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Ámbito Comunicación.

Nivel II

Tema 2. The Future, Comparative and Superlative
Tema 2. The Future, Comparative and Superlative

Future S & C
1. Simple Future and “be going to”
Simple Future has two different forms in English: "will" and "be going to." Although (aunque) the two
forms can sometimes be used interchangeably (indistintamente), they often (habitualmente) express
two very different meanings. Both (ambos) "will" and "be going to" refer to a specific time in the

FORM Will [will + verb] FORM Be Going To [am/is/are + going to + verb]

• You will help him • You are going to meet Jane tonight
• Will you help him • Are you going to meet Jane tonight
• You will not (won’t) help him later. • You are not (aren’t) going to meet Jane tonight.
Tema 2. The Future, Comparative and Superlative

Future S & C
"Will" to Express a Voluntary Action
"Will" often suggests (suguiere) that a speaker (hablante) will do something voluntarily. Often, we use
"will" to respond to someone else's complaint (queja) or request (pedir) for help. Similarly, we use "will
not" or "won't" when we refuse (rehusamos) to voluntarily do something.
• I will send you the information when I get it.
• I will translate the email, so Mr. Smith can read it.
• Will you help me move this heavy table?
• Will you make dinner?
• I will not do your homework for you.
• I won't do all the housework myself!

"Will" is used also to express a promise.

• I will call you when I arrive.
• I promise I will not tell him about the surprise party.
• Don't worry, I'll be careful.
• I won't tell anyone your secret.
Tema 2. The Future, Comparative and Superlative

Uses of future simple

"Be going to" to express a plan
"Be going to" expresses that something is a plan (algo YA esta planeado). It does not matter (no
importa) whether the plan is realistic or not.

• He is going to spend (pasar) his vacation in Hawaii.

• She is not going to spend her vacation in Hawaii.
• A: When are we going to meet each other tonight? -B: We are going to meet at 6 PM.

"Will" or "Be Going to" to Express a prediction

Both (ambos) can express the idea of a general prediction about the future.

•The year 2222 will be a very interesting year.

•The year 2222 is going to be a very interesting year.
•The movie "Zenith" will win several Academy Awards.
•The movie "Zenith" is going to win several Academy Awards
Tema 2. The Future, Comparative and Superlative

No Future in Time Clauses

Like (como) all future forms, the Simple Future cannot be used in clauses beginning with time expressions
such as: when, while, before, after, by the time, as soon as, if, unless, etc. Instead of Simple Future, Simple
Present is used.
•When you will arrive tonight, we will go out for dinner. Not Correct
• When you arrive tonight, we will go out for dinner. Correct

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Tema 2. The Future, Comparative and Superlative

Future Continuous
The Future Continuous tense is often used in English as a way to talk about something happening at a
given point (en un momento dado) in the future.

The structure of the Future Continuous tense is:

SUBJECT + WILL (auxiliary) + BE + V___ ING


• I will be eating at 14.30. (yo estare comiendo)

• I will be having luch at home. (yo estare comiendo)
• I will be driving my car on the streets tomorrow. (yo estare conduciendo)
Tema 2. The Future, Comparative and Superlative

Future Continuous
The Future Continuous tense expresses action at a particular moment in the future. The action will have started
before (habrá empezado antes) that moment but it will not have finished at that moment.
When we use the Future Continuous tense, our listener usually knows or understands what time we are talking

• I will be playing tennis at 10am tomorrow.

• They won't be watching TV at 9pm tonight.
• What will you be doing at 10pm tonight?
• What will you be doing when I arrive?
• She will not be sleeping when you telephone her.

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Tema 2. The Future, Comparative and Superlative

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Comparative Adjective are used (son usados) to compare the differences between 2 nouns (nombres).

"Than“ (que) is used after the comparative adjective.

Superlative adjectives are used to compare 3 or more nouns

• The black dog is older, than the white dog.

• My house is bigger than my sister's house.
• The yellow hat is more expensive, than the green hat.
Tema 2. The Future, Comparative and Superlative

Rules (reglas) for using comparative adjectives

1ª. -er is added to the end of a 1-syllable adjective (adjetivos de una sílaba).
•Cold (frío) – colder (más frío) - The winter is colder than the summer.
•Small (pequeño) – smaller (más pequeño) - The green smaller than the yellow hat.
•Tall (alto) - taller (más alto)- Most basketball players are taller than me.

2ª. Adjectives that have 2 syllables and end in - y, then change the -y to -i and add -er.
• Early (pronto) – earlier (“mas pronto”)- I came home earlier than my sister.
• Happy (contento)- happier (mas content) - I am happier now than 1 year ago.
Tema 2. The Future, Comparative and Superlative

Rules (reglas) for using comparative adjectives

3ª. "more“ (mas) or "less“ (menos) is used for adjectives that have 2 syllables that do not end in -y.
• Honest - more honest - Police officers are usually more honest than criminals.
• Difficult - less difficult - The last test was less difficult than the test.
• Modern - more modern - Our generation is more modern than our parents generation.

4ª. "more" or "less" is used for adjectives that have 3 or more syllables

• Expensive (caro) - less expensive - My car is less expensive than my sister's car.
• Comfortable (cómodo) - more comfortable - The sofa is more comfortable than the chair.
Tema 2. The Future, Comparative and Superlative

Rules (reglas) for using comparative adjectives

5ª. Adjectives that end in -e, only (solo) -r is added:

• Nice - nicer - The beach is nicer than that park.

• Safe - safer - Airplanes are safer than cars.

6ª. Adjective that end in with a consonant, vowel, consonant - the last consonant is doubled (se dobla).

• Big - bigger - My house is bigger than my sisters house.

• Hot - hotter - The summer is hotter than the Winter.
Tema 2. The Future, Comparative and Superlative

Superlative adjectives

Superlative adjectives are used (son usados) to compare at least (por lo menos) 3 things or 3 groups of
things. When we want to state (expresar) that something is at the highest (mas alto) or the lowest (mas
bajo) degree, than we use superlative adjectives. In other words that the superlative adjectives state that
something is the most.

It is common that "the" is used before the superlative adjective.

• I am in the smallest class in the school.
• The house at the end of the street is the nicest.
• We live in the biggest house on the block.
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Tema 2. The Future, Comparative and Superlative

bad malo few poco quick rápido

English Adjectives beautiful hermoso full lleno rich rico
big grande good bueno sad triste
bitter amargo happy alegre, feliz salty salado
boring aburrido hard duro short corto
calm tranquilo healthy sano sick enfermo
Here we have some of cheap barato honest honesto simple sencillo
the most common clear claro interesting interesante slow lento
adjectives in English. cold frío lazy perezoso small pequeño
You do not need to complicated complicado lean flaco strong fuerte
know all of them, but curious curioso long largo stupid tonto
dark oscuro low bajo sweet dulce
you need to be familiar tall alto
difficult difícil modest modesto
with most. diligent aplicado much mucho thick grueso
dirty sucio narrow estrecho thin delgado
dry seco nervous nervioso tired cansado
easy fácil new nuevo ugly feo
empty vacío old antiguo, viejo unfair injusto
entertaining divertido polite cortés warm caliente
expensive caro poor pobre weak débil
fair justo pretty guapo wide ancho
fat gordo pure puro young joven
Tema 2. The Future, Comparative and Superlative

order relating to examples

English Adjectives 1 opinion unusual, lovely, beautiful

2 size big, small, tall

When more than one adjective
comes before a noun, the 3 physical quality thin, rough, untidy
adjectives are normally in a
particular order. Adjectives which 4 shape round, square, rectangular
describe opinions or attitudes
usually come first. 5 age young, old, youthful

6 colour blue, red, pink

If (si) we don’t want to emphasise
any one of the adjectives, the most 7 origin Dutch, Japanese, Turkish
usual sequence of adjectives is:
8 material metal, wood, plastic

9 type general-purpose, four-sided, U-shaped

10 purpose cleaning, hammering, cooking

Tema 2. The Future, Comparative and Superlative

English Adjetives
And here we have some examples using different adjectives:

It was made of a (1) strange, (6) green, (8) metallic material.

It’s a (4) long, (8) narrow, (10) plastic brush.
Panettone is a (4) round, (7) Italian, (9) bread-like Christmas cake.
She was a (1) beautiful, (2) tall, (3) thin, (5) young, (6) black-haired, (7) Scottish woman.
What an (1) amazing, (2) little, (5) old, (7) Chinese cup and saucer!

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