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Research Methods and Design

The researcher will utilize the descriptive case study in which quantitative in

nature, to determined the level of Numeracy Intelligence of second year college student

of BSED MATH of NWSSU. In this study, the level of Numeracy Intelligence will be

evaluated through a math test questioners. A Numeracy test was applied to measure

the student Numeracy competence.

According to Stake (1995), the “first obligation in case study research is to fully

developed and understand the case at hard”. Case study is chosen because the

research requires the close examination of people, topics, issues or program ( Hays

2004). The descriptive case study is used to developed a document that fully illuminate

the intricacies of an experience (Stake 1995), these are of the use to present answer to

a series of questions based on theoretical construct.

The study choose descriptive case study for main reasons. One goal of all

descriptive case study research is to develop on understanding of the bounder system

which defines the focal points of the study. The bounded unit for this study is to

determined the level of Numeracy Intelligence among Second year College BSED

MATH students in North West Samar State University. Additionally descriptive case

studies answer question based on theory. The descriptions of the level of Numeracy

Intelligence that will be attained throughout the research process will help to defined the
theoretical construct under which factor amidst of Covid-19 the respondents is where

their Numeracy Intelligence is affected the most.


Stake, R. (1995). The art of case study research (pp. 49-68). Thousand Oaks, CA:

Sage. Retrievefrom.








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