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Titanium, Zirconium, and Hafnium

Barbara Malczewska-Toth, Ph.D., DABT

Titanium, zirconium, and hafnium belong to the group IVB for jet engine components (rotors, fins, and compressor
of the periodic table. A characteristic feature of these transi- parts). Titanium alloys readily with other metals such as
tion elements is the ease with which they form stable complex aluminum and tin. The alloy composition Ti þ 2.5% tin þ 5%
ions. Features that contribute to this ability are favorably high aluminum is used when high strength at high temperatures is
charge-to-radius ratios and the availability of unfilled required, and the alloy Ti þ 8% aluminum þ molybdenum
d orbitals. The ability of forming metallic bonds is demon- þ vanadium is used in low-temperature applications. Each
strated by the existence of a wide variety of alloys among supersonic transport contains about 270,000 kg of titanium.
different transition metals. Other features of these metals are The most important titanium compound is titanium
high densities, high melting points, and low vapor pressures. dioxide, TiO2 [13463-67-7], a white substance that has a
Within this group, these properties tend to increase with high reflective index. TiO2 forms the basis of the titanium
increasing atomic weight. pigment industry because of its opacifying property, ready
This chapter discusses the chemical and physical proper- availability, and relatively low cost. TiO2 is processed at
ties followed by the toxicity of each chemical and compound very high temperatures into artificial rutile, which is used
in three sections: the first section provides details on titanium, as a semiprecious stone (titania). Titania has a light yellow
the second section on zirconium, and the third section on color and a higher index of refraction than diamond, but is
hafnium. Table 13.1 presents the atomic number, atomic rather soft. TiO2 has been used to some degree since 1918,
weight, and natural isotopes of titanium, zirconium, and but its use expanded after technological improvements in
hafnium. ore processing and because of expanded industrial need.
Fifty percent of the TiO2 used is as pigments, 20% in paper,
and 12% in plastics. It is also used in paints, inks, foods (as
TITANIUM AND TITANIUM COMPOUNDS food additive to whiten flour, in dairy products and con-
fections), medicines (pills), toothpaste, and as an additive
Titanium (Ti) [7440-32-6] is a silvery gray metal that in sunscreen cosmetics. Additional uses of TiO2 are as a
resembles polished steel. Titanium, a transition element, catalyst, a dielectric in capacitors, a functional part in some
was first discovered as its oxide by William Gregor in 1791 oxygen sensors, a component of surgical implants and
and named in 1795 by Martin H. Klaproth after the Titans, prostheses (for bone/medical implant integration), cleav-
the giants of Greek mythology. Nevertheless, the pure metal ing proteins at proline sites, odor controller in cat litter, as a
was not isolated until 1910 and remained a laboratory semiconductor, and a source of titanium metal. In recent
curiosity until an economical purification process was years, with the development of nanotechnology, TiO2 uses
developed in 1946. increased as the TiO2 is converted to nanomaterials
Because titanium is as strong as steel and 45% lighter in through engineering. TiO2 nanobelts are increasingly
weight, it is especially suitable for use in aviation and used as photocatalysts and TiO2 nanowires are used in
astronautics. About 50% of the titanium produced is used solar cells.

Patty’s Toxicology, Sixth Edition. Volume 1, Edited by Eula Bingham and Barbara Cohrssen.
 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Table 13.1. The Atomic Number, Atomic Weight, and Natural The toxicology of two other titanium compounds, titanium
Isotopes of Titanium, Zirconium, and Hafnium diboride and titanium carbide, is not discussed in this chapter.
Atomic Atomic Natural Titanium diboride [12045-63-5], an extremely hard sub-
Element Symbol Number Weight Isotopes stance (Mohs hardness 9þ) with oxidative resistance up to
46 1400 C, is used as a metallurgical additive for superalloys
Titanium Ti 22 47.90 Ti (8.0%)
47 and nuclear steels, as a high-temperature electrical conduc-
Ti (11.2%)
Ti (17.1%) tor, and in coatings resistant to attack by molten metals.
Ti (17.4%) Titanium carbide is extremely hard and as a crystalline solid
Ti (2.8%) has its chief use as an additive to tungsten carbide in cutting
Zirconium Zr 40 91.22 90
Zr (51.5%) tools and other parts that are subjected to thermal shock.
Zr (11.2%)
Zr (17.1%)
94 1.0 Titanium
Zr (17.4%)
Zr (2.8%) 1.0.1 CAS Number
Hafnium Hf 72 178.49 Hf (0.2%)
176 [7440-32-6]
Hf (5.2%)
Hf (18.6%)
Hf (27.3%) 1.0.2 Synonyms
Hf (13.6%) Titanium rod; titanium powder; titanium wire
Hf (35.1%)
1.0.3 Trade Names

The remaining titanium compounds have a variety of NA

special uses.
Titanium trichloride, a dark-violet deliquescent solid that 1.0.4 Molecular Weight
decomposes in air and water, is used as a cocatalyst for 47.87
polyolefin polymerization and in organometallic synthesis.
The tetrachloride is a colorless liquid that fumes in moist air 1.0.5 Molecular Formula
and forms a dense, persistent, white cloud used in smoke
screens. The tetrachloride is used extensively in TiO2 Ti
Titanium disulfide, a yellow solid, is used as a solid 1.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
lubricant, and titanous sulfate, green in the crystalline
state but dark purple in acid solution, is used in the textile The physical and chemical characteristics of titanium [7440-
industry as a reducing agent for stripping or discharging 32-6] and the most industrially important compounds of
colors. titanium are presented in Table 13.2.
The toxicity of titanium varies with the chemical form. The chief valence form of titanium is 4þ (titanic), but 3þ
Metallic titanium and TiO2 are insoluble, unreactive, non- (titanous) and 2þ are known, including a peroxy-type
metabolized, and virtually devoid of acute toxicity, though compound. Oxy compounds such as TiOCl2, called titanyl,
prolonged exposure to high concentrations of TiO2 causes exist, but the existence of TiO2þ ion is doubtful. Tetravalent
lung tumors in rats. With expansion of nanotechnology, the titanium compounds hydrolyze to yield hydrous titanium
TiO2 material has been engineered in terms of shapes and oxide, which forms the basis of the TiO2 pigment industry.
sizes resulting in significant particle size reduction. The Intermediate valence stages disproportionate to higher and
reduction of the particle size leads to increased specific lower forms, a property that is used in producing reduced
surface area, which contributes to increased potential for titanium halides. Organic derivatives of titanium are known,
toxicity of the engineered TiO2 nanomaterials. In contrast, but as yet have little industrial significance. The most
the soluble inorganic titanium salts are absorbed and metab- common types are the alkyl and aryl titanates of the general
olized and do show appreciable acute toxicity. A third formula Ti(OR)4, where R stands for alkyl or aryl radical.
titanium form, the oil-soluble organotitanium complex, tita- A commercially available complex organic coordination
nocene, is metabolized by a still different pathway and is both compound, titanocene (dicyclopentadienyl titanium
toxic and tumorigenic in animals. Both titanium compounds dichloride), is used as a catalyst, ultraviolet absorber, reduc-
and titanocene complexes show chemotherapeutic activity ing agent, free radical scavenger, and as cancer chemo-
and have been used for treatment of gastrointestinal, breast, therapeutic agent in the treatment of gastrointestinal,
lung, and skin cancers. breast, lung, and skin cancers (1–3).

Table 13.2. Physical and Chemical Properties of Titanium (Ti) and Its Compounds
Molecular Molecular Boiling Melting Specific
Compound CAS Number Formula Weight Point ( C) Point ( C) Gravity Solubility
Titanium [7440-32-6] Ti 47.87 3287 1660 4.5 Insol. cold water;
dec. hot water
Titanium dioxide [13463-67-7] TiO2 79.87 2500–3000 1830–1850 3.90 (anatase); Sol. hot H2SO4,
4.23 (rutile) HF, alkali; insol.
HCl, water,
Titanium carbide [12070-08-5] TiC 59.88 4820 3140 4.93 Insol. water; sol.
aqua regia, HNO3
Titanium trichloride [7705-07-9] TiCl3 154.23 660 Dec. 440 2.64 Sol. water; HCl; v.
sol. alcohol;
insol. ether
Titanium tetrachloride [7550-45-0] TiCl4 189.68 136.4 25 Liq. 1.726 Sol. cold water,
HCl, alcohol
Titanium hydride [7704-98-5] TiH2 49.88 Dec. 450 — 3.75 —
Titanium(IV) sulfide [12039-13-3] TiS2 112.00 — — 3.37 Hyd. sl. colder; dec.
in steam, HCl;
sol. dil. HNO3,
Titanium(III) sulfate [10363-61-0] Ti2(SO4)3 383.93 — — — Insol. water,
alcohol; sol.
dil. HCl

Dust clouds of titanium metal powder, average particle and Finland). Ilmenite accounts for about 91% of the world’s
diameter 10.5 mm, that contain 0.08% H, 0.82% O, and consumption of titanium minerals and world resources of
0.062% N by weight experimentally ignite at 330 C in air anatase, ilmenite, and rutile total more than 2 billion tons (8).
but are not combustible at temperatures below 850 C in CO2 Rutile (a form of TiO2) is less abundant; its chief source is
or N2 gas (4). Titanium hydride (TiH2) containing 2.83% H, certain Australian beach sands. Two other less prominent
0.24% O, and 0.071% N, and 70% theoretical H for TiH2 forms of TiO2 exist, anatase and brookite. The ores vary
ignited at 440 C under similar test conditions. Neither dust around the world in TiO2 content from 39% to 96%. Anatase
layers nor clouds ignited in an atmosphere of helium or argon is used as a food color (7).
up to 850 C, but layers of both powders ignited in a mixture Metallic titanium is widely used in the aerospace industry
of 50% air and 50% helium at 850 C. Layers of both powders because of its outstanding strength-to-weight ratio. Although
were ignited by a weak electric spark. Both titanium metal the most extensive usage is in military aircraft, the use of
powders and turnings can be ignited, but flammability is titanium in commercial aircraft has also increased. For
highly dependent on particle size and surface area. Coarse example, the Boeing 777 consists of nearly 10% by weight
particles of titanium metal powder, probably of the order of of titanium. Additional uses for titanium are based on its
greater than 100 mm, show no tendency to ignite (5). A corrosion resistance, as in heat exchangers, and its biocom-
serious explosion occurred from friction of commercially patibility in medical and dental implants. Both pure titanium
pure titanium samples that had been undergoing corrosion and nickel–titanium alloy (NiTi) have shown excellent tissue
tests in red fuming nitric acid (6). compatibility (9, 10).

1.2 Production and Use 1.3 Exposure Assessment

Titanium is the ninth most abundant element and accounts for Humans can be exposed to titanium and its compounds
about 0.63% of the Earth’s crust. Analyses of rock samples through many potential exposure routes, including inhala-
from the moon indicate that titanium is far more abundant tion, ingestion, and skin absorption.
there; some lunar rocks consist of 12% titanium by weight.
World production of titanium sponge metal was estimated at
1.4 Toxic Effects
69,000 metric tons in 1991 (7). The most important titanium-
bearing minerals are ilmenite, rutile, and leucoxene. Ilmenite Little information exists on the way titanium acts at the
(FeTiO3) is found in beach sands (Australia, India, and biochemical level. An early study reported that titanium
Florida) and in rock deposits associated with iron (Norway dichloride (TiCl2) inhibits serum alkaline phosphatase

(53%) at a concentration of 0.46 mM in vitro but has no effect particles from the lungs. Two samples of urine from
on trypsin even at a 1.1 mM concentration (11). However, a coal miners also showed high values—110 and 490 mg
more recent study has found that aqueous titanium(IV) Ti/L urine—compared with an average 1959 value for
inhibits trypsin class (but not chymotrypsin class) pro- U.S. adults of 10.2 mg/L urine (21).
teases (12). Soluble titanium salts injected subcutaneously Less conspicuous, but nevertheless definite, is the varia-
reportedly inhibit transaminase but activate lipase (13). tion in tissue titanium content of individuals who reside in
Another interaction involves the complexing of soluble urban areas with differing environmental titanium expo-
titanium salts (e.g., titanium lactate) and catechols, including sure. Five tissues, lung, liver, kidney, heart, and spleen, from
DOPA (3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine). DOPA has an intense, seven cities in the United States showed that titanium in
yellow-orange color (14). A greenish coloration of the organs other than the lung was highest in residents from
surfaces of a lung that had large accumulations of TiO2 New York City and Chicago; titanium was found, however,
was found in a pigment worker of 9 years. In another in the lungs of all residents analyzed in all seven cities (19).
case, the pulmonary surfaces were a grayish white (15). Similarly, differences in racial and geographic area were
These titanium salts inhibit the action of tyrosinase on found in the titanium content of lung, liver, and kidney of
DOPA by competing with tyrosinase for the substrate. residents of 17 localities around the world. Contrary to
findings in the United States, titanium was not detected in
the lungs of some individuals in Berne, Switzerland; Vel-
1.4.1 Human Experience
lore, India; and Lambarene, Gabon (then known as French
The distribution of titanium is reported to be general in all Equatorial Africa). Geographic differences were striking;
organs of the human body but in low concentrations. In the although titanium was found in the kidney and liver in 60%
mid-1930s, Maillard and Ettori (16) found concentrations of the Tokyo residents analyzed, no titanium was found in
ranging from 0.015 to 0.11 ppm among Frenchmen. Tipton the organs of residents of Kyoto, a less industrialized
and Cook (17) and Tipton et al. (18) analyzed 29 tissues of Japanese city. Titanium was not found in the kidneys and
150 adults in the United States in the late 1950s by spectro- only occasionally in the livers of residents of Bangkok or
graphic methods and also found titanium in all tissues, but the Uganda (19).
median concentrations of 5 ppm or greater were found in only Important in the understanding of the body disposition of a
7 of the 29. Lung tissue headed the list with 220 ppm, trace element is the determination whether (1) it is present in
followed by skin (32 ppm), omentum (21 ppm), and adrenal the newborn (passes the placental barrier), (2) the element
glands (15 ppm), and thyroid, cecum, and rectum had a accumulates in the body with age, and (3) if so, in which
median value of 5 ppm each. Titanium was not found, organs and tissues. Investigations by Schroeder et al. (19)
however, with equal frequency in the tissues of all indivi- have shown that titanium does not invariably occur in the
duals; frequencies varied from a low of 9% for the brain to newborn; titanium was not detected in two-fifths of the
99% for lungs, showing that pulmonary tissue has a special samples taken from the lungs of babies and children. Accu-
affinity for titanium. Not unexpectedly, wide ranges of mulation in the lungs of Americans was easily demonstrable;
variation were found for most tissues. Daily intake of tita- the concentration rises to high levels after the third decade.
nium from food, commonly a major contributor, has been No such phenomenon, however, was evident in the kidney,
estimated to vary as much as 30-fold, depending on diet skin, or aorta; both the percentage occurrence and concen-
selection (100–3000 mg Ti per day) (19). Geographic resi- tration were fairly constant throughout eight decades. The
dence and occupation can make even larger contributions to prevalence of this metal in other organs (except for skin,
intake (20); analysis (mass spectrometry) of bituminous coal where it is always present) was generally less than 40% and
dust from certain areas showed as much as 860 ppm Ti, often less than 20%, and accumulations or decreases with age
360 ppm chrysotile asbestos, and 3600 ppm cement. For were not demonstrable. Concentrations in the skin of 17
example, workers at a cement plant or persons living nearby white and 6 black persons were comparable. Therefore, it
might experience high environmental titanium intake, result- appears that titanium accumulates markedly in lung tissue
ing in high titanium levels in body tissues. Actual determina- with age, but has no special predilection for other internal
tions (mass spectroscopy) of tissue titanium from coal miners organs.
and residents of coal mining areas show values considerably An intestinal barrier to absorption of whatever form in
greater than those found generally in nonmining areas (20). which titanium is ingested is inferred from the low urinary
The lung of a coal miner had a titanium content of 3800 ppm, output. Very few reports in this area have appeared. Schroe-
compared to 380 ppm Ti in the lung of an area nonminer, and der et al. (19) compared the titanium tissue distribution when
compared with the general U.S. median of 220 ppm noted administered to mice as the soluble potassium titanium
before. Another coal miner’s lung, less heavily contaminated oxalate at a level of 5 ppm for 208–268 days in drinking
with Ti (480 ppm), had a pulmonary lymph node containing water. At the end of the exposure, 4–15 times more titanium
2400 ppm Ti, indicating phagocytosis of titanium-containing had accumulated in the lungs, heart, and kidneys of exposed

animals than in the controls. This indicates that, for mice at 2.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
least, soluble titanium compounds are readily absorbed from
See Table 13.2.
the gastrointestinal tract, in contrast to essentially nonab-
sorbed insoluble forms.
2.2 Production and Use
1.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure Approximately 95% of all titanium is used as TiO2 (22). TiO2
is produced commercially from ilmenite, leucoxene, rutile,
None established. titaniferous slag, and synthetic rutile (18). Two major com-
mercial production processes are used: the sulfate process,
2.0 Titanium Dioxide which uses TiOSO4 as an intermediate, and the chloride
process, which uses TiCl4 as an intermediate. World produc-
2.0.1 CAS Number tion of TiO2 was estimated at approximately 2.5 million
[13463-67-7] metric tons in 1992 (23) and 4.4 million metric tons in
2004 (24). The U.S. production of TiO2 was at approximately
2.0.2 Synonyms 1.3 million metric tons in 2005, 1.4 million metric tons in
2007, and 1.2 million metric tons in 2009 (8). In recent years,
Titanium(IV) oxide; rutile; anatase; brookite; titanium(IV) TiO2 is among the most commonly produced and utilized
dioxide; titanium oxide; tioxide; Atlas white titanium nanomaterials. Recent estimates of annul global production
dioxide; Bayertitan; Baytitan; Calcotone white t; Comet; of ultrafine TiO2 particles or nanomaterials (one dimension
Hombitan; Kronos titanium dioxide; Levanox white rkb; ,100 nm) range between 5000 and 6400 metric tons (25, 26).
Runa rh20; Tiofine; titania; tiona t.d.; Tipaque; Titafrance; This large amount of produced nanomaterials may result in
Titanox; Titanox 2010; zopaque; cosmetic white C47-9623; occupational and environmental exposures.
horse head a-410; horse head a-420; horse head r-710; Commercial pigments contain almost no particles
Unitane o-110; Unitane o-220; Unitane or-150; Unitane ,100 nm. Ultrafine TiO2 particles range in size from 1 to
or-340; Unitane or-342; Unitane or-350; Unitane or-540; 100 nm, with a modal primary size of 10–50 nm. TiO2 has
Unitane or-640; C.I. 77891; C.I. pigment white 6; cosmetic also been produced as engineered nanomaterials that are
white C47-5175; 1700 white; a-fil cream; Aeroxide; composed of either TiO2 rutile or TiO2 anatase. Due to
Austiox; Bayeritian; Flamenco; Hitox; Kronos; KH360; greatly reduced demand from the construction and automo-
Rayox; Rutiox cr; ti-pure; titanium peroxide; titan white; tive industries, global production of TiO2 pigment decreased
trioxide (s); Tronox; tioxide rhd; Kronos cl 220; tioxide to approximately 5.6 million metric tons in 2009 (8). In 2009,
rsm; Titanox ranc; Austiox r-cr 3; R 680; RO 2; ti-pure TiO2 pigment was produced by four companies at eight
r 900; Tioxide ad-m; Tioxide r.xl; cab-o-ti; ti-pure r 901; facilities in seven states in the United States, at estimated
tipaque r 820; kronos rn 56; kronos rn 40p; bayertitan a; 1.5 million metric tons (8). The estimated use of pigment (by
bayertitan r-u-f; tioxide r-cr; p 25 (oxide); Unitane or-650; the end use) was paint 59% (includes lacquers and varnishes),
Unitane or-450; zopaque ldc; Runa arh 20; Runa arh 200; plastic 25%, paper 10%, and other 6%. Other uses of TiO2
hombitan r 101d; hombitan r 610k; kronos 2073; P 25; included catalysts, ceramics, coated fabrics and textiles, floor
Unitane or-572; UV-Titan; ti-pure r 101; ti-pure r 915; titanic coverings, printing ink, and roofing granules (8).
anhydride; titanic acid anhydride; titanic oxide; titanium
white; octahedrite; Unitane; titanium dioxide P25.
2.3 Exposure Assessment
2.0.3 Trade Names Humans can be exposed to TiO2 through many exposure
NA routes, including inhalation, swallowing, ingestion, and
absorption through the skin. NIOSH method #S385 recom-
2.0.4 Molecular Weight mends that airborne concentrations of TiO2 should be
collected on a filter, eluted with acid, and measured by
79.87 inductively coupled argon plasma atomic emission spectros-
copy (27). The OSHA analytical method for TiO2 is based on
2.0.5 Molecular Formula gravimetric analysis (28).
2.4 Toxic Effects
2.0.6 Molecular Structure
TiO2 is not readily absorbed and has been considered virtu-
O¼Ti¼O ally inert. Until the mid-1980s, only a few case reports

suggested adverse effects as a result of industrial expo- that these end points may be used as biomarkers of dust-
sure (15, 29). Even these studies indicated that the pulmonary induced interstitial lung disease (33).
effects could have been caused by other materials that were Pulmonary toxicity of ultrafine TiO2 particles has exten-
found in the lungs. The pulmonary changes induced by TiO2 sively been investigated in experimental studies in rodents (in
were characterized by Moran et al. (30) as being fibrotic and vivo animal models) and in vitro cell cultures. Several studies
having numerous macrophages with deposits of black pig- compared particle sizes and species responses to TiO2 inha-
ment. Energy dispersion X-ray analysis demonstrated the lation exposure and demonstrated that at equivalent mass
presence of large amounts of titanium in the pigment gran- basis ultrafine insoluble particles produced greater toxicity
ules. Toxicity of TiO2 increases with decreasing particle size (pulmonary inflammation, tissue damage, and lung tumors)
and nano-TiO2-mediated toxicity (especially inflammatory than larger particles of similar chemical composition. Acute
responses of the airways) has been increasingly reported to be intratracheal instillation exposure of male Wistar rats to
greater than that of the same mass of larger particles of 500 mg of ultrafine particles of TiO2 (29 nm) but not fine
similar chemical composition. The toxic effects include particles (250 nm) increased epithelial permeability, epithe-
hyperresponsiveness and inflammation of the airways, pul- lial damage, and inflammation (34). The chemotactic activity
monary fibrosis, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative effects, of macrophages was significantly increased by exposure to
or neurobehavioral changes resulting from prenatal expo- ultrafine particles at the 500 mg dose but was similar to saline
sure. As compared to fine or coarse-sized particles, inhalation control for fine particles. However, subchronic exposure to
exposure to nanoparticles having smaller aerodynamic para- high concentration of TiO2 aerosols affected alveolar clear-
meters and extremely high surface area per unit mass ratio ance to varying degrees in Fisher 344 rats, B3C3F1 mice, and
results in greater efficiency of lung deposition and translo- hamsters (35, 36). Female Fisher 344 rats, B3C3F1 mice, and
cation to distant tissues and organs, as well as an increased hamsters were exposed by inhalation to fine (rutile; 250 nm
potential for biological interactions. In addition to surface primary particles) and ultrafine (21 nm primary particles)
area, other physicochemical characteristics of TiO2 nano- TiO2 (35, 36). Decreased pulmonary clearance rates were
particles can influence their toxicity. These characteristics observed in both rats and mice after subchronic exposure to
include particle coating, solubility, shapes, and the ability to high concentrations of fine TiO2 particles; however, for
generate reactive oxidative species and react with biological ultrafine particles of TiO2, pulmonary clearance rates were
macromolecules. decreased to a greater extent. No effect of subchronic expo-
sure to TiO2 on clearance was observed in hamsters. All rats,
mice, and hamsters manifested acute inflammatory responses
2.4.1 Experimental Studies
following exposure to fine and ultrafine particles of TiO2;
In an early study, Christie et al. (31) found no adverse however, the response was greater for ultrafine particles on a
pulmonary effects due to airborne exposure of Wistar rats mass basis. Also, rats and mice, but not hamsters, showed
to TiO2. However, an inhalation study that exposed rats to increased epithelial permeability that affects the transport of
TiO2 for 7 h/day, 5 days/week, for up to 16 weeks produced TiO2 from the luminal surfaces into the circulatory system
no measurable inflammation (as indicated by neutrophil and other tissues.
recruitment) at low TiO2 concentrations, but higher concen- Indeed, studies have demonstrated the rapid (approxi-
trations (30, 50, and 90 mg/m3) caused the transfer of dust to mately 1 h) translocation of free ultrafine TiO2 particles
lymph nodes and the first evidence of inflammation (32). across pulmonary cell membranes (37). Following inhalation
After rats were intratracheally instilled with 5–100 mg/kg exposure of Wistar rats (adult, male), approximately 80% of
of TiO2 dust, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and total protein 22 nm TiO2 particles remained on the luminal side of the
(TP) were measured in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), airway surfaces, 5% were in epithelial or endothelial cells,
and ex vivoalveolar macrophage (AM) fibronectin release 5% were in connective tissues, and 10% were within
was assessed at days 7, 14, and 28 following exposure. Lung capillaries 24 h after inhalation (37). TiO2 particles found
dust burdens were determined on days 1, 7, and 28 after within cells were not membrane bound. Both ultrafine and
instillation. TiO2 elicited dose-related increases in LDH and fine particles (78 and 200 nm in diameter) crossed cellular
TP in BALF and stimulated persistent increases in AM membranes by nonendocytic mechanisms, including adhe-
fibronectin release at greater than or equal to 50 mg/kg. sive interaction and diffusion, whereas larger particles
Transient or no effects occurred at less than or equal to (1000 nm) undergo ligand receptor-mediated phagocytosis.
10 mg/kg. Only TiO2 doses greater than or equal to 50 mg/kg Grassian et al. (38) evaluated inflammatory toxicity to the
resulted in fibrosis. Increased dust retention, enzyme release, lung from acute and subacute inhalation exposure of 6-week-
and activation of AM fibronectin release were associated old male C57B1/6 mice to some of the smallest manufactured
with the development of fibrosis. The correlation of the nanoparticles of TiO2 (a primary particle size of 2–5 nm).
BALF markers of lung injury and the increase in AM The study examined the toxicity by enumeration of total and
fibronectin release with the development of fibrosis suggests differential cells, determination of total protein, LDH

activity, and inflammatory cytokines in BALF. Lungs were Immune adjuvant activity of ultrafine TiO2 particles (14 and
also examined for histopathologic changes. Mice exposed 29 nm diameter) on allergic airway inflammation in a mouse
acutely to 0.77 or 7.22 mg/m3 TiO2 nanoparticles showed model has been demonstrated to increase with decreasing
minimal lung toxicity or inflammation. Mice exposed sub- particle size (49).
acutely to 8.88 mg/m3 TiO2 nanoparticles and necropsied Inhaled nanosized particles of TiO2 may enter the
immediately and at week 1 or 2 postexposure had higher bloodstream and translocate to other organs and tissues,
counts of total cells and alveolar macrophages in the BAL including the fetus. Specific pathogen-free male Sprague–
fluid compared with sentinels. This significant but moderate Dawley [H1a:(SD)CVF] rats (10–12 weeks old) were
inflammatory response resolved by week 3 postexposure; all exposed by inhalation to filtered air (control) or TiO2
other toxicity indicators were negative. Similar pulmonary nanoparticles (primary particle diameter about 21 nm) at
effects of TiO2 nanoparticles were observed in a short-term aerosol concentrations of 6 mg/m3 for 240 min (50). Inha-
study of male Wistar rats exposed to aerosols of 0 (control), 2, lation exposure to TiO2 nanoparticles produced an increase
10, and 50 mg/m3 nano-TiO2 exposed by inhalation for 6 h/ in spontaneous tone in coronary arterioles and impaired
day for 5 days (39). Treatment with nanoparticles of TiO2 endothelium-dependent flow-induced dilation. Thus, the
resulted in morphological changes in the lung, with 50 mg/m3 study demonstrates that exposure to TiO2 nanoparticles
TiO2 producing an increase in lung weight. Lung inflamma- significantly impairs endothelium-dependent vasodilation
tion was associated with dose-dependent increases in BALF in subepicardial arterioles, the findings consistent with the
total cell and neutrophil counts, total protein content, enzyme cardiac events associated with particulate matter pollution
activities, and levels of cell mediators. Measurements of exposure.
clinical pathology parameters did not reveal presence of Inhaled nanoparticles of TiO2 (UV-titan L181) induced
systemic effects. Cell replication was increased at all TiO2 chronic lung inflammation in time-mated adult female
dose levels in large and medium bronchi and terminal mice and affected development of their offspring (51).
bronchioles, as determined by incorporation of 5-bromo- Moderate neurobehavioral toxicity has been observed in
20 -deoxyuridine (39). In another study, which investigated gestationally exposed offspring of adult female mice inhal-
the effects of TiO2 nanoparticle aggregation in inhalation and ing nanoparticles of UV-titan. The study used UV-titan, a
instillation studies (40), the authors demonstrated the impor- rutile modified with unspecified amounts of zirconium,
tance of the size and nature of nanoparticle aggregates in silicon, aluminum, and coated with polyalcohols. Time-
evaluating their toxicity. mated, nulliparous adult C57BL/6BomTac mice were
Particle surface area (but not particle mass or number of exposed by inhalation (1 h/day) to 40 mg TiO2/m3 aerosol-
particles) influences inflammatory effects and explains differ- ized powder of TiO2 (average crystallite size: 21 nm; peak
ences in inflammatory responses between fine and ultrafine size: 97 nm) on gestational days 8–18. (This dose corre-
particles of TiO2 (41, 42). On the basis of instilled particle sponds to the 8 h Danish TWA occupational exposure
mass, ultrafine TiO2 particles (20 nm; anatase) caused greater limit.) Studied toxicity end points included maternal
influx of polymorphonuclear neutrophils than fine particles lung inflammation, gestational and litter parameters, off-
(250 nm, anatase) in both Fisher 344 rats and C57BL/6J spring neurological function, and fertility. In exposed adult
mice (41). The surface properties of TiO2 particles, such as mice, 38 mg Ti/kg was measured in their lungs on day 5
roughness/smoothness, may also affect protein binding, with and differential cell counts of BALF revealed lung inflam-
smoother TiO2 surface being more hydrophobic (43). Other mation at 5 and 26–27 days following termination of
studies reported minimal pulmonary toxicity of the base exposure, compared to control mice. Prenatally exposed
pigment grade and ultrafine TiO2 particles that was indepen- offspring tended to avoid the central zone of the open field,
dent of particle size and surface area (44–46). However, as young adults. Also, prenatally exposed female offspring
exposure to ultrafine TiO2 particle types (such as TiO2 anatase showed prepulse inhibition, as young adults. Cognitive
or rutile uf-3) produced differential pulmonary effects and function was unaffected, as measured by the Morris
these effects depended on the particle composition and crystal water maze test (51). Although recent studies attempted
structure (46). Therefore, the lung toxicity from exposure to to explore the biological mechanisms involved or specific
ultrafine anatase/rutile uf-3 particles cannot be viewed as pathways leading to the observed effects on fetal develop-
representative for all ultrafine TiO2 particle types. ment in rats (52), their relevance to humans is to be
Generation of reactive oxidant species on the particle determined.
surface influences lung inflammatory response to particles. Scuri et al. (52) studied effects of TiO2 nanoparticles on
A reduction of TiO2 particle size was associated with neuroimmune responses in rat airways under invivo inhalation
increased proinflammatory properties (34) and DNA oxida- exposure. As compared to controls, TiO2 exposure (12 mg
tive damage to human bronchial epithelial cells in the TiO2/m3, for 5.6 h/day for 3 days) produced upregulation of
absence of photoactivation (47). TiO2 nanoparticles have lung neutrophins in weaning (2 weeks old) and newborn
been shown to exhibit the adjuvant effect in mice (48, 49). (2 days old) but not in adult (12 weeks old) animals. The

effect was associated with increased airway responsiveness squamous cell carcinoma, compared with none in 79 controls.
and upregulation of growth-related oncogene/keratine- The authors noted that this response might have little biological
derived chemokine [GRO/KC; CXCL1, rat equivalent of relevance to humans because of the overload of respiratory
human interleukin (IL)-8] in BALF. The results demonstrate clearance mechanisms and also pointed out that the type,
that exposure to TiO2 nanoparticles upregulates the expres- location, and development of the tumors were different from
sion of lung neutrophins in an age-dependent manner and that those in human lung tumors (59). It is not clear that the nasal
this effect is associated with hyperresponsiveness and inflam- cavity epithelium was examined. However, the nasal cavity
mation of the airways. Furthermore, the results suggest the load would be expected to be higher in the rats because of
presence of a critical window of vulnerability in earlier stages anatomic structure, whereas the lung deposition should be
of lung development that may lead to an increased risk of higher in humans because we are, in part, mouth breathers.
developing asthma later in life (52). The observation of lung tumors in rats in response to TiO2
Administration of TiO2 at concentrations of 25,000 and was surprising because TiO2 has been regarded as inert and
50,000 ppm in the diet of F334 rats and B6C3F1 mice caused has commonly been used as a negative control dust in rat
no remarkable changes in the survival of the rats or the male inhalation studies. However, the tumorigenicity of TiO2 in
mice. The survival in the female mice was adversely affected. the rat was supported in a subsequent study. A chronic
In female rats, the incidences of C-cell adenomas or carci- inhalation study of “ultrafine” TiO2 in Wistar rats produced
nomas in the thyroid gland were increased at the high dose a 32% incidence of lung tumors, versus 0.5% in controls.
(control 1/48, 25,000 ppm 0/47, 50,000 ppm 6/44). The The rats were exposed to a concentration of 10 mg/m3 for
tumor rate among the male rats was not affected by treat- 18 h/day, 5 days/week, for 24 months, followed by a 6-month
ment (53). White feces were noted in the groups of test observation period. The “ultrafine” TiO2 particles used in this
animals, suggesting that the absorption of the test material study were 15–40 nm, which is an order of magnitude smaller
was limited.Following acute oral exposure of adult mice to than typical pigment grade TiO2. NMRI mice exposed to
TiO2 nanoparticles (25 and 80 nm) and fine particles TiO2 under the same conditions did not develop lung
(155 nm) at 5 g/kg dose, TiO2 particles of all sizes were tumors (60).
distributed mainly to the liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, Comparison of the inflammatory properties of pigment
2 weeks after exposure (54). Also, the subacute study of grade TiO2 (250 nm particle size) with ultrafine TiO2 (20 nm
oral toxicity of TiO2 nanoparticles in Wistar rats revealed particle size) has demonstrated that the ultrafine particles are
biochemical effects (disturbances in energy and amino retained to a greater degree in the lung, translocated to a
acid metabolism) indicative of slight injury to the liver greater degree to the pulmonary interstitium, are more
and heart (55). inflammatory, and yield more cell proliferation than pigment
The effects of particle size, coating, and shape on TiO2 skin grade TiO2 (61). A 1997 study has shown that, at high lung
penetration have recently been investigated in in vitro burdens (following a 4-week exposure, 6 h/day, 5 day/week
models (56, 57) and minipigs (58). The findings from at 250 mg/m3), both pigment grade TiO2 and carbonyl iron,
available studies demonstrate that the penetration of TiO2 another material generally regarded as inert, can also produce
nanoparticles is negligible within the intact skin and within a sustained inflammatory response in the rat lung (62).
the damaged skin in vitro. Intratracheal instillation of two types of hydrophilic TiO2
(P25, mostly anatase, 25 nm mean particle size, and AL 23 Carcinogenesis. In a 1985 study, rats (CD) were 203-1 anatase, 200 nm particle size), but not hydrophobic
exposed to graded airborne concentrations (0, 10, 50, and P805 (21 nm mean particle size), produced an increased
250 mg/m3) of TiO2 6 h/day, 5 days/week, for 2 years. The incidence of both benign and malignant lung tumors in
majority of the particles were in the respirable range (84% female SPF Wistar rats (63). These data suggest that the
,13 mm MMD). All responses were confined to the lungs. At induction of lung tumors by TiO2 in the rat may not be a
the lowest dose, the histopathological evaluation of the lungs compound-specific response but rather a generic response of
revealed dust-laden macrophages in the alveolar ducts and the rat lung to excessive burdens of low-solubility dusts.
adjacent alveoli with pneumocyte hyperplasia. At the two Some authors have argued that this response may be unique
highest concentrations, there were increases in lung weight, to the rat (62, 64). Therefore, the significance of the TiO2-
accumulation of dust in the macrophages, foamy macrophage induced lung tumors in the rat to humans who are exposed to
responses, type II pneumocyte hyperplasia, alveolar proteino- TiO2 is unclear currently.
sis, alveolar bronchiolization, cholesterol granulomas, focal Some studies suggest that TiO2 induces lung tumor
pleurisy, and dust deposition in the tracheobronchiolar lymph development through a secondary genotoxic mechanism
nodes. At the 250 mg/m3 exposure concentration, bronchiole that involves chronic pulmonary inflammation, initiating
alveolar adenomas (males: control 2/79, 250 mg/m3 12/79; a pathway of genetic changes, which result from the oxida-
females: control 0/79, 250 mg/m3 13/79) increased. tive damage of DNA by reactive oxygen and nitrogen
Additionally, 13/79 females at the 250 mg/m3 dose showed species (ROS/RNS) produced during particle-initiated

inflammation (46, 65). TiO2 nanoparticles have recently pulmonary function tests. Among the workers, 42% had
been demonstrated to have the potential to convert benign restrictive lung impairment. Although the smoking rate
tumor cells into malignant cells through generation of ROS was low among these workers, there may have been some
in the target cells (66). These effects of nanoparticles of exposure to cotton dust that confounded the results of the
TiO2 (rutile crystal phase) on poorly tumorigenic and non- study (72). In another study, no respiratory effects, fibrosis, or
metastatic regressive tumor cells (QR-32 clones), fibrosar- lung cancers were evident among 1576 TiO2 workers (73).
coma cells, were examined in a C57BL/6 mouse. Two types Also, other epidemiological studies (three occupational
of nano-TiO2 with different surface modifications were cohort studies and one population-based case–control
used: TiO2-1 treated with ZrO2Al (OH)3, which is hydro- study) did not find an association between inhalation
philic, and TiO2-2 treated with ZrO2Al (OH)3 and stearic exposure to TiO2 and increased risk of lung cancer, kidney
acid, which is hydrophobic. Mice that were cotransplanted cancer, or any other cancer site or chronic respiratory
subcutaneously with QR-32 clone cells and nano-TiO2, diseases (74–77). The results of the most recent cohort
either uncoated (TiO2-1) or coated with stearic acid study of mortality among TiO2 workers employed at three
(TiO2-2), did not form tumors. However, QR-32 cells titanium dioxide plants in the United States (77) are compa-
became tumorigenic after injection into sites previously rable with those from previous TiO2 cohort studies. The study
implanted with TiO2-1 but not TiO2-2, and these developing found no indications of increased mortality from any cause;
tumors acquired metastatic phenotypes. Neither histological the mortality rates were comparable with those for the
nor inflammatory cytokine mRNA expression was observed general U.S. population.
between TiO2-1 and TiO2-2 treatments. However, TiO2-2
but not TiO2-1 generated high levels of ROS in cell-free Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechan-
conditions and TiO2-2 produced a stronger response that isms. The kinetics of TiO2 elimination in the rat lung
resulted in cytotoxicity to the QR-32 cells. In addition, following its deposition after 7 h exposures at 10 and
TiO2-2 but not TiO2-1 led to the development of nuclear 50 mg/m3 were determined for periods up to 140 days
interstices and multinucleate cells. Cells that survived the (78). The TiO2 particles had a mass median diameter of
TiO2 toxicity acquired a tumorigenic phenotype. Addition 1.48 mm. Irrespective of exposure concentration, deposi-
of antioxidant N-acetyl-L-cysteine inhibited the TiO2- tion was linear, placing 75 mg TiO2 in the lung after 7 h at
induced ROS formation and related cell injury (66). 10 mg/m3 and 370 mg at 50 mg/m3. The retention half-time
was 14 days for the first clearance phase and 88 days
thereafter. Papain-produced emphysema (78) and SO2,
2.4.2 Human Experience
even at 1 ppm, after a prolonged 170 h exposure reduced
Since Blina (67) reported in 1928 on the toxicological clearance rates by more than 50% (79). Studies have also
inertness of TiO2 during production and handling, subse- indicated that TiO2 particles can be transported via sys-
quent reports (68, 69) of similar industrial experiences have temic circulation to other tissues and organs (mainly liver,
been published. These findings are similar to those in spleen, lungs, kidneys, and heart) following absorption
animals that inhale TiO2 (31, 70). Elo et al. (15), however, from the gastrointestinal tract (54, 55).
concluded that TiO2 behaves as a mild pulmonary irritant on Several in vitro studies have shown that TiO2-produced
the basis of a combined analytical and pathological study reactive oxygen/nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) at the site of
of the lungs of three workers who had processed TiO2 for nanoparticles interaction with tissue/biological material are
8–9 years. Their investigation was no doubt spurred by a responsible for oxidative cell damage, resulting in inflam-
Russian investigator’s report of fibrotic and inflammatory matory, cytotoxic, and genotoxic effects (47, 54). However,
changes in rat lungs from inhalation of crude ilmenite and the results of these studies are somehow contradictory.
rutile ore dusts (71). The evidence of Elo et al. is uncon- Particle size (including its surface area), crystallinity
vincing because of incomplete medical histories. In one (including photocatalytic activity), surface chemistry, and
case, recurrent bouts of bronchitis from smoking undoubt- particle aggregation/agglomeration tendency affect biologi-
edly contributed to the dyspnea and were aggravated by the cal activity and toxicity of TiO2 (80). TiO2 nanosphere,
dusty environment. The subpleural fibrosis in the second short (,5 mm) and long ( . 15 mm) nanobelts (NB-1 and
and third cases may have resulted from previous tuberculo- NB-2, respectively) were tested for biological activity using
sis. It should also be noted that TiO2 used in the dye industry primary murine alveolar macrophages and in vivo in 2-
may be coated with other elements, such as Al and Si, rather month-old male C57BL/6 mice (81). These fiber-shaped
than being pure TiO2 (72). nanoparticles (NB-2) initiated an inflammatory response
In a study of 67 workers in a Nigerian TiO2 paint factory, by alveolar macrophage. The inflammatory response was
airway symptoms were present in 50–54%; 20–40% had produced by inflammasome activation and release of inflam-
neurological symptoms, and 10–27% had other symptoms. matory cytokines through a cathepsin B-mediated mecha-
These manifestations were correlated with exposure and nism. Interaction of long TiO2 nanobelts with lung

macrophages was similar to that of asbestos or silica expo- However, no cytotoxicity or genotoxicity of nanoparticles
sure. This study demonstrated that toxicity and pathogenic of TiO2 was demonstrated in vitro in human nasal mucosa
potential of TiO2 change dramatically as the shape of a cells obtained from 10 donors (87). The cells were exposed to
particle is altered into one that a lung macrophage (a nanoparticles of TiO2 in increasing concentrations of 10, 25,
phagocytic cell) has difficulty processing, which results 50, and 100 mg/mL. TiO2 particles were mainly nanosized
in lysosomal disruption and inability to form functional (,100 nm) but showed a strong tendency to aggregated in
lysosomes that leads to a cycle of cell death, inflammation, spite of sonication of the suspension. Eleven percent of
and consequently lung disease such as fibrosis, with long- particles entered the cytoplasm and 4% of particles entered
term exposure (81). the cell nucleus. There was no loss of cell viability observed
In another study (82), TiO2 nanoparticles (15 nm) induced by the trypan blue exclusion test and fluorescein diacetate
apoptotic cell death in bronchial epithelial cells (16HBE14o assay. The comet assay failed to provide an evidence of DNA
cell line and NHBE primary cells). TiO2-exposed cells fragmentation and cytotoxicity in human nasal epithelial
demonstrated typical both morphological and biochemical cells (87).
attributes of apoptotic cell death. The morphological char- Mechanisms of neurotoxic potential of TiO2 nanoparticles
acteristics included decreased cell size, cell membrane (up 120 ppm) were investigated in vitro in nerve cells critical
blebbing, peripheral chromatin condensation, and apoptotic to the pathophysiology of neurodegeneration [brain cultures
body formation and the biochemical features included cas- of immortalized mouse microglia (BV2), rat dopaminergic
pase activation and DNA fragmentation. TiO2 nanoparticles (DA) neurons (N27), and primary cultures of embryonic rat
produced lipid peroxidation, lysosomal membrane destabi- striatum] following exposure to commercially available TiO2
lization, and cathepsin B release during apoptotic pro- nanomaterial, Degussa P25 (88). Degussa P35 appeared to be
cess (82). Production of reactive oxygen species was also nontoxic to isolated N27 neurons but stimulated BV2 micro-
involved in apoptosis induction by exposure to TiO2 nano- glia to release ROS and damaged OS-sensitive neurons in
particles. In summary, TiO2 nanoparticles induce apoptotic cultures of brain striatum through affecting genomic path-
cell death through the lysosomal membrane destabilization ways associated with cell cycling, inflammation, apoptosis,
and lipid peroxidation (81, 82). and mitochondrial bioenergetics (88). In another study, expo-
The mechanisms for apoptosis induced by TiO2 nanopar- sure to TiO2 nanoparticles induced acute functional neuro-
ticles were further studied in human airway epithelial cell line toxicity at low particle concentrations of 1 mg/cm2 (89). The
(BEAS-2B cells) (83), in a mouse epidermal (JB6) cell effects were observed in cocultures of primary neurons and
line (84), and in mouse splenocytes (85). Exposure of glial cells, which form stable and electrically active neuronal
BEAS-2B cells to TiO2 nanoparticles resulted in a dose- networks on microelectrode array (MEA) neurochips.
dependent increase of the levels of ROS and morphological
apoptosis as well as a dose-dependent decrease of cell 2.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
viability (83). The study demonstrated that apoptosis in
BEAS-2B cells occurred through a mitochondrial pathway Titanium has a considerable occupational exposure, primar-
independent of caspase 8/t-Bid pathways. However, in JB6 ily as TiO2. It is estimated by NIOSH that 363,640 workers
epidermal cells, TiO2 nanoparticles showed higher cytotox- are exposed to TiO2 on a full-time basis. Of 86 combined
icity and apoptotic induction compared to fine particles; federal and state OSHA samples between 1979 and 1988,
caspase-8/Bid and mitochondrial signaling appeared to 1.2% samples were above the OSHA permissible exposure
play a major role in apoptosis involving the intrinsic level (PEL), and 23% were above half of the PEL (90). The
mitochondrial pathway (84). Intraperitoneal injection of OSHA PEL for TiO2 is 15 mg/m3 (91). ATLV-TWA has been
mice with TiO2 nanoparticles for 45 consecutive days resulted developed by ACGIH. This is the equivalent of any inert dust.
in TiO2 nanoparticles accumulation in the mouse spleen, NIOSH has not established a numerical recommended expo-
leading to congestion and lymph node proliferation of spleen sure level (REL) for TiO2, but has classified this substance as
tissue and splenocyte apoptosis (85). TiO2 nanoparticles a potential occupational carcinogen (93). TiO2 was evaluated
induced the splenocyte apoptosis through mitochondrial- as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B) based on
mediated pathway. sufficient evidence in experimental animals and inadequate
The in vitro genotoxicity of TiO2 nanoparticles (rutile and evidence of carcinogenicity in humans (94). The dioxide is
anatase) was compared with fine TiO2 rutile in human the only titanium compound for which standards have been
bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) using the comet established.
assay and the cytokinesis-block micronucleus test (86).
The study showed greater efficiency of uncoated nanosized 3.0 Titanium Tetrachloride
anatase TiO2 and fine rutile TiO2 than silica-coated nano-
3.0.1 CAS Number
sized rutile TiO2 in inducing DNA damage. Only nanopar-
ticles of anatase TiO2 slightly induced micronuclei (86). [7550-45-0]

3.0.2 Synonyms 3.4.2 Human Experience

Titanic chloride; tetrachlorotitanium; titanium chloride; tita- Experience with TiCl4 has been reviewed by Lawson (96).
nium(IV) tetrachloride; titanium(IV) chloride; titanium The serious effects of TiCl4 liquid on the skin and eye,
chloride (T-4); titanium chloride (TiCl4) (T-4) reported earlier by Zapp (97, 98), were found amply true.
Second- and third-degree burns and lasting deep brown
3.0.3 Trade Names pigmentation occur about the periphery of the scars and in
areas of healed burns. The condition suggested that a reaction
NA product had penetrated the damaged epithelium and
remained there after healing (96). TiCl4 can cause severe
3.0.4 Molecular Weight burns to the eyes and also to the lungs if the fumes are
inhaled (99). However, a study of 969 workers occupation-
ally exposed to TiCl4 showed no elevation of lung cancer or
other respiratory diseases (100).
3.0.5 Molecular Formula
3.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines
of Exposure
3.0.6 Molecular Structure
TiCl4 is extremely dangerous when combined with water,
including perspiration, due to the formation of HCl and heat.
Cl– Therefore, it is essential that TiCl4 be removed from the skin
Cl– Ti4+ Cl–
by wiping with a clean dry cloth before flushing the skin with
water (101).

3.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

4.0 Titanocene
See Table 13.2.
4.0.1 CAS Number
3.2 Production and Use
TiCl4 is used in TiO2 production, the manufacture of artificial 4.0.2 Synonyms
pearls and iridescent glass, and, by the military, to create
Titanium, dichlorobis(h5-2,4-cyclopentadien-1-yl)-; dichlor-
smoke screens.
odi-p-cyclopentadienyltitanium; dichlorobis(h5-2,4-cyclo-
3.3 Exposure Assessment dichlorotitanocene; titanium ferrocene; biscyclopentadienyl-
titanium(IV) dichloride; biscyclopentadienyltitanium
Inhalation of the fumes and absorption through the skin are
dichloride; bis(cyclopentadienyl)dichlorotitanium.
the predominant potential routes of human exposure to TiCl4.
4.0.3 Trade Names
3.4 Toxic Effects
3.4.1 Carcinogenesis
4.0.4 Molecular Weight
Rats exposed to 10 mg TiCl4/m3 for 6 h/day, 5 days/week, for
2 years developed rhinitis, tracheitis, hyperplasia, foamy dust 248.99
cell accumulation, and alveolar bronchiolization. In addition,
5/150 animals developed squamous cell carcinoma, com-
4.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
pared to 0/156 in the controls. Two of the squamous cell
carcinomas were described as cystic keratinizing lesions, See Table 13.2.
whose relevance to humans was questioned by the authors.
However, the remaining three squamous cell tumors were
4.2 Production and Use
described as microscopic, well-differentiated carcino-
mas (95). Therefore, TiCl4 may be regarded as potentially Titanocene dichloride is used as an experimental cancer
carcinogenic in the rat. chemotherapeutic agent (102).

4.3 Exposure Assessment States in 1983. Zircon occurs worldwide as an accessory

mineral in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks
Humans can be exposed to titanocene dichloride chiefly by
from which it is mined.
inhalation and absorption thorough the skin.
Commercial deposits occur only in Brazil and the Republic
of South Africa, but it is also found in East Africa, Sri Lanka,
4.4 Toxic Effects and the former Soviet Union. Zircon sand is produced in
Australia, Republic of China, Korea, South Africa, India, and
4.4.1 Experimental Studies
Brazil. All commercial sources of zircon are derived from Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms. mining ancient, unconsolidated beach deposits, the largest of
Titanocene dichloride accumulates preferentially in the liver which are in Kerala, India, in Sri Lanka, the east and west
and intestines of rats, after intraperitoneal injection (103). coasts of Australia, on the Trail Ridge in Florida, and at
Richards Bay in the Republic of South Africa. These heavy Reproductive and Developmental. Titanocene mineral sands are processed to recover the titanium-bearing
dichloride crossed the placental barrier only to a minimal minerals ilmenite, rutile, and leucoxene, and zircon is
degree in pregnant mice and was not teratogenic (104). obtained as a coproduct. The output of zircon depends mainly
on the market for titanium minerals used in producing tita- Carcinogenesis. Titanocene administered by nium oxide white pigment and titanium metal (108, 110). The
intramuscular injection produced tumors both at the injection production of zirconium metal is only a minor use of zircon.
site and at sites distant from the injection site (105, 106). In the United States, the zirconium content of zircon in
Titanocene dichloride showed equivocal evidence of carci- beach sand and placer deposits in Florida and Georgia is
nogenicity in male and female Fischer 244 rats in a 2-year estimated at 4 million tons. In addition, 4 million tons of
oral gavage study (107). marginal reserves and subeconomic resources are located
principally in Tennessee, New Jersey, South Carolina, and
California. Zircon is recovered from mineral sands by dredg-
Zirconium is associated with other metals in many minerals
Zirconium is a grayish-white, lustrous metal that is classified but is recovered only from zircon (ZrO4SiO2), baddeleyite
in the second series of transition metals in subgroup IVB (brazilite) (ZrO2), and eudialyte [Na13(CaFe)6(ZrSi)20O52Cl].
of the periodic table. Impure zirconium was isolated in Hafniumisinvariablyassociatedwithzirconium.Zirconoccurs
1824 by heating a mixture of potassium zirconium fluoride in all igneous rocks but is more common in granite, sylnite
with potassium in an iron tube (108). Zirconium occurs (complex silicates), and diorite (alkaline earth silicates). Zircon
abundantly in stars and has been identified in the sun and is a common constituent of river gravels and beach sands, from
in meteorites. It is present as a minor impurity during the where it is recovered as a coproduct of ilmenite (FeO4TiO2),
extraction of beryllium from its ore, bertrandite. rutile (TiO2), and monazite (thorium and lanthanum phos-
phates). Baddeleyite usually occurs in phenolite and is also
found in river gravels and beach sands (108).
Because of its very high chemical activity at temperatures
Zirconium, one of the more abundant elements, is widely just above normal ambient temperature, zirconium occurs
distributed in the Earth’s crust and occurs as the oxide, only in the combined state (110). Zirconium is found in at least
baddeleyite (ZrO2), or as part of a complex of oxides as in 37 different mineral forms (111), but the predominant com-
zircon, ZrO2SiO2, elpidite, Na2ZrSi6O133H2O, and eudia- mercial source is the mineral zircon, zirconium orthosilicate.
lyte, Na13(CaFe)6(ZrSi)20O52Cl (109). Zircon is the most Baddeleyite, a natural zirconium oxide, has been found in
important commercial ore and baddeleyite also has some Brazil and in Transvaal, South Africa. The Brazilian ore
importance. It has been estimated that zirconium constitutes occurs frequently with zircon and may contain 65–85%
about 0.017% of the lithosphere. zirconium oxide, 12–18% silica, and 0.5% uranium oxide.
Major world sources of zircon are Australia, the Republic Currently, very little Brazilian ore is exported because all
of South Africa, and the United States. France, Japan, and radioactive minerals are under the close scrutiny of the
the United States are producers of nuclear and commercial Brazilian government. The Transvaal ore is a complex ore
grade zirconium metals. Global production of zirconium composed of different sections; these are mined to recover
concentrates (excluding the United States) decreased in magnetite, apatite (a copper concentrate), vermiculite, and
2009 by 4% compared with that in 2008 (from approxi- baddeleyite. The baddeleyite ore contains a zirconium
mately 1.3 million metric tons in 2008 to 1.2 million tons in oxide concentration of 0.2% but when concentrated, it
2009) (8). About 50,000 tons of the world demand of yields about 96% zirconium oxide with a hafnium content
184,000 tons (27%) of zircon was consumed by the United (Hf/Zr þ Hf) of about 2%. Zirconium and hafnium are

geochemically associated in the principal ore mineral, 5.0.2 Synonyms

zircon, in a ratio of 50:1. The two elements are separated
Zirconium powder; zirconium plate; zirconium rod; zirco-
only for nuclear applications.
nium wire; zirconium foil
Eudialyte [Na13(CaFe)6(ZrSi)20O52Cl], a third ore, is the
source of pure zirconium oxide from large deposits in
southwest Greenland. Two zirconium-containing minerals 5.0.3 Trade Names
have been discovered in the past 20 years, welognite NA
(Sr2.8Ca0.2)ZrNa2(CO3)63H2O and gittinsite CaZrSi2O7.
Unlike zircon, the zirconium content of these minerals and 5.0.4 Molecular Weight
eudialyte can be dissolved by strong acid.
Zircon is the primary zirconium mineral of commercial 91.22
significance. It is recovered solely as a by-product of mining
and extracting of the titanium minerals, ilmenite and rutile, 5.0.5 Molecular Formula
for which there is a much larger demand. Zircon has been
known as a gem mineral since biblical times and was called
Jargon in Sri Lanka and Hyacinth in France. The name
zircon comes from the Arabic “zargun,” meaning gold 5.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
color, describing the gemstone now known as zircon.
The physical and chemical properties of zirconium and some
Zircons may be colorless, amber, red, reddish brown,
of its compounds are listed in Table 13.3.
blue, green, or black. Analysis of the gemstone Jargon
Zirconium is a hard, shiny, ductile metal, similar to
from Sri Lanka in 1789 by Klaproth revealed 68% of
an unknown earth that he called zirkonerde (112). In stainless steel in appearance. It can be hot-worked to form
slabs, rods, and rounds from arc melted ingot. Cold working
1797, Vauquelin studied this new earth, gave it the name
of zirconium yields sheets, foil, bar, wire, and tubing. The
zirconia, and published the preparation and properties of
chemistry of zirconium is almost identical to that of hafnium,
some of its compounds (113). It was only in 1824 that
as similar as deuterium is to hydrogen.
Berzelius prepared the first crude zirconium metal, a black
The most common valence of zirconium is 4þ, and in rare
powder, by heating potassium and potassium hexafluoro-
instances it has a valence of 3þ or 2þ. Zirconium has a
zirconate in a closed pot (110).
maximal covalence of 8, but covalences of 5, 6, and 7 are
The mineral zircon is mainly used for facings on foundry
molds; foundries consume approximately one-half of the common. Zirconium probably does not exist in compounds
as a monoatomic ion but is frequently found as the central
domestic zirconium production, and the remaining one-half
atom of complex anions and cations.
is consumed by refractory, abrasive, ceramic, metal, and
Zirconium forms three categories of compounds: (1)
other industries. Domestic zirconium is marketed in propri-
complex zirconium cations, (2) complex zirconium anions,
etary mixtures for use as weighting agents, Zr–TiO2 blends
for welding rod manufacture, and zirconium refractory and (3) zirconium in nonionized groups. The simplest zirco-
heavy-mineral (kyanite, sillimanite, and staurolite) sand nium cations are ZrO2þ and ZrCl22þ; an example of anions of
the hypothetical HZrO4 and H2ZrO3 is hexafluorozirconate,
blends for foundry sand and sandblasting applications.
The zirconium-bearing foundry sand was reportedly (ZrF6)2. Zirconium alkoxides, (Zr(OR)4), are examples of
nonionic zirconium compounds. Further information on
designed to provide consistent high-quality performance
the chemistry of zirconium is provided by Tanner (115),
at low cost for critical casting applications (114).
Blumenthal (116), and Miller (117).
Zircon is widely used in furnaces and hearths as refractory
Zirconium is a highly active metal but seems passive
bricks and blocks for containing molten metals. Zircon is also
because of the stable, protective oxide film that is formed
used in manufacturing fused cast and bonded AZS
on exposure to air or water. Bulk zirconium does not burn in
(alumina–zirconia–silica base) refractories for glass tank
air but oxidizes rapidly at 700 C in air; however, it combines
furnace use and in alumina–zirconia snagging wheels used
in heavy grinding on rough metal surfaces. Zircon is also with chlorine at lower temperatures. Pure sponge zirconium
is pyrophoric and violently explosive when impure. Fires so
used as a refractory material for dies used to extrude various
started cannot be extinguished by ordinary means and require
materials (108).
quenching by smothering with some pulverized mineral
carbonate such as dolomite. Serious explosions have
5.0 Zirconium occurred from moist exposure of metal scrap containing
zirconium as a contaminant. Zirconium metal dust dispersed
5.0.1 CAS Number
with uranium and uranium hydride as a cloud ignites under
[7440-67-7] certain conditions.
Table 13.3. Physical and Chemical Properties of Zirconium and Its Compoundsa
CAS Molecular Molecular Boiling Melting Specific Solubility in
Compound Number Formula Weight Point ( C) Point ( C) Gravity Water (68 F) References
Zirconium [7440-67-7] Zr 91.22 4409 1855 6.52 Insoluble
Zirconium beryllide [12010-33-2] ZrBe13 1925 2.72
Zirconium beryllide ZrBe17 1980 3.08
Zirconium diboride [12045-64-6] ZrB2 112.85 3040 6.17
Zirconium boride [12045-28-2] ZrB 2800
Zirconium boride (1:12) [12046-91-2] ZrB12 Decomposes at 2250
Zirconium bromide, [13777-25-8] ZrBr4 410.84 360c 450d 3.98
zirconium tetrabromide
Zirconium carbide [12020-14-3] ZrC 103.24 3532 6.73
c a
Zirconium chloride, [10026-11-6] ZrCl4 233.04 331 437d 2.80 Reacts with water
zirconium tetrachloride
Zirconium dichloride [13762-26-0] ZrCl2 162.13 Decomposes at 350 3.6
c a
Zirconium fluoride, zirconium [7783-64-4] ZrF4 167.22 912 932d 4.43 Slightly sol
Zirconium hydride [7704-99-6] ZrH2 92.34 5.6 Insoluble
Zirconium hydroxide [14475-63-9] Zr(OH)4 159.25 Decomposes 3.25 Insoluble
c a
Zirconium iodide [13986-26-0] ZrI4 598.84 431 499d 4.85 Very soluble
Zirconium nitrate, [13746-89-9] Zr(NO3)45H2O 429.32 Decomposes at 100 Very soluble
Zirconium nitride [25658-42-8] ZrN 105.23 2960 7.09
Zirconium orthosilicate [10101-52-7] ZrSiO4 183.31 Decomposes at 1540 4.56 Insoluble
Zirconium oxide [1314-23-4] ZrO2 123.22 2710 5.68 Insoluble
Zirconium silicide [12039-90-6] ZrSi2 147.40 1620 4.88 Insoluble
Zirconium sulfide [12039-15-5] ZrS2 155.36 1480 3.82 Insoluble
Zirconium sulfate, [7446-31-3] Zr(SO4)24H2O 355.41 Decomposes at 100 2.8 Very soluble
Zirconium sulfate [14644-61-2] Zr(SO4)2 283.3 Decomposes at 410 3.2
Zirconium chloride, [13520-92-8] ZrOCl28H2O 322.25 Decomposes at 400 1.91 Very soluble
Zirconium oxychloride [7699-43-6] ZrOCl2 178.13
Adapted from CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, CRC Press, 78th ed., Boca Raton, FL, 1997–1998.
Adapted from Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 4th ed., Vol. 4, Wiley, New York, 1992.
Sublimation point.
Triple point.
Adapted from CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, CRC Press, 67th ed., Boca Raton, FL, 1986–1987.
Adapted from

Clean zirconium plate ignites spontaneously in oxygen of Substitutes for zirconium may be employed for many end-
about 2 MPa (300 psi); the autoignition pressure drops as the use applications with minor inconvenience or quality
metal thickness decreases (109). Finely divided zirconium in sacrifices. Conversely, zirconium may substitute for other
the form of powder or chips is extremely pyrophoric and substances that are in less abundant supply or find a variety
hazardous to handle and store. Spontaneous explosions have of expanded applications where oxidation resistance, low
been reported with both the wetted sponge and the wet and neutron absorption, and other properties may be significant
dry stored scrap metal. The spontaneous ignition pressure for factors.
thin sheets of zirconium metal in oxygen varies depending The free energies of its compounds indicate that zirconium
upon the oxygen content of the specimen. The reaction with should react with any nonmetal, other than inert gases, at
nitrogen is slower than with oxygen. When heated in nitrogen ordinary temperatures. In practice, the metal is unreactive
at 700 C for 3 min, it forms a 0.3 mm layer of zirconium near room temperature because of an invisible, impervious
nitride and a 1.2 mm layer at 900 C. oxide film on its surface. This film renders the metal passive,
Zirconium is readily attacked by acidic solutions contain- and it remains bright and shiny indefinitely even when
ing fluorides. As little as 3 ppm fluoride ion in 50% boiling exposed to air. At elevated temperatures, it is very reactive
sulfuric acid corrodes zirconium at 1.25 mm/year. Solutions to nonmetallic elements and to many of the metallic elements
of ammonium hydrogen fluoride or potassium hydrogen and forms either solid solutions or compounds. At 1290 C, as
fluoride have been used for pickling and electroplating much as 30 atmospheric % oxygen, 20 atmospheric %
zirconium. However, commercial pickling is done with nitrogen, and 50 atmospheric % hydrogen will dissolve in
nitric–hydrofluoric acid mixtures. the metal (108).
Molten zirconium is also extremely reactive. Zirconium Zirconium forms alloys with almost all metals except
fires and explosions have occurred in the presence of, or in mercury and those of the alkali and alkaline earth groups.
circumstances involving, carbon tetrachloride, nitrogen, Zirconium alloys resist neutron bombardment and corrosion
zirconium tetrachloride, magnesium chloride, and potassium and have a low neutron-capture cross section; traces of
bisulfate. The mechanism in these reactions may not be hafnium destroy this property (110).
known, but if the principles of (1) the importance of particle
size and surface area, (2) the nature of the contact or mixture
of zirconium with any oxidant, (3) the character and insta- 5.2 Production and Use
bility of the protective oxide layer, and (4) the limitations of
5.2.1 Production
amounts and personnel exposures are applied in any use or
handling of zirconium, the unfavorable experiences of the Zirconium was first produced in elemental form in 1824 by
past may be averted (108). Berzelius, but it was brittle because it contained impurities
Zirconium metal has excellent corrosion resistance to such as oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen. In 1914, the first
water and steam, mineral acids, strong alkalies, organic relatively pure zirconium was prepared by reducing zirco-
acids, salt solutions, and molten salts. This property is nium tetrachloride with sodium in a bomb furnace. High-
attributed to the dense, adherent, oxide film that forms at purity zirconium was produced by Van Arkel and de Boer in
ambient temperatures. Zirconium is completely resistant to 1925 by vaporizing zirconium tetraiodide into a bulb contain-
sulfuric acid up to boiling temperatures at concentrations of ing a hot tungsten filament, which caused the tetraiodide to
70 wt%, in the absence of fluoride ion. It is also resistant to dissociate, depositing zirconium on the filament. The zirco-
attack by nitric acid at concentrations up to 70 wt% and up to nium is recovered as bright extremely pure metal crystals. This
250 C. The corrosion rate is less than a mil per year in acetic, procedure was later used for the commercial production of
boric, carbolic, chromic, citric, formic, hydrochloric, lactic, zirconium in the United States. Dr. Kroll from the Bureau of
monochloroacetic, nitric, oxalic, tannic, tartaric, and tri- Mines conducted research and produced high-purity zirco-
chloroacetic acids, aqueous phenol, caustic alkali solutions, nium on a commercial scale in 1944; the Kroll method is now
ammonium hydroxide, many solvents, and aqueous salt used for large-scale commercial production of zirconium.
solutions. It is resistant to molten sodium hydroxide up In 2009, resources of zircon in the United States included
to 1000 C but is less resistant to potassium hydrox- about 14 million tons associated with titanium resources in
ide (108, 109). However, the metal is attacked by hydro- heavy-mineral sand deposits (8). Phosphate and sand and
fluoric acid. Resistance to hot water and steam is also not as gravel deposits have the potential to yield substantial amount
satisfactory as required for nuclear plant use; hence, the alloy of zircon as a future by-product. Eudialyte and gittinsite are
Zircaloy-2 (Zr containing 1.5% Sn, 0.12% Fe, 0.05% Ni, and zirconium silicate minerals that have a potential for zirconia
0.01% Cr) was developed for use in nuclear plants. Another production. Currently, identified world resources of zircon
alloy, Zircaloy-4, that contains less nickel has also been exceed 60 million tons (8).
used in nuclear plants and is sometimes preferred to The production of zirconium metal must be carried out in
Zircaloy-2 (108, 109). an atmosphere from which water vapor, oxygen, and nitrogen

Table 13.4. Statistics of Zirconium Imports and Exports—United States, 2005–2009a

Metric Tons
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 (est.)
Zirconium ores and concentrates (ZrO2) 24,800 23,500 13,000 22,300 20,300
Zirconium, unwrought, powder, and waste and scrap 283 256 299 318 690
Zirconium oxide (ZrO2) 3160 2820 3740 5060 3,100
Zirconium ores and concentrates (ZrO2) 65,600 49,600 43,000 27,400 22,000
Zirconium, unwrought, powder, waste and scrap 321 271 328 591 210
Zirconium oxide (ZrO2) 2260 3340 2400 2970 1700
Zircon (dollars per metric ton)
Domestic 570 785 763 788 830
Imported 674 791 872 773 890
Zirconium, unwrought (dollars per kg) 22 23 24 26 58
Adapted from U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries, 2010.

are rigorously excluded; otherwise, the metal becomes brittle Fluorosilicate Fusion. This method was used to
and impossible to fabricate. separate hafnium from zirconium by the fused reaction of
The statistics of U.S. zirconium imports and exports for milled zircon with potassium hydrogen fluoride or potassium
the years 2005–2009 are presented in Table 13.4. In the year hexafluorosilicate at 700 C. The potassium moiety was used
2000, U.S. demand for zirconium has reached about rather than the sodium moiety because of the lower tendency
116,000 tons. The average annual growth rate was 5.7% of potassium to dissociate and lose silicon tetrafluoride by
since 1983. The rest-of-world demand for zirconium may be sublimation.
346,000 tons of zirconium in 2000, representing an average
annual growth of 5.6% since 1983. In 2009, global financial Chlorination. Historically, zircon and coke were
difficulties led to decreased demand for ceramic, foundry, reacted in an electric arc furnace to form carbide nitride, and
opacifiers, and refractory products (8). Consequently, con- the crushed product was treated with chlorine gas to form
sumption of zircon was expected to recover with average zirconium tetrachloride. Currently, milled zircon and coke
growth of 3% per year through 2015. are chlorinated in fluidized beds using chlorine as the fluid-
izing medium.
5.2.2 Current Processing Steps
Zircon is a highly refractory mineral as shown by its geolog- Thermal Dissociation. The thermal dissociation
ical stability; the ore is cracked only at high temperatures of zircon into zirconia and cristobalite or liquid silica
with strong reagents. above 1650 C was used to produce zirconia, but the two
phases partially recombine during cooling. Electric Furnace. Zircon and coke are reacted in
an electric arc furnace to produce crude zirconium carbide Separation of Hafnium from Zirconium. Zirco-
nitride. With a deficiency of carbon, silica is not reduced to nium (Zr) and hafnium (Hf) always occur together in
carbide but forms silicon monoxide that is vaporized at the natural minerals, and all zirconium compounds contain
reaction temperature of about 2500 C. When more coke is about 2 wt% Hf. The only applications where Zr should be
added, the silica forms the carbide in the fused ingot. The free from Hf are zirconium components of water-cooled
mixed zircon, coke, iron oxide, and lime produce zirconium nuclear reactors. Details of the separation of Zr and Hf and
ferrosilicon that is an alloy agent. the qualitative differences in chemical behavior between
hafnium and zirconium are presented in the section on Caustic Soda Fusion. Fusion of finely ground hafnium.
zircon with caustic soda at 600 C or with soda ash produces Ductile metal is prepared commercially by two methods.
a frit containing sodium silicate, sodium zirconate, and some
sodium silicozirconate. Treatment with water removes most Kroll Process. Zircon is heated with carbon in an
of the sodium and silica, leaving a hydrous zirconium oxide arc furnace to form zirconium cyanonitride Zr(CNO), which
that is soluble in most mineral acids. is an interstitial solution of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen

(mostly carbon) in the metal. Silicon disappears from the manufactured for military ordinance for use in rockets,
system by evaporation, largely as silicon monoxide. The hot bombs, missiles, and so on (121). Zirconium is used as an
cyanonitride is treated with a stream of chlorine causing the abrasive either as the fused oxide or in combination with
formation and volatilization of zirconium tetrachloride. aluminum oxide (122). It is also used in defluoridating well
The tetrachloride is next purified by resublimation in an water and wastewaters (123).
inert atmosphere. This step separates it from contaminating Zirconium was banned from use in aerosol preparations
oxides that, if carried through to the metal, would make it of antiperspirants because skin changes were noted in
nonductile. The tetrachloride vapor is passed into a chamber animal experiments (124). However, it is still used in topical
containing liquid magnesium. Suitable control of conditions antiperspirants in the form of aluminum zirconium chlor-
of the reaction leads to recovery of metal sponge rather ohydrate preparations that are less toxic (D. R. Miller and
than powder, which would be more difficult to handle. M. Kazel cited in Ref. 75; D. G. Spoerke Jr. cited in
The magnesium chloride by-product is separated from Ref. 124).
the metal by melting and draining it off, and residues are Inorganic zirconium compounds have widely varying uses
removed by vacuum distillation. The isolated zirconium in the preparation of other zirconium compounds, as
sponge is crushed, pressed into bars, and arc melted under pigments, textile water repellents (carbonate, hydroxide,
an inert atmosphere. The melt is formed into ingots, whose tetra- and oxychlorides), catalysts, lubricants, in white
quality is evaluated by hardness tests. leather tanning (sulfate), and as preservatives (nitrate).
The nitrate is a strong oxidizing agent and constitutes a Van Arkel–de Boer Process. Crude zirconium dangerous fire and explosive hazard when in contact with
metal, too high in oxygen content to be suitable for commer- organic combustibles.
cial uses, is placed in a heated vessel containing iodine and an Zirconium forms alkoxides with alcohols, for example,
electrically heated refractory metal wire. The crude metal methoxide, ethoxide, isopropoxide, and tertiary butoxide;
reacts with the iodine at a relatively low temperature to form however, the thermal stability decreases from primary to
volatile iodides of zirconium, which are thermolyzed on the tertiary alkoxide. Zirconium also forms double alkoxides
heated wire at about 1300 C depositing zirconium metal and with some alkali metals, as well as chloroalkoxides from
liberating iodine. The metal is recovered as bright, extremely the chloride. The zirconium alkoxides, zirconium tetra-n-
pure, metal crystals. propylate [23519-77-9], and zirconium tetra-n-butylate
Zirconium is also prepared by reducing its oxide or fluoride [1071-76-7] are used for cross-linking and hardening isocy-
with calcium metal, an excellent reducing agent (118, 119). anate, epoxy, silicon, urea, melamine, and terephthalate
resins. They are also used in the sol–gel process, as catalysts
5.2.3 Uses in condensation reactions, and as water repellents (125).

Because of its low thermal neutron absorption cross section 5.2.4 By-products and Coproducts
and low radioactivity after radiation exposure, hafnium-free
zirconium is used as cladding for uranium fuel elements in Zircon, manazite, staurolite, and xenotime are recovered as
nuclear reactors. For this purpose, the zirconium must be free by-products during the processing of heavy-mineral-bearing
of hafnium, which occurs with it in the mineral, because sands for ilmenite and rutile in Florida. In Australia and
hafnium has about 600 times the cross section of thermal South Africa, zircon is recovered from mining operations for
(slow) neutrons of zirconium. titaniferous minerals.
Consumption of zirconium sponge is mainly for military
purposes, but substantial amounts are used in private power 5.2.5 Zirconium Alloys
reactors. Zirconia refractories are used by the aluminum, Zirconium forms two intermetallic compounds with beryl-
brass, and glass industries; a small amount is used to prepare lium called beryllides (ZrBe13 [12010-33-2] and ZrBe17).
zirconium metal powder. Because it is a powerful deoxidizer Beryllides are usually prepared by a solid-state reaction of
(scavenger), zirconium is used as an additive in iron and steel. the two metals in powdered form at about 1260 C. These
Zirconium compounds are used in the ceramics industry. beryllides exhibit excellent oxidation resistance at 1260 C
Zirconium is used as an amorphous alloy with titanium, but not at lower temperatures; however, high strength at
copper, nickel, and beryllium to produce a variety of bulk elevated temperature, good thermal conductivity, and low
metallic glasses that can be cast and machined into useful densities make these beryllides suitable for applications in
components such as gears or even structural uses (120). high-temperature aerospace technology (126).
Zirconium is also used in the development of reserve Zirconium also combines with boron to form three types of
batteries; the heat pellet used in the activation of these borides that have metallic characteristics such as high elec-
batteries is usually a mixture of zirconium and an oxidant trical conductivity and positive coefficients of electrical
such as potassium perchlorate. Such batteries have been resistivity. The melting points of these borides are presented

in Table 13.3; only the zirconium boride 1:12 variety decom- It should be noted in passing that the Talvitie method (133)
poses at its melting point. for silica (SiO2) does not distinguish SiO2 from ZrO2.
Modifications have been made in the Bricker–Waterbury
colorimetric method to adapt it to routine analyses of zirco-
5.3 Exposure Assessment nium in air for samples of 1–10 mg Zr (127), but zirconium
Exposures to dust and fume of zirconium and its compounds, cannot be determined in urine by this method unless it is first
as well as to SiO2, occur during milling and during other uses. isolated.

5.3.1 Workplace Methods 5.3.2 Community Methods

The method of choice in the past for determining zirconium An early study of Greek lignites and power plant ashes had
and its compounds was by using atomic absorption spectros- shown the presence of trace metals. Another study was
copy (AAS) (127) because it can quantitatively determine conducted to determine the amount of trace metals, including
zirconium in the presence of hafnium, which is impossible by zirconium. Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA)
chemical methods. The ICP method that is particularly suited was used to determine the trace metal content. The amount of
for determining the refractory zirconium oxide was also used zirconium in wet bottom ash dried at 106 C, in inlet and
in 1974 (128) and is superior to AAS in many ways. Its outlet fly ash, and in fly ash from the electrostatic precipitator
advantages are simultaneous, multielement determination at ranged from 175.6 to 248.9 ppm. The content of zirconium in
the ultratrace level on microliter or microgram samples with these fly ashes was approximately 200 times the content of 28
minimal interelement effects. For zirconium, the detection other trace metals. The only trace metal that was also high
limit is about 0.005 mg/mL, and for hafnium, an invariable was strontium that ranged from 176.7 to 589 ppm. Similarly,
contaminant, about 0.01 mg/mL (128). in another power plant, the content of zirconium in the fly ash
However, Method 7300 using inductively coupled argon (wet, inlet, and electrostatic precipitator) ranged from 195.6
plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) has been to 291.1 ppm (134).
recommended by NIOSH for determining zirconium in air A study that focused on determining trace element con-
samples (27). This method has a range of 0.005–2 mg Zr/m3 centrations in total suspended particulate by instrumental
and a precision for total sampling and analysis of neutron activation analysis in two different areas in north-
0.049 mg Zr/m3 s.d. at the TLV of 5 mg Zr/m3, but it is not eastern Spain (a rural area influenced by the emissions of a
without interferences. Spectral interferences are the primary large coal-fired power station and the urban and industrial
interferences encountered in ICP-AES analyses. These are areas of Castellon) was described in 1997. Total suspended
minimized by judicious wavelength selection, interelement particulate was sampled by standard medium volume captor
correction factors, and background correction. This method (MVC) high- and medium-volume captors, using cellulose
replaces the earlier method used by NIOSH for trace ele- membrane filters of 0.8 and 0.45 mm pore size. Preliminary
ments. Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS; research was performed on the homogeneous distribution of
NIOSH Method 7013-7082) is an alternate analytical tech- elements in the sample filters and on the study of blank filters
nique used for many trace metals (129). for calculating the background average element contents.
Another method (Method 8005) has been developed by The results obtained allowed distinguishing different major
NIOSH for determining Zr in blood or tissue and also uses the anthropogenic sources of trace elements in the atmosphere at
ICP-AES method (130). the sampling sites: (1) Zr, Hf, Sc, U, and Th were related to
OSHA has also developed an analytic method for deter- atmospheric pollution derived from the ceramic industry of
mining Zr using gravimetric analysis as well as an atomic the Castellon area; (2) As, Cr, Cs, Rb, Sb, Se, and Zn were
absorption method (28). related to traffic and other industrial emission in the Castellon
A colorimetric method using a rapid dilution procedure and area, and (3) As, Cr, Sb, and Zn were related to power
alizarin red S has been adopted by the FDA (131) as an official generation emissions in the rural area (135).
first action for determining the antiperspirant zirconyl hydro- Theaccumulationofzirconium(Zr)as(Zr4(OH)8(H2O)16)8þ
xychloride containing aluminum hydroxychloride (132). by cyanobacteria and microalgae was characterized. In all of
Recoveries for zirconium-spiked samples are 99.8%. A the cyanobacteria and microalgal species examined, accu-
combined morin fluorescence (MF) and energy dispersive mulation consisted of a single rapid energy-independent
X-ray (EDXA) procedure is useful for screening lung sections phase (“biosorption”), and no energy-dependent accumula-
for the presence of antiperspirants containing zirconium and tion was observed. Biosorption of Zr was concentration
aluminum. Although MF does not distinguish between zirco- dependent, followed a Freundlich adsorption isotherm,
nium and aluminum, EDXA can confirm the identity of the depended on pH, and showed decreased accumulation
two at the MF sites. EDXA, however, is unsuitable for with decreased pH. Prior treatment with Naþ, Kþ, Csþ,
screening, because of the small mass sampled (ca. 1012 g). Ca2þ, Mg2þ, and Sr2þ (added as chlorides) also decreased Zr

accumulation by cyanobacteria and microalgae, probably a 5.4 Toxic Effects

result of competition between Zr ions and other cations,
Binary alloys of zirconium with antimony, beryllium, boron,
including Hþ, for available binding sites on the cell walls.
niobium, gallium, indium, nickel, silver, thorium, titanium,
Zirconium desorption from microalgae and cyanobacteria
uranium, and zinc, and ternary alloys with iron and tin,
was increased by increasing external cation concentrations
tantalum and niobium, silicon and boron, and copper and
or by decreasing the pH of the desorption agent (136).
chromium were prepared and physical characteristics (melt-
In 1993, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission
ing point, thermal conductivity, electrical resistance, etc.)
spectroscopy was used to determine a number of toxic
were studied (115).
heavy metals and other pollutants in the aquatic environment
of the El Manzala area (137). Mean values and standard
deviations were tabulated for lead, cobalt, copper, chromium, 5.4.1 Experimental Studies
cadmium, zinc, zirconium, and strontium determinations in
Oral toxicity of zirconium is considered low in laboratory
three different zones that represented the whole area. The
animals and inhalation studies resulted in limited toxicity.
results indicated a several-fold increase compared to those
reported for other surface waters in Egypt or in the Mediter-
ranean Sea. Peak values occurred toward the north part of the
5.4.2 Human Experience
lake, west of Port Said city (Egypt). Zinc and cadmium
concentrations were extremely low. Continual monitoring Clinical Cases. Despite suspicion that inhalation
control of pollutants in surface waters and primary treatment of zirconium could cause human pulmonary disease, docu-
of waste effluents on the waste generation sites were recom- mentation of zirconium pneumoconiosis in humans has been
mended by the researchers (137). lacking. Bartter et al. (138) studied a likely case of zirconium
compound-induced (unspecified) pulmonary fibrosis. Their
diagnosis was based on the following: (1) a history of a
5.3.3 Biomonitoring/Biomarkers
gradual increase in symptoms and slowly progressing pul-
Very little information exists on the metabolism of zirconium monary fibrosis identified by chest roentgenograms compat-
chiefly because zirconium compounds are mostly insoluble ible with pneumoconiosis; (2) an appropriate history of
and thus very poorly absorbed from their deposition site from exposure and a latency period of about 15 years before the
either oral or inhalation routes. Similarly, though the water- onset of dyspnea and of roentgenographic changes; (3) an
insoluble basic carbonate is soluble in stomach acids, it is analysis of open-lung biopsy material revealing end-stage
likewise theoretically converted to an insoluble colloidal fibrosis and honeycombing, a moderate number of birefrin-
form in the gastrointestinal tract. gent particles, and extremely high levels of a variety of
Until the mid-1970s, there was little information available zirconium compounds; and (4) no other potential cause of
on normal zirconium values in either the environment or fibrosis. Bartter et al. (138) concluded that zirconium should
animal tissues, presumably because of the analytic difficulties be considered a likely cause of pneumoconiosis and that
encountered with the highly refractory ZrO2 (128). Scattered appropriate precautions should be taken to limit exposures in
data on zirconium were obtained by spark source mass the workplace.
spectrometry in a few inorganic and human biological tissues The new and unique clinical entity of zirconium granu-
and fluids. A sample of crocidolite asbestos had 0.90 ppm Zr, lomas of allergic epithelioid origin in humans, first
whereas a sample of chrysotile asbestos (origins unknown) described by Rubin et al. in 1956 (139), has since been
had twice that concentration and a cement sample had reported repeatedly, both clinically (140) and experimen-
9.0 ppm Zr. The zirconium content of bituminous coal sam- tally (141–144). Grossly, they consist of dusky, reddish
ples varied widely from 16 to 270 ppm from two different brown, discrete papules 1–4 mm in diameter, closely set in
Pennsylvania mines, and 29 ppm in a coal sample from a Utah the domes of the axillae, and sparsely at the periphery.
mine. Just as zirconium values ranged widely in coal dust, Histologically, they are granulomas composed of epitheli-
zirconium concentrations in coal miners’ lungs ranged from oid cells and Langerhans giant cells surrounded by lym-
1.0 ppm in a normal functioning miner’s lung to 3.8 ppm in a phocytes in a typical tuberculoid pattern. Problems also
lightly pigmented section of a lung and 14 ppm in a heavily arose from the use of a deodorant containing an organic
pigmented section. A lung of a male nonminer had 3.6 ppm, zirconium salt, commonly NaZr lactate. Removal of the
and that of a female resident near mining operations had sensitizing zirconium salt resulted in healing.
1.5 ppm. Pulmonary lymph nodes of miners had concentra- Pulmonary granuloma in zirconium workers has been
tions as high as 22 ppm Zr, indicating phagocytosis of the reported; however, the reports do not specify whether it
zirconium-bearing particles. Two samples of coal miners’ was due to zirconium metal or a specific compound of
blood had Zr values of 0.3 and 10 mg/100 g, and urine values zirconium (145). In addition, dermal granulomatous lesions,
were 3 and 12 mg/L (20). probably of allergic epithelioid origin, have been observed

following the use of deodorant sticks and poison ivy lotions 5.6 Studies on Environmental Impact
containing zirconium; the latter chemical may have been
In the city of Esslingen (Baden-Wurttemberg, southwest
used as a compound and not as the metal per se.
Germany), the outer bark layers of Aesculus hippocastanum
Two case reports pertaining to zirconium-related inter-
trees were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence analysis in
stitial lung disease were presented. The first case was a
1988–1989 for the contents of various trace elements.
49-year-old male admitted to the hospital with suspected
Because of its physical and biochemical properties, tree
pneumoconiosis. He had been employed at a refractory
bark retains and accumulates high amounts of diverse pollu-
brick production factory for 28 years since age 20 and
tants. In this study, the stem bark of horse chestnut showed
had worked on furnaces and on refractory lining production.
elevated levels of nickel, selenium, iron, titanium, and zir-
(Zirconium compounds have been found in foundry sands,
conium presumably due to automobile exhausts and abrasion
refractory brick, abrasives, and ceramics.) Chest X-rays
of wearing (151).
revealed diffuse bilateral opacities. Neutron activation
Trace elements, including Zr, have been determined in
analysis (NAA) of particles showed Zr levels of 715 ppm.
seaweed samples by inductively coupled plasma atomic
Histological study of biopsy tissue showed fibrosis and
emission spectrometry (AES). The results obtained by quad-
hyperplasia and weakly birefringent particles in alveolar
rupole (Q)-ICP-MS after acid digestion agreed well with
and interstitial histiocytes (146).
certified reference and reported values (152).
The second case was a 29-year-old male who had
Using bioassays on bacteria (Photobacterium phosphor-
worked as a coremaker in a foundry for 8 years. He
eum), microscopic algae (Selenastrum capricornutum),
was admitted for suspected pneumoconiosis. X-rays
and fish (Salmo gairdneri), a study confirmed the hypoth-
showed diffuse opacities, and histology revealed granulo-
esis that Zr has low toxicity. According to the author, the
mas and birefringent particles in histiocytes. NAA showed
toxic effects noted by the Microtox test may have
that Zr levels in a lung biopsy were less than 5 ppm. The
been attributed to pH rather than specifically to Zr
authors concluded that even though it was not possible to
(5 min EC50 . 4.3 mg/L). Fish assays also confirmed
definitely confirm that Zr exposure produced the lung
the low toxicity of Zr (96 h LC50 . 20 mg/L; 96 h minimal
disease in these patients, it seemed to be the most likely
stress concentration was . 20 mg/L). Mutagenicity (fluc-
cause (146).
tuation test) and genotoxicity (SOS chromotest) assays
failed to show any DNA-related effects linked to this Chronic and subchronic toxicity. There are very
metal. Only the algal assays (ATP energy stress) demon-
few studies conducted to determine the chronic and sub-
strated genuine toxicity at Zr concentrations between 1.3
chronic adverse effects of zirconium in the workplace.
and 2.5 mg/L (153).
A study of 22 workers exposed to fumes during the
zirconium reduction process for 1–5 years revealed no
striking abnormalities referable to zirconium exposure (147). 6.0 Zirconium Tetrachloride
Also, 32 male hand finishers of zirconium metal reactor
components who had worked for 1–17 years in that job 6.0.1 CAS Number
showed no significant differences from the control [10026-11-6]
group (148).
6.0.2 Synonyms
5.5 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Zirconium chloride, tetra-; tetrachlorozirconium; zirconium
A TLV for exposure to zirconium compounds was set by the chloride (ZrCl4); zirconium(IV) chloride (1:4); zirconium
ACGIH in 1959 on the basis of a no-effect level of ZrO2 dust chloride (T-4); zirconium(IV) chloride; zirconium chloride,
and ZrCl4 mist, as well as the recognized low toxicity of 99.9%
zirconium compounds by routes normally experienced in
industrial situations (149). A TLV-TWA has been developed 6.0.3 Trade Names
by ACGIH (92). NIOSH has a REL of 5 mg/m3 as Zr and a
STEL value of 10 mg/m3 (93). NA
OSHA adopted the 1968 ACGIH TLV as an 8 h time-
weighted average (TWA) that has subsequently been adopted 6.0.4 Molecular Weight
by Finland, West Germany, and Italy. As of June 2005, the
OSHA TWA has remained at 5 mg/m3 (91). The former
Soviet Union adopted a MAK of 6 mg/m3 for zirconium
6.0.5 Molecular Formula
metal and its insoluble compounds, the dioxide, and carbide,
and 1 mg/m3 for fluorozirconate (150). Cl4Zr

6.0.6 Molecular Structure Guinea pigs were sensitized with NiSO4, K2Cr2O7, and
TiCl4. Among the test metal salts, K2Cr2O7 showed the
Cl– highest sensitization rate and strongest skin reactions.
Cl– Zr4+ Cl– ZrCl4 did not cause any sensitization responses under
Cl– experimental conditions. The minimum challenge concen-
tration to cause a skin response was ,0.25% for K2Cr2O7,
0.5% for NiSO4, and 2% for TiCl4, respectively. A sensi-
6.1 Chemical and Physical Properties tive mouse lymph node assay (SLNA) also showed that
Zirconium tetrachloride forms lustrous, white, monoclinic NiSO4 and K2Cr2O7 were sensitizers. In the SLNA, TiCl4
crystals that melt at 437 C. It is a corrosive powder. It is as well as ZrCl4 caused mild lymph node responses but
hygroscopic, and thus soluble in cold water, alcohol, ether, were classified as nonsensitizers. According to the
and concentrated hydrochloric acid. It reacts vigorously with researchers of the study, the order of sensitization potential
water forming hydrogen chloride (irritating vapor) and zir- was K2Cr2O7 . NiSO4 . TiCl4 . ZrCl4. The NiSO4-
conium oxychloride. When moist, zirconium tetrachloride and K2Cr2O7-sensitized animals did not show any reac-
reacts with common materials to form hydrochloric acid that tions to ZrCl4 and TiCl4. No cross-reaction among these
is corrosive to many metals. Through hydrolysis to HCl, metal salts was found (158).
zirconium tetrachloride can irritate the respiratory tract and
other superficial surfaces of the body on exposure (150).
6.3 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
Zirconium tetrachloride readily forms coordinate bonds with
oxygen and nitrogen in organic molecules. When heated to NIOSH has not recommended an exposure limit for
decomposition, it emits fumes of hydrogen chloride (154). zirconium tetrachloride but believes that the 5 mg/m3 as
Some physical properties of zirconium tetrachloride are that TWA mandated by OSHA is adequate (91, 93). A
presented in Table 13.3. TLV-TWA has been developed by ACGIH (92).

6.2 Toxic Effects 7.0 Zirconium Dioxide

6.2.1 Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity 7.0.1 CAS Number
Inhalation of ZrCl4 mist at an airborne concentration of 6 mg [1314-23-4]
of Zr/m3 was perceptibly toxic after a 2-month exposure, as
shown by slight decreases in hemoglobin and erythrocyte
7.0.2 Synonyms
count in dogs. There was some increase in mortality over that
of controls. Apparently, the toxicity of zirconium compounds Zirconia; zirconium oxide; ZrO2; zirconic anhydride; zirco-
is not altered by the low percentage of hafnium normally nium(IV) oxide; zirconium(IV) oxide, calcined; zirconium
present in zirconium compounds. However, zirconium oxide oxide, 99%
dust and ZrCl4 mist inhaled at respirable particle sizes for 1
year at 3.5 mg of Zr/m3 failed to have any adverse effect on 7.0.3 Trade Names
laboratory animals (155, 156).
6.2.2 Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms
7.0.4 Molecular Weight Distribution. Tracer studies of oral absorption of
ZrC l4 with the stable chloride as carrier show that less than 123.22
0.001% of the dose passes from the gastrointestinal tract to
the bloodstream (157). 7.0.5 Molecular Formula
6.2.3 Other: Neurological, Pulmonary, and Skin
Sensitization 7.0.6 Molecular Structure
The contact sensitization capacities of four metal salts, nickel O¼Zr¼O
sulfate (NiSO4), potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7), titanium
chloride (TiCl4), and zirconium chloride (ZrCl4), were eval-
7.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
uated using guinea pigs and mice. In the guinea pig sensiti-
zation tests, an injection concentration of 1% was set up for Zirconium dioxide is a white, amorphous powder, insoluble
all chemicals, and the challenge concentration was changed. in water but slightly soluble in acid. Some of its properties are

Table 13.5. The Supply/Demand for Zirconia (Zirconium Oxide) in Metric Tons for 1991 and 1994a
United States Western Europe Japan Totalb
1991 1994 1991 1994 1991 1994 1991 1994
Number of producers 5 5 5 4 9 9 19 18
Production 9747 12,100 4100 4400 6750 6280 19,850 22,780
Importsd 1536 2404 6100 nae 650 900 8286 nae
Exportsf 1495 1222 300 nae 718 nae 3213 nae
Consumption 9788 13,282 9,845 10,175 7400 7190 23,421 30,641
Adapted from Chemical Economics Handbook, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, August 1996.
Totals may not equal the sums of categories because of rounding.
Data for the United States and Western Europe do not include producers of zirconia metal and reprocessors of baddeleyite. Data for Japan include manufactured
zirconia producers that use baddeleyite as a raw material.
Data for the United States and Western Europe include baddeleyite but not for Japan.
Japan’s export figures include germanium oxide that represents less than 5% of total volume.
Not available.

presented in Table 13.3. The supply and demand for zirconia 7.3.2 Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms
for 1991 and 1994 are presented in Table 13.5. Distribution. Deposition and retention of zirco-
nium in the lung and pulmonary lymph nodes following
7.2 Uses inhalation of ZrO2 dust are typical of that of an insoluble
substance (161); however, deposition of the soluble ZrOCl2
Zirconia (ZrO2) has been used as a reflective surface agent
in the lung following inhalation of the ZrCl4 mist was equally
on satellites. Zirconia is also used as a supporting substrate
great and showed a similar distribution in other body tissues,
for high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) anal-
in keeping with the theoretical formation of an insoluble
yses because it is a stable substrate and resists dissolution
colloidal complex mentioned earlier. However, zirconium
from pH 0 to 14, does not shrink or swell in any chromato-
deposition in the bone was less than 1% of that in the lung,
graphically interesting solvent or ionic strength, and does
and the soft tissue content was a fraction of that in bone.
not further sinter and thus lose pore volume or structure
Overall, the retention of zirconium in all tissues of the rat was
upon heating to 800–900 C. Thus, it is effective for sepa-
high; little, if any, decrease in deposited zirconium occurred
rating low molecular weight species, especially those that
in 6 months.
are health hazards in the agrochemical workplace, including
insecticides, herbicides, and their metabolites.
7.3.3 Carcinogenesis
7.3 Toxic Effects To simulate the chronic alpha radiation of Thorotrast, the
liver of female Wistar rats was exposed to fractionated
7.3.1 Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity
neutron irradiation at 14-day intervals (0.2 Gy per fraction)
The toxicity of ZrO2 dust by inhalation is of a very low order; over 2 years to a total dose of 10.0 Gy. Before the start of
neither 75 mg of Zr/m3 inhaled by laboratory animals daily irradiation, half of the animals received 120 mL of nonra-
for 1 month nor 11 mg of Zr/m3 for 2 months produced any dioactive Zirconotrast (ZrO2), which is comparable to
significant alterations in growth rate, mortality, hematologi- Thorotrast in all other physical and chemical properties.
cal values, biochemical constituents, or morphological struc- The first liver tumor was detected 1 year after the begin-
tures of the respiratory system (159). ning of irradiation. At the end of the life span study, the
A comparative determination of the fibrogenicity of two incidence of irradiated animals with liver tumors was about
novel mineral fibers, zirconia (ZrO2) and alumina (Al2O3), 40%. In the animals treated additionally with ZrO2, the
under the trade names of Saffil zirconia and Saffil alumina incidence, time of onset, and overall number of liver
(ICI Ind. Ltd.), showed that when the two fiber types were tumors were nearly equal, indicating that the fractionated
injected intraperitoneally into rats, (1) the deposition of neutron irradiation was the exclusive cause of tumor
connective tissue containing collagen around zirconia was development. The lifelong-deposited ZrO2 colloid had
considerably less than that around alumina and (2) Saffil no influence on tumor induction or development. Histo-
zirconia was eliminated more readily than Saffil alumina and logical types of benign and malignant liver tumors seen in
was seen more frequently in the lungs and lymph this study were the same as those seen in animals treated
nodes (160). with Thorotrast (162).

The foreign body tumorigenic potentials of alkyl-alpha- matic glycation, or in the fluorescence intensity, as indicated
cyanoacrylate (cyanoacrylate), zirconia, polyvinyl chlo- by the late stage, because the tumor had low values relative to
ride (PVC), silicone, and cellulose were studied in those for the capsule collagens. The results confirmed the
rats (163). Silicone, cellulose, polyvinyl chloride, zirconia, biochemical characteristics of fibril collagen surrounding the
and alkyl-alpha-cyanoacrylate were implanted into the implanted material. These characteristics of collagen in
subcutaneous tissue of female Fisher 344 rats. The animals capsules and tumors may be related to the production and
were observed weekly for subcutaneous tumor develop- progression of the tumor (164).
ment. Tumor-bearing rats were killed 741 days after
implantation, and the tumors were removed and examined 7.3.4 Human Experience
by electron microscopy and immunohistochemical techni- Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity. A case of pul-
ques. Tumors classified as malignant fibrous histiocytomas
monary fibrosis was described that was likely to have been
were induced in 27.3%, 54.5%, 100%, and 63.6% of rats by
caused by exposure to zirconium dioxide. The victim was a
silicone rubber, polyvinyl chloride, zirconia, and alkyl-
62-year-old man with a chief complaint of dyspnea that had
alpha-cyanoacrylate, respectively, but not by cellulose.
been increasing gradually during the preceding 25 years,
Almost all tumors were composed of a mixture of cells
even though he had stopped smoking cigarettes. He started
that resembled fibroblasts with numerous rough-surfaced
working at age 24 in the lens grinding department of an
endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, histiocytes
optical company and continued to work there for 39 years.
characterized by developed endoplasmic reticulum and
His work involved grinding, polishing, pitting, and blocking
abundant lysosomes, myofibroblasts characterized by the
of lenses. In this capacity, he had been exposed to a variety of
presence of both myofibrils and fibroblast-like structures,
compounds. He had not worn any respiratory protection at
and immature mesenchymal cells. In some tumors, the
work. His greatest dust exposure occurred during blocking
cells exhibited a storiform pattern. Some tumor cells were
operations that involved the use of talc powder and mixing
positively stained by ED2 or antimuscle actin antibody. All
dry Zirox-B powder with water. Zirox-B contained 90%
tumors were limited to the implantation sites. No metasta-
zirconium as zirconium oxide and 10% respirable quartz.
ses were observed. The features of induced tumors in rats
Analysis of lung tissue revealed markedly elevated quantities
were consistent with those of human malignant fibrous
of a variety of zirconium compounds. The authors concluded
histiocytoma. A rat malignant fibrous histiocytoma trans-
that zirconium was a possible cause of pulmonary fibrosis
planted into the subcutaneous tissue of the syngeneic
and recommended that appropriate precautions be taken in
female Fisher 344 rats grew and metastasized to the
the workplace wherever and whenever workers are exposed
lungs (163).
to zirconium (138). However, the researchers have not taken
Biochemical investigations were made into changes in
into consideration the exposure of the worker to respirable
tumors induced by subcutaneous implantation of disks of
quartz that is known to cause fibrosis and that was present in
lanthanum and zirconium oxide containing hydroxyapatites.
Zirox-B to the extent of 10%.
Fibril collagen from tumor tissues was compared with fibrous
capsules formed around discs of various apatites, based on
cross-links and types. The amount of collagen in the tumor as 7.4 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
hydroxyproline was less than that in the capsules. Further-
NIOSH has a REL of 5 mg/m3 as Zr and a STEL value of
more, the collagen in the tumor could be solubilized by
10 mg/m3 (93). As of June 2005, the OSHA TWA has
pepsin digestion. Although there was no qualitative differ-
remained at 5 mg/m3 (91). ATWL-TWA has been developed
ence in the hydroxylation ratio of proline among tissue
by ACGIH (92).
collagens, the hydroxylation ratio of lysine in the tumor
collagen was higher than that in the capsule collagens.
Various methods for analyzing the type of pepsin-solubilized 8.0a Zirconium Sulfate
collagen, including differential salt precipitation, amino acid
8.0.1a CAS Number
analysis, and SDS-PAGE, revealed that tumor collagen con-
sisted mainly of type I and small amounts of types III and V. [14644-61-2]
Although the capsule collagens included types I and III, type
V was not present. Cross-linking in the insoluble collagen 8.0.2a Synonyms
was investigated using three different methods: modified
Zirconium tetrasulfate; zirconium sulfate; sulfuric acid,
amino acid analysis, HPLC, and fluorescence analysis.
zirconium(4þ) salt (2:1)
The tumor collagen contained considerable pyridinoline
and histidinoalanine as nonreducible cross-links. No differ-
8.0.3a Trade Names
ence was seen among tumor and capsule collagens in the
furosine level, as indicated by the early stage of nonenzy- NA

8.0.4a Molecular Weight delayed hypersensitivity and the production of T-cell-medi-

ated immunologic granulomas by these metals in vivo (165).
283.3 Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity. Zr(SO4)2 was
8.0.5a Molecular Formula administered at a level of 5 ppm in drinking water in lifetime
O8S2Zr studies of rats. The diet contained an additional 2.66 ppm of
an unknown Zr moiety. No evidence was found of any
biological or toxicological activity of zirconium, except to
8.0.6a Molecular Structure
affect inconsistently the body weight of older animals. There
was also no evidence that zirconium was tumorigenic in a rat
– strain (Long–Evans) with appreciable (20%) tumor inci-
– –
–O – S – O
– dence. The researchers (166) also found that zirconocene
O– was nontumorigenic in C57 BL mice.
O– After exposing several hundred Long–Evans rats to drink-
– –

– S – O– ing water containing 5 ppm Zr(SO4)2 for a lifetime, Schroe-

O der et al. (167) could find no analytic evidence by a

spectrophotometric method using chloranilic acid that zirco-
nium was consistently absorbed from the gastrointestinal
8.0b Zirconium Sulfate, Tetrahydrate tract; indeed, the zirconium concentration in the male rat
kidney was less than that of controls whose diet, like that
8.0.1b CAS Number of the treated, contained 2.66 ppm Zr. The liver and lung
[7446-31-3] showed a slight increase of 0.7% and 1%, respectively, over
that of controls; the heart and spleen showed increases of
8.0.2b Synonyms 9.4% and 32%, and an average deposition in the five tissues of
9.9%. Females that had an average tissue distribution of only
Zirconium tetrasulfate4H2O; zirconium sulfate tetrahydrate 2.6% showed the striking difference of 2.4% less zirconium
in the spleen than in the controls (167).
8.0.3b Trade Names
NA Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies. In
the literature, two elements, beryllium and zirconium, have
been described as inducing identical tissue lesions consisting
8.0.4b Molecular Weight
of immune-mediated granulomas. Intracellular lesions
355.41 induced by beryllium sulfate have been studied previously.
Injection of low doses of zirconium sulfate showed that the
8.0.5b Molecular Formula intracellular concentration sites are very different between
the two elements and zirconium was uniquely localized in the
lysosomes of the lymph node macrophages and associated
with phosphorus (168).
8.1 Chemical and Physical Properties Both beryllium and zirconium salts, BeSO4 and Zr(SO4)2,
exerted a concentration-dependent stimulation of mouse
Zirconium sulfate forms white, tetrahedral crystals. It is very
spleen cell proliferation, as measured by an increase in
soluble in water. Some of the properties of zirconium sulfate
(3 H )thymidine incorporation into lymphocyte DNA,
are presented in Table 13.3.
although the maximal response (four- to fivefold at
100–200 mM) induced by Zr(SO4)2 was greater than that
8.2 Toxic Effects by BeSO4 (two- to threefold at 1–5 mM). Preincubation of
splenocytes with low concentrations of BeSO4 (,1 mM) or a
8.2.1 Experimental Studies
broad range of Zr(SO4)2 concentrations (2–100 mM) also
The formation of immune-mediated granulomas has previ- assisted subsequent lectin (concanavalin A; ConA)-mediated
ously been reported with beryllium exposure. It is interest- lymphocyte proliferation. The results indicated that, at
ing to note that the in vitro results on mouse splenocytes defined concentrations, Be and Zr salts can both act as
indicate that BeSO4 and Zr(SO4)2 can act as lymphocyte lymphocyte mitogens and augment the functional responsive-
mitogens, as well as to augment the functional responsive- ness of immune cells, which may help explain the character-
ness of B-cell-mediated immune cells. This may help to istic induction of delayed hypersensitivity and production of
explain the characteristic induction of T-cell-mediated immunologic granulomas by these metals in vivo (165).

8.3 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure zirconium oxide (ZrO2) at 250 C. It is also formed as the
octahydrate [13520-92-8] as white, tetrahedral crystals that
NIOSH has a REL of 5 mg/m3 as Zr and a STEL value of
are very soluble in water, ethyl alcohol, ether, and methanol,
10 mg/m3 (93). As of June 2005, the OSHA TWA has
among others, but only slightly soluble in hydrochloric acid.
remained at 5 mg/m3 (91). A TLV-TWA has been developed
When heated to decomposition, it emits toxic fumes of
by ACGIH (92).
hydrogen chloride. Some physical properties are presented
in Table 13.3.
9.0a Zirconium Oxychloride
9.0.1a CAS Number 9.2 Toxic Effects

[7699-43-6] 9.2.1 Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity

Schroeder and Nason (156) called attention to a little appre-
9.0.2a Synonyms ciated fact, namely, the way in which nonessential metals, in
Chlorozirconyl; basic zirconium chloride; dichlorooxozir- this case zirconium, interact with essential trace metals in the
conium; zirconium chloride oxide; zirconium chloride oxide body to change the normal concentrations of essential metals
(ZrCl2O); zirconium chloride, basic; zirconium oxide in the body’s various organs. At 5 ppm, zirconium, as a
chloride; zirconium oxydichloride; zirconium, dichlor- simple salt (presumably the oxychloride) in the drinking
ooxo-; zirconyl chloride; zirconyl oxide (ZrOCl2). water of rats for their lifetime, caused a reduction of the
chromium concentration, an element in short supply in aging
mammals. The physiological significance of these changes
9.0.3a Trade Names:
for overall body functioning in health and disease and in toxic
NA states is yet to be discerned.
The effect of zirconium (Zr) on the humoral immune
9.0.4a Molecular Weight response was studied by measuring the level of IgM
plaque-forming cells (IgM-PFCs) against sheep red
178.13 blood cells (SRBCs) in the spleen of C57BL mice intra-
peritoneally injected with zirconium oxychloride. Two
9.0.5a Molecular Formula experiments were carried out: (1) a single injection of
Cl2OZr zirconium oxychloride of 1/5, 1/10, 1/50, and 1/100 of the
LD50 for intraperitoneal injection and (2) continuous
injection of 1/20, 1/40, and 1/80 of the LD50 every
9.0.6a Molecular Structure
other day for 2 or 4 weeks in mice. In the case of a single
injection, zirconium oxychloride was intraperitoneally
injected on days 1, 0, þ1, þ2, and þ3 in relation to
Cl Cl SRBC immunization. The following conclusions were
drawn by the author from this study: (1) Zr has an adjuvant-
like activity in relation to the humoral immune response, at
9.0b Zirconium Oxychloride, Octahydrate least to IgM antibody production; (2) this effect was recog-
nized with a single injection with Zr and also after continuous
9.0.1b CAS Number
injection; (3) a single injection of Zr was more effective when
[13520-92-8] the mice were treated with Zr 24 h before or after SRBC
immunization; and (4) a lower dose (1/50, 1/100 of the LD50
9.0.2b Synonym for a single injection, and 1/40, 1/80 of the LD50 for continu-
ous injection) led to a more enhanced level of IgM-PFCs than
Zirconium chloride, basic, aqueous soln. carc. a higher dose (1/5, 1/10 of the LD50 for a single injection, and
1/20 of the LD50 for continuous injection) (169).
9.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
9.2.2 Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms
9.1.1 General Absorption. A study (170) of pharmacological
Zirconium oxychloride exists as white silky crystals, soluble actions of pure zirconyl chloride (ZrOCl2) on smooth and
in water and alcohol. With water, the octahydrate is formed striated muscle in rabbits and cats indicated that the normal
as tetragonal white needles. It is extremely hygroscopic peristaltic action in rabbits slowed at 1 mM concentration,
and decomposes to zirconium tetrachloride (ZrCl4) and but the effect was less noticeable in cats. The change was

reversible on washing with Ringer’s solution. ZrOCl2 at of spleen cells. On the other hand, with zirconium dioxide
0.006 mM concentration shortened the amplitude of and zirconium sulfate, there was no change in viability at
the contraction of the rabbit heart auricle and ventricle 1–400 mM. The degree of DNA synthesis in spleen cells
and constricted the coronary arteries. The latter effect treated with zirconium dioxide or zirconium sulfate was no
appeared irreversible. No effect on blood pressure, however, different from controls. Zirconium oxychloride enhanced
was noted below 1 mol% concentration of ZrOCl2 in injected DNA synthesis at 1–20 mM concentrations, but inhibited it
rabbits and 3–7 mol% was required to lower the blood at 40–400 mM. These studies showed that the effect of
pressure appreciably. No electrocardiographic changes zirconium on the cytotoxicity of mouse cells depends
were noted (170). upon the solubility of zirconium salts. Zirconium oxychlor-
ide was also weakly mitogenic for lymphocytes at 1–20 mM
9.2.3 Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies concentrations (174).
Zirconium oxychloride was administered as a single oral
9.2.4 Human Experience
dose to Swiss albino mice corresponding to 1/2, 1/6, and 1/20
of the LD50 values. Bone marrow cells were screened after 6, Acute Toxicity. Acute poisoning from ingestion
12, and 24 h for chromosomal aberrations following an air- of Zr oxychloride resulted in the following symptoms:
drying-Giemsa schedule. The frequency of chromosomal burning pain in the mouth and throat, vomiting, watery or
breaks and aberrations induced increased at a rate directly bloody diarrhea, tenesmus, retching, hemolysis, hematuria,
proportional to the concentration used. The increase was also anuria, liver damage with jaundice, convulsions, hypoten-
related to the period after exposure, though to a lesser extent sion, and collapse (175). Through its hydrolysis to hydro-
than the concentration used. There was no direct relationship chloric acid, zirconium oxychloride can irritate the
to the sex of the animal (171). respiratory tract and other superficial surfaces of the
The effect of a single oral exposure to different concentra- body on exposure (150).
tions of zirconium oxychloride was studied on bone marrow
cell chromosomes of Swiss albino mice. The mice were Genetic and Related Cellular Effects Studies. The
sacrificed 24 h after exposure. Dose levels of 2250 or addition of different concentrations of aqueous zirconium
750 mg/kg in males and 2200 or 734 mg/kg in females oxychloride solution to human peripheral blood leukocyte
increased the mitotic frequency compared to control mice. cultures obtained from healthy donors increased the fre-
Mitotic frequency was not enhanced appreciably by the lowest quency of chromosomal aberrations in cells compared
dose used, 225 mg/kg for males and 220 mg/kg for females. with untreated controls. The degree of enhancement of
These findings indicated that the metal may not stimulate aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges was directly
division in lymphocytes at concentrations below 220 mg/kg. related to the concentrations used. The most common aber-
These single-dose exposures significantly enhanced the fre- rations were chromatid breaks (176).
quency of aberrant metaphases. The percentages of total
abnormalities increased in both sexes at all concentrations.
9.3 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
The degree of increase was directly related to the con-
centration used. In general, the abnormalities produced NIOSH has a REL of 5 mg/m3 as Zr and a STEL value of
were relatively higher in females than in males. The authors 10 mg/m3 (93). As of June 2005, the OSHA TWA has
indicated that this is the first report of the clastogenicity of remained at 5 mg/m3 (91). A TLV-TWA has been developed
zirconium (172). by ACGIH (92).
The interaction between two group IV metals, highly toxic
lead and relatively inactive and low toxicity zirconium, was
9.4 Studies on Environmental Impact
studied in the bone marrow chromosomes of mice in vivo.
Low and high doses of zirconium oxychloride were fed orally The swimming rate of Tetrahymena pyriformis strain HSM
to the experimental mice (1) 2 h before, (2) 2 h after, or (3) was measured by stroboscopic photography, in aqueous
together with different doses of lead nitrate. Protection solutions of each of three metallic substances: Se as selenous
against lead-induced clastogenicity was observed only acid, V as vanadyl sulfate, and Zr as zirconyl chloride. The
when the lower dose of zirconium was administered before swimming rate was measured over 45 min periods, moni-
lead. All other combinations gave an additive or synergistic tored every 15 min, in concentrations of each metal, singly, at
effect as seen by significant increases in the frequencies of 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 50 ppm. A significant decrease in
chromosomal aberrations (173). swimming rate was recorded for each metal at concentrations
The viability and DNA synthesis in cultured spleen cells of 20 ppm or more. The method provided a useful bioassay to
from C57BL mice were studied in vitro (174). An 80–400 mM determine the presence of pollutants in freshwater quickly
concentration of zirconium oxychloride decreased the viability and easily (177).

10.0 Zirconium Silicate along with dust concentrations up to 5.8 mg/m3. Silicate
particles were identified in factory air samples. Treatment of
10.0.1 CAS Number
the patient with prednisolone for 9 months was ineffective,
[10101-52-7] and the patient died 1 week after an open lung biopsy.
Interstitial inflammation along with fibrosis of the alveolar
10.0.2 Synonym walls was seen in the biopsy and autopsy samples. The walls
of the terminal and respiratory bronchioli were severely
Silicic acid, zirconium salt
inflamed by ulceration of the epithelium, and granulomas
were seen close to the lumen of the airway and in the
10.0.3 Trade Names
alveolar parenchyma. No evidence of an infectious process
NA or systemic disorder was seen. Particle analysis of lung
tissue samples demonstrated an inhaled dust burden con-
10.0.4 Molecular Weight sisting primarily of clay particles and zirconium silicate that
was almost 100 times that of the normal background level.
The authors concluded that zirconium exposure can cause
an acute allergic pulmonary alveolitis-like hypersensitivity
10.1 Chemical and Physical Properties reaction (178).
Zirconium silicate is used as an additive to glass, in ceramic
tiles, in ultrafiltration membranes, and as a dental abrasive. 10.3 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
NIOSH has a REL of 5 mg/m3 as Zr and a STEL value of
10.2 Toxic Effects 10 mg/m3 (93). As of June 2005, the OSHA TWA has
remained at 5 mg/m3 (91). A TLV-TWA has been developed
10.2.1 Human Experience
by ACGIH (92). Clinical Cases. A 25-year-old nonsmoking male
ceramic tile worker developed a worsening dry cough and
11.0 Zirconium Dichloride
dyspnea after 3.5 years as a sorter and glazer of tiles.
Microscopic examination of an open lung biopsy revealed 11.0.1 CAS Number:
an intense granulomatous interstitial pneumonia with mild
fibrosis, compatible with hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and
numerous very small birefringent crystals around the termi-
11.0.2 Molecular Weight
nal airways and occasionally in granulomas. Pulmonary
particle analysis revealed an inhaled dust burden nearly 162.13
100-fold the background level, consisting mainly of clay
minerals and zirconium silicate. The patient had no history of
11.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
clinical or laboratory findings suggesting any organic etio-
logic agent. A sarcoid granulomatosis type of chronic Zirconium dichloride is formed by the decomposition of
pulmonary hypersensitivity reaction occurs after long-term zirconium tetrachloride.
exposure to zirconium, but this case demonstrated that
zirconium can also cause an acute and fulminant allergic
11.2 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
alveolitis-like hypersensitivity reaction (178).
A case of hypersensitivity pneumonitis in a ceramic tile NIOSH has a REL of 5 mg/m3 as Zr and a STEL value of
worker exposed to zirconium silicate was reported. A 25- 10 mg/m3 (93). As of June 2005, the OSHA TWA has
year-old previously healthy female presented with a history remained at 5 mg/m3 (91). A TLV-TWA has been developed
of 2 months of dry cough and dyspnea upon exertion. Coarse by ACGIH (92).
crepitations were heard in both lungs, and bilateral inter-
stitial fibrosis and discrete nodules were seen in a chest
12.0a Zirconium Oxynitrate
radiograph. Marked decreases in respiratory function were
seen on pulmonary function tests. Chest radiographs and 12.0.1a CAS Number
lung function tests had been normal 7 years earlier. The
patient had a 3.5-year history of working in a ceramic tile
factory as a glazer and sorter and had not generally used
12.0.2a Synonym
personal protective equipment. Up to 30% zirconium sili-
cate was found in the glazing material used in the tile factory Nitric acid, zirconium salt

12.0.3a Molecular Weight generation was reported by Thomas et al. (179). Aerosols
that contained 95 Zr and 95 Nb at near equilibrium pro-
duced particles of four different chemical compositions at
100, 250, 600, and 1100 C. When the particles at the two
12.0b Zirconium Nitrate Pentahydrate highest temperatures were inhaled by mice, they were
retained tenaciously in the lung and maintained the starting
12.0.1b CAS Number 95
Zr to 95 Nb ratio of about 1:9. At 100 C, the radio-
[13746-89-9] nuclides were translocated from the lung to the skeleton at
a ratio of about 1:3, indicative of an excess burden of 95 Zr .
12.0.2b Synonym At 250 C, the pattern was similar but less pronounced. The
differential patterns of retention resulted in significant
Nitric acid, zirconium salt, pentahydrate
differences in the radiation dose pattern; at the lowest
temperature, the highest radiation doses were received
12.0.3b Molecular Weight
by the skeleton, lung, and liver, whereas at the higher
429.32 temperatures, the radiation dose was delivered almost
exclusively to the lung (179).
12.1 Chemical and Physical Properties Distribution. The age of the animal seemed to
Zirconium nitrate also occurs as the pentahydrate affect absorption and retention of 95 Zr –95 Nb according
[13746-89-9] (Zr(NO3)45H2O) that forms white, hygro- to a study published in 1972 (180). Although these
scopic crystals. The latter is very soluble in water and nuclides were poorly absorbed by adult rats, they were
soluble in ethyl alcohol. Other physical properties are absorbed to a considerable extent by suckling rats, result-
presented in Table 13.3. ing in a 10–1000 times higher retention than in adults.
The initial rapid loss of the nuclides from suckling rats
12.2 Toxic Effects decreased at weaning age and was followed by a consid-
erably slower exponential decrease. Though the adult rats
12.2.1 Human Experience showed a much steeper and larger initial loss, a similar rate
Because it is relatively physiologically inert, the effects of of exponential decrease was observed thereafter. The
zirconium ion on enzyme systems have been little tested. In whole-body retention curves of these nuclides for suckling
1936, Gould (11) showed that Zr(NO3)4 produced a slight rats previously treated with cortisone acetate showed much
(10.5%) inhibition of amylase activity at 0.53 mM concen- steeper initial loss and significantly lower retention than
tration in vitro, a 20% inhibition of yeast invertase at 0.7 mM, those for controls. The ratio of 95 Zr –95 Nb in the bone of
and a 50% inhibition of serum alkaline phosphatase at suckling rats was approximately 4–5, whereas that in most
0.9 mM, but trypsin was not inhibited at 1 mM concentration. of their soft tissues was almost unity. The authors con-
The rather low inhibitory effects produced on these enzymes cluded that the substantial absorption of these nuclides by
at the zirconium concentrations used indicate no specific suckling rats was mainly due to the more active pinocytosis
effect of zirconium on these particular enzymes (11). in younger animals (180).

12.3 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure Excretion. Schubert (181) showed that zirco-
nium moves 91 Y and 239 Pu out of the skeleton, enhancing
NIOSH has a REL of 5 mg/m3 as Zr and a STEL value of their excretion. This shows that metal shifts are not confined
10 mg/m3 (93). As of July 1999, the OSHA TWA has to those of nonessential metals; for example, ozone, as well as
remained at 5 mg/m3 (91). A TLV-TWA has been developed glutathione, causes large shifts in zinc lung concentration
by ACGIH (92). following brief, 3 h exposures of rats at slightly toxic levels of
3 ppm ozone (182).
13.0 Z irconium Particles
13.2 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of
13.1 Toxic Effects
NIOSH has a REL of 5 mg/m3 as Zr and a STEL value of
13.1.1 Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Mechanisms
10 mg/m3 (93). As of June 2005, the OSHA TWA has Absorption. A differential deposition of inhaled remained at 5 mg/m3 (91). A TLV-TWA has been developed
Zr particles that depended on the temperature of their by ACGIH (92).

14.0 Aluminum Zirconium Compounds deodorants containing NaZr lactate (185). These granulomas
appear as underarm eruptions of small, indolent, flesh-
14.1 Toxic Effects colored papules, often in linear streaks. Several years
14.1.1 Human Experience later, zirconium oxide, as a cream, introduced as a treatment
for poison ivy dermatitis, produced small papules in the skin General Information. Human exposure to alu- that, on microscopic examination, revealed epithelioid cell
minum zirconium compounds has been associated with the granulomas (186). When the sensitizing Zr salt was removed
development of hypersensitivity reactions. from the preparation, healing occured. Clinical Cases. Zirconium compounds have been

associated with the development of hypersensitivity granu- 16.2 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
lomas. However, aluminum zirconium complexes have not NIOSH has a REL of 5 mg/m3 as Zr and a STEL value of
previously been shown to induce sensitization. The clinical 10 mg/m3 (93). As of June 2005, the OSHA TWA has
and histological findings of a case were described in which a remained at 5 mg/m3 (91). A TLV-TWA has been developed
patient developed an acute hypersensitivity reaction to an by ACGIH (92).
aluminum zirconium complex (183).

14.2 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure 17.0 Zirconium-Containing Aerosol Spray

NIOSH has a REL of 5 mg/m3 as Zr and a STEL value of 17.1 Toxic Effects
10 mg/m3 (93). As of June 2005, the OSHA TWA has
remained at 5 mg/m3 (91). A TLV-TWA has been developed 17.1.1 Human Experience
by ACGIH (92). Clinical Cases. Epstein (187) developed a
zirconium-containing aerosol spray that did not produce
15.0 Zirconium Compounds (Combination Studies) granulomas of the skin in an unsensitized person. However,
15.1 Toxic Effects Zr-containing antiperspirant sprays were ultimately banned
following a panel statement of the FDA and subsequent
15.1.1 Human Experience hearings that concluded that (1) the respiratory tract is the Clinical Cases. Men who worked with zirconium deposition site for the antiperspirant in spray form, (2) no
compounds at one site in the North of England were moni- proof was presented on the metabolic fate or integrity of the
tored since 1975 to evaluate the effects of exposure on the deposited spray in the respiratory tract, and (3) zirconium
lung (mainly ,10 mg/m3) over many years. Chest radio- chlorhydrate can elicit a hypersensitivity granulomatous
graphs (in 1975, 1978, and 1982) and lung function measure- response in sensitized persons.
ments (from 1975 to 1988) were carried out on all 178 men
known to have worked with the compounds; an estimate of 17.2 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of
cumulative exposure was computed from job title and likely Exposure
exposures. No evidence was found that zirconium exposure
resulted in abnormal chest radiographs or impaired pulmo- NIOSH has a REL of 5 mg/m3 as Zr and a STEL value of
nary function (184). 10 mg/m3 (93). As of June 2005, the OSHA TWA has
remained at 5 mg/m3 (91). A TLV-TWA has been developed
15.2 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of by ACGIH (92).
NIOSH has a REL of 5 mg/m3 as Zr and a STEL value of 18.0 Lead Titanate Zirconate
10 mg/m3 (93). As of June 2005, the OSHA TWA has
remained at 5 mg/m3 (91). A TLV-TWA has been developed 18.1 Toxic Effects
by ACGIH (92). 18.1.1 Human Experience

16.0 Sodium Zirconium Lactate Clinical Cases. An Ontario plant with 101 work-
ers who produced and used the ceramic compound lead
16.1 Toxic Effects titanate zirconate (LTZ) was the site of an investigation (188).
Although air lead levels were high in most plant areas,
16.1.1 Human Experience
82 workers who were not exposed to lead oxide but to Clinical Cases. By 1959 there were numerous LTZ in the process had normal blood lead levels. In addition,
reports of axillary granulomas following the use of stick no radiographic changes or abnormal pulmonary function

test results were detected in 61 workers examined. The respect to the development of the safety case for layer
particle size of LTZ was less than 5 mm, and the solubility ignitions, the reaction kinetics were experimentally investi-
of LTZ in body fluids was significantly less than lead oxide. gated by reproducing the conditions under which a thermal
The authors postulated that the observed low toxicity of LTZ runaway could be seen. A mathematical model of the settled
could be due to its low solubility in body fluids. Further layer heat transfer characteristics was developed. It was
studies of the toxicity of LTZ and other less soluble lead shown that an oxide layer formed on particles of Zircaloy
compounds were recommended by the authors (188). resulted in a slowing of explosive reactions of particulate
Zircaloy (191).

18.2 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure

NIOSH has a REL of 5 mg/m3 as Zr and a STEL value of HAFNIUM AND HAFNIUM COMPOUNDS
10 mg/m3 (93). As of June 2005, the OSHA TWA has
remained at 5 mg/m3 (91). A TLV-TWA has been developed Hafnium (Hf) [7440-58-6], one of the transition elements,
by ACGIH (92). belongs to group IVB of the periodic table along with
titanium and zirconium. Hafnium is never found free in
nature but is always associated with the more plentiful
19.0 Zircaloy zirconium in natural minerals. Hafnium and zirconium are
almost identical in nature and hence show close similarity in
19.1 Toxic Effects chemical properties not seen in any other pair of elements
19.1.1 Human Experience in the periodic table.
Hafnium is one of the less abundant elements in the Earth’s Clinical Cases. A 51-year-old nonsmoking crust. It makes up 2% of the combined weight of hafnium and
female suffered from relapsing progressive pneumonia for zirconium in zircon, (ZrHf)O2SiO2, which is recovered from
several years. She had worked for 16 years in the nuclear certain beach sands. Hafnium makes up about 0.5–2% of the
industry and was exposed to grinding particles and welding combined weight with zirconium in the ore, baddeleyite,
fumes from working with Zircaloy, an alloy that contains tin, (ZrHf)O2 (192). Because of its similarity to zirconium, no
iron, chromium, and zirconium. During an exacerbation of qualitative differences have been found that would permit
the pneumonia, radiography showed interstitial infiltration of separating them except for the production of hafnium-free
both lower lobes. In addition, nodular and painful thicken- nuclear grade zirconium (110).
ings appeared in old operation scars on various parts of her Hafnium was positively identified only in 1923 though
body. Persistent infiltrations of the lung led to lobectomy of zirconium was discovered in 1789. The theory that element
the right lower lobe to exclude a malignant disease in the 72 was tetravalent and not trivalent like the rare earth series
worker. The histological picture of the lung tissue showed elements was postulated by the Bohr atomic theory and by
different stages of alterations and pronounced proliferation Moseley’s X-ray spectra of several zircon concentrates (193).
of the alveolar epithelium, epithelioid cell granulomas The name hafnium comes from Hafnia, the Latin name for
between well-preserved alveolar walls, and additional Copenhagen where the discovery was made.
large areas of scar tissue (189). This observation was similar Hafnium was also identified by X-ray fluorescence analy-
to that noted in another study published a few years previ- sis and by neutron activation analysis in a chronosequence of
ously, where the authors called it “Zirconium lung” (190). soils in the Indiana Dunes. It was leached along with tita-
nium, selenium, and heavy lanthanides associated with heavy
minerals, particularly, iron oxides, in the very fine sand
19.2 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
fraction (0.05–0.1 mm) of the Indiana Dunes soils (194).
NIOSH has a REL of 5 mg/m3 as Zr and a STEL value of The primary commercial source of hafnium is zircon,
10 mg/m3 (93). As of June 2005, the OSHA TWA has zirconium orthosilicate, which is inert and refractory and
remained at 5 mg/m3 (91). A TLV-TWA has been developed is obtained during the mining of rutile and ilmenite mineral
by ACGIH (92). sands. Zircon sands contain 2% hafnium oxide but higher
concentrations are found in altered zircons such as cyrtolite,
malacon, alvite, and na€egite. Resources of hafnium in the
19.3 Studies on Environmental Impact
United States are estimated at about 130,000 tons in 2009,
Zircaloy hazards associated with the shear/leach operation at available in the 14million ton domestic resources of zircon
the second Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant (THORP) at (8). World resources of hafnium are associated with those of
the Sellafield factory were examined. Potential hazards of the zircon and baddeleyite and exceeded 1 million tons in 2009.
process include Zircaloy dust explosions in the vicinity of the The statistics of hafnium imports and prices for 2005–2009
shear and either dry or submerged ignition layers. With are presented in Table 13.6.

Table 13.6. Statistics of Hafnium Imports and Prices—United States, 2005–2009a

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 (est.)
Imports (metric tons)
Hafnium, unwrought, waste, and scrap 4 4 4 12 5
Hafnium sponge (dollars per kg) 235 194 250 343 648
Adapted from U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries, 2010.

It is extremely difficult to separate hafnium from zirco- tributyl phosphate, and (3) fractional crystallization of the
nium. Some of the methods used in the laboratory for double fluorides (195). Three industrial methods are nor-
separating it from zirconium are (1) solvent extraction of mally used to separate hafnium and zirconium: (1) liquid–
thiocyanates by hexone, (2) solvent extraction of nitrates by liquid extraction (2) molten salt distillation, and (3) fluor-
ozirconate crystallization. Different hafnium compounds are
obtained from zircon using different procedures. Figure 13.1
presents a flowchart for obtaining the various hafnium
compounds, as well as the different forms of hafnium
Cracking from zircon.
(coke + Cl2) SiCl4 Another method used a pressurized ion-exchange column
to separate hafnium from zirconium. Basically, the hafnium
(ZrHf)Cl4 and zirconium sulfate complex was separated by chro-
a. Liquid–liquid extraction
matographic elution from Dowex 50W-X8 (15–25 mm)
a. Sublimation resin with sulfuric acid solutions. Fluorometric and colori-
b. Precipitation
b. Distillation
ZrCl2 c. Calcination metric reagents were used to monitor the column effluents
continuously. Because neither the fluorometric nor the colori-
a. Chlorination
Various hafnium metric reagent was specific for either hafnium or zirconium,
HfCl4 HfO4
chemicals peak patterns were identified using the stable isotopes 90 Zr
b. Sublimation and 180Hf as “fingerprints” of their elution position (196). An
a. Molten salt a. Magnesium reduction unseparated fraction was also obtained that was thought to be a
electrolysis b. Vacuum distillation polymeric hydrolytic product.
b. Salt leach
Some physical properties of hafnium and its compounds
are presented in Table 13.7.
Hf metal Hf metal
crystals sponge

20.0 Hafnium
20.0.1 CAS Number
Iodine bar refining Electron beam refining

20.0.2 Synonyms
Celtium; elemental hafnium; hafnium metal; hafnium plate;
Vacuum arc melting hafnium foil; hafnium wire

20.0.3 Trade Names

Hf ingot

Forging, rolling, extrusion, drawing 20.0.4 Molecular Weight

Hafnium bar, plate, strip, foil, tube, wire
20.0.5 Molecular Formula
Figure 13.1. Flowchart of hafnium production from zircon. Hf
Table 13.7. Physical and Chemical Properties of Hafnium and Its Compounds
CAS Molecular Molecular Boiling Melting Specific Solubility in
Compound Number Formula Weight. Point ( C) Point ( C) Gravity Water (68 F) Reference
Hafnium [7440-58-6] Hf 178.49 4603 2233 13.31 Insoluble
Hafnium beryllide HfBe13 1595 3.93
Hafnium beryllide HfBe17 ,1750 4.78
Hafnium diboride [12007-23-7] HfB2 200.11 3100 10.5
Hafnium boride [12228-27-2] HfB 189.3 Dec. at 210
Hafnium dodecaboride [32342-52-2]
c d a
Hafnium bromide, hafnium tetrabromide [13777-22-5] HfBr4 498.11 323 424 4.90
Hafnium carbide [12069-85-1] HfC 190.50 3000 12.2
c a
Hafnium chloride [13499-05-3] HfCl4 320.30 317 432d Reacts with water
Hafnium fluoride, hafnium tetrafluoride [13709-52-9] HfF4 254.48 970c . 970 7.1
Hafnium hydride [12770-26-2] HfH2 180.51 11.4
c d a
Hafnium iodide, hafnium tetraiodide [13777-23-6] HfI4 686.11 394 449 5.6
Hafnium nitride [25817-87-2] HfN 192.50 3305 13.8
Hafnium orthosilicate [13870-13-8] HfSiO4 270.57 7.0
Hafnium oxide [12055-23-1] HfO2 210.49 2774 9.68 Insoluble
Hafnium oxychloride octahydrate [14456-34-9] HfOCl28H2O 409.52 Decomposes Soluble
Hafnium phosphide [12325-59-6] HfP 209.46 9.78
Hafnium selenide [12162-21-9] HfSe2 336.41 7.46
Hafnium silicide [12401-56-8] HfSi2 234.66 1700 7.6
Hafnium sulfate [15823-43-5] Hf(SO4)2 370.62 Decomposes . 500
Hafnium sulfide [18855-94-2] HfS2 242.62 6.03
Adapted from CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, CRC Press, 78th ed., Boca Raton, FL, 1997–1998.
Adapted from CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, CRC Press, 67th ed., Boca Raton, FL, 1986–1987.
Sublimation point.
Triple point.

20.1 Chemical and Physical Properties 20.2 Production and Use

Hafnium is a gray, ductile metal that melts at 2227  20 C. Almost all of the hafnium metal currently produced in the
It is insoluble in water but soluble (presumably by reaction) United States is obtained by reducing its tetrachloride or
in hydrofluoric acid. hydrofluorohafniate with magnesium or with sodium using
The normal stable valence of hafnium is four, which is also the Kroll process (203). It is then followed by a refining
its maximum valence. However, hafnium forms compounds process, whereby electron beam melting of the hafnium in
with coordination numbers of six, seven, and eight, thus high vacuum removes all impurities whose partial pressure at
forming numerous complex ions. the surface of the melt is greater than the vapor pressure of
In powder or granular form, hafnium may spontaneously hafnium.
ignite on contact with air at room temperature to form a more Hafnium is also extracted from cyrtolite (204) and as a
stable oxide film. It also ignites on contact with nitrogen, by-product during the production of hafnium-free nuclear
phosphorus, and sulfur at higher temperatures. It may also grade zirconium. Other methods of production of hafnium
explosively decompose due to shock, friction, concussion, or are thermal decomposition of its iodide and reduction of its
on violent reaction with strong oxidizing agents and with oxide with a mixture of calcium and sodium (118, 195).
halogens (197–199). Hafnium is prepared by reducing its oxide or fluoride with
Hafnium is readily soluble in hydrofluoric acid, is slowly calcium metal that is an excellent reducing agent (118).
attacked by concentrated sulfuric acid, but is unaffected by The formulations and preparations of hafnium are avail-
nitric acid, dilute hydrochloric or sulfuric acids, or by alkalis. able in sponge, iodide bar, ingot, wrought products from bar
However, if traces of fluoride are present, all mineral acids to foil, wire (205), or in chunk or particulate form, specifi-
attack hafnium. cally for alloying (206).
Hafnium reacts with carbon, nitrogen, or oxygen at high The largest use of hafnium is in superalloys (with 1–2%
temperatures to form a fine dispersion of hafnium carbide, hafnium) that are used for cast vanes and turbine blades in the
nitride, or oxide that provides a second-phase particle hottest stages following the combustion zone of jet aircraft
dispersion strengthening. Small additions of hafnium and engines. It is extensively used as shielding material and as
carbon react to form second-phase dispersions in tantalum, control rods in thermal nuclear reactors because (1) of its
molybdenum, and tungsten alloys (200–202). thermal neutron cross section (it is about 600 times that of
The chemistry of hafnium is almost identical with that of zirconium) and (2) it can absorb and give up heat twice as fast
zirconium, just like deuterium is similar to hydrogen. The as zirconium or titanium. Hafnium is also used in control rods
separation process for hafnium and zirconium depends upon in pressurized water reactors to power many naval vessels
the difference in equilibrium constants of the same reaction because of its excellent hot water (450 C) corrosion resis-
rather than upon different reactions of the two elements. A tance, good ductility and machinability, and large neutron
few qualitative differences in chemical behavior exist absorption cross section (207). It also has an advantage over
between hafnium and zirconium (192): many other neutron absorbers, including boron, because its
cross section does not decrease markedly after long periods
1. Rufigallic acid gives a red solution with either hafnium of irradiation. This stability permits the formation of many
or zirconium in a moderately acidic solution of hydro- stable isotopes of hafnium, whereby the neutron absorption
chloric acid, but on increasing the acidity, only the by one hafnium isotope results in the formation of a new
hafnium solution turns yellow. hafnium isotope that also has a large absorption cross section.
2. Both hafnium and zirconium form 1:1 complexes with Hafnium is also used as construction material in space
beta-hydronaphthazarin, but only zirconium also technology and in jet engines (200). Because of its neutron
forms a 1:2 complex. absorption capabilities, alloys of hafnium are used as
3. The compound Hf(NO3)4N2O5 is obtained as a subli- separator sheets for spent nuclear fuel rods in interim
mate that contains only hafnium when reagents con- holding ponds. It is also used in high-temperature applica-
taining both hafnium and zirconium are sublimed. tion alloys, for example, superalloys and refractory metal
4. In strong hydrochloric acid solution, Neothorin gives a alloys, to improve the high-temperature tensile and creep
red-violet solution or precipitate with hafnium but a strength (207).
blue-violet one with zirconium. Hydrogen peroxide Hafnium acts as a strengthening agent in refractory alloys;
alters the color of the zirconium complex to orange and the addition of small quantities of hafnium to molybdenum,
that of the hafnium complex to pink. niobium, tantalum, and tungsten alloys imparts a dispersed
second-phase strengthener. The addition of 1–2% hafnium in
5. Addition of diarsine to a solution of zirconium tetra-
solid solution to nickel-based superalloys yielded significant
chloride in tetrahydrofuran leads to the rapid precipi-
improvements in high-temperature ductility, as well as ten-
tation of an adduct. The hafnium analog precipitates
sile and creep strength (120).
only after a delay.

Another application for hafnium is in cemented carbide Compounds of Hafnium and Their Properties
cutting tools. Hafnium–niobium carbide solid solutions are
Most of the hafnium compounds have no commercial value
a satisfactory replacement for increasingly scarce tantalum
except as intermediates in the production of hafnium metal.
carbide in steel cutting grades of cemented carbides in both
The carbide, nitride, and oxide of hafnium are more refrac-
roughing and light finishing grades (208).
tory than their counterparts of the other group IV elements in
Potential exposures to hafnium can be determined by using
the periodic table.
NIOSH method #S194 found in NIOSH Manual of Analytical
Methods, 2nd ed., Vol. 5, August 1979.
21.0 Hafnium Tetrachloride
20.3 Toxic Effects 21.0.1 CAS Number
20.3.1 Experimental Studies [13499-05-3] Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity. The lungs
may be affected by repeated or prolonged exposure to 21.0.2 Synonym
hafnium. The liver may also be affected (209). Hafnium chloride

20.3.2 Human Experience 21.0.3 Trade Names

Inhalation (209): Hafnium can be absorbed into the body NA

by inhalation of its aerosol.
Prevention: Avoid inhaling fine dust and mist by using 21.0.4 Molecular Weight
local exhaust ventilation or appropriate breathing 320.30
Skin: Prevention: Use protective gloves. First aid:
21.0.5 Molecular Formula
Remove contaminated clothes; rinse and wash skin
with soap and water. Cl4Hf
Eyes: Acute hazards: irritant; causes redness. Prevention:
Use safety spectacles. 21.0.6 Molecular Structure
Ingestion: Prevention: Do not eat, drink, or smoke during
work. Always wash hands before eating. Cl–
Spillage disposal: Evacuate danger area. Eliminate all Cl– Hf4+ Cl–
sources of ignition. Do not wash away into sewer
because it is flammable. Do not absorb in sawdust
or other combustible absorbents. Wet the powder to
prevent formation of dust or ignition; carefully collect 21.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
the powder into sealable containers, and remove it to a
safe place. During this procedure, use extra personal 21.1.1 General
protection, for example, a P2 filter respirator for Hafnium tetrachloride is a white, monoclinic crystalline solid
harmful particles. that volatilizes at 250 C. It reacts immediately with water to
Storage: Store hafnium in a fireproof area. Keep it sepa- form hafnium oxychloride and hydrogen chloride. It also
rate from strong oxidizing agents, strong bases, reacts with almost all oxygen-containing organic compounds
halogens, phosphorus, and sulfur. Keep it stored and molten alkaline halides to form addition compounds.
under water (210). It reacts with steam or air to form finely divided hafnium
dioxide. Hafnium tetrachloride can be reduced to lower
chlorides by reaction with hafnium metal or by reaction
20.4 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of
with aluminum metal in liquid aluminum chloride (211).
Some physical properties of hafnium tetrachloride are pre-
A TLV-TWA has been developed by ACGIH (92). Evapora- sented in Table 13.7.
tion at 20 C is negligible; however, a harmful concentration Hafnium tetrachloride is made (1) by reacting chlorine
of airborne particles can be reached quickly on dispersal. with hafnium at 317 C, (2) from a mixture of hafnium
The NIOSH REL (93) is 0.5 mg/m3, and the OSHA PEL and oxide and carbon above 700 C, or (3) by reacting carbon
TWA is 0.5 mg/m3 (91). tetrachloride with hafnium oxide above 450 C.

21.2 Toxic Effects 22.0.5 Molecular Formula

21.2.1 Experimental Studies HfO2 Acute Toxicity
22.0.6 Molecular Structure
Skin irritation: The application of hafnium tetrachloride
to the intact skin of six rabbits for 24 h caused mild
irritation that lasted for 3 days. When applied similarly
to abraded skin of rabbits, severe irritation and ulcera- O
tion were noted (209).
Eye irritation: Transient irritation and redness were
22.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
observed in three rabbits following the instillation of
1 mg hafnium tetrachloride; this was due to the con- Hafnium monoxide and hafnium dioxide are known but only
version of hafnium tetrachloride to hafnium oxychlor- the dioxide is stable under ordinary conditions. Hafnium
ide in the eye fluid (209). dioxide is formed as white, cubic crystals and is insoluble in
water. Some properties of hafnium dioxide are presented in Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity Table 13.7.
Oral: When hafnium tetrachloride was added to the diet of Hafnium monoxide may be formed at temperatures higher
groups of six male and six female rats at 0.01%, 0.1%, or 1% than 2000 C, particularly when the partial pressure of oxy-
for 12 weeks (ca. 500 mg/kg body weight), there were no gen is low. When hafnium metal is melted in an electron
adverse effects on survival, growth, or blood parameters. beam melting furnace, the monoxide is probably formed. The
Microscopic examination of a limited range of major tissues dioxide is formed by the ignition of hafnium metal or its
revealed liver effects (vacuolization and granulation) in carbide, tetrachloride, sulfide, boride nitride, or hydrous
almost all animals at the 1% dietary level and only in oxide.
some animals at the lower levels (122). Hafnium tetrachlo- Hafnium dioxide melts at 2774 C. At room temperature,
ride would also have transformed into hafnium oxychloride hafnium dioxide is slowly dissolved by hydrofluoric acid.
in the gastrointestinal tract. At elevated temperatures, hafnium dioxide reacts with con-
centrated sulfuric acid or with alkali bisulfates to form various
sulfates. It also reacts with carbon tetrachloride or with
21.3 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines
chlorine in the presence of carbon to form hafnium tetrachlo-
of Exposure
ride and with alkalies to form alkaline hafnates. Above
A TLV-TWA has been developed by ACGIH (92). Evapora- 1500 C, it reacts with carbon to form hafnium carbide.
tion at 20 C is negligible; however, a harmful concentration
of airborne particles can be reached quickly on dispersal. The
NIOSH REL (93) is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf, and the OSHA PEL and 22.2 Toxic Effects
TWA is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf (91). 22.2.1 Experimental Studies Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity. Oral admin-
22.0 Hafnium Dioxide istration of hafnium dioxide at 2 g/kg body weight for
1 month to an unspecified number of guinea pigs showed
22.0.1 CAS Number
no changes in survival, growth, or blood parameters (210).
[12055-23-1] Only slightly increased liver weight and decreased kidney
and spleen weights were noted, but they were not statistically
22.0.2 Synonyms significant. Microscopic examination showed a diffuse thick-
ening of the alveolar walls and some granulation of the
Hafnium(IV) oxide; hafnium oxide, 99.9%; hafnium oxide; cytoplasm in the liver (210).

22.0.3 Trade Names 22.3 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure

NA A TLV-TWA has been developed by ACGIH (92). Evapora-

tion at 20 C is negligible; however, a harmful concentration
of airborne particles can be reached quickly on dispersal.
22.0.4 Molecular Weight
The NIOSH REL (93) is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf, and the OSHA
210.49 PPEL and TWA is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf (91).

23.0 Hafnium Sulfate water or by dissolving hydrous hafnium oxide in hydrochlo-

ric acid. Repeated crystallization of hafnium oxide chloride
23.0.1 CAS Number
using concentrated hydrochloric acid is the classical method
[15823-43-5] of obtaining hafnium salts free of all metallic impurities
except zirconium. On heating, it rapidly loses both water and
23.0.2 Synonym hydrochloric acid. On continued heating, it decomposes
further to yield hafnium dioxide. Hafnium oxide chloride
Sulfuric acid, hafnium (4þ) salt (2:1)
is soluble in water. Its solubility in hydrochloric acid
decreases with increasing acid strength but increases greatly
23.0.3 Trade Names
at higher temperatures. Hafnium oxide chloride is the starting
NA material for preparing other hafnium compounds. Some
properties of hafnium oxychloride octahydrate are presented
23.0.4 Molecular Weight in Table 13.7.
24.2 Toxic Effects

23.1 Chemical and Physical Properties 24.2.1 Experimental Studies

Hafnium sulfate is a white, crystalline solid that decomposes Acute Toxicity.
at temperatures above 500 C (204, 211). Some properties of
hafnium sulfate are presented in Table 13.7. Eye irritation: Transient irritation and redness were
observed in three rabbits following the instillation of
1 mg hafnium tetrachloride; the hafnium tetrachloride
23.2 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of would have been converted to hafnium oxychloride in
Exposure the eye fluid. However, the instillation of 0.1 mL of
A TLV-TWA has been developed by ACGIH (92). Evapora- 0.1% hafnium oxychloride at pH 2.1 did not irritate the
tion at 20 C is negligible; however, a harmful concentration eyes of six rabbits (209).
of airborne particles can be reached quickly on dispersal. The In groups of five guinea pigs, intradermal injection
NIOSH REL (93) is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf, and the OSHA PEL and of 0.001% hafnium oxychloride (solvent, unspecified)
TWA is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf (91). caused mild irritation, and severe irritation with scar
formation was noted at concentrations of 1% and
higher (209).
24.0 Hafnium Oxychloride Octahydrate Intradermal: A single intradermal injection of 0.02 mL of
24.0.1 CAS Number 0.08% hafnium oxychloride (ca. 0.8 mg/kg body
weight) in saline into the ear lobe of 20 mice caused
[14456-34-9] local dysplasia and hyperplasia and produced a chon-
dral mass in all animals after 2 months (214).
24.0.2 Synonyms
Hafnium chloride oxide octahydrate; hafnium oxide chloride 24.2.2 Human Experience
octahydrate; hafnium dichloride octahydrate; hafnium
dichloride oxide, 98þ% (metals bais) (Zr 1.5%) General Information. An intradermal injection
of 0.02 mL of a 0.001% solution of hafnium oxychloride in
24.0.3 Trade Names saline induced no local reactions in 77 subjects when checked
up to 9 months after the injection (215).

24.0.4 Molecular Weight 24.3 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of

A TLV-TWA has been developed by ACGIH (92). Evapora-
tion at 20 C is negligible; however, a harmful concentration
24.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
of airborne particles can be reached quickly on dispersal.
Hafnium oxychloride octahydrate occurs as white tetragonal The NIOSH REL (93) is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf, and the OSHA PEL
crystals that form when hafnium tetrachloride reacts with and TWA is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf (91).

25.0 Hafnium Beryllides 26.1 Chemical and Physical Properties

25.1 Chemical and Physical Properties 26.1.1 General
25.1.1 General Hafnium is formed into Hf borides to obtain high electrical
conductivity and positive coefficients of electrical resistiv-
Hafnium forms two kinds of beryllides (HfBe13 and HfBe17)
ity. Such borides have high melting points, great hardness,
by a solid-state reaction of the blended powder constituents at
low coefficients of thermal expansion, and good chemical
1200 C. Further fabrication of the reacted powders into
stability (217). Hafnium diboride (HfB2) is a gray, crystal-
specific shapes is carried out by vacuum hot pressing or
line solid. It is usually prepared by reacting hafnium oxide
hot isostatic pressing. Some properties of the two beryllides
with carbon and either boron oxide or boron carbide.
are presented in Table 13.7.
Hafnium diboride can also be prepared from mixtures of
The beryllides are intermetallic compounds and are hard,
hafnium tetrachloride, boron trichloride, and hydrogen
strong materials that exhibit little ductility at room tempera-
above 2000 C or by direct synthesis from the respective
ture. Strength properties increase gradually as a function of
elements. Hafnium diboride is attacked by hydrofluoric acid
temperature up to about 870 C, above which a sharp increase
but is resistant to nearly all other reagents at room tempera-
in strength occurs that peaks at about 1260 C. These ber-
ture (110). Hafnium dodecaboride (HfB12) is prepared by
yllides exhibit excellent oxidation resistance, high strength at
direct synthesis from the elements hafnium and boron.
elevated temperature, good thermal conductivity, and low
Some properties of hafnium boride are presented in
densities (216).
Table 13.7.

25.2 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of

Exposure 26.2 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of
A TLV-TWA has been developed by ACGIH (92). Evapora-
tion at 20 C is negligible; however, a harmful concentration A TLV-TWA has been developed by ACGIH (92). Evapora-
of airborne particles can be reached quickly on dispersal. The tion at 20 C is negligible; however, a harmful concentration
NIOSH REL (93) is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf, and the OSHA PEL and of airborne particles can be reached quickly on dispersal. The
TWA is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf (91). NIOSH REL (93) is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf, and the OSHA PEL and
TWA is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf (91).
26.0 Hafnium Borides
26.0.1 CAS Numbers 27.0 Hafnium Borohydride

[12228-27-2] (hafnium boride); [12007-23-7] (hafnium 27.0.1 CAS Number

diboride); [32342-52-2] (hafnium dodecaboride). [25869-93-6]

26.0.2 Synonyms
27.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
Hafnium boride, 99% (metals basis); hafnium diboride.
Hafnium borohydride is the most volatile hafnium compound
26.0.3 Trade Names (mp 29 C, bp 118 C). It is prepared by reacting sodium
fluorohafniate with aluminum borohydride for several days at
NA room temperature, followed by distillation of the hafnium
borohydride by fractionation to separate it from the alumi-
26.0.4 Molecular Weights num borohydride (218).
189.3 (hafnium boride); 200.11 (hafnium diboride)

26.0.5 Molecular Formula 27.2 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of

BHf (hafnium boride); B2Hf (hafnium diboride); B12Hf
A TLV-TWA has been developed by ACGIH (92). Evapora-
(hafnium dodecaboride)
tion at 20 C is negligible; however, a harmful concentration
of airborne particles can be reached quickly on dispersal.
26.0.6 Molecular Structure
The NIOSH REL (93) is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf, and the OSHA PEL
Hf B and TWA is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf (91).

28.0 Hafnium Carbide 29.0 Hafnium Tetrafluoride

28.0.1 CAS Number 29.0.1 CAS Number
[12069-85-1] [13709-52-9]

28.0.2 Synonyms
29.0.2 Synonyms
Hafnium fluoride; hafnium fluoride, 99.99%
28.0.3 Trade Names
NA 29.0.3 Trade Names
28.0.4 Molecular Weight
190.50 29.0.4 Molecular Weight
28.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
Hafnium carbide is formed as refractory cubic crystals. Some 29.0.5 Molecular Formula
properties of hafnium carbide are presented in Table 13.7. F4Hf

29.0.6 Molecular Structure

28.2 Production and Use
Hafnium carbide is a dark gray, brittle solid. It can be F–
prepared by heating a mixture of the elements or by reacting F– Hf4+ F–
hafnium tetrachloride with methane at 2100 C. Sufficient F–
quantities of hafnium oxide or hafnium metal sponge are
obtained during the large-scale production of pure zirconium
for nuclear reactors. On an industrial scale, hafnium carbide 29.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
can be produced from the hydrided hafnium sponge at Hafnium tetrafluoride forms white, monoclinic crystals.
1500–1700 C or from hafnium oxide at 2000–2200 C by Some properties of hafnium tetrafluoride are presented in
carburization in vacuo in the presence of hydrogen. Table 13.7.
The resulting carbide contains almost the theoretical quantity
of carbon (6.30% C) and a maximum of 0.1% free car-
bon (219). The hafnium carbide obtained is not a true 29.2 Production and Use
stoichiometric compound as much as a solution of carbon
at specific interstitial sites of a face-centered cubic hafnium Hafnium tetrafluoride is prepared by careful thermal
lattice (220). decomposition of ammonium fluorohafniate in an oxy-
Hafnium carbide is inert to most reagents at room temper- gen-free atmosphere or by passing anhydrous hydrogen
ature but is dissolved by hydrofluoric acid solutions. fluoride over hafnium tetrachloride at 300 C. Direct syn-
Hafnium carbide reacts exothermally with halogens at thesis from the elements is incomplete because the product
250–500 C to form hafnium tetrahalide, and to form hafnium merely forms a film on the metal. Ammonium fluorohafni-
oxide with oxygen above 500 C. In the presence of hydrogen, ate can be prepared by crystallization from an aqueous
hafnium carbide slowly loses some of its carbon at higher hydrofluoric acid solution by adding ammonium
temperatures (220). fluoride (110).

28.3 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of 29.3 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of

Exposure Exposure
A TLV-TWA has been developed by ACGIH (92). Evapora- A TLV-TWA has been developed by ACGIH (92). Evapora-
tion at 20 C is negligible; however, a harmful concentration tion at 20 C is negligible; however, a harmful concentration
of airborne particles can be reached quickly on dispersal. of airborne particles can be reached quickly on dispersal.
The NIOSH REL (93) is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf, and the OSHA PEL The NIOSH REL (93) is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf, and the OSHA PEL
and TWA is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf (91). and TWA is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf (91).

30.0 Hafnium Tetrabromide 31.0.3 Trade Names

30.0.1 CAS Number NA
31.0.4 Molecular Weight:
30.0.2 Synonyms 686.11
Hafnium bromide; hafnium bromide, ultra dry, anhydrous,
31.0.5 Molecular Formula
98.5% (metals basis).
30.0.3 Trade Names
31.0.6 Molecular Structure

30.0.4 Molecular Weight I–

I– Hf4+ I–
498.11 I–

30.0.5 Molecular Formula

31.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
Hafnium tetraiodide forms yellow-orange cubic crystals that
30.0.6 Molecular Structure are produced by the reaction of iodine with hafnium metal at
or above 300 C. Above 1200 C, the iodide dissociates to
form hafnium metal and iodine, which is the method used
Br– Hf4+ Br–
in the iodide bar refining process. Hafnium tetraiodide is
Br– reported to have three stable crystalline forms at
263–405 C (221). Some properties of hafnium tetraiodide
are presented in Table 13.7.
30.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
30.1.1 General 31.2 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of
Hafnium tetrabromide forms white, cubic crystals and is very Exposure
similar to the tetrachloride in both its physical and chemical A TLV-TWA has been developed by ACGIH (92). Evapora-
properties. Some properties of hafnium tetrabromide are tion at 20 C is negligible; however, a harmful concentration
presented in Table 13.7. of airborne particles can be reached quickly on dispersal. The
NIOSH REL (93) is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf, and the OSHA PEL and
TWA is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf (91).
30.2 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of
A TLV-TWA has been developed by ACGIH (92). Evapora- 32.0 Hafnium Sulfide
tion at 20 C is negligible; however, a harmful concentration 32.0.1 CAS Number
of airborne particles can be reached quickly on dispersal.
The NIOSH REL (93) is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf, and the OSHA PEL [18855-94-2]
and TWA is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf (91).
32.0.2 Synonym
31.0 Hafnium Tetraiodide Hafnium disulfide
31.0.1 CAS Number
32.0.3 Trade Names
31.0.2 Synonyms
32.0.4 Molecular Weight
Hafnium iodide; hafnium iodide, ultra dry, anhydrous, 98.5%
(metals basis). 242.62

32.1 Chemical and Physical Properties 34.0 Hafnium Nitride

Hafnium sulfide is formed as purple-brown hexagonal crystals. 34.0.1 CAS Number
Several sulfides (Hf2S, HfS, and HfS2) have been prepared by
reacting hafnium and sulfur at 500 C or by passing hydrogen
sulfide over heated platinum powder. Only the disulfide is
34.0.2 Synonym
well characterized and has good lubricating properties. Some
properties of hafnium sulfide are presented in Table 13.7. Hafnium mononitride

34.0.3 Trade Names

32.2 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
A TLV-TWA has been developed by ACGIH (92). Evapora-
tion at 20 C is negligible; however, a harmful concentration
of airborne particles can be reached quickly on dispersal. 34.0.4 Molecular Weight
The NIOSH REL (93) is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf, and the OSHA PEL 192.50
and TWA is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf (91).
34.0.5 Molecular Formula
33.0 Hafnium Hydride HfN
33.0.1 CAS Number
34.0.6 Molecular Structure
Hf N
33.0.2 Synonyms
NA 34.1 Chemical and Physical Properties
Hafnium nitride is formed as yellow-brown, cubic crystals
33.0.3 Trade Names and is prepared by heating hafnium metal to 1000–1500 C
NA in an atmosphere of nitrogen or ammonia. It can also be
prepared by reacting hafnium tetrachloride vapor with nitro-
33.0.4 Molecular Weight gen in a hydrogen atmosphere at temperatures higher than
1000 C. Some properties of hafnium nitride are presented in
180.51 Table 13.7.
Hafnium nitride is a brittle solid. The deposition of a thin
33.1 Chemical and Physical Properties layer of hafnium nitride on steel grade, cemented carbide,
cutting tools reduces frictional forces and wear, thus increas-
Hafnium hydride is formed as refractory, tetrahedral crystals. ing the life of the tool by a factor of 6–8 (110).
Hafnium hydride is usually produced as an intermediate in
the process of making hafnium powder from mass hafnium
metal. Hafnium reacts reversibly with hydrogen to form 34.2 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
hydride, and the proportion of hydrogen depends upon the
A TLV-TWA has been developed by ACGIH (92). Evapora-
temperature and pressure of hydrogen used. As hydrogen is
tion at 20 C is negligible; however, a harmful concentration
absorbed, the hafnium transforms from the hexagonal metal
of airborne particles can be reached quickly on dispersal.
to the face-centered cubic hydride and then to the face-
The NIOSH REL (93) is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf, and the OSHA PEL
centered tetragonal hydride. Hafnium hydride is brittle
and TWA is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf (91).
and is easily crushed to very fine particles sizes (110).
Some properties of hafnium hydride are presented in
Table 13.7. 35.0 Hafnium Dihydride
35.1 Toxic Effects
33.2 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure
35.1.1 Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity
A TLV-TWA has been developed by ACGIH (92). Evapora-
tion at 20 C is negligible; however, a harmful concentration The instillation of 50 mg hafnium dihydride in rats increased
of airborne particles can be reached quickly on dispersal. levels of serum enzymes after 3–6 months, indicating a
The NIOSH REL (93) is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf, and the OSHA PEL possible effect on liver function. After 6 months, there was
and TWA is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf (91). biochemical evidence of mild fibrotic changes in the lungs.

The researchers also mentioned that microscopic examina- phenyl-1,3-butanedionato)hafnium bromide, or tris
tion revealed muscular swelling in the heart; fatty changes (1-phenyl-1,3-butanedionato)hafnium monochloride
in the liver; and damage to the lungs, kidneys, and at 80, 132, or 223 mg/kg body weight, respec-
spleen (222). tively (227).
Muscular weakness, reduced activity, eye closing,
and weight loss were observed in mice given hafnocene
35.2 Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines of Exposure dichloride at a dose of 20 mg/kg body weight or
A TLV-TWA has been developed by ACGIH (92). Evapora- higher (227, 228).
tion at 20 C is negligible; however, a harmful concentration Intratracheal: Nine months following the instillation of
of airborne particles can be reached quickly on dispersal. 50 mg hafnium dioxide or hafnium carbide into the
The NIOSH REL (93) is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf, and the OSHA PEL windpipe of rats, the lungs showed a pronounced cell
and TWA is 0.5 mg/m3 as Hf (91). reaction accompanied by moderate fibrosis of the
alveolar walls (air sac) (210).

Other Miscellaneous Data on Hafnium Compounds Repeated Exposure

Nonhuman Single Exposure
Intraperitoneal: When a hafnium gluconate complex was
administered to rats at about 2–3 g hafnium/kg body
Oral: Rat LD50 (compound not mentioned) was reported
weight/day for apparently 10 days, half of the treated
as 2362 mg/kg body weight (body weight) (165).
animals died (224).
Groups of five rats survived when given a 5 mg dose
(approximately 25 mg/kg body weight) of hafnium Intravenous: Slower growth was reported in 30 rats given
tetrachloride, hafnium citrate, or hafnium nitilotriace- bis(1-phenyl-1,3-butanedionato)hafnium dichloride at
tate by stomach tube (223). Groups of 7–10 hamsters 14 mg/kg body weight, twice weekly for 10 weeks.
also survived when given hafnium dioxide or hafnium Though one of the treated rats died compared to none in
carbide “orally” (10 mL of solution was placed at the controls (0/30), the death was thought to have been due
back of the tongue) at a dose of 1 mg/kg body to a bacterial infection (229).
weight (223).
According to a translated Soviet study, an unspeci- Other Genotoxicity
fied number of mice survived treatment with hafnium Treatment of DNA derived from mammalian thymus or
dioxide or hafnium carbide up to 10 g/kg body weight salmon testes with hafnocene dichloride resulted in
by stomach tube (210). metal–DNA adduct formation (230).
Intravenous: Rat LD50 for a hafnium sodium mandelate
complex was reportedly equivalent to 75–100 mg haf-
nium/kg body weight (224, 225). A group of 17 rats BIBLIOGRAPHY
also survived when given approximately 3.06 mg haf-
nium (ca. 10 mg/kg body weight) as hafnium sodium 1. I. Melendez, Titanium complexes in cancer treatment. Crit.
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Trace Elem. Res. 641, 197–213 (1998). relating the biological response of the lung to the accumula-
13. S. Y. Margolin, Chem. Abstr. 74, 138748 (1971). tion of inhaled mineral dust. Br. J. Ind. Med. 47, 302–307
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15. R. Elo et al., Pulmonary deposits of titanium dioxide in man. 33. K. E. Driscoll et al., Respiratory tract responses to dust:
Arch. Pathol. 94, 417–424 (1972). relationships between dust burden, lung injury, alveolar
macrophage fibronectin release, and the development of
16. L. C. Maillard and J. Ettori, Bull. Acad. Med. (Paris) 115, 631
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