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Doing Ministry while Social Distancing

You desire to continue to do ministry, but it may feel like a hard change from life
together to life at a distance. For that, we’ve created a list of ideas and resources to help aid you
as you learn to do your ministry from your home.

Continuing the Mission, Digitally

The traditional way to do ministry has changed rapidly as everything from your work to
your workouts has gone from real life to all digital. But the mission God has called us to isn’t
changing. In fact, our hearts feel a deeper urgency now than ever before to make Jesus known as
the Prince of Peace and the everlasting hope of the world.

So how do we do ministry when we can’t actually visit with anyone?

Keep discipling
 That makes into a disciple; that converts to a particular doctrine or belief
system; that proselytizes.

We know it looks different now, but we have the tools you can use to stay engaged with
people. In this season of digital first, you can reach those you are ministering to with some
simple resources. Grab what you need to support the people in your life as they battle
disappointment, anxiety and an unknown future.

 Use text or group messaging to reach out. Check in daily with those you are ministering
to. It can be as simple as asking how they’re doing and how you can pray for them.
 Host your weekly gathering, online prayer group or weekly Bible study on Zoom or if
your group is small, Google Meet. If you don’t need as much back and forth, consider
using Facebook Live.
You can keep reaching people, it just looks
Even though people aren’t out and about, they can still be in communities and groups online. 
You can help them see their friends, family and social media as places where they can love and
care as a way of sharing the gospel.

 Go on a virtual prayer walk. Prayer is the first step to revival and virtual prayer walking
allows you to see and experience a campus and pray for specific people along the way.
 Become a Mentor. Mentoring gives you an easy, safe and anonymous way to learn how to
journey with hurting people and to share the gospel as the Holy Spirit leads. You can
discover the joy of helping people know Jesus!
 Invite others to share resources geared to people who are curious about faith with their
friends from the site
 Teach a disciple to share their faith using God Tools.
 Do the Before and After campaign. The social media outreach is unique because you have
the opportunity to explain your two words in a brief video, which can be shared intentionally
on social media platforms.

Keep going out, but from home

You don’t need to be out in public to tell people about Jesus. Don’t stop sharing your faith. In
a world consumed by fear and death, people need Jesus now more than ever! Be creative and try
new ways to make connections with others as they engage online.

 Go to where your friends and family are hanging out online, Instagram, Tik-tok - they’re
out there. Enter into or ask to join those spaces, contribute to conversations, and invite
those you’re desiring to reach to continue the processing in a private chat or video call.
You can use resources like Knowing God Personally, the Four Spiritual Laws, or Falling
 Start spiritual conversations with your own social media.
 Share your testimony online.
 Need some social media graphics to post about your bible study or online community.
 Looking to use your social media accounts during this time? Here are some ready-to-use
social campaigns. (Provides themed content and graphics)
Bible Studies
Taking this time to be more intentional with your Bible reading with your small group?

 Putting Together the Pieces

Study how to make sense of the Old Testament. This study is meant to help you read,
study and understand the Bible.
 The Community Study
Each of the studies presents classic, transferable Cru teaching through a distinctively
redemptive lens, in a way that is easy to use in a dynamic, interactive small group
community. (Guided questions provided)
 Life Worthy of the Gospel: Philippians Study
Each study will help your group to understand the text, how we might push against
God's desires as revealed in each passage, and how Jesus can help us to embrace his
desires. (Study guides provided)
 What are You Worried About Study
Interactive study on Luke 12 covering worry and anxiety?
 Thrive Bible Study
This series covers topics on the character of God, eternal perspective, evangelism, and
the Holy Spirit. (Leader and participant guides provided)

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