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Vertical dimension and freeway space. A kinesiographic study

Article  in  The Angle Orthodontist · April 1987

DOI: 10.1043/0003-3219(1987)057<0145:VDAFS>2.0.CO;2 · Source: PubMed


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Vertical Dimension and
Freeway Space
Peter A. Konchak
A Kinesiographic Study
Norman R. Thomas
Dennis T. Lanigan
Richard Devon
A statistical correlation is found between the S-N/mandibular
plane angle and clinical freeway space, but there was no correla-
tion after TENS stimulation. The S-N/MP angle did rrot prove to
be a reliable predictor of freeway space.
KEY WORDS: ' FRrElvey spAcE . KrNesrocnapr-l . Resr posrrroN .

reatment of patients with extreme vertical discrepancies poses severe difli-

I culties for the orthodontist. These cases include patients with short faces
and low sella-nasion/mandibular plane (S-N/MP) angles ar one exrreme of the
spectrum, and with long faces and high S-N/MP angles ar the orher. Cephalo-
metric analyses of variations in facial height have not proven adequate ro fully
assess these cases. It is still largely a matter of conjecture ro prognosricate stability
in cases of overbite and openbite corrections in these types of parients.
The vertical position of the maxillary and mandibular dentition is essentially
an equilibrium between occlusal forces and the eruptive forces of the teeth. This
balance may be changed by orthodontics alone, or in combination with orthog-
nathic surgery. A myriad of factors and variables involving bone, teeth, and soft
tissues are involved in changing this balance.
In order to describe the combinations of these variables, orthodontists have
traditionally used a descriptive approach based on a clinical examination and
cephalometric and/or dental cast analyses. As these are static rather than dynamic,
the physiology of the stomatognathic and neuromuscular sysrems can be evalu-
ated only through direct clinical examination.

Peter Konchak is Associate Professor in the Division of Orthodontics at the Universitv o1

Saskatchewan College of Dentistry in_saskatoon. He holds a D.D.S. degree from the Univeisity
of Toronto, Diploma in Paedodontics from the University of Toronto, and Diploma in Orthodon-
tics from the Univer.sity of Alberta.
Norman Thomas is Professor in the Division of Oral Physiology, Faculty of Dentistry, at the
University of Alberta at Edmonton. He holds B.Sc., B.D.S., and Ph.D. degrees, and a C-ertificate
in Oral Pathology.
Dennis Lanigan is Associate Professor in the Department of
Author Address: Diagnostic and Surgical Sciences at the Univeriity of Sas-
Dr. peter A. Konchak in Saskatoon He holds D.M.D. ana V.O.
\atchewan a Certificate in oral Surgerv
of D"nti;;;'
Un i ve rs it!
o r sasrca t;li.ll
5iT T
i,il;'"1 ;i#:i:il' Ji3'ff,:l,i 3t';lT,",il :i
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Saskatchei,'an in "h
Saskatoon. He holds B.Sc. and ph.D.
S7N OWO CANADA degrees,

@The Angle Orthodontist April, 1 987 I +5

Konchak et al.

This investigation was undertaken to dontal ligament, gingiva, tongue, and

evaluate certain morphometric and phys- palate.
iologic properties of the craniofacial com' Despite the likely importance of the
plex and their possible correlation. The freeway space, little information relating
classical orthodontic diagnostic approach vertical dimension ro the freeway space
to diagnosis is through the description of is available in the orthodonric literarure.
what are essentially static relationships WrnNsn (1956) noted that the reasons for
among the teeth, soft tissues, jaws, and differences in the freeway space have not
cranial base. While the morphology of been investigated. Bnnr.rxrnr (1974) felt that
the craniodentofacial complex does have freeway space was ignored in orthodontic
functional ramifications (ScHuov 1964, diagnosis and trearment planning. Lruon-
Sessouxr 1969, aNo PaoI-INI l97o), the ceno (1953) stated that the size ofthe free-
physiologic parameters interacting with way space is related to the structure of
the morphology are almost entirely the faciai skeleton, especially the form of
unknown. The orthodontist is, there- the lower face. In his study, freeway space
fore, in the unenviable position of hav- was found to be negatively correlated
ing to produce a diagnosis, treatment with the anterior lower face height and
plan, and prognosis without benefit of positively with the posterior lower face
information about physiologic influ- height.
ences on the morphology. The basis for an orthodontic assess-
Identical treatment methods used for ment of vertical dimension, according to
what appear to be anatomically similar JnuxnrsoN (1982), is rhe determination of
cases often produce different results. "true" physiologic rest posirion. This is
The reasons for this are unknown, but best elicited using the mandibular kine-
the explanation may reside in the phys- siograph (MKG) and the myomonitor
iologic di{Ierences between individuals (Myotronics Research, 1977). He states
and, in particular, the neuromuscular that "a rational prerequisite to orthodon-
adaptations which coexist with any tic diagnosis is to decondition the mus-
given morphological abnormality. cles by eliminating proprioceptive input
f,l ccrino rrprtinal dimcncinn fn. .rom- from the existrng malposirioned occl'.r-
ple, including the freeway space (fwS), sion." The most rapid eflective means
is essentially an adaptive physiologic for accomplishing this deconditioning of
parameter (Monl 1978, McNaMARA Er AL. the musculature is through transcutane-
r978). ous neural stimulation (TENS) of the
Freeway space has been defined as the motor division of the fifth nerve, includ-
neutral rest position of the mandible ing its proprioceptive fibre content.
which it attains as it is involuntarily sus- Fulrr (1977) and Gooeux auo DrsuEor
pended by the reciprocal coordination of (1975) demonstrated that transcutaneous
the elevator and depressor masticatory stimulation produced deconditioning of
muscles with the upper and lower teeth musculature by reducing muscle spindle
separated (Nrswoucrn r934). McNIMARA Er feedback. The proprioceptive disfacilita-
er-. (1978) state that rest position is influ- tion following TENS has been explained
enced by the activity of the fusimotor by antidromic block via the fifth cranial
system of the elevator muscles through nerve motor fibers (Horrnaeu r9r8, Mac-
psychic input and through stimuli from LADERv 1955, Hor'l,ua 1959), inhibition by
peripheral receptors such as those Iocated upper motor neurons on the motor
in the temporomandibular joint, perio- nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (Tbasoarr

146 April, '1987 The Angle Ofthodontis9

Freeway Space

Er AL. r952), and deactivation of the tion and jaw muscle activity using EMG
gamma motor neuron drive to the muscle and the kinesiograph and reported that
spindles (V,lrrro r97r). clinical rest position is accompanied by
The muscle relaxation that results from muscular activity. Ynnnu auo Brnnv (1969)
TENS-induced proprioceptive disfacilita- conclude that mandibular rest position is
tion of the fifth motor neurons is not a largely governed by an equilibrium of
fatigue phenomenon, as is shown by the elastic forces when the subject is fully
heightened masticatory muscle force fol- relaxed and muscle activity is not funda-
lowing TENS, the elevated maximal mental to the posture. Groncr nNn BooNr
velocity of iaw closure, and the increased (t97il, from their study utilizing the
integrated electromyographic activity of MKG and myomonitor, concluded that
the masticatory musculature during clinical rest position was not coincident
clenching. with minimal muscle activity.
Reduction in the amplitude of the ele-
vator masticatory muscle stretch reflex Objectiae of Pilot Study
(iaw ierk) is also readily evident in post- The specific objective of this investiga-
TENS treated subjects. The amplitude of tion is to ascertain whether there is an
the resting electromyographic activity of association between freeway space, as
the masticatory musculature is also recorded by the mandibular kinesiograph
reduced following TENS. (MKG) before and after stimulation with
The proprioceptive disfacilitation is a myomonitor, and the vertical dimen-
sustained as long as the teeth are not sion of the face as measured by the sella-
brought into occlusion and TENS is main- nasion/mandibular plane (S-N/MP) angle
tained (JrNxErsoN eNo RRoxr 1978). Fuyrr on a lateral cephalograph.
(1977) has found that the proprioceptive
disfacilitation is released at a slightly
Materials and Methods
longer interval than B0-95msec, a time - -
that is clearly not indicative of a fatigue n E subiects were selected from
phenomenon. L Jpatients and staffar rhe University
In the MvornoNrcs (1977) publication, of Alberta. The age range was from 1l
"adaptive" and "true" rest positions of years 3 months to 48 years 2 months.
the mandible are described, and as a cor- These subjects had natural dentitions,
ollary, "adaptive" and "true" freeway and complained of no symptoms sugges-
spaces. Adaptiue freeway space is defined tive of temporomandibular joint
as the interocclusal space that exists when dysfunction.
the patient is instructed to voluntarily
Lateral cephalometric radiographs were
allow the jaw to relax. The nue Jreeway
obtained for each patient with Frankfort
space is defined by Jankelson as the iaw
plane horizontal, and with the mandible
position after transcutaneous electrical
nerve stimulation by the myomonitor.
in the centric occlusion position. S-N/
MP angles were measured, and subjects
Wessberg (VEsssrnc nNn ERxrn r98r,
arranged from low to high S-N/MP
1983, $0rssrrRc Er AL. 1981, r98z) has defined
angles in three groups:
"clinical" and "physiological" rest posi-
tions of the mandible that appear to cor- Group I <25" N:5
respond to Jankelson's "adaptive" and
"true" rest positions of the mandible.
Group II 25-38" N: l5
Rucs .rNu Dneco (198r) studied rest posi- Group III > 38o I.l: 5

@The Angle Orthodontist April, '1987 147

Konchak et al.

Subjects were comfortably seated in a (Thble l). Differences between the pre-
dental chair in a shielded Farady cage, and poststimulation measurements were
and the transcutaneous electrical nerve seen to both increase and decrease with
stimulation instrumentation (myomoni- respect to the adaptive freeway space
tor) and mandibular kinesiograph (MKG) measurement, although the mean differ-
were applied according to Jankelson's ence for each group was seen to be posi-
method (Mvornoutcs 1977, J,rNxrrsoN AND tive (Fig. 3).
Reoxe 1978), with the exception that read- The overall mean "adaptive" and
ings were taken with patients seated "true" freeway spaces for the 25 subjects
rather than standing (Fig. l). in the study was l.8mm and 2.9mm
A constant, repetitive sweep on the respectively. An analysis of variance to
kinesiograph oscilloscope was required compare the adaptive and "true" freeway
before location of either "adaptive" or spaces of these subjects showed a signifi-
"true" rest positions was considered to cant increase in freeway space following
have been determined (Fig. 2). The mea- transcutaneous electrical nerve stimula-
surement of "adaptive" or clinical rest tion(F11,2r1=1 .625) (.01 <P<.02).
position was determined before stimula- This statistical rest also revealed that
tion with TENS. From clinical rest posi- subject variation was significant, indicat-
rion, subjects were instructed to close into ing that not all subfects reacted in the
centric occlusion, and "adaptive" free- same manner to the electrical stimulation
way space was thus determined and (Fpa,251:2'64) (.01 < P < .02).
recorded from a polaroid photograph of An analysis of variance was also per-
the MKG screen. formed to learn whether low (<25') S-
The subjects were then pulsed preauri- N/MP angle subjects behave diflerently
cularly over the motor division of the from medium (25-38') and high (>38")
trigeminal nerve with TENS for a mini- S-N/MP angle subjects. The results
mum of 40 minutes, or until a stable demonstrate no significant variation
resting position was obtained. Sublects among these groups, although the sample
were instructed to keep their teeth from size of this study may be too small to
contacting during pulsation and during detect some statistical differences.
the measurement of the postpulsaton rest Linear regressions were performed to
position. Vhen this position had been determine whether there was any corre-
determined, subjects were then requested lation between the S-N/MP angle and
to close into centric occlusion, and "true" the "adaptive" and "true" freeway
freeway space was determined and spaces. These demonstrated that there
recorded. was a significant negative correlation
Statistical analyses of the measured between "adaptive" freeway space and
parameters we re then undertaken to S-N/MP, with 34.590 of the variation in
determine correlations between S-N/MP freeway space being accounted for by the
angle and "adaptive" and "true" freeway S-N/MP angle (r:0.587; slope: -3.34
spaces. and intercept:37 .49 (Fig. a).
The "true" lreeway space, however,
did not correlate with the S-N/MP angle,
- - with only l9o of the variation in freeway
The subjects were arranged into the three space accounted for by total variation in
groups in orcier of increasing S-N/MP the S-Ni MP angle (r = 0.1066;
angle and the mean values for "adaptive" slope: -0.35 and intercept:32.31) (Fig.
and "true" freewav sDaces calculated 5).

148 April, 1 987 The Angle Orthodontis9

Freeway Space

Flg. I Myomonitor, Kinesiograph, and Sensor array.

Notc maenet attached to mandibular incisor tccth.

@The Angle Orthodontist April, 1987 149

Konchak et al.

Fig.2 Kinesiograph tracings of movements of the mandible vertically,

anteroposteriorly, and laterally on closure from rest position to centric
In this tracing, the mandible closed vertically 2.2mm, anteriorly .5mm,
and to the left 1mm.
Time Basc 1 cm/sec.
V Vertical movement of mandible (1mm/division)
AP - Anteroposterior movements of mandible (1mm/division)
RL - Lateral movements of the mandible (1mm/division)
CO - Ccntric occlusion
RP - Rest position

Table I

Freeway Space Measurements

for different
Mandibular Plane Angle Groups
{millimeters t standard deviation}

<25" 5 6t 1.4 4.o !2.) 0.4mm

2 t-l8' t5 4 to.8 2.4 ):2.4 l.0mm
> 18" 5 4 +O.9 3.4tt.3 2.Omm
All E:1.3 ) O+) ) l.ot 1.9
Coeff. of Variation 7t% 2 E",6 r8l%

April, 1987 The Angle OrthodontisP
Freeway Space



ce-t o--------------f
c t::-----------{
z H
a ta

o "Adaptive" (before)
15 . "True" (alte4
a----=o o No change
Freeway space

Fig.9 Individual changcs in freeway spacc after stimulation, plotted

against S-N/MP.


Fig. 4 Poststimulation "adaptive" freeway space vs. S-N/MP.

@The Angle Onhodontisf April, 1987 151

Konchak et al.


Fig. t Poststimulation "true" frceway space vs. S-N/MP.

adequately differentiating between the

- - two. The means for measuring these two
The desirability and validity of using positions was also inadequate until the
freeway space measurements in dentistry use of the myomonitor and kinesiograph
has been widely debated. Srr-vrnr.rnN (r957) enabled clinicians to accurately measure
criricizeci principies anci techniques based both of these positions of the mandible
on rest position and freeway space as "the (JanxnrsoN aNo Repxn 1978, MvornoNrcs
greatest single cause of so much confu- 1977, HeHNeM Er AL. 1977, JeNxu,soN r98o).
sion of maxillo-mandibular relations". It is only recently that researchers have
Arwooo (rSS6) and OrsrN (rg5l), using begun to use this sophisticated technol-
cephalometrics, showed that freeway ogy to investigate freeway space.
space was not an accurate procedure. In PErrnsoN rr el. (1983) found a diflerence
their studies, measurements were made in the amount of freeway space between
before and after loss of the dentition, with individuals with diverse craniofacial pat-
dentures in and out of the mouth, at the terns, with the low Frankfort/mandibular
same and at diffbrent sittings. Freeway plane angle group having larger freeway
space measurement varied in the same spaces. rWrsssrnc rr el. (1982) found the
patients. interocclusal distance at physiologic rest
One possible reason for this uncer- position to be inversely related to the
tainty is thar the various clinicians and vertical dentofacial morphology.
researchers are often discussing and eval- In this study, thc "adaptive" or clinical
uating two separate entities freeway space was significantly corre-
- physio-
logic and clinical rest position, without lated with the sella-nasion/mandibular

152 April, 1987 The Angle Onhodontis9

Freeway SPace

plane angle, whereas "true" or physio- treatment stability of a patient's maloc'

logic freeway space was not. Although clusion. Current treatment modalities for
there was an overall mean positive malocclusion correction include exten-
increase in freeway space of l.lmm after sive functional orthopedic and surgical
TENS stimulation, it should be noted that orthodontic treatment methods. Little
differences between freeway space before research has been done, however, into
and after stimulation could be either what happens to the size of the fwS
positive or negative. If relaxation of the before and during treatment' and in the
muscles does occur (JeNxu-soH I98z), it retention and postretention periods.
does not necessarily mean that freeway Why do cases which appear clinically
space values are larger after stimulation. similar when utilizing such static
Relaxation of the musculature is thus not descriptive factors as S-N/MP angle, or
necessarily synonymous with an increase Frankfort/mandibular plane angle,
in freeway space, as it could depend upon behave differently during overbite cor'
whether the elevator or depressor mus- rection to the point that one case is suc-
cles have been relatively more relaxed. cessfully treated while the other is not?
Despite the statistical significance of Does the size of the freeway space have
the correlation between "adaptive" free- any relevance to the ease of molar extru-
way space and S-N/MP angle in the pre' sion in deepbite low angle casesl or, is it
pulsed state, values for freeway space of importance in controlling unwanted
showed individual variation. The indi- molar extrusion in openbite cases? Fur-
vidual high or low S-N/MP angle patient ther research is necessary to investigate
did not always have a small or large free- these possibilities.
way space before or after IENS. This
observation may partially explain the
individual variation in response to treat-
ment changes in the vertical dimension - -
within high S-N/MP or low S-N/MP fhis study is an attempt to investigate
groups. This may have particular applic- I the physiologic parameter of free-
ability to overbite correction by molar way space, and relate it to vertical dimen-
extrusion in the low S*N/MP grouP. sion. Orthodontists in the past have relied
It is difficult to propose a conclusive on static morphometric evaluations to
explanation for these findings, except that describe the orthodontic patient, while
a variation in clinical freeway space can analysis on a physiologic basis has been
be partly explained by a variation in a lacking. In order to fully assess a patient,
patient's vertical dimension as reflected studies ofthe clinical physiological capa'
in the S-N/MP angle. The cephalome- bilities and limitations of a patient's neu'
tric measurements used in these studies, romuscular status may be necessary for
although useful to describe facial propor- better diagnosis, treatment planning,
tions, did not give consistent indications treatment procedures, and postretention
of the size of the freeway space. results.
Freeway space is a description, how-
ever limited, of a physiologic parameter The authors thank Dr. L. V. Christensen Jor his
of an individual patient. The question of assisnnce with the statisrical evaluations in this
importance to clinicians is whether or not study, and Daae Mandeaille and Waltrude Steh'
a knowledge of this factor will affect wien for their assistance with the illustations.
diagnosis, treatment planning, or the -do

aThe Angle Orthodontist April, 1987 153

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