larger ones tower over your heads
to exceptionally large proportions. With time, the nest grew and reveal to you their gills underneath their caps. The air feels
to the size it is today. Spiders have taken up residence in the
part underneath the floorboards and prey on the bugs falling warm and moist.
through the cracks in the boards. They also keep the roach
problem in check since those pesky little fellas have gotten Glowing mushrooms grow here and the party can try to pick
more and more daring as of late. some of the smaller ones. The mushrooms can be used as a
light source in the otherwise pitch black burrow. If a player
General Features succeeds on a DC 11 Wisdom (Survival) check, they can
The caverns are carved from rough dirt with roots poking discern that the mushroom is not poisonous and even edible.
through in some places. For the purposes of the adventure, The curious cockroach.
A cockroach followed the party
the units of measurement will be written as if the PCs were stealthily into the burrow. Stats are not provided since the
normal size. The same counts for a group playing with a grid. little creature will not fight. It will though follow the party
So for example the grid size is still 5 feet by 5 feet and the stealthily. Every time the PCs enter a room, roll a stealth
shrunk PCs will still traverse them as if they are normal sized check for the cockroach with a +2 modifier. It can be spotted
to ease the flow of the session and avoid unnecessary with a passive perception that beats this stealth check, or if a
calculations. PC actively searches for things with a DC 12 Wisdom
Ceilings. The ceilings are about 10 ft. high in the (Perception). The cockroach is not attacking the party and
chambers and 6 ft. high in the connecting tunnels. when threatened tries to escape. The party can earn the
Light. Most of the burrow is pitch black with no light cockroach's trust with a DC 10 Wisdom (Animal Handling)
source present. Only the cavern with luminous fungus in it check. Offering food grants the character advantage on the
and the spider den underneath the floorboards are dimly lit. check.
On a failed check the cockroach scuttles away and
leaves the burrow.
Possible uses for the cockroach are:
Sounds. Occasional stomping can be heard (and felt) from
the tavern above. Music and voices should only be heard in Mount for gnome or hafling party members
the spider den and the Ratking's nest as those are the only Warns party about upcoming encounters with hostile
places directly connected to the tavern. creature
Carrying mule for big items
Random Encounters 2. Under the floorboards
Every time the party exits a room or decides to take a long
rest, there is a chance they'll encounter a bug that's been You can clearly hear the music from the tavern above. The
roaming the burrow tunnels. Roll a d20. On a 1-4 something bard just now ascends into an ear shattering crescendo which
is encountered from the table below. These are all combat makes your skin crawl. People stomp their feet to the rhythm
encounters and the creature stats can be found in Appendix
A. of the music, dislodging dust and dirt from the burrow's
muddy ceiling. You move on and find a bewilderingly different
d4 Encounter scenery in the opening ahead of you. The ceiling doesn't
1 3 Tavern Rats consist of the dirt you are used to but large wooden planks.
2 2 Giant Spider Light rays peer through the cracks in the wood and between
boards illuminating the area dimly. Every now and then the
3 4 Cockroaches
light is vanquished by a pair of gargantuan feet walking over
4 3 Giant Centipedes
the board. Maybe it's the waitress carrying a hearty stew to a
hungry patron? At least that is what you can smell. Beef stew
with carrots and potatoes. Your stomach grumbles but you tell
yourself that food should be the last thing on your mind. You
push hunger aside and concentrate again at the view in front
of you. The area is clearly not uninhabited. Spiderwebs riddle
the floor and walls in a seemingly random pattern.

This area is lit with dim light coming through the gaps and 3. Nesting Area
cracks in the floorboard. This opening is a bizarre landscape
of lost things which fell though the cracks in the floorboards. The curious cockroach (if present) tries to warn the party of
In the middle of the opening stands a playing card. It is the upcoming creatures by refusing to go on and nervous
missing a corner and the faded front displays three ettercaps. clicking of its mandibles.
It is about two to three times the height of a PC. To the right
lies a six sided die in a nest of spiderwebs. It is made from A gentle breeze ruffles your hair as you enter the cavern. It
ivory. Right next to the entrance a roughly carved wooden smells of dried grass and faintly sweet. Maybe freshly cut
button sticks out from a mound of dust and soil. A successful
DC 14 Wisdon (Perception) check, will also discover a wood? A pleasant change for sure to the otherwise earthy
pebble, a coin and two giant spiders. smells of the burrow. The cavern you see has a domed ceiling
A big piece of flint that fell through the floorboards where brown roots poke through the hardened dirt. You can
rests towards the left side of the cavern. A character can see empty husks of grain being scattered around the floor. At
identify the material with a DC 13 Wisdom (Survival) check the far end of the room is a giant cluster of hair, scraps of
to be flint. A dwarf will be able to tell without rolling. If hit
with an arrow (AC 8) or metallic weapon it will strike a spark parchment and straw. From within two beady black eyes stare
which will set the spiderwebs in the room aflame dealing 7 at you. It's a rat. A rat that is completely fixated on you. It
(2d6) fire damage to any creature still in the room, including doesn't even blink once.
the spiders and party members.
Coin treasure.
Sticking out of the spiderweb is one coin - a In this chamber a female rat can be found with her litter of
platinum piece (pp). Some unlucky fool must have lost it rat babies. With a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception)
during an ale-filled night. Judging from the dull surface it has check the character can spot the litter of babies behind the
been down here for a while. The pp is roughly 30 mm in rat.
The mother (1 tavern rat) and her litter (10 Rat Babies)
diameter and weighs roughly 9 grams. It's about the size of a will attack the party if provoked. A player could read the rats
tiny creature and weighs 33% compared to a tiny characters motive (defending her litter) with either a successful DC 12
weight. Similar to the ring (Area 7, Ratkings Nest) the party Wisdom (insight) or a DC 12 Wisdom (nature) check. The
has to come up with a way of transporting the coin if they rats will not chase the party into the tunnels, but remain in
decide to take it. They can try to carry it with a successful DC the nest if the party chooses to flee.
16 Strength (Athletics) check, or tie it to the curious
cockroack (if present) with a successful DC 13 Wisdom 4. Cavern
(Animal Handling) check. Rolling is also possible and
requires a successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check while The curious cockroach (if present) tries to warn the party of
traveling at half speed. The players can always surprise you the upcoming creatures by refusing to go on and nervous
with creative ways though, so reward them doable skill clicking of its mandibles.
checks when and if they do.
The walls and sections of the floor are Before you turn the corner, sounds catch your attention. Angry
covered in thick spider webs and count as difficult terrain. hisses. Claws scratching through dirt. Skittering clicks. The
When a character walks into the webbed area they have to buzzing of wings and an ear deafening squeak can be clearly
succeed a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or become
restrained. A character can use an action to break free with a made out. Slowly you creep around the corner. There they are.
successful DC 14 Strength check.
A character can try to find The cockroaches have their back on you. In front of them is a
safe passage through by only stepping on the web free single black rat. Its fur is ruffled up and some patches are
sections with a DC 13 Wisdom (Survival) or a DC 16 missing. It seems like the cockroaches have gotten some
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.
If one party member blows in already. The rats stance is defensive with its rear
successfully shows the way, all subsequent characters roll
their check with advantage. being nearly pressed to the wall behind it.
Three giant spiders reside in this part of the
burrow. They hide in the far end of the cavern.
If the party A tavern rat is defending its grape from a group of 6
moves through the area they will alert the spiders if they cockroaches. The party is unnoticed by the creatures if they
either fail a Dexterity (Stealth) check or become restrained in pass a group stealth check against the passive perception of
the webbing. The spiders immediately attack if alerted. the hostile creatures. Otherwise, half the cockroaches turn
and attack the party on sight while the other half attack the
rat. The rat is not hostile towards the players unless harmed
in combat. If the rat survives the attack it turns in a defensive
stance towards the party. It lets out more angry hissing if a
character steps towards the grape and will eventually attack
if the party doesn't back off. With a successful DC 14 Wisdom
(animal handling) check a player can calm the rat. It will lose
interest in the party, turn and start devouring its spoils.

5. Storage Cavern Black mold is growing over a pile of rotting food. With a
successful DC 13 Wisdom (nature) check a player can recall
You step through dried rat droppings which crumble under information that this particular mold species reproduces with
your feet into a small chamber. The first thing that hits you is hydrophobic spores. These spores can remain airborne for a
the smell and you instinctively wrinkle your nose. The stench long time and contain toxic components. If the party walks
is foul and sweet at the same time. You look around for the within 10 feet of the pile they have to succeed on a DC 10
Constitution save or be poisoned for the next hour as mold
source and spot a pile of indistinguishable material. It is
spores travel into their lungs. A face cover (such as a scarf or
covered in black and gray fur. On a fresher seeming part of the cloth) gives the player advantage on the save.
pile looks to be a piece of cheese. You gather that this is the With a successful DC 8 Intelligence (investigation) check
storage room of the rat burrow. Although it eludes you how the players can rummage through the pile and uncover the
even a rat would be able to eat this disgusting mess. Dragonbone Toothpick (Appendix B: Dragonbone Toothpick).
The toothpick can be buckled to a backpack (similar to a
spear) without a skill check.

burrow. Its tail hangs lazily out of the nests side. You can see it
6. Long Tunnel
twitch from time to time. Its eyes are closed and the body
As you step through the passage you notice the ceiling seems relaxed. It is unaware of your presence.
tremble ahead of you. Small bits of dirt and pebbles fall at your
armor making faint "clonk" sounds. It feels like an ogre is The players can try to sneak into the room. When they have
stomping through the tavern above. More dirt falls to the reached the nest, the horde at the back becomes clearly
ground, revealing a hole as a slimy pink worm head appears visible. No perception check is required to spot the ring in the
from within it. With a wriggling motion ever more of it pile.
emerges from the hole. It must be 5 times as large as yourself. Option 2: Awake ratking
The ratking attacks the party as
You swallow anxiously and press yourself to the muddy wall. It soon as they enter the chamber or if he wakes up and sees
seems to not have noticed you yet. the party inside. He is not a smart creature, but it's driven by
instinct. He will start his first round of combat with the
Deafening Squeak ability. Every round after that, he will
An earthworm is burrowing through the ceiling of the tunnel. always try to use the Blinding Dirt ability when it's his turn,
With (15 cm) in length it is about 4,5 times the size of a tiny especially against characters who rely on sight for their
creature. It is not hostile towards the party. A successful DC attacks (like fighters). His bite attacks will be against
12 Wisdom (Nature) check reveals the information that characters he feels he has a good chance of landing a strike
earthworms are herbivores. When left in peace the worm as he knows his teeth will have a hard time penetrating a
continues to dig into one side of the tunnel burrowing deeper metal armor. Lastly, he will fight to the death.
and deeper. If attacked the worm will defend itself. If the When the ratking is defeated it lets out a final death squeak
party has dealt a significant amount of damage to the worm, before it falls lifeless to the ground. This squeak is louder
it sheds the back of its body and tries to flee. Roll a d4 to than any other before and sounds very desperate. With it the
determine the direction the worm flee in. ratking summons 2d4 tavern rats from other burrows in the
No sounds can be heard from up ahead. Depending on the surrounding land as well as any rat left alive in the burrow to
noise the party makes while passing through the corridor, avenge its death. The rats will show up in 1d4+3 turns. The
there is a chance the ratking in the next room wakes up. If party starts to hear them scraping, scratching and squeaking
the party stealths and at least 3 fail, the ratking awakes. This 3 turns before their arrival. The rats will not chase the party
check considers they might be talking or walking loudly. If out on the tavern floor.
they also fight the worm, then he wakes up with 2 fails, and if Once the party is ready to loot the hoard and leave the
they also provocatively throw stones he will wake up even area, read or paraphrase the following.
with just 1 fail. If the party does not try to move stealthily at
all, then the ratking will be awake when they enter the room. Behind the ratking's nest is its horde. A pile of trinkets,
buttons and shiny glass shards that the ratking greedily
7. The Ratking's Nest
collected. The softer items have been gnawed at from all sides.
The curious cockroach (if present) tries to warn the party of Some so much so, that their original shape is barely
the upcoming creature by refusing to go on and nervous
clicking of its mandibles. recognizable. All of it seems to be worthless rubbish with one
shiny exception - a golden ring reflects the light of your torch
The room has a strong musky scent to it and the air feels and glistens at you from its resting place, partly buried in the
heavy. Deep claw markings cover the entrance floor and sides mound. As you approach familiar music strikes your ear.
as if a hefty creature forced its way through the dirt. The Laughing and the bard's fiddle can be heard from the corridor
ceiling is higher than all the other rooms you have left of the hoard. Your heart lifts as you realize how close you
encountered. In the middle of the chamber you spot a mass of are getting out of this dark and foreign place.
leaves, branches, feathers and straw. It’s a nest. A gigantic nest
that spans at least two times as far as you can stretch your The Hoard
arms. The far ends of the chamber behind the nest are dimly The ring is approximately 0,68 inches (17,5 mm) in diameter,
lit. which is a bit more than 1/3 the size of a tiny creature. It
weighs 0,17 ounces (5 grams) and is made out of gold. This
comes to about 16% of the weight of a tiny creature, therefore
This is the lair of the ratking. Depending on the previous should be easy to carry. Since the ring is too large to be
stealth check in the long corridor there are two options: stored in a standard backpack the party has several options
Option 1: Sleeping ratking
A successful DC 12 Wisdom of transporting it:
(Perception) check reveals the ratking sleeping in its nest. If A character carries it on hand (this hand is unavailable for
they succeed, read or paraphrase the following. carrying a weapon/shield or casting spells). The character
also has disadvantage on athletics and acrobatics checks
First you hear it. The in and out of air sounds like bellows. with the ring in hand.
Then you see it. A mound of fur is moving rhythmically up and It can be tied to the curious cockroach. Requires rope, the
down with every breath. Even while being curled up in the nest curious cockroach and a DC 12 Wisdom (animal
this rat is bigger than any other you have encountered in the
handling) check.

It can be rolled. The party moves at half speed until they For example, you roll an 8, and get the dancing patrons
leave the uneven ground of the burrow. Rolling it at the encounter. A PC whose turn it is, wants to determine the
relatively straight floor of the tavern doesn't limit their ambiance in the tavern. You ask for a Wisdom (Insight)
movement speed. check, and the PC rolls 11. That means he notices the music
Other creative methods at the DMs discretion. getting wilder and sees patrons standing up for a dance. After
that, it is up to the party to figure out a way to bypass the
8.The Tavern Floor situation safely.
Some of the events might be as simple as going around to
Before you spans the wooden tavern floor. The walkway seems avoid, while for some the party might need to find a more
like a canyon with massive table legs and stool legs left and elegant solution.
right. It is clearly a busy day. The waitress whistles along side It is up to you to consider which skill checks will be
the happy tune the bard is playing, while brooming the floor. A
required, as the PCs are given full creative freedom in this
sequence. The one thing that is certain, is that if the party
drunk dwarf slaps the wooden table to your right so hard, a big
fails to perceive an event, it will play out as described here.
splash of soup sloshes on the floor. Mara/Funton are nowhere Soup Spill. The waitress walks by and soup spills on the
in sight but you remember where they told you to meet them. floor. PCs who fail a Dexterity saving throw to avoid it, take
A couple of steps for your old selves but a whole journey for a 1d6 fire damage from the splash or half on success.
tiny person. Splinter Spike. A board of the floor is splintered, acting
like a spike trap. PCs who fail a Dexterity saving throw fall
onto it and take 1d6 piercing damage.
If the PCs take the passage from the ratking's lair up to the Brooming Waitress. A waitress is in the process of
tavern they will end up at a different spot than where the brooming the floor and goes with it over the party. PCs failing
quest giver is waiting for them. In order to first deliver the a Strength saving throw are pushed aside and disoriented
ring and second get the counteragent reversing the shrinking and have disadvantage on the rolls for their next turn.
magic from the potion, the party must find a way to safely Dust Wave. A patron lifting his cloak creates a dust wave.
cross the busy tavern. Furthermore, to add flavor, there is a PCs are in an area that counts as heavily obscured. Failing a
rat trap in the form of a cage right in front of the hole. The Constitution saving throw means they are blinded until back
gaps are too big for the PCs, so it can be escaped with no to normal size.
issue, but no rat can come through. Loud Laughter. A drunk person sitting nearby lets out a
Too many different options exist to cover all if them in this bellowing laughter that sounds immensely loud to the shrank
document. It highly depends on your party, their skills and ears of the PCs. Failing a Constitution saving throw means
creativity how they will tackle this problem. Therefore, we they are deafened until reverting back to their normal size.
will provide you with 3 unique paths to reach the quest giver Glass Shards. A bottle fell on the floor and broke. The big
as a suggestion. Do not try to force the party into one of those pieces of glass have been cleaned away but some tiny shards
paths, but do reward them for other innovative and clever remain. A PC failing a Dexterity saving throw takes 1d6
ways. The most important thing for a player at this stage is to piercing damage.
experience that their decisions and actions matter and that Spider. A spider steps out from behind a table foot, and
unique solutions provide unique outcomes. makes a range attack with a +3 modifier to shoot poison from
Option 1: Walking her fangs toward the PCs in position 1 and 2 of the marching
Traversing the tavern floor will play in a sequence that is in order. If the spider hits, the PCs take 1d6 poison damage and
initiative order, and it takes 2 rounds per PC in the party to if they fail the constitution saving throw they are poisoned for
reach the questgiver. In every turn, an encounter will happen, an hour.
and there is a chance for the PC to notice this upcoming Dancing Patrons. Dancing patrons shake the floorboards
hazard. It is completely up to them, about how they want to creating a massive earthquake. Failing a Constitution saving
achieve this. The DCs for all these skill checks are 10, and go throw causes one to get a point of exhaustion as he tries to
up by +2 if the same option is proposed multiple times. To keep walking under such conditions.
see which hazard they will encounter, roll on the following

table. If a PC successfully notices the hazard, then it is up to

them to find a way to prevent or bypass it.
Tavern Floor Random Encounters
d8 Saving Throw DC Encounter
1 Dexterity 13 Soup Spill
2 Dexterity 11 Splinter Spike
3 Strength 12 Brooming Waitress
4 Constitution 11 Dust Wave
5 Constitution 12 Loud Laughter
6 Dexterity 12 Glass Shards
7 Constitution 12 Spider
8 Constitution 13 Dancing Patrons
Option 2: Enlisting help
The party might try to get the attention of other tavern
patrons to aid them (either to go get the quest giver or to take
them to the quest giver instead). Ask them to make an
Intelligence check or a Wisdom (Insight) check with a 13 DC.
With a successful check they find a suitable patron who is not
too drunk. With a roll of 20 or higher, said patron will even be
willing to help without any compensation.
To get the patron's attention the party has to come up with a
creative way. Poking them in the toe (if the weather allows for
open footwear) or creating moving magical light might work.
Option 3: Magical communication
The players might transfer a message to the quest giver
directly. At this low level they should not have access to the
sending spell. Sending just the cantrip message could work.
As they do not see the quest giver directly ask for a DC 16
Wisdom (Survival) check to orient themselves around the
tavern. On a success they correctly identify the direction the
quest giver is located.
On a fail, they point in a different
random direction and the message remains unheard.
The party has reached the quest giver one way or the other.
After grabbing the ring either Mara or the unlucky gambler
drop a tiny amount of the counteragent onto each player
reversing the transformation magic. Any items not originally
on them while shrunk are not affected by the antidote (e.g.
the platinum piece, the dragonbone toothpick, etc.). If the
party managed to get the ring back, Mara/Forun is grateful
and hand over the promised reward.
If the party decides to keep the ring, let them have it, but
make them feel bad about it (for example by adding an
engraving to the inside).

Appendix A: Monsters
Cockroach Giant Centipede
small beast, unaligned Medium beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12 (Natural) Armor Class 13

Hit Points 14 (4d6) Hit Points 4 (1d6 + 1)
Speed 30 ft., burrow 15 ft., fly 30 ft. Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

10 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 1 (-5) 11 (+0) 3 (-4) 5 (-3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 1 (-5) 7 (-2) 3 (-4)

Damage Immunities acid, poison Senses blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 8

Senses Blindsight 60 ft., Tremorsense 60 ft., passive Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Perception 8
Languages -
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Clumsy Flyer. A cockroach cannot sustain flight for one
creature. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage, and
more than one turn. the
target must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution
throw or take 10 (3d6) poison damage. If the
Actions poison
damage reduces the target to 0 hit points,
the target is
stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even
Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one after regaining hit
points, and is paralyzed while
target. Hit: 3 (1d6 - 1) piercing damage poisoned in this way.

Earthworm Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Huge beast, unaligned
Critical Hit Vulnerability. If the earthworm gets hit by a
critical hit and the damage type is slashing, then it is
Armor Class 12 (Natural) cut in two pieces. One piece (the tail) stays put, while
Hit Points 37 (5d10+10) the head piece tries to flee to safety in hope to survive
Speed 30 ft., burrow 30 ft., climb 30 ft., swim 10 ft. and regrow the lost tail.


Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
17 (+3) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) creature. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage

Saving Throws Str +6 Constrict Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Skills Perception +2 one creature. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage,
Damage Vulnerabilities slashing and the target is grappled (escape DC 16). Until this
Condition Immunities blinded grapple ends, the creature is restrained, and the
Senses Blindsight 10 ft., Tremorsense 30 ft., passive earthworm can't constrict another target.
Perception 12
Languages -

Tavern Rat
Giant Spider There is one substantial difference between this rat and the
Medium beast, unaligned common one which might be seen near city wastes. The
tavern rat has been feeding excessively on the scraps that fall
Armor Class 14 (Natural) through the floor and has therefore grown to a remarkable
Hit Points 26 (4d10+4) size.
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. As if this wasn't enough, the spilled drinks soak through
the floorboards, making the rats living under the tavern floor
somewhat resistant to toxins over the years.
14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 11 (+0) 4 (-3)

Skills Stealth +7 Tavern Rat

Senses Blindsight 10 ft., Darkvision 60 ft., passive Large beast, unaligned
Perception 10
Languages - Armor Class 12 (Natural)
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Hit Points 19 (3d10+3)
Speed 30 ft.
Spider Climb. The spider can climb difficult surfaces,
including upside down on ceilings, without needing
to make an ability check. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the spider 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 4 (-3)
knows the exact location of any other creature in
contact with the same web. Damage Resistances Poison
Web Walker. The spider ignores movement Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
restrictions caused by webbing. Languages -
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Keen Smell. The rat has advantage on Wisdom
creature. Hit: (1d8 + 3) piercing damage plus (2d8) (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
poison damage. The target mus make a DC 11 Pack Tactics. The rat has advantage on an attack roll
Constitution saving throw, taking the poison against a creature if at least one of the rat's allies is
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't
a successful one. If the poison damage reduces the incapacitated.
target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but
poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, Actions
and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.
Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Web (Recharge 5-6) Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to target. Hit: 11 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage
hit, reach 30/60 ft., one creature. The target is
restrained by webbing. As an action, the restrained
target can make a DC 12 Strength check, bursting
the webbing on a success. The webbing can also be
attacked and destroyed (AC 10; HP 5; vulnerability
to fire damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison,
and psychic damage)

Rat Baby
These babies are still almost half the size of a shrank PC. They will always stay by their mother and follow her lead while trying to
stay behind her for safety.

Rat Baby Languages -

Challenge 1/8 (50 XP)
Small beasts, unaligned
Keen Smell. The Rat Babies have advantage on Wisdom
Armor Class 14 (Natural) (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Hit Points 2 (1d4)
Speed 30 ft. Actions
Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage. The baby's
target has to succeed on a DC 8 Constitution saving
4 (-3) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 2 (-4) 8 (-1) 6 (-2) throw or be poisoned for an hour. This saving throw
can be repeated again at the end of the affected one's
Senses Darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10 turn, and one is immune to it if he succeeds once.

This particularly big rat was the first to dig a burrow underneath the tavern. It has developed a taste for small baubles and trinkets,
while often ventures to the tavern floor to satisfy his cravings for them. He hoards his treasures on a pile in his cave. Other rats
which moved into the burrow revere him as their alpha.

Ratking Actions
Large beast, unaligned Multiattack. The Ratking can use his Blinding Dirt ability
and then take a Bite attack.
Armor Class 18 (Natural)
Hit Points 43 (10d6+10) Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Speed 30 ft. creature. Hit: (2d4 + 2) piercing damage
Blinding Dirt The Ratking scrapes the dirt underneath
his feet and sprays it on a creature standing 10 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA behind him. If the creature fails a DC 13 Dexterity
11 (+0) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 5 (-3) saving throw, it is blinded until the end of its next turn.
Deafening Squeak The Ratking lets out a deafening
Damage Resistances Poison squeak. All creatures within a 15 ft. radius originating
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 from him must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving
Languages - throw or be deafened until the end of their next turn.
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Failing this saving throw by more than 5, causes the
creature to also be frightened
Keen Smell. The Ratking has advantage on Wisdom
(perception) checks that rely on smell.
Pack Tactics. The Ratking has advantage on an attack roll
against a creature if at least one of the king's allies is
within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't

Appendix B: Magic Items
Dragonbone Toothpick Potion of Diminution
Wondrous item, common Potion, rare
This toothpick has a faint smell of rat to it. It was made from When you drink this potion, you gain the "reduce" effect of
dragonbone and has an ornately carved rathead at the end. the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no concentration
Due to the durableness of the material it is an excellent required). The red in the potion's liquid continuously
device for lockpicking aside from its original purpose of contracts to a tiny bead and then expands to color the clear
cleaning teeth. The Dragonbone Toothpick can be added to liquid around it. Shaking the bottle fails to interrupt this
an existing set of thieves tools giving it a +1 bonus. process.

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Down the
Rat Hole
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Until the next time, have fun, kill

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being sure you get all the loot!


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