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The wagon is pursued by a pack of

Forest Encounters
Fresh wagon trail—knee-deep,
a Wandering Adventure Location by Michael Prescott wolves, as large as horses. They are crisp grooves in the snow
demons, loosed upon the earth to chase curving gently around the trees.
THE SITUATION the deep, trackless forests for several down the Seree-made wagons. They’ve It’s d20 hours ahead.
Each winter, an ancient, magical weeks before being seen again just be- ruined many over the centuries, but
2-3 Last year’s wagon trail, a gentle
wagon follows a hidden, meandering fore the spring thaw. their number is too few to overpower
dip easily missed unless you look
course through snowy highlands. It The wagon’s course starts (seem- this final one. They follow it, sometimes
down its length. It arrives in d8
offers sanctuary to anyone who can in- ingly out of nowhere) in the lowlands. close, sometimes a league or two be- hours.
tercept it and climb aboard. After looping around several dozen re- hind; they are bound and can’t do any-
mote villages on a months-long route, thing else. 4 A family of exiles, looking for
HIGHLAND FOREST RUMORS the track disappears just as suddenly. The wolves burble as they run, the wagon
• Ruffians know a secret route which sounds like a child blowing into 5 d2 rogues, looking for the wagon
through the mountains—or they ALWAYS WINTER a bottle half-full of spit. Flaming drops
6 The wagon, creaking and
seem to, as they have no trouble Originally, the strange vehicle was a fall from their mouths and hiss in the
grinding along the trail
getting across. tribute wagon, bringing farm produce, snow.
• Each winter, trappers find the delicacies and unusual game from the Bzalt is their leader, though she is 7 d8 demon wolves
tracks of a mighty, horseless wagon. remote villages down to where the Ser- the smallest. She earnestly believes the 8 The body of the fallen wolf
• Villagers tell of a pack of huge ee ruled the region from the lowlands. wagon is a curse upon the earth, and
wolves, forever bound to chase a Now, it skips the lowlands part of will happily accept aid from anyone pelt is flawless and white. Being horri-
quarry they will never catch. the journey entirely. After the last vil- who seems likely to help her catch it. bly wounded has not freed it from its
• A strange wagoner plies the snowy lage, its drivers turn onto a ley line, compulsion to hunt the wagon, but the
forest trails; the poor sometimes and Astin whisks the wagon away in a WAGON HUNTERS inability has made it mad and cruel.
throw themselves upon his mercy. shower of snow. It isn’t seen again until The wolves stay at least a bow’s shot It asks for help in a well mannered
If you vex him, he throws you to his the following winter. from the wagon, unless they have an voice, but strangles do-gooders with in-
wolves. Otherwise, you feast! For those aboard the wagon, no time opportunity: if people approach the testines that rise up as tentacles.
• Years ago now, the King himself passes. There is a brief lurch, and it’s wagon in a group, the wolves will try to
came to our forests to hunt a great suddenly ten months later. use them as concealment or distraction THE EXILES
wagon, hoping for a last meeting in order to get closer. A family of eight seeks the wagon, ex-
with the ghost of his father. TRAIL HAZARDS They leap surprisingly far, easily for- iled from their village after a poor har-
• In these parts, thieves are turned Over the years, the wagon has worn a ty paces. If they reach the wagon, they vest left them begging. They hope to
out of their homes and exiled, narrow track (often hidden by snow) destroy d2 automatons before it vanish- find the “King of Saltbride” aboard, and
told to ‘beg the wagoner,’ for their through the fir trees. The wagon es with a pop (leaving them behind) for plan to beg him for relief.
supper, if he exists. crunches along quietly, leaving deep the season.
• There’s a song they sing in the grooves. If cut, their blood catches fire and APPROACHING THE WAGON
highlands, about a boy lost for six Sometimes the forest breaks into burns with green flames as it becomes The wagon is indeed horseless, and
years who returned fat and happy, clearings, where great drifts of snow exposed to the air. If grievously wound- crunches quietly through the snow. The
but had scarcely aged a day! accumulate. ed, sticky, rope-like tentacles burst occasional clonk of heavy wooden mech-
• That song they sing in the villages Other times the ground becomes from the wound and attack. anisms comes from within, as well as
is completely true. I swear! It was steep and treacherous, and the track snatches of song and merriment.
my uncle! runs along steep ravines where black THE FALLEN WOLF The wagon moves relentlessly at a
rocks claw through the snow. Somewhere along the wagon’s path is jogging speed (~12 leagues/day), mak-
THE WAGON’S COURSE When it meets bare rock or the icy a fallen wolf. It is studded with cross- ing it easy to intercept, but difficult to
The wagon follows a winding, moun- flows of frozen streams, the wagon bow bolts, and its guts have have been catch up with (without horses) if it gets
tainous course near several highland shudders and skids precariously close mashed into the snow. The wagon has ahead of pursuers.
villages. Each year it appears following to the edge, but guided by its experi- run over it every year for a decade. Stepiro throws down a rope ladder
the first snows, and again for several enced drivers, it is as sure-footed as Only demonic willpower keeps it alive. to anyone not obviously hostile who
weeks. In mid-winter, it plunges into any mule. Low flames flicker around it. Still, the draws near.

Copyright © 2018 Michael Prescott — CC-BY-NC 4.0 — c b n a — More at — Supported by v1.0 pg. 1/2
Eight automatons with crossbows Stacks of parcels fill the room, each A rickety lookout tower houses Stepiro, The d20 guests aboard are outcasts and
guard it from the upper deck; several wrapped in dyed paper—painted a gray-haired man with a scarred face. exiles, reformed criminals, orphans and
are legless and nailed to the railings. maps, unreadably dense with elevation Once an assassin, he drowned the heirs the destitute. Few stay long, but some
Only d4 can see from any given an- changes and wagoning haz- of Aridenn, triggering a disas- have been aboard for years. Everyone
gle, except the back, where four can ards, and centuries out of trous war. He guards the top helps as they are able; Astin suggests
fire. They will shoot at the wolves, or date. Inside each is clothing and repairs the automatons. jobs.
to scatter anyone obscuring the wolves. or food—jars of jam, pot- He would be welcome at the
ted meat, sturdy pies. The feast, but hasn’t forgiven him- FEASTING HALL
DRIVER’S HUT walls are decorated with self for his former life. Spiced cider steams atop Three tin cab-
Two wizened gnomes, Winsow and brass navigational instru- in stoves keep spiced cider steaming
Grote, peer out of the cupola windows ments and drafting tools. hot; a half-dozen lanterns throw an
and direct the wagon’s course. They d6 guests too drunk, full, orange glow. The corners hold harps,
bicker about directions, and tolerate no or hoarse for the feasting flutes and fiddles. Hourly dishes
distractions (except philosophy). hall are dozing amid the from the kitchens make a con-
The steering is geared, and must be stacks. stant feast. All are welcome, but
turned many times for even Astin demands song or sau-
slight course changes. cer: prepare a dish from home,
There is no throttle; a or sing your heart. Every effort is
silver-chased gear lever teased, devoured, then applauded.
selects between full-speed
forward full-speed reverse, KITCHENS & ARCHIVES
or ‘neutral’. Changes are The massive cookbook (in its
made sparingly, as the mech- third volume) records everything
anism grinds with each shift. cooked here. The gravy-stained favou-
rites evoke profound feelings of deja vu.
A vestige of its time as a Seree DO I KNOW YOU?
tribute collection wagon, the met- The wagon is a place out of time. Any-
al hooks were once used to grab one searching for someone will find
proffered sacks during drive-by them here—or at least, someone with
pickups. Astin’s magic fills them an uncanny resemblance. Discussions
now: every d100 minutes, bundled held with these people have a mythic
foodstuffs on a looped rope appear, resonance in the wider world.
dangling. Most common are sacks Folklorists and sages in anachronis-
of grain, then dried fruits, cheese, CARGO HOLD tic dress sometimes arrive, hoping to
salt-crusted game, tuns of wine, The large, armored unloading hatches confirm obscure sociological details.
mead, or strong spirits. rattle and creak as the wagon moves.
Inside, the hold is filled with about a ASTIN THE WAGONER
PROW & BATTERING RAM ton of sacks and barrels of food. A huge and portly wizard with chestnut
The lower chassis of the wagon is solid Several floorboards have been skin framed by a white beard. The Ser-
wood, but for the vexed timber inside. CHASSIS & VEXED TIMBER lifted to expose part the ever-rotating ee wagons were his design, centuries
The iron boss is actually the tip of the The source of the wagon’s power is a vexed timber as a makeshift mill. ago; now he repays imperial greed one
timber, and rotates constant as the mighty log, taken from deep in the The resulting flour is blown out with feast at a time. He dozes in his chair
drive turns. The boss is enchanted as underworld and placed in a channel a small bellows—everything here is rather than leave the guests unattend-
a battering ram, and is especially ef- within the chassis. It rebels at being heavily dusted in flour. ed. He sings the loudest, claps longest,
fective against natural obstacles (boul- wrenched to the surface, and its twist- A sarcastic, talking cat (actually a and makes sure those who leave the
ders, fallen trees). These, it obliterates. ing drives the wheels. familiar spirit) keeps the mice down. wagon take a parcel and a gold coin.

Copyright © 2018 Michael Prescott — CC-BY-NC 4.0 — c b n a — More at — Supported by v1.0 pg. 2/2

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