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Z-test (2-sample means)

◦ The 2-sample-mean Z-test is a PARAMETRIC test of difference that compares two groups with observations
greater than 30 each.
◦ When all assumptions are met and completed, the formula below is to be used:

x̅ - group mean
𝑥1 − 𝑥2 − (𝜇1 − 𝜇2 ) µ - population mean (1)/hypothesized mean
𝑍= difference (2)
σ – Standard deviation
𝜎12 𝜎22 n – sample size
𝑛1 𝑛2
A manufacturer claims that the average tensile strength of thread A exceeds the average tensile
strength of thread B. To test this claim, 50 pieces of each type of thread are tested under similar
conditions. Type A thread had an average tensile strength of 86.7 kilograms with a standard
deviation of 6.28 kilograms, while type B thread had an average tensile strength of 77.8 kilograms
with a standard deviation of 5.61 kilograms. Test the manufacturer’s claim using 5% level of
significance. (Assuming Normal Distribution)
Use statistical hypothesis testing
T-test (2-sample means)
T-test, similar to the Z-test is a parametric test of difference that is used when 2 groups are to be
compared to each other, each group having LESS than 30 observations each.
To use the
T-test the
formula is
Example problem:
A sports researcher would like to determine if the “wonder wristband” can increase the speed of
runners. He took the 100m dash time of 6 runners before wearing the bracelet, their time follows:
9.82, 10.12, 7.89, 8.12, 8.59, 8.49 and then the same runners’ time while wearing the bracelet:
9.99, 10.52, 7.50, 6.54, 8.99, 6.87. Find our if there is a significant difference in time without the
bracelet and with the bracelet.
T-test (1 sample mean)
Similar with the t-test this is a test of difference between 2 separate observations of 1 group.

This test is usually used to measure criteria before (pre) treatment and after (post) treatment with
the assumption that the treatment changes the result and thus difference is asked for.
To use the paired t-test the
formula is used:
Sample problem:
A teacher would like to know if the class will be able to absorb the lecture
from a guest speaker, so he made them take a pre-quiz before the lecture
and a post-quiz after the lecture. The teacher would like to know if there is a
significant difference between the pre-quiz scores and the post-quiz scores of
the students (note that they are in a specific order):
◦ Pre-quiz: 14,12,16,15,10,14,15
◦ Post-quiz: 25,25,26,23,21,24,25

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