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Check secure tickets with barcodes

TicketCreator BarcodeChecker Version 2.5

(c) Johannes Lutz 2011
I TicketCreator BarcodeChecker Version 2.5

I Introduction / Main window 1

II Multiple scanners / Network 2

III Client mode (Check tickets) 3

1 Start client................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Connect to...................................................................................................................................
server 4
3 Check event
tickets 4
4 Lost contact
to server 5
5 Check sample
tickets 5

IV Server mode 5
1 Start server
................................................................................................................................... 5

V Register 6

VI Contact 6
Introduction / Main window 1

1 Introduction / Main window

TicketCreator BarcodeChecker is a software to check tickets with

Option 1: Check TicketCreator tickets with

Barcode tickets that have been printed with TicketCreator can be easily
checked with the BarcodeChecker software. The BarcodeChecker is
included in the license for the TicketCreator Barcode-Edition, i.e. you can
use the BarcodeChecker software for free.

Step-by-step instructions to check TicketCreator tickets with

1.) Start the TicketCreator software and create the venue/room for the
event. You can skip this point for events that have only tickets with
serial numbers.
2.) Create an event in the venue and check the option 'Barcodes'.
3.) Print tickets.
4.) Export the BarcodeChecker file of the event from TicketCreator and
copy the BarcodeChecker file to the PC that is used to check tickets at
the entrance.
5.) Start the BarcodeChecker software on the control PC and open the
BarcodeChecker file of the event. The BarcodeChecker software is
installed with TicketCreator. If it is not installed on the control PC yet,
you have to install it separately.
6.) Connect the scanner or webcam.
7.) Now you can control the barcodes on the tickets.

Option 2: Scan other barcode tickets

You can use BarcodeChecker also to check other tickets, which have
barcodes with up to 30 digits or letters. Just import the ticket numbers as a
CSV file (e.g. from Excel) or as a text file into TicketCreator and generate
a BarcodeChecker file. This requires a license for the TicketCreator
Barcode Edition.

Step-by-step instructions to check other barcode tickets

1.) Save the ticket numbers as CSV file (Comma delimited, *.csv) or
text file (Tab delimited, *.txt). This can be done for example with Excel.
You can skip this point if you have serial numbers (e.g. 1-1000).

Example 1: Save list of Example 2: Save barcodes with additional data,

barcodes e.g. ticket types, names

2.) Start the TicketCreator software and select the menu 'Extras:
BarcodeChecker file for other barcodes'.
3.) Open the CSV or text file or enter the serial numbers.
4.) Save the BarcodeChecker file and copy the BarcodeChecker file to
the PC that is used to check tickets at the entrance.
5.) Start the BarcodeChecker software on the control PC and open the
BarcodeChecker file of the event. The BarcodeChecker software is
installed with TicketCreator. If it is not installed on the control PC yet,
you have to install it separately.
6.) Connect the scanner or webcam.
7.) Now you can control the barcodes on the tickets.

For more information on TicketCreator see

2 TicketCreator BarcodeChecker Version 2.5

To check tickets at the entrance you need only a PC or laptop, on which the software
TicketCreator BarcodeChecker is installed, and which is connected to a simple barcode scanner
(USB or PS/2 port) or a webcam. Barcode scanners can be bought starting at € 50,-/ $ 60,-.

Getting started:
When starting BarcodeChecker you must first select the run mode.

Client mode
Use the client mode to check tickets with barcodes (with or without network).

· Check event tickets

· Check sample tickets

Server mode
If you have several PCs connected as a network you must start a server on one of the PCs and
connect all clients to it.

· Start server

2 Multiple scanners / Network

You can use BarcodeChecker with multiple scanners or webcams, either with or without setting
up a network.

Without network
If your venue has multiple entrances you
can check the barcode tickets
independently with one PC or laptop at
each door and without a network. Hereby,
the venue must be divided into sections
and tickets for each section must only be
accepted at one entrance, i.e. the
BarcodeChecker software must be set
that for example tickets for section A are
only accepted at door A, tickets for section
B only at door B, and so on.

You can also create an event where e.g.

all visitors are allowed to enter the general
area, but only certain visitors are allowed
to enter the restricted area. Create a
venue with accordingly named sections.
Then set the BarcodeChecker software at
the main entrance to accept tickets for all
sections. Scan tickets again at the door
between the general and restricted area
and accept only the appropriate tickets
Multiple scanners / Network 3
With network
If you use the BarcodeChecker software in a local network you can use multiple PCs (with one
scanner or webcam each) to check tickets. An internet connection is not required.

The clients must be connected with the router by network cable (LAN) or wireless (WLAN). They
run the BarcodeChecker in client mode. Each client has a barcode scanner.
The server is also connected to the router. It runs BarcodeChecker in server mode. You can also
start a second BarcodeChecker on the server PC in client mode and then use the server PC to
scan tickets.

3 Client mode (Check tickets)

3.1 Start client
Preparation: Use TicketCreator to save BarcodeChecker file.

1.) Install the TicketCreator software.

2.) Start TicketCreator.

For tickets that have been printed with TicketCreator:

· Select in TicketCreator the event in the event list, of which you want to check the tickets.
· Select in the menu Event the entry Save BarcodeChecker File.
· Save the BarcodeChecker file for the selected event. The BarcodeChecker file is valid for
all performances of this event.

For other tickets with barcodes with up to 30 digits or letters:

· Save the barcodes as CSV file (Comma delimited, *.csv) or text file (Tab delimited, *.txt).
This can be done for example with Excel.
· Click in TicketCreator the menu 'Extras: BarcodeChecker file for other tickets'.
· Import the file with the barcodes and save the BarcodeChecker file.

3.) Copy the BarcodeChecker file to the computer, which is used to check the tickets with a
barcode scanner.

Start client
4 TicketCreator BarcodeChecker Version 2.5
You can use either a single PC or multiple networked PCs to check tickets.
If you use only a single PC, BarcodeChecker runs as client on it and does not require a server.
If you use multiple networked PCs, BarcodeChecker must run on one PC as server and on all
other PCs as client. First start the server and then the clients. If you want to use the server PC
also to check tickets you can start a second BarcodeChecker in client mode on it.

1.) Start the BarcodeChecker, press 'Start Client' and open the BarcodeChecker file.
2.) Connect to the server if necessary.
Use single PC:
· Deactivate the check box 'Connect to BarcodeChecker-Server'.

Use networked PCs:

· Activate the check box 'Connect to BarcodeChecker-Server'.
· Enter the IP address and the port of the server and the password.

3.) You can restrict the access by accepting either all tickets or only tickets of certain sections. If
you allow only certain tickets to enter, you can also set whether this is an outer door (permits
only single admission) or an inner door (accepts also tickets that have already been scanned
at the outer door). General area and a restricted area.
4.) Now the barcode scanner is tested. Plug in the barcode scanner and scan any barcode. After
the scan 'Test successful' must appear. Check the scanner settings if 'Test successful' is not
shown after the scan. The scanner must send a Return, Enter, CrLf, or Cr after the scan
(Scanner default settings).
5.) Switch on loudspeakers and check sound. Click on the respective speaker symbols. You can
also adjust the volume.
6.) Now you are set to scan tickets.

Continue with Check event tickets.

3.2 Connect to server

If you have connected multiple PCs as a network, you must start the server on one of the PC.

Then enter in the client the IP address and the port of the server and the password.
By default port 7610 is used.

The first two numbers of the IP addresses of the servers and the clients are in a local network
Client A:
Client B:

Continue with Start server.

3.3 Check event tickets

To check tickets at the entrance you need only a PC or laptop, on which the software
TicketCreator BarcodeChecker is installed, and which is connected to a simple barcode scanner
(USB or PS/2 port) or webcam.
Barcode scanner can be bought starting at € 50,-/ $ 60,-. The use of a barcode scanner is
recommended because it is more reliable and easier to handle than a webcam.

To check event tickets you must first start a client.

1.) When scanning the barcode is automatically inserted into the Barcode field and checked. For
Client mode (Check tickets) 5
damaged tickets you can also enter the barcode by keyboard in this field and press Check.
There are three modes: With Visitor enters venue the ticket is logged in and cannot be used
again, with Visitor enters venue the ticket is logged out can be used again, and with Test the
ticket is not logged in and can be used again.
2.) If you quit the ticket check a protocol file is created, which contains for each ticket the
information whether it has been scanned or not. If you continue to check tickets for this event
after a break and open the BarcodeChecker file, the protocol file is automatically read and
tickets which have been scanned before cannot be used again.

3.4 Lost contact to server

If the client loses the connection to the server, it uses a local database instead, containing all
tickets scanned at this door. You are also prompted to reconnect to the server.

3.5 Check sample tickets

If you create an event with TicketCreator it is important to check the barcodes on sample tickets
because a too small font size or a bad background can cause problems when scanning.

1.) Create an event in TicketCreator and print sample tickets.

2.) Now start TicketCreator BarcodeChecker.
3.) Press Check Sample Tickets / Test Scanner. No BarcodeChecker file is required.
4.) Now the barcode scanner is tested. Plug in the barcode scanner and scan any barcode. After
the scan 'Test successful' must appear. Check the scanner settings if 'Test successful' is not
shown after the scan. The scanner must send a Return, Enter, CrLf, or Cr after the scan
(Scanner default settings).
5.) Switch on loudspeakers and check sound. Click on the respective speaker symbols. You can
also adjust the volume.
6.) Now you can test the sample tickets.

4 Server mode
4.1 Start server
If you have connected multiple PCs as a network, you must start the server on one of the PC.
If you use only one PC to check tickets, you do not need a server.

Preparation: Use TicketCreator to save BarcodeChecker file.

1.) Install the TicketCreator software.

2.) Start TicketCreator.

For tickets that have been printed with TicketCreator:

· Select in TicketCreator the event in the event list, of which you want to check the tickets.
· Select in the menu Event the entry Save BarcodeChecker File.
· Save the BarcodeChecker file for the selected event. The BarcodeChecker file is valid for
all performances of this event.

For other tickets:

· Click in TicketCreator the menu 'Extras: BarcodeChecker file for other tickets'.
· Save the BarcodeChecker file.

3.) Copy the BarcodeChecker file to the computer, which is used to check the tickets with a
6 TicketCreator BarcodeChecker Version 2.5
barcode scanner.

Start server

1.) Select one PC as server. Start the BarcodeChecker on it, press 'Start Server' and open the
BarcodeChecker file.
2.) Enter then port where the server accepts connections. By default port 7610 is used.
3.) Set the password required for the clients to connect to the server.
4.) The server is now running. Note the IP address and the port of the server, which you need to
start the clients.

5 Register
You need a license for the TicketCreator Barcode Edition to use the BarcodeChecker. If you want
to install BarcodeChecker on multiple PCs (e.g. in a network), you need only a single license.

Buy TicketCreator / Upgrade

You can order TicketCreator in our secure online shop, which meets highest security standards.
For further information visit the TicketCreator homepage at

To order an upgrade to a more powerful edition please send an email to

The price is the price difference between the two editions.

6 Contact
If you have questions, problems, or suggestions please send an email to, or
visit the homepage

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