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There are varieties of organism in animal kingdom possessing

different modes of reproduction depending on the complexity
of their morphology and physiology.
• Morphology- a branch of Biology that deals with the
structure of an organism and their features.
• Physiology- a branch of Biology that deals on the functions
of an organism and their parts.
ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION- It is defined as the formation of
new individuals from the cells of a single parent. This is very
common in plants. Asexual reproduction does not involve the
union of gametes (sperm cell and egg cell) and it does not
change the number of chromosomes present.

Chromosomes- A threadlike structure of nucleic acids, and

protein found in the nucleus of most living cells, carrying
genetic information in the forms of genes.
Fragmentation- a pieces of the
parent breaks off and develops
into a new animal. It can also
refer to the state or result of
being broken up or having been
divided. It can occur because of
an accidental damage, damage
from the predators or just in a
natural way of reproduction.
This kind of asexual
reproduction is more commonly
seen on sponges, cnidarians,
echinoderms and annelids.
Binary Fission- is the process
in which an organisms divides
into two and grow into a new
organism. There is a
separation in the parent cell
to create a daughter cell. And
all the daughter cells that is
created will have a copy of the
DNA from his parents.
Budding- process outgrowth
or callus projecting from the
parent and eventually buds
off. Resulting in the
enlargement of a body part of
an organism and the creation
of 2 individuals.
BUDS- are the young part of a
plant that is almost ready to
Parthenogenesis is a self
impregnation resulting in the
creation of zygote from
unfertilized egg. An organism
is being pregnant without
having any sexual contact in
other organism. It is also
called a “virgin birth”.
Transverse Fission- Direct
reproduction of all portion
that regenerates the missing
part to create a new organism
depending on the axis of
separation. It is also occurs on
the invertebrates or to the
organisms that without any
Clone- It is a production of a
genetically identical cells of an
organisms that is asexually
produced by a single cell or
organism. It is an individual
organism that was created or
develop in a single body cell of
his parent that is genetically
identical from his parent.
SEXUAL REPRODUCTION- It is defined as the perpetuation or
creating of a new organism from 2 organism with the use of
gametes. In this process, the male gametes or sperm cell is
having a collaboration with the female gametes or egg cell to
develop a diploid cell or what we called a zygote. During
sexual reproduction the genetic material contained in their
chromosomes combine to produce genetically diverse
offspring that is different from both parents.
Oviparous Animals- The animals
that releases eggs or laying eggs.
with little or no other embryonic
development within the mother.

Viviparous Animals- The

animals are those in which
fertilization and embryo
development occur inside the
Hermaphroditism- the
condition of having both male
and female reproductive
organs. A condition of most
plants and some animals (such
as earthworms) in which male
and female reproductive
organs are present in the
same individual
Sequential Hermaphroditism- is
when the same organism has
both the male and female sex
organs and produces both types
of gametes. Sequential
hermaphroditism means that an
organism switches from its
inborn sex to the opposite sex, a
development observed primarily
in certain fish and gastropods.
What do your genes do? Your
genes are inside almost every
cell in your body. Each gene
contains instructions that tell
your cells to make proteins.
Proteins perform all sorts of
different tasks in your cells
such as making eye pigments,
powering muscles, and
attacking invading bacteria.
also called genetic
modification, is the direct
manipulation of an organism’s
genome using biotechnology.
Genetic engineering has
applications in medicine,
research, industry and
agriculture and can be used
on a wide range of plants,
animals and microorganisms.

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