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The walls and ceiling are coated in a

A barrel-sized sphere rests on a shelf of
an Adventure Location by Michael Prescott fast-growing white lichen. Bare-rock rock. It rests in a shallow depression it
trails have been munched into it by d12 has melted into the rock.
THE SITUATION MUDDY CAVE ENTRANCE faintly glowing apocalypse larvae. Close up, it appears to have been
A humble village enjoys prosperity be- A trickle of water enters the cave sys- The sound of their chewing is audible. made from millions of slender metal
yond all reason, due to the fabulous fire tem here, leaving the ground soft and A long, rickety ladder leans on a needles, all facing outwards. Many are
oil it extracts from a near- sticky with clay-like mud. Child-sized stone column. Below it is a large, bel- missing, some have been crushed, bent
by cave system. footprints are everywhere. A lows-like syringe and four or melted off; othere rendered porous
Only the village small, lost sandal is wax-sealed urns. Two and brittle with acids. Still, a thousand
children perform near the entrance. are full of fire oil. remain. Approaching the sphere is
the harvest- very danger-
ing,, a task ous.
that leaves
of them
marked for-
ever, for the
cave is home
to a fugitive
giant and much
dangerous magic.


Water runs in rivulets down
the slick walls; below the stone
steps, the mud is soft and very
A giant gray hand as big as a Nibolcus’ handprint is pressed
draft horse rests here, sticking out of into a huge, fired clay brick.
the mud. It is the hand of Nibolcus the Sleeping in the handprint allows
Giant. Nibolcus to pass on some of his ar-
The hand doesn’t move unless cane knowledge.
touched, spoken to, or otherwise dis- Among the oil gatherers, this is a
turbed, but careful observers will see rite of passage. Generations of children
a pulse. The middle two fingers have have etched their names into it.
tattooed runes on them, the alphabet MUD POOL
recognizable to any student of written Watery mud seeps The mud is GRAVE OF THE PRODIGIES
magic. They spell ‘suh,’ a word common into a boiling pool. hot enough to Ninety human skulls, adolescents and
to many incancations. Fat, opaque bubbles scald exposed young children, are carefully arranged
The hand appears to be attached to form, grow, and pop, skin. Succumbing in stacks. Each has been carefully
a buried arm, but it’s actually separate. flicking hot mud onto to the heat is a dan- painted with pre-Seree runes with the
It can see, smell and hear by magical the bowl-like walls. ger for anyone falling name of the deceased and some fond
means, and if it needs to can crawl, The pool is ten paces deep and in. The mud contains a moniker or nickname:
spider-like, up the walls and ceilings. conceals the separate, animate mineral that blocks divination and de- Asab too Brave / Huth Generous /
Its behavior depends entirely on Ni- body parts of Nibolcus—his arms, tor- tection magic, which is why Nibolcus Wusel Cleverflame / Barasa Stoutmost
bolcus’s mood. If he speaks, the voice so, legs, and head. When he speaks, his hides within it. The heat is not natural, / Thenn most Gifted / Yurli Knewall /
comes from the mud pool room. mouth (and a bit of his nose) surfaces. and comes from Nibolcus’ innate magic. Gen Foremost / etc.

Copyright © 2018 Michael Prescott — CC-BY-NC 4.0 — c b n a — More at — Supported by v1.0 pg. 1/2
d6 Hourly/Per-Room Encounter bodies sloshing with it. They are slow NIBOLCUS THE GIANT d4 Nibolcus’s Mood
1 Oil gatherers (d4) coming or and passive, but if poked they burst, The Seree had powerful allies in their 1 Rageful—angry that intruders
going with heavy urns. 1 in 4 splashing their lifetime’s collection of war against the gods. Among them were might disturb the sphere or
chance a prodigy leads them. fire oil on everyone nearby. gray giants, first people of the earth, harm the children
skilled in magic and crafty science.
2 d4 prodigies here to practice 2 Haughty—will insist on gifts to
Like the Seree, nothing remains of
honor an “unrivaled sorcerer”
3 d6 prodigies well rested, them but ash—as far as he knows, Ni-
armed, and here to fight with bolcus, Archmage of Firevault, is the 3 Needy—desperately lonely for
the sphere last of his kind. He hides here, unable worldly conversation, he offers
to use his magic or re-assemble his body anything he has to win friends
4 Injured apocalypse larva,
dripping flaming oil and for fear of awakening the sphere. 4 Guilty—inconsolably distraught
threatening to explode He has memorized a library’s worth over the harm he has brought to
of lost natural philosophy, and knows the children over the years.
5 Nibolcus’ left hand having a
dozens of incantations and rituals.
quick look around
Within his chest he holds the souls of older and more magical its target, the
6 Grieving parent from the four friends recovered from the battle- more needles it fires. It ignores chil-
village, come to lament / find a field, awaiting reincarnation. dren, except for prodigies, whom it
gatherer lost to fire / a prodigy Sorgite sigils cover his arms and shoots with one or two needles. Their
killed by the sphere neck, but scoffs at demon worship, horrors have the strength of angry
considering Sorg the Devourer (and in- drunks. Against adults, it fires d6
THE OIL GATHERERS deed, all Powers) a mere ‘natural force’. needles. The resulting horrors are as
A group of twelve children from the vil- strong as gorillas. Wariors face d12
lage knows how to extract fire oil from APPROACHING THE SPHERE needles and horrors with fire-breath-
the apocalypse larvae. They take this The sphere of needles is an autonomous ing, shadow form or regeneration. Sor-
duty and the harvesting procedures FIRE OIL weapon, a remnant of the war between cerers get d20. Their horrors are rhino
very seriously, as mistakes can be le- This extremely flammable oil must be the Seree sorcerers and the Powers of strong, telekinetic, and hurl lightning.
thal. The presence of adults will alarm kept in stoppered containers. If exposed heaven and earth. It came here in pur-
them, for they worry that it will acti- to the air, it evaporates rapidly, form- suit of Nibolcus, and waits for any sign NEEDLE BY NEEDLE
vate the sphere. ing an invisible cloud. After d3 min- of him. Trapped here, Nibolcus is using the
utes, the invisible cloud self-ignites as a It was fashioned by the demigod prodigies to deplete the sphere. Each
THE PRODIGIES blue fireball, splashing any remaining Panur in his war aspect, and it weap- month, he sends one to trigger it. Three
When gatherers turn thirteen, Nibol- liquid oil everywhere. onizes its victims’ memories against others lie in wait to ambush and destroy
cus makes them an offer: if they will Fire oil is prized by miners for its po- them. When it spies a target, it fires one the resulting horror. He has trained
help him fight against ‘cruel Panur’, tency, excellent light, and the fact that or more of its needles with unerring them well, and they nearly always win.
he teaches them magic. Each knows it is self-lighting. A lamp filled with fire accuracy. If they strike, they extract a After a hundred years of this, Nibol-
a handful of war spells: invisibility, oil lights itself with a pop as soon as the victim’s memory and materialize it as cus can taste freedom.
stonegrip, blasting gaze, cyclone shield. wick is exposed, and will yield light for a violently aggressive memory horror. If, however, the sphere somehow lo-
Prodigies are loyal to Nibolcus, but a full day. Metal lamps are preferred! cates him, it fires all of its needles. This
all are scarred, physically and mental- MEMORY HORRORS unleashes a four-headed Sorgite drag-
ly, from their fights with the sphere. HARVESTING FIRE OIL Memory horrors take the form of child- on made of Nibolcus’ long-dead fami-
When they reach adulthood, Nibol- Nibolcus has taught the oil gatherers hood rivals, enemies or bullies; the last ly, whose merest gaze causes internal
cus banishes them from the cave (for how to extract oil from the larva using a truly dangerous opponent faced; an ally bleeding. The dragon will kill Nibolcus,
their own safety). Few sleep soundly. sharpened bellows syringe. Basting the or loved one turned to a murderous and then everything else.
tip in numbwort paste prevents the lar- rage; a parent; a deceased relative or
APOCALYPSE LARVAE va from exploding, and the wounds are beloved pet crawling from the ground.
These fat, white grubs are native to the small enough not to leak afterwards. The sphere is damaged and half
deep places. As they mature, they bloat The extracted oil is then injected into blind; its response is now only propor-
with fire oil, their translucent, sac-like urns sealed with wax, and taken away. tional to age and magical ability. The

Copyright © 2018 Michael Prescott — CC-BY-NC 4.0 — c b n a — More at — Supported by v1.0 pg. 2/2

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