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1) Good health is of primary importance to adults in our society.

Define health and



Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity. Health a resource for everyday life, not the objective of
living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as
physical capacities.

Health is a optimal well-being that contributes to one’s quality of life . It is more than
freedom from disease and illness , though freedom from disease is important to good health .
Optimal health includes high-level mental , social , emotional , spiritual and physical
wellness within the limits of ones heredity and personal abilities .


Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more
successful existence. Process means that improvement is always possible. Aware means that
we are continuously seeking more information about how we can improve. Choices means
that we consider a variety of options and select those in our best interest. Success is
determined by each individual to be their collection of life accomplishments.

The integration of many different components that expand one’s potential to live and
work effectively and to make a significant contribution to society. Wellness reflects how
one’s ability to function effectively. Wellness , as opposed to illness , is sometimes described
as the positive component of good health .


The physical environment in which you live has both direct and indirect effects on your
health and wellness. Some examples are air pollution and water pollution both have negative
effects on health. Smoking in public place’s is a sources of pollution .

The spiritual environment are a positive environment provides each person with
opportunities to find spiritual fulfillment. Some examples are access to spiritual community and
leaderships. Finding a community for worship or spiritual support has been shown to be
comforting and a path to fulfillment for many .

The work environment is a combination of the physical , social , intellectual and spiritual
environment. Factors that lead to a healthy work environment include healthy physical and social
environment. A healthy work environment includes adequate , well-lit , and reasonable work
hours .

The social environment are a healthy social environment offers opportunities for friendly
interaction in a supportive environment , including the sense of community. Being a part of the
greater community is important to social and mental health .

The intellectual environment are the environment that foster learning and sound critical
thinking are important to intellectual wellness. Factors to considers are stimulation for effective
thinking. Sometimes we can become lazy, failing to evaluate information effectively. Seeking
environment that stimulate critical thinking is important .

The environment supporting healthy lifestyle are the environment that promote healthy
lifestyles can enhance health and wellness. Factors to consider are active environment. If we are
to promote healthy lifestyle at home , work , and school, it is important to create environments
that encourage active lifestyles. Examples include providing safe , open recreational areas and
worksite wellness programs .


Self-planning is a particularly important for healthy lifestyle. There are some step in self-
planning. The first step are clarifying reasons, identifying needs, setting personal goals, selecting
program components, writing your plan and evaluating progress.


Knowing the general reasons for changing a behavior helps you determine the type of
behavior change that is most important for you at a specific point in time.


If we know the strengths and weaknesses, you can plan to build on your strengths and
overcome weaknesses.


Goals are more specific than reasons. Establishing specific things that you want to
accomplish can provide a basis for feedback that your program is working.


A personal plan should plan include the specific program components that will meet your
needs and goals. Examples, include meal plans for nutrition and specific activity for your
physical activity plan.


Once program components such as meal plans for nutrition and specific activities for
physical activity, have been determined, your should put your plan in writing. This established
your intentions an increased your chances of adherence.


Once you have used your plan, your will know what works and what does not. Periodic
self-assessments can help you modify the plan to make it better.

4) List the six basic classes of nutrients that must be considered in formulating diets AND

explain recommendation and guidelines will help implement of carbohydrates.

 Carbohydrates
 Proteins
 Fats
 Vitamins
 Mineral
 Water

There’s recommendation and guidelines will help implement of carbohydrates: -

 Eat at least 3 ounces of whole grain cereals, breads, crackers rice or pasta

every day.

 Eat more dark green vegetable such as broccoli and other dark like leafy

greens , black beans and the others.

 Eat a variety of fruit whether fresh, frozen, canned or dried rather than

fruit juice for most of your food choice.

5) Definition body composition AND list down the Method Used to Measure Body


Body composition is considered a component of health related fitness, also can be considered a

component of metabolic fitness. However body composition is unlike the other part of the

health. That is not a performance measure.

There have six ways to measure body composition:

Dual energy X-ray absorption (DeXA)

Underwater weighing

Bod pod


Bioelectric impendence

Body Mass Index (BMI)

6) Over fatness can cause our body risk into various diseases. When our body got

overweight, disease easily come to our body such as?

 Cancer

o Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Cancerous cells

are also called malignant cells. Symptoms of cancer depend on the type and

location of the cancer. With that, obesity related help the spread abnormal cells in

the body then cause the infection to the body.

 Pulmonary diseases

o Pulmonary diseases is the disease that happen to the lung and chest. When person

suffering obesity, the fat accumulated at the lung, its difficult to transfer the

oxygen for breath.

 Metabolism

o Obesity can influence our body metabolism. It can cause Diabetes, low insulin

sensitivity, increase aprioprotein and increase reactive protein

 Back Pain

 Kidney cancer

7) The most common disorder WHICH PEOPLE Excessive desires to be thin or low in body weight can

be result in?

Anorexia nervosa

o Anorexia nervosa is the most severe eating disorder. If untreated, it is life

threatening. Anorexics restrict food intake so severely that their bodies become

emaciated. The anorexic starves himself and may exercise compulsory or use

laxatives to prevent the foods. Anorexia is a very serious medical condition and

deserve more discussion.

 Bulimia

o Common eating disorder characterized by bingeing and purging. Disorder eating

patterns become habitual for many people with bulimia. Bingeing means

periodically eating disorder large amount of food one time. After that, the bulimic

purges the body of the food by forced regurgitation or the use laxatives. Another

path, bingeing one day and starve another day. The consequence of bulimia

include serious mental, gastrointestinal and dental problem.

 Anorexia athletic.

o This anorexic more recently identified eating disorder than appears to be related

to participant in sports and activities that emphasizes body leanness. For there

show participant in sport such as gymnastic, wrestling and activities such as

cheerleading are developed to anorexia athletic.

Section B


Respiratory system is assists in gas exchange & performs other functions as well.

Firstly is gas exchange. Gas Exchange allow oxygen from the air to enter the blood &

carbon dioxide to leave the blood and enter the air. Cardiovascular system transport O2 from

the lung to the cells of the body then transport CO2 from the cells of the body to the lungs .

Second function is regulation of blood pH. Respiratory system can alter blood Ph by

changing blood carbon dioxide levels.

The third function is voice production. Air movement past the vocal cords makes

sound and speech possible.

The fourth function of respiratory system is olfaction. The sensation of smell occurs

when airborne molecules are drawn into the nasal cavity.

The last function of respiratory system is innate immunity. Respiratory system is provides

protection against some microorganism by preventing their entry into the body & removing

them from respiratory surfaces.

2) Drugs are chemicals that change the way the body works. Why an athlete taking drugs

and explain types of performance drugs?

From the day an athlete decides that they want to compete in the Olympics, they have

one goal. It is to win and take home a medal. In order to accomplish this goal, the athlete must go

through vigorous training in a short amount of time. For some, this isn't a satisfactory guarantee

for victory. This is when drugs come into the story. Many athletes believe that taking drugs will

help them run faster, become stronger and have better confidence. They want to win so badly

that are willing to risk their health and their careers. The main reasons athletes take drugs are

build muscles mass, strengthens bones, mask pain, stimulate the athlete's body, reduce weight,

relax and stay calm before a race and hide other drugs inside the system.

Types of Performance Enhancing Drugs

Though performance enhancing drugs usually refer to steroids, there are actually six

types. They are "Lean Mass Builders". These drugs are commonly used to amplify the growth of

muscles and lose fat quickly. These drugs include anabolic steroids, and various human growth


Stimulants are drugs used to "stimulate" the athlete's body to make them perform at their

best or possibly better than their best. It increases alertness, reduces fatigue and increases

competitive aggressiveness. These drugs include caffeine and amphetamines.

Painkillers drugs hide the athlete's pain so that they may perform farther than their bodies

would usually allow. Painkiller drugs increase blood pressure and provide red blood cells with

more oxygen then normal. These drugs include NSAIDs and narcotics.

Sedatives are drugs that more commonly used by athletes who require steady hands and

preciseness such as sharp shooting or archery. This drug calms down nerves and relaxes the

body. Some examples include alcohol and marijuana.

Diuretics are drugs that expel water from the athlete's system. Diuretics are mostly used

by wrestlers who need to lower their weight to meet weight restrictions.

"Masking Drugs" are drugs that used to hide the use of other drugs in the system.

Examples include epitestosterone, a drug with no performance-enhancing abilities but will

restore the testosterone or epitestosterone ratio in the human body which could have changed due

to the use of an illegal drug.

3) A Sport is all forms of physical activity, which through casual or organized

participation, maintain or improve physical fitness and provide entertainment to
participants. Knowing personal safety tips can go along way to heading off a problem.
What are PERSONAL PREVENTION can be take by an athlete?


Before doing the activities, make sure to do warm-up. By doing warm-up, it can help your body
prepare for more tough activities.Without doing warm-up, your transition of activities will quite
severe.When doing warm-up also, your body will get warm. This situation promote the
processing the metabolism in body which enhance the delivered of oxygen. This can improve
your performance.Warm-up also reduced the risk injuries.


Cool-down promote recover by moving metabolism waste product out of blood such as lactic
Cool-down also help minimize the muscular soreness by relaxing and stretching the tired muscle.
Other than that, it is also reduce pooling of blood in extremities and improving circulation.


In sports, the use of human growth hormones for athletic enhance as opposed to growth hormone
treatment for medical therapy.
HGH is a prescription medication that is distribution and use without prescription is illegal.

Takes lots of water at least 190 big glasses of water every day.
Water is a key ingredients for sports and for life.
Water, both in its pure laboratory form and in its natural state, is a fluid, a molecule created
through the binding of two hydrogen atoms and a single oxygen atom.
 In the production of energy, in the manner that oxygen inhaled through the lungs is subsequently
transported by the erythrocytes (red blood cells) in the bloodstream.


Get health information from health educators about your health condition. Getting serious about
your health.
Rest periods during practice and games can reduce injuries and prevent heat illness.
Eat well-balanced meals such as vegetables and fruits. Avoid to takes the fast food.


Use the correct techniques for certain games and activities. Do not mixed the technique such as
the rugby technique with basketball games.
Get know about the rules of the game . When players know the rules of the game which is what's
legal and what's not so, fewer injuries happen. You and the other players know what to expect
from each other.


But playing when you're hurt or before an injury has had a chance to fully heal is a bad idea. It
can lead to an even worse injury, one that might sideline you for a long time.

Be honest with parents and coaches if you've been hurt. See a doctor for your injuries, when
necessary, and follow his or her advice about how and when to return to practice and play.


Safety gear should be sport-specific and may include such items as goggles, mouth guards, shin-
elbow-knee pads, and helmets. The safety gear should fit properly.
In addition, sports equipment (such as bats, baskets, and goals) should be in good working
condition and any damage should be repaired or the item should be replaced. The playing area
should be free from debris and water.


Use proper and suitable apparel during playing games or doing any activities such as track-
bottom, swimming suit. And so on.

Plan practice including: conditioning and training of the athlete and teach techniques or rules of
Make sure give the athlete get the information to avoid miscommunication.
Selecting ,fitting & maintaining protective things
Supervision of practice/ game facilities
Update education by attending clinics that review rule changes, skill development

4) Athletes and coach should know the basic of treatment as to make sure the injuries not
become worst before get the treatment from experts of doctor. Explain the procedure of
D.R.A.B.C and RICE therapy

1. D.R.A.B.C
a. Danger –
Check for danger to you or the casualty, stop play and clear the area
b. Response –
Check to see if you get a response from the casualty. First talk to them and if no
response gently shake them. If still no response continue with ABC and get
someone to call an ambulance
c. Airways  –
Make sure the airway is clear by tilting the head back and looking into the mouth
for any obstructions such as their tongue, or vomit. Remove any obstructions and
loosen any tight clothing
d. Breathing  –
Check to see if they are breathing. You can do this by watching their chest or
putting your cheek by their mouth to feel their breath
e. Circulation –
Check to see if they have a pulse (either the carotid pulse or radial pulse) which
shows their heart is beating
f. Depending on what you find whilst performing the DRABC, take the following

i. If they are breathing - put them in the recovery position (see above)
ii. If there's a pulse but they are not breathing - Give mouth-to-mouth
ventilation until breathing resumes or the ambulance arrives. If they start
breathing, put them in the recovery position and keep checking their
iii. If there's no pulse - Give mouth-to-mouth ventilation with cardiac
massage to keep oxygenated blood flowing around the body. Continue
until an ambulance arrives


RICE is the protocol used for the treatment of soft tissue injuries. It stands for:

Rest –

Stop playing immediately and take any weight off the injured area

Ice –

Apply ice to the injured area. This helps to slow the bleeding and swelling by making the blood
vessels constrict

Compression –

Using a compression bandage on the area will also help to control swelling. Make sure its not so
tight that it cuts off the circulation all together.

Elevation –

Keeping the injured part raised above the heart helps swelling drain away and reduce blood flow
to the area

5) Cancer is known as malignant neoplasm. It is a disease of the cell which is a large group
of different diseases and involving unregulated cell growth. What is the MAIN CAUSES
OF CANCER and how to prevent it?


o The semen is produced by male during sexual intercourse. Cancer also can
cause by damaging cells in the women’s cervical.

o The cervical examination is essential for every women to avoid or detected

earlier about the cancer.


o Fats can cause cancer in two ways.

o First, more fats you takes, more bile acids produces by liver. This may irritate
the lining of the bowel and stimulated cancerous growth.

o Second way is fats effects on the way breast and other organs respond to


 Smoking combined with alcohol has proven to significantly increase cancer risks
for oral cancer, esophageal cancer, and other cancers. 
o Smoking combined with alcohol has proven to significantly increase cancer
for oral cancer, and other cancer.

o Drinking alcohol will make pressure to the liver to filter the things bring by

o Clear link between excessive drinking of alcohol and cancer is at the mouth,
spleen, throat and so on.


o Fewer cancers of the cancers of the bowel in areas of the world such as
Africa and Asia.

o Fiber is important part of the diets. A possible reason for this reduced rate
of cancer is that fiber absorbs poisonous waste in food which may cause



 Smoking is the most significant risk factor that we can reduce. One of the best
ways to prevent cancer is to quit smoking or never start it.

 Avoiding secondhand smoke is also one of the way to prevent cancer.

Secondhand smoke is the smoke exhaled from a smoker or a lit cigarette, pipe or

 Ask your doctor about stop-smoking products and others strategies for quitting if
you need help for quitting from tobacco.


 Fruits and vegetables consumption have generally been found in epidemiologic

studies to be associated with reduced risk for a number of different cancers.

 Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, which help repair our damaged cells.
Some of them act as anti cancer like broccoli and berries.

 High-fat diets tend to be higher in calories. It may increase the risk of overweight
or obesity. Avoid taking fast food or meat frequently to avoid the fats contains
inside the food.



 The chances of developing cancer can increase significantly when being obesity.
The American Cancer Society recommended exercising 15 to 30 minutes at least
5 days a week for cancer prevention. If you can do more, even better.

 Exercising doesn’t have to mean going to the gym to lift weights. There are plenty
of ways to get exercise into your day such as Tai Chi, walking, jogging and so on.


 Screening test is tests done on healthy individuals to find the cancer at an early
stage. This action also can help individuals to prevent it.

 Some people are at higher risks for certain cancers and may need to have the test
more frequently.

 We can check by ourselves such as for the breast and prostate cancer. Other than
that, do screening test such as Pap smear, digital rectal exam and mammograms
also can we do. Talk with your health care professional to find out how these
guidelines relate to you.


 Practice safe sex by limits your number of sexual partners and use a condom
when you do have sex. The more sexual partners you have in your lifetime, the
more likely you are to contract with a sexual transmitted infection or disease such
as HIV or HPV.

 Don’t share needles. If you are concerned about drug abuse or addiction, seek for
professional help. Sharing needles with an infected drug user can lead to HIV, as
well as Hepatitis B an C.


 Protection from certain viral infections also included in cancer prevention.

 The Hepatitis B vaccine is routinely given to infants. It’s also recommended for
certain high-risk adults.

 Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted virus that can lead to

cervical cancer. The HPV vaccine is available to both men and women age 26 or
younger who didn’t have the vaccine as an adolescent.


 Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can reach you on cloudy and hazy and also as
well as bright and sunny days. So, protection from UV is important all year round,
not just during the summer beach.

 The hour between 10.00 a.m. and .00 a.m. daylight savings time are the most
hazardous for UV exposure outdoors.

 Easy options for protection from UV radiation is seek shade, especially during the
midday hours. Plus use sunscreen with sun protective factors (SPF) 15 or higher
and both UVA and UV protection.


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