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Quantification of Salt Weathering at Hot

Deserts and Evaluation of Reconstruction Rock,
Hibis Temple, Kharga Oasis...

Article · December 2016

DOI: 10.14976/jals.26.3_143


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2 authors, including:

Hossam Ismael
Assiut University


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Quantification of Salt Weathering at Hot Deserts and Evaluation of Reconstruction rock, some
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沙漠研究 26-3,
Ἃ₍◊✲ 26-3,143-152
143 - 152(2016)
Journal of Arid Land Studies
Journal of Arid Land Studies - DT12 Refereed Paper - 㸫DT12 Refereed Paper㸫

Quantification of Salt Weathering at Hot Deserts and Evaluation of

Reconstruction Rock, Hibis Temple, Kharga Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt
Ismael HOSAM*1) and G. M. E. KAMH 2)
Abstract: The Western Desert of Egypt is enriched with natural phenomena as oases and protected areas e.g. White desert of Farafra Oasis.
These protected areas are composed of rocks naturally weathered forming an attractive forms, also, it has several archaeological sites started in
age from early dynasties in the Egyptian history, e.g. Temples of Karnak and Luxor in Luxor City, to the Greco-Roman time as those spread
on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The severe dry hot climate of this desert results in physical rock’s weathering that can be noted on
micro-scale using scanning electron microscope and mega-scale through field observations. Kharga Oasis, in the heart of the Western Desert,
is enriched with number of highly ranked archaeological sites e.g. Hibis Temple having a unique design and historical rank. It suffers salt
weathering with diagnostic features e.g. salt efflorescence, scaling, pitting, cracking etc. So, the current study aims to examine and
quantification of this weathering on mega-scale and micro-scale using suitable equipment(s) e.g. field recording of weathering forms’ types
and dimensions; Transmitting Polarizing Microscope “TPM”, Scanning Electron Microscope “SEM”, X-ray diffraction “XRD”, Ultrasonic
waves. Also, this study examines the durability of the reconstruction rock used at some parts of this site using Age Accelerating Chamber
“AAC”. This is to find out the suitability of this rock for reconstruction at such hot dry region suffering salt weathering. This study can be
used as a guide for further studies on archaeological sites at such environment to keep them preserved for longer centuries for the coming

Key Words: Hibis Temple, Hot dry regions, Reconstruction rock, Salt weathering.

archaeological sites that are almost built from sandstone blocks,

1. Introduction derived from local quarries, while others had been built from
mud-bricks e.g. El-Kabawat (or Bagawat) Christian buildings
Weathering processes are among the very deleterious of the 2nd Century. Among these sites, we mention Hibis
factors that partly or completely demolish such remains. Temple, Doosh Temple, Ghawita Temple and Kasr El-Zaiyan.
They are acting either physically, chemically and/or These sites, as well as others, are spread in Kharga Oasis as
biologically solely and/or in combination with different ranks shown in Figure 1. The Kharga Oasis is characterized by hot
of aggression based on the prevailing environmental conditions dry climate, with sub-surface water at depths around 0.5m at
at a given area as well as rock’s physical and geotechnical low topography areas as that at Hibis Temple and its
properties’ limits (Elaine et al., 1992; Salman et al., 2010). surroundings while the depth of sub-surface water at the high
Salt weathering has been recorded worldwide at all topography areas is deep and needs pumping to be withdrawn.
environments i.e. from the hot dry deserts to the extreme cold Hibis Temple is the main site of investigation, in the current
wet regions (Hutchinson et al., 1993; Takahashi et al., 1994; study, located at latitude 25°28’38”N and longitude
McBrid and Picard, 2004). Almost all ancient and recent 30°33’26”E. This temple is located at a distance of 3 km
structures built from different materials e.g. stones, wood, North of the Kharga City on the western side of the desert road
mud-brick, suffer weathering at different rates and intensities leading to Assiut City. This temple is located on a relatively
resulting in deterioration of these buildings to deleterious limits high topography area and dated back to 660-330 years B.C.
based on the severity and type of weathering processes on one The main axe of this temple is oriented East-West direction
hand, and the durability of building materials on the other hand with a total length 42 m and its width is about 19 m with a total
(Issawi and El-Hinnawi, 1982; Kamh and Azzam, 2008). area around 798 m2.
Several previous studies have been interested in weathering The current study aims to quantify salt weathering damage
investigations using different techniques to semi-qualify the net and weathering processes acting at the base of this temple, also,
result of weathering (Benavente et al., 2001) . The it aims to quantitatively evaluate the durability of
well-known and applicable publication in semi-quantification reconstruction rock used at the first half of the 19th Century for
of rock's weathering is that of Fitzner and Heinrichs (2002). restoration of this temple.
The area of investigation, Kharga Oasis, is enriched with
* Corresponding Author: 㸦Received, July 22nd, 2016; Accepted, November 29th, 2016㸧
1) Geography and GIS Dept., Fac. of Arts, Assiut University, New Valley Branch
2) Geoarchaeology, Faculty of Science, Menoufiya University

Fig. 1. Map of Egypt presenting location of Kharga Oasis.

Fig. 3. Blank DCAW Scheme of Fitzner (1988) for determining

damage category including all weathering forms.

rock body presents weathering forms that are grouped into

D.D., D.T. and/or L.S. on its inscriptions and/or paints to
less than 5% of the rock body area.
Damage Category 2: Slight damage category can be recorded
i.e. rock body presents weathering forms that are grouped
into D.D., D.T., L.S. and/or F.D on its inscriptions and/or
paints at 5 to 10% of the rock body area.
Damage Category 3: Moderate damage category can be
recorded i.e. rock body presents weathering forms that are
Fig. 2. Diagram presenting the structure of Hibis Temple and its
orientation. grouped into D.D., D.T., L.S. and/or F.D. on its inscriptions
and/or paints at 10 to 25% of the rock body area.
2. Methodology Damage Category 4: Severe damage category can be recorded
i.e. rock body presents weathering forms that are grouped
To achieve the aims of the current study, Field and into D.D., D.T., L.S. and/or F.D. on its inscriptions and/ or
laboratory investigations have been conducted. paints at 25 to 50% of the rock body area.
Damage Category 5: Very severe damage category can be
2.1. Field investigation recorded i.e. rock body presents weathering forms that are
The field investigations include; recording all weathering grouped into D.D., D.T., L.S. and/or F.D on its wall mass
forms and measuring their dimensions (e.g. density, area % body and inscriptions only, as paints at D.C. 5 is almost
affected by weathering form, length of linear form, thickness of totally demolished, at more than 50% of the rock body
sheet form) to semi-quantify the damage category of this area.
temple. The weathering forms are grouped into four major Then, the overall damage category of this temple can be
groups namely; Group I (Loss of Stone Materials “LS”), defined using the Scheme known as Damage Category scale
Group II (Discoloration/Deposits “DD”), Group III including All Weathering forms (DCAW Scheme (Fig. 3) of
(Detachment “DT”) and Group IV (Fissures/Deformation Fitzner (1988). This Scheme includes all weathering groups
“FD”) (Fitzner and Heinrichs, 1995). Then damage category and enable defining the damage category of the building in a
at the different parts of this temple has been defined using the semi-quantitative form. This also enables taking a decision
scale of Kamh et al., (2013) listed below: regarding the urgency of restoration for the whole site or part
Damage Category 0: No visible damage can be recorded of it.
regarding stone’s surface and/or its inscriptions and paints.
Damage Category 1: Very slight damage can be recorded i.e.

2.2. Laboratory investigations Table 1. Salt susceptibility index and its interpretation (Swe and
Oguchi, 2010).
It has been conducted using tiny rock samples collected at
SSI Interpretation
the weathered parts, recently reconstructed parts, and remains
0 ” SSI< 1 Exceptionally salt resistant (Extremely Durable)
of the reconstruction (control) rock used at this temple. These
1 ” SSI < 2 Very salt resistant (Very high durable)
investigations included: 2 ” SSI < 4 Salt resistant (Highly durable)
(a) Texture and Mineralogical studies for thin sections, 4 䍸 SSI <10 Salt prone (M oderately durable)
prepared for these three types of the collected rock samples, 10 䍸 SSI <15 Very salt prone (Low durability)
examined under the power of a transmitting polarizing 15 䍸 SSI < 20 Exceptionally salt prone (Very low durability)
microscope, scanning electron microscope supported with
electron dispersive X-ray (EDX). This is to clarify, under
high magnification power, weathering on nano-scale as well as (SSI) can be computed using Swe and Oguchi (2010) equation
any salt or clay content in the texture of the examined samples. listed as follows:
(b) Rock’s salt content that will be conducted using extracted SSI = (Ipc + Ipm0.1) (Pm5 / Pc)
solutions prepared from the weathered and control samples Where Ipc is index of total connected porosity; Ipm0.1 is index
following the method of Rhoades (1982) by adding 100ml of of microporosity of pores smaller than 0.1 ȝm in radius; Pc is
bi-distilled water to 20 gm of the dry powder of this rock then, total connected porosity, and Pm5 is micro-porosity of pores
this mixture is well mixed for 20 minutes then filtrated to get smaller than 5 ȝm in radius.
the extracted solution for measuring the solution's total The Swe and Oguchi (2010) classification for SSI has been
dissolved salts its electrical conductivity and the hypothetical used to find out the limit of building and/or reconstruction
dissolved salts. This analysis aims to measure in a rock's susceptibility to salt weathering. This classification is
semi-quantitative form the rock's salt content that explains the listed in Table 1.
possibility of salt weathering to act on building materials of this e) Rock's durability: it is a measure of rock’s resistance to
temple. The salt accumulation within rock's pores result in weathering at a given environment taking several years if
alteration of pore properties that might increase rock’s conducted under natural conditions, consequently, an artificial
susceptibility to weathering (Yamashita and Suzuki, 1986). weathering, at the laboratory using Age Accelerating Chamber
(c) Rock's physical properties have been determined using the (AAC), has been conducted through exposing a given rock to
Ultrasonic waves to get the velocity of these waves “Cp” that is intensive conditions as that dominate at the site of study but.
decreased on rock's weathering progress (Kapranos et al., Sodium sulfate has been recorded to be effective in rock’s
1981), rock’s internal friction “Qc” that is increased on rock’s weathering, consequently, it became widely used in such sort
weathering progress, the equations used for computing the Cp of tests (Price, 1978; Smith and McGreevy, 1983 and Tsui et
and Qc are those of Calleja et al (2000) listed as follows: al., 2003). Artificial weathering by salts at hot arid regions
[(Ao + At) / (Ao – At)] = X (as that area of investigation) has been conducted (Sperling and
(ʌ n / Qc) = {ln [2/ (1 - X)]} / (1 + X) Cooke, 1985). Also, similar investigation has been
Cp = 2 Lf /n previously conducted on sandstone of some archaeological
Where Ao and At are initial and steady magnitude of the sites at hot dry regions e.g. Seti I Temple at Luxor City (Kamh
ultrasonic waves; n is the mode number at which we get the and Azzam, 2008). This artificial weathering enables a
best Echo-form for the waves; Qc is material’s internal friction; quantification of rock's deterioration on weathering progress
Cp is the velocity of the ultrasonic waves; L is the sample's (Benavente et al., 2001), it has been conducted in the current
length [cm]; f is the frequency of the waves. study on the constructional, re-constructional and control
(d) Rock’s pore properties, It has been reported before that two sandstone samples collected at Hibis Temple. The
rock samples may be of equal total porosity but still experience Continuous Partial Immersion at Hot and Cool Temperature
difference in their weathering susceptibility, and this is found to (CPI-HT/CPI-CT) regimes have been conducted to imitate the
be a result of pore size distribution “PSD” (McGreevy, 1996; climatic conditions dominating at Kharga Oasis. The regime
Benavente et al., 2004 and 2007 ) that has been measured in cycle is 24h altering among HT (Temp. more than 40oC and
the current study, using the Autopore IV-5900 micrometric relative humidity less than 10%) and CT (Temp. down to zero
mercury intrusion prosimeter (MIP IV-5900 that works at oC and relative humidity less than 10%) every 12 h, and the
mercury pressure up to 33000 psi), for the weathered and stone bars are continuously partially immersed in 0.5 M
control rock samples. This provides rock’s total porosity sodium sulfate salt solution. The test has been extended to 30
“ĭ%”, grain density “Gd”, bulk density “ࢼd” and pore size cycles i.e. 30 days taking into consideration weighting the
distribution “PSD”. Then, the rock’s salt susceptibility index sample every 2 cycles and photo-documented to record

(a) General view of Hibis Temple (b) Salt efflorescence, loss of inscriptions, bad restoration

(c) Anthropogenic impact, cracking, granular disintegration, loss of (d) Intersected cracking, loss of stone material, salt efflorescence
inscription s

(e) Loss of inscriptions, damping, bad restoration (f) Two columns recently re-constructed with laminated sandstone

(g) Original construction rock affected by loss of inscriptions and (h) Set of cracks affecting inscriptions, loss of stone material, bad restoration
Anthropogenic impact
Fig. 4. Photo-documentation of the different weathering forms at the temple’s sectors.

weathering progress over test progress. At the end of this test, cracking, salt efflorescence, roughening, loss of stone material,
the weight loss has been computed, and the durability class and granular disintegration into sand) and measuring its parameters
value of the original construction rock, reconstruction rock and (e.g. volume, density, thickness, wall side area percentage
the control rock samples have been determined using Barry affected by a given weathering form) have been conducted to
diagram (1991). define the damage category of the temple under investigation
using the DCAW scheme (Fig. 3). Photo-documentation of the
3. Results different weathering forms at the temple’s sectors have been
represented and indicated in Figure 4.
3.1. Field results Considering the weathering forms and their dimensions at
The detailed field description of weathering forms (e.g. Hibis Temple, the damage category has been defined, using
exfoliation, back weathering, loss of stone’s surface inscriptions, Kamh et al (2013) damage category scale, for this site

Fig. 7. Thin section photo-micrograph presenting composition of the

re-construction rock of Hibis Temple (XLN, 40 X).

Fig. 5. DCAW Scheme presenting the damage category of Hibis

Temple regarding all weathering form.

Fig. 8. Scanning electron photo-micrograph presenting kaolinite as a

matrix for the sandstone used at Hibis Temple.

Fig. 6. Thin section photo-micrograph presenting composition of the

constructional rock of Hibis Temple (XLN, 40 X).

regarding each group of these forms. It has been determined

that the average damage category of this temple regarding to
“DCLS” is 2 i.e. Slight damage category, and 1 “Very slight
damage category” regarding DCDD weathering group, and 3 Fig. 9. Scanning electron photo-micrograph presenting deterioration
“Moderate damage category” regarding DCDT weathering and pore shape of rock’s components for the re-construction
group, and 3 “Moderate damage category” regarding to DCFD sandstone used at Hibis Temple.

weathering group. Then, the overall damage category of this

temple has been determined using DCAW Scheme of Fitzner get the mineralogical composition of this constructional rock.
(1988) (Fig. 6). So, the overall damage category of this It has been indicated that the constructional rock is sandstone
temple regarding all weathering forms in the four groups is 4 mainly of arkosic texture with sub-rounded to sub-angular
i.e. severe damage category (Fig. 6). The main reason(s) moderately sorted quartz grains (Fig. 6). Unclear material
behind this severe damage category will be clarified through cementing the quartz grains of this constructional rock can be
the laboratory study for tiny rock samples collected at this noted, it will be more investigated at higher power of
temple and examined using suitable techniques as listed in the magnification using SEM. While the re-construction rock is
sections below. Arkosic sandstone with moderately sorted sub-rounded wavy
extinction quartz, it is enriched with unknown clays, as a matrix,
3.2. Laboratory results that will be examined through SEM investigation (Fig. 7).
3.2.1. Petrographic and Mineralogical study For more clarification on matrix (almost clays) type and
The constructional rock of this temple has been examined weathering on micro-scale of the rock's components, the
at low and high power of magnification using a transmitting scanning electron microscope has been used indicting kaolinite
polarizing microscope and scanning electron microscope as a rock matrix almost for the re-construction and the
respectively. Not only that but also, using X-ray diffraction to construction sandstone (Fig. 8). Disintegration of quartz

Table 2. Type and percentage of the Hypothetical dissolved salts for the constructional, reconstructional and control sandstone at Hibis Temple,
Kharga Oasis.

Table 3. Ultrasonic waves’ measurements for the weathered constructional and reconstructional as well as control samples collected at Hibis
Temple, Kharga Oasis.

grains as well as K-feldspar can be noted in the field of 3.2.3. Rock’s physical properties
investigation particularly for the weathered re-construction It has been examined for the representative samples
rock (Fig. 9). selected in the current study through measuring the velocity of
3.2.2. Rock’s salt content the waves and rock's internal friction. The relative velocity
It has been examined for the extracted solutions prepared (Cp) of the ultrasonic waves as well as the rock’s internal
from the constructional rock as well as reconstruction and friction (Qc) reflects in a semi-quantitative form the weathering
control samples at this temple. The total dissolved salts grade (deformation of rock’s texture resulting in creation of
(TDS) as well as type and percentage of the hypothetical secondary porosity). On weathering progress, the Cp is
dissolved salts have been determined through titration and decreased and Qc is increased (Montoto et al., 1981; Calleja et
flame-photometer, the results are listed in Table 2. The al., 2000). The rock’s textural iso-tropism can be computed
average total dissolved salts for the weathered constructional by measuring the velocity of these waves in two directions
blocks of this temple is 7900 ppm that is about three times as (Cp1 and Cp2) at right angle to each other, then, dividing
that of the weathered re-constructional rock and about ten Cp1/Cp2. The rock is considered as isotropic one if the result
times as that of the control rock (Table 2). This reflects the of Cp1/Cp2 = 1, but the an-isotropic rock is that with value
salt content accumulated and crystallized at and within rock's rather than the right one value. The iso/ an-isotropism
pores of the rock blocks constituting the basal parts (damping indicates the degree of rock’s susceptibility to weathering that
zone) of this temple. The dominant hypothetical dissolved is increased on increasing rock's an-isotropism of building
salts in the examined samples are almost Sodium Chloride blocks of a given building. Such measurements have been
with percentage ranging from 41-62%, sulfates (particularly conducted for the selected rock samples and the measurements
Calcium Sulphate) comes in the second order with about are listed in Table 3.
quarter percentage as Sodium Chloride (Table 2). The results indicated that the weathered constructional rock

Table 4. Rock’s pore properties for the weathered constructional and reconstructional as well as control samples collected at Hibis Temple,
Kharga Oasis.

Table 5. Durability test results for the weathered constructional and reconstructional as well as control samples collected at Hibis Temple, Kharga

has the lowest internal friction compared with the weathered micron, while the reconstruction rock used in the main body of
reconstruction rock. This reflects either the weathering grade this temple has total porosity with average value 24% with the
of these types of the examined rock samples or the rock's same SSI (Salt prone) class and pore radii is also with high
texture (particularly lamination) that is controlled by its mineral percentage in the value more than 2.5 micron (Table 4). The
composition or depositional environment of these facies. The weathered re-constructional rock with an average total porosity
results indicated that the constructional rock is more isotropic 23.4% has SSI very salt prone class with value ranging from
than the laminated or vari-colored re-constructional rock (Table 12.3*13.1 (Table 4). These types of sandstone have very
3). The pore properties will also be examined to find out if the close value of total porosity but their SSI is based on pore radii
pore properties act as another factor increasing rock’s as indicated from MIP results (Table 4).
susceptibility to weathering, particularly by salts, or not. 3.2.5. Artificial weathering
3.2.4. Rock’s pore properties The artificial weathering throws light on a relative or
It has been measured for weathered constructional and absolute rock’s durability to weathering particularly by salts.
re-constructional samples as well as control samples collected Consequently, it has been done in the current study to verify if
at this site. The pore properties have been measured using the constructional / re-constructional sandstone is durable
Auto-pore MIP-5900 working at low and high mercury enough to salt weathering or not. The results (durability class
pressure. The data has been processed following the processing and weight loss percentage) will be correlated with the
steps of Swe and Oguchi (2010) to get the rock's Salt durability of control samples on one hand, and correlated to
Susceptibility Index (SSI) that is a reflection for rock’s rock's SSI on the other hand.
weathering vulnerability. It also provides rock’s porosity and The results indicated that the constructional sandstone has
both of grain and bulk densities, the results are listed in Table 4. the lowest limit of weight loss (%) with a durability class “D”
It has been indicated that the original constructional rock has and the same class for the control sandstone but with higher
an average total porosity of value 21% and SSI ranging from limits of weight loss (%) (Table 5 and Fig. 10). While the
6.2-7.1 i.e. Salt prone rock with pore radii almost more than 2.5 weathered re-construction sandstone presents the highest

rock to very salt prone (Table 4). The textural iso-tropism of

the facies under investigation, indicated by ultrasonic waves'
measurements, clarifies that rock’s weathering is not mainly a
result of its primary (depositional) micro-structures but almost
a result of pore size distribution. For more clarification, the
constructional as well as re-constructional rock have nearly the
same porosity (Table 4) but with noticeable difference in their
grain and bulk density due to their mineral composition (quartz
and clays), then, the difference between these facies of
sandstone is their PSD (Table 4). One of the reasons behind
distribution or re-distribution of pore size of the rock under
investigation is filling its pores with secondary minerals e.g.
salts that crystallize from its saturated solutions on evaporation
at stone's surface at hot dry regions that dominate in the Middle
East (Yamashita and Suzuki, 1986). This alteration of rock's
pores may alter the rock's susceptibility to weathering
Fig. 10. Barry diagram with presentation of weight loss percentage of particularly by salts as that noted for the re-construction rock at
the building and control stones at Hibis Temple, to determine
their durability class and value. Hibis Temple (Table 4). The impact of pore size distribution
on rock's susceptibility to salt weathering has been proved in
weight loss (%) with durability class “E”. The inter-relation the current study through artificial weathering where building
between rock's durability and its properties e.g. iso-tropism, stone with pore radii ranging from 0.1-1.0 micron is Very salt
pore size distribution, salt content and mineral composition prone (weathered re-construction rock, Table 4), while those
will be considered in the discussion section to achieve the aims with pore radii more than 2.5 micron are Salt prone (weathered
of this study. construction rock as well as control sandstone, Table 4). The
value of SSI (Table 4) enables more differentiation between the
4. Discussion salt prone sandstone types (weathered construction and control
sandstones) where the former has lower values of SSI than the
The temple under investigation is of a great value, for that, latter one.
we have focused on it as a historical structure built 2600 years Correlating the weight loss percentage of these facies
ago at good environment that became recently an aggressive (Table 5) with their SSI (Table 4), it can be noted high direct
(through severe temperature changes, salt weathering as well proportional relation between both of them i.e. facies with
as anthropogenic impacts) affecting on its building stones higher SSI presents higher weight loss on salt weathering
including its inscriptions that reveal part of history that we did progress and vice versa. But on correlating either of these
not live. The constructional rock of this temple is sandstone results with rock’s TDS, it can be noted an inverse proportional
with arkosic texture that is texturally mature, almost composed relation rather than direct proportional relation as it was
of quartz with rare clay (Kaolinite) content. The same has expected i.e. the weathered constructional rock with lowest SSI
been noted for re-constructional rock but with noticeable and weight loss was expected to be with relatively lower TDS
kaolinite content (Fig. 9). The weathering features noted and EC and the weathered re-constructional rock with highest
either on rock's components or the matrix (mainly the SSI and weight loss percentage was expected to be with
kaolinite) of the building blocks (almost the re-construction highest TDS and EC but the situation is vice versa to what was
sandstone) are an indication of physical weathering processes expected. The explanation of that at low limits of rock’s salt
(e.g. salt crystallization within rock’s pores and/or diurnal content, the salts act as a binding material for the rock’s
abrupt temperature changes) (Benavente et al., 2004; Kamh components and altering the rock's pore radii resulting in rock
and Azzam, 2008). Damping at basal courses (deforming with lower or higher salt susceptibility index than its original
rock's components by swelling particularly its clay content) state (Table 4). This has been resulted in the construction or
and salt crystallization (physically disintegrating its re-construction rock of this temple at these low limits of rock’s
components e.g. quartz and feldspars) at climatic conditions, salt content (Table 2). This critical pore radii that makes the
dominating at Kharga Oasis, result in alteration of pore size salts act as a deleterious material within rock's pores and this
distribution (particularly for the construction rock) altering it critical pore radii for this arkosic sandstone has been
from salt resistant to salt prone, or salt prone re-construction determined in the current study to be in the range of 0.1-1.0

Table 6. Conclusive table for the field and laboratory investigations conducted at Hibis Temple to quantify its damage category based on salt
weathering at hot dry deserts.

micron (Table 4). Consequently, on filling the rock’s pores susceptibility to weathering where it is grading to higher
with this amount of salts (mainly chlorides, Table 3 and Fig. 9), iso-tropism from weathered re-construction to the original
the pore radii is highly expected to be altered (Angeli et al., constructional sandstone passing by the control re-construction
2007) to become almost at the critical size that increases rock's sandstone.
susceptibility to weathering particularly by salts. The pore size distribution varies (based on rock’s salt
The primary structure, particularly lamination increased by content, clay content and/or weathering on grain scale) among
increasing rock's clay content noted in the re-construction rock these examined sandstones resulting in difference in rock’s Salt
(Fig. 5f), is expected to result in a decrease of rock's Susceptibility class and value i.e. from salt prone (for the
iso-tropism (Table 3) from the constructional rock (with no HT-WC and HT-CS with higher SSI for the latter than the
lamination noted on macro or micro-scale and very low clay former) to very salt prone for the HT-WR. This is also
content) to the re-construction rock (with noticeable lamination confirmed on conducting the artificial salt weathering (CPI
and clay content) at Hibis temple. This iso-tropism is also 12-12 regime) where the weight loss is 18% for the HT-WC
considered as a secondary factor increasing rock’s with durability class D, 26.5% for the HT-CS with durability
susceptibility to weathering (Tables 3 and 5) acting at this area class D, while HT-WR sandstone has weight loss 42% with
of investigation. durability class E. Conclusively, the re-construction rock at
Hibis Temple is not durable enough as that originally used for
5. Conclusions construction several tens of centuries ago.

The field and laboratory investigations conducted on one of Angeli, M., Bigas J.P., Benavente D., Hebert R., David C. (2007): Salt
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the overall damage category of this temple is Severe (DC= 4)
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Crystal Growth, 260: 532-544.
and original coloring at the different parts of this temple. Benavente D., Cueto N., Martinez J., Cura M.A., Canaveras J.C. (2007):
Urgent restoration of this temple and environmental controls The influence of petrophysical properties on the salt weathering of
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